Can i use articles info for custom html modules? - joomla

i want to create a picture sldier module, that displays the latest news article info in slider page, creating the animations and text position would be easy, but how can i get title and preview text in joomla 2.5? I want it to take info from latest 3 news articles.


How to add a small image icon in front of an article title in joomla?

I am creating some articles in Joomla website and make them scroll in the home page. I need to add a "new" image icon for newly added articles in the scrolling of articles. I don't have an option in the scrolling module to add it.
Can any one suggest me a joomla module for article title scrolling (vertical direction).
How to add a small image icon in front of an article title.
You could probably override the layout for the module, and add a class to the title if it is new. Like:
Copy the file modules/[mod_yourscrollingmodule]/tmpl/default.php to templates/[yourtemplate]/[mod_yourscrollingmodule]/default.php
modify the code in default.php to add a class to the title tag if article is newer than some kriteria
Modify the stylesheet for the template to show an icon if this class is set
If you provide some more info from your module it would be easier to guide you

joomla 3.3, featured articles and tags

I'm using the most current version of joomla 3. I just started using the tags feature and adding a few relevant tags to each article which so far seems to be a nice feature.
The problem I am running into is: the featured articles on the homepage are showing the tags. I want to exclude them from showing on the homepage featured articles but I need them to show in the full text article.
Is there a way to do this?

In Joomla how i can put an image on the principal page and when i click the image this open an article?

I'm using joomla 3.0.3.
I want to put a simple image on the principal page and when I click this image, automatically (changes the page) and opens an article with some info that I want to put on it.
It is possible?
With joomla default, or I need an extension for can do it?
Thanks a lot!
You can achieve this by creating a menu item for the blog view of frontpage or content.
This will load a number of articles and paginate them. In the options, you will find Intro articles (on top), then the number of articles to load in columns, then a list of links. Put 0 on the links and on the first articles, and you will get your list of articles in a grid.
Depending on the template you are using, the settings of the menu link could be enough to achieve what you want; if not you can write a template override to display exactly what you want.

Gallery of images with long descriptions in Joomla

I need to make something like gallery of magazine covers in joomla, and after clicking one image, it should open a page, where viewer would see an image of cover (that he could open in full size) and table of contents with links to some articles. Administrator should also be able to (reasonably) easily add a new covers with content to a gallery. I'm more like a Drupal guy, so I'm asking Joomla guys - what would be the best/easiest way to achieve this (including using extensions etc)? :)
You should be able to do that within the standard Joomla framework. In this case -
Have a main category that each issue would be a subcategory of.
Each issue of the magazine would be a new category, the magazine cover would be the image for that category.
Add the content as articles in the appropriate category
Display the parent category to get the listing of each issue.
Clicking the category would then display a list of links to the articles within the category.
This can definitely be accomplished with the K2 extension, but you can probably do it within the Joomla category/article framework with some simple template overrides.
To suit your needs, you will be best off using a Photo Gallery component and changing the link from opening an iframe/full size image, to an article OR a Portfolio component which I think might be the easier option.
One of my personal favorites is BT Content Slider. I have used it on multiple pages and adapted the code to suit our own needs and it works like a charm. Would also recommend it for you too.

Joomla - need two separate categories of articles on the same page

In Joomla 2.5, I want to display two separate blog-type streams of articles on the same page, with the complete text of each article. I can get one using jdoc:include type="component". But I also need the articles from another category elsewhere on the same page in that same format -- first a category header, then the complete text of each article.
Modules I have tried:
Latest News: displays a list of articles, not the complete article text.
Article Category: same
Newsflash: Displays the complete article text, but doesn't have a way to display a category header.
This seems like an obvious thing to want, but I don't see how to do it in Joomla. Is it just impossible?
Thanks in advance.
if you want something ready-to-go, then this is your solution: (Paid)
If you can modify joomla extensions, this ones could do the job (after playing for a while with the code to add the articles text to the queries): (Free plugin) (Module)
Or maybe take a look at these JED sections to see if there is anything more useful:
I've been struggling with displaying more than one category-blog on a home page, but have now found a working solution.
Install the Plugin "Plugin Include Component" and the Module "Article Placed Anywhere" - both free.
For each blog that you want to appear on the same page:
In Category Manager create a category to hold the blog items (articles).
In Menu Manager create a menu item, probably on a hidden menu, of type Category Blog, referencing the category that you just created.
In Article Manager create an article contaning just the plugin code
{component url='index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=XX&Itemid=YYY'}, where XX is the category ID and YYY is the menu item ID of those you just created
In Module Manager create a new module of type Articles Placed Anywhere, select the article just created and the position in which you want it to appear.
