Change admin module title joomla - joomla

When I installed the module that I developed and in the module manager screen of the backend I can see the title like this.
Module Manager: Module mod_examplemodule
So I want to change it into something like this. Module Manager: Module Example Module
I have developed few Joomla modules but so far I didn't realize how to do this.
Your help on this would really appreciated.
Thank you.
Im using Joomla 2.5.8. I have just added the screen shot. Perhaps it would be more helpful.

In my modules I use:
<name>Module Title</name>
I then add an entry in the language file for the description. This normally covers my needs

I have solved this:
You can change name tag in mod_examplemodule.xml file and install again
If you have database access then in [prefix]_modules table find the record of this module and change the name field as per your requirement


Article Content formatting Issue with modules

I faced a strange issue with Joomla default Articles option with custom module.
In joomla article section when I enter some text like
Price is $20 its not displaying on the site front end. When I use with a space $ 20 It works fine.
This article is showing on the front end with custom module,
Like this article content is reading from DB using a custom module and out put like
echo $fullArticle = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $values->introtext);
This module is loading inside another article with {loadposition mypostion}
When I put $20 directly in any other article its works fine, I think using custom module and loading position time the Joomla thinks $20 as a variable or something ?
Please help me to resolve this issue!
Solved the issue myself,
I created a content plugin and in that all $ symbol replaced with $ I its works!
something like,
$article_content = str_replace('$','$',$article->text);
Hope this may help someone else in future.

How to load widgetkit shortcode in modules?

i look for a way to load widgetkit in any module. For example in mod_content. I dont want to use default joomla! {loadposition #} to load another widgetkit module in mod_content.
I think that is more straightforward to user widgetkit shortcode in module. this doesnt work on some sites. On some sites it works.
Has anyone an idea how to solve it? Thank you.
Make sure the "Prepare Content" option in basic configuration of the module is enabled. However you might want to use a widgetkit module and a content module to keep things separate.
Insert the shortcode of the widget...e.g. [widgetkit id=4].. then select yes in the prepare content in the basic options of the custom html module.

joomla 2.5 module override not working

I'm working for a government school and I'm trying to override the 'Latest News' module in my template. I've created the following structure in my template folder: template_name\html\mod_articles_latest\default.php
Locally it works well, overrides the module, but when I push it to the live site nothing happens. I don't have permission to see the FTP files, I can only work through the joomla admin area, so I can't do much on the joomla installation files to test anything.
My questions is: is there any way to not allow override module in Joomla 2.5? (because it seems that it is what is happening) or Am I doing something wrong, like the module name I'm using or something?
Thanks in advance!

How to add a menu to login form module in Joomla 1.7?

I am intrested in changing the joomla default Login module to show a menu as a greeting in the login module,
so that menu will contain links for profile management and stuff from that sort.
I have tried to add a module position inside the module (dawg!)
But that went down the drain.
And i'm not intrested in adding manual links to pages because they might change.
Any ideas guys?
Thanks in advance,
put this code in login module template where you want to show the menu
$module = JModuleHelper::getModules('xxxx');
// xxxx is any virtual position, no need to create it anywhere.
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module[0]);
and enable a menu module at position 'xxxx'.
I hope this will work.
You are going to have to create a custom module to do that. There is no way to do it with the parameters you have given. You could use the module alternative layout to add in some links to the login module, but you can't add a menu to it without rewriting the entire module.

How to create multiple module instances in joomla 1.5?

I have installed joomla module. It seems that I can only display the same module with the same configuration on any page.
How do you have this same module, with a different configuration on different page ? (I do not want to display the same rss feed under each joomla article)...
Is it possible to have multiple "instances" of a module ?
I have taken an rss feed module for example, but I could have taken any joomla module.
Thank you for your answer
Frd...its easy..
Pls follow my link:
Administrator--> Extensions--> module manager-->Select ur module(Which module u need)-->click new Button (in top right menu)-->here u got all module (select ur required module)--> now u can get it...!!! pls check it..!!
Modules can be assigned to specific menu items. In 1.5 you have the option to assign a module to All, Selected, or None menu items. Simple make multiple copies of the module you want to use then assign each version to the menu items you wish with the associated variations in configuration.
You can create multiple instances of a module through module manager in Admin side of your site. And different instances can have different configurations.
