Deploying Workflow wsp as sandbox soluting - visual-studio-2010

I Am Relatively new in sharepoint. I have created a small workflow using Visual Studio as a Farm Solution. It works fine for my Server but whem I am trying to deploy it on remote server its disabling the activate option appears to me that i have to deploy it is as a sandbox Solution. I tried by setting the sandbox = true in VS but then its throwing me an error saying "Feature cannot be deployed as Sandbox Solution". Can Any1 Help
Thank You


Unable to publish to Azure: Web deployment task failed

I have been deploying my Web Service via Visual Studio for over a year. Today it suddenly started giving me the error: Web deployment task failed.
Things I have noticed:
I have two other projects in the same solution that deployed to Azure without an issue.
I am able to download and change files via Cloud Explorer in VS.
I cant preview changes.
Validate Connection fails.
Things that I have tried:
Reset the publish profile via Azure, downloaded and imported it.
Selected an existing App Service.
Ensured that WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM = false before downloading the latest
publish profile.
Manually typed in the Username, Password from the Deployment Center
Hopefully someone can see something I am missing.
I was finally able to publish after a few weeks and plenty of back-and-forths with Azure support. I'm not sure if it was just time that fixed the problem, but the last thing I did before it started working was Attach a Debugger to the App Service. Hope that helps!

SharePoint Provider Hosted app deployment

I am new to sharepoint so please bear with me! I have completed a provider hosted application that we will be hosting on premise! One of our requirements is that all apps are ran through TeamCity for build and Octopus for deployment and we use GIT for Source control. I have figured out how to get team city to build my MVC portion of the provider hosted app and got octopus to deploy it, my problem is now how to get he SharePoint part of the app to be automated like that. WHat I mean is now I have to click on publish in visual studio and have it create a .app file and I then have to give that to our operations guys who then upload it to our internal app catalog! is there a way to get TeamCity to create the .App file and then have Octopus deploy it to the Sharepoint Catalog?

Can I use NCover on Azure Emulator? Why I can't find w3wp.exe toattach in NCover?

So, at work, we are trying to use NCover Desktop for code coverage on a cloud based azure web application.
We are using Azure SDK V1.8 and Visual Studio 2010.
I researched online for answer and found some article a little bit helpful in setting up environment and stuff. Following is the procedure I'm following for this.
Create new NCover project and select auto config
Reset IIS and detect w3wp.exe process
Start application and select/deselect executable.
Problem is, I think VS is running on localhost rather than IIS, that's why even after restarting IIS, I'm not able to detect w3wp.exe process to attach.
how can I fix this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
So, After pointing our site towards IIS - Following is the error messasge I am getting.
I also tried to change port so there is not conflicts.

Deploying to Azure from Visual Studio fails when connecting

I have been using Visual Studio to deploy a Web Service to Azure; downloaded my publish profile to enable that and it was working fine for the past few weeks.
Today I tried to deploy an update and now all my deployments fail with the following:
17:25:03 - Preparing deployment for WindowsAzure1 - 25/03/2013 17:24:53 with Subscription ID 'xxx' using Service Management URL ''...
17:25:03 - Connecting...
17:25:04 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
17:25:04 - Deployment failed with a fatal error
I'm not sure what's failing here; is this saying it's unable to connect to the Service Management URL?
Last week I installed an SSL certificate on Azure and now I'm not seeing the option to download my publish settings. I know it used to be there but isn't now. Does having an SSL prevent me from somehow connecting to the management page?
Before leaving work I removed the certificate but when I then checked for the PublishProfile it was still not showing.
The PublishProfile is not available for any of the other users attached to the subscription - so I don't think it's related to my login.
Edit 2
A bit more drastic; I've now tried deleting my storage and service, to start from scratch. I created a new publishsettings file by removing the subscriptions already imported into Visual Studio and then following the link to "Sign in to download credentials". Next I created a new service and storage in Azure and tried to publish but the deployment still fails when connecting with
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I have no idea what else I could try or what could be wrong, or where to look to find out.
I got the same error today. Why it wasn't working was because I hadn't uploaded the certificate in the managementportal prior to the publish.
After adding the certificate, everything worked just fine!
You can read more here:
The best way to solve above problem is to download the latest PublishSettings from Azure Management Portal and then use it with Visual Studio. This way your connection to Windows Azure Management Portal from local machine will be verified and validated. Once you have the basic connection working then you can publish your application to specific Windows Azure Service.
Also you can log into your Azure Management Portal and remove all old management certificates which are added in previous publishsettings download attempts.
The problem, in my case, was that my solution Cloud project had the thumbprint of the SSL certificate I'd uploaded in its ServiceDefinition.csdef and ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg. In my first edit I said that I'd removed the certificate from Azure, but hadn't then removed it from the project files; commenting them out allowed me to publish from Visual Studio again.
I'm not sure why this happened though, I had uploaded the certificate to Azure and was able to connect to my service on https in FireFox so the SSL was "working".
Web Deploy v3.6 BETA3 was released that fixes this issue. To resolve this error, you can download the Web Deploy beta and patch your VS2013 installation.
Test Validate Connection once you installed the above Web Deploy. If it works, then fine else you can modify the proxy settings used by msbuild.exe (msbuild.exe.config) and check you can now publish from behind a proxy with Web Deploy.
Logesh Shan
I think the certificate got corrupt. Deleting the solution .suo file and the .ccproj.user file in my Azure project did it for me.

Azure SDK 1.4 - Cannot debug in VS2010 with multiple sites

I have a newly installed laptop running Win7/x64 and installed Visual Studio 2010, then VS2010 SP1, and then the Windows Azure SDK 1.4.
When I attempt to debug a cloud service project in the local compute emulator environment, I get an error: "The was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for URL '' for role instance..."
Some searching turned up quite a few discussions on this issue with the Azure SDK 1.3 update and I've narrowed down the issue to my having multiple sites in the same Web Role in my Azure application. If I comment out the sites entries in the ServiceDefinition.csdef, there's no error and debugging works fine. I tried the other recommended solutions, reinstalling .NET, re-registering ASP, rebooting while facing Redmond, but same problem.
I'm surprised by this issue on a new VS/Azure 1.4 installation and I'm hoping someone else has resolved supporting multiple sites for local debug.
I ran into the same problem, and have two suggestions:
If you've pointed to the "Published" output of a website and not the source location in ServiceDefinition.csdef, you'll get this error. Point to the source location of the web site when you're debugging. You can always switch the location later if you'd rather deploy a published web site rather than the source.
Ensure that you have debug set to false in the each of the web application's web.config file. While obvious, this catches me from time to time.
