Script to count files in subdirs based on reoccurring subdir - windows

I'm lookiong for a batch script which let's me count only the amount of files in a certain sub dir.
I have a directory tree with various projects (300+) and I am only looking for the amount of files in a reocurring subdirectory.
Currently I am using mtee(small program to revert cmd output to a txt file) and dir to count the subdirs and do a manual search in excel.
I was wondering if there is a way to do this in with a batch script.
e.g: Every project has the directory proposals and subdirectory no-go proposals. I want to count the amount of files in the no-go proposals from the basis of the directorytree

for /f %%i in ('dir /s/b/a-d "c:\project"^|find /c "\no-go-dirname\"') do ECHO nogocount=%%i
Well, that's the line within a batch file. If you're running it from the prompt, each %% becomes %
do a directory list of all of the filenames, /a-d not directorynames, /s including subdirectories /b in basic form, so no headers or trailers. Filter this with a FIND and /c count the lines that contain the string "\no-go-dirname\" and assign the count to %%i

Try this:
#echo off &setlocal
set "startfolder=x:\proposals\no-go proposals"
set /a counter=0
for /r "%startfolder%" %%i in (*) do set /a counter+=1
echo %counter% files found in "no-go proposals" .

Read HELP FOR and HELP SET and try the following code
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /r /d %%d in (*) do (
call :countf "%%d\nogo"
goto :eof
set count=0
for %%f in ("%~1\*") do (
set /a count+=1
echo %~1 has !count! files
goto :eof

Good to see so many alternatives, and all of them works seemlessly however this is my version.
dir /s/b /a-d | find /c /v ""
running this command in a directory where you need the file count will return just the count.


Is there any way for windows batch script or command prompt to list the directories from a certain folder only without including the hard drive?

I tried using dir /b/s *.png to list the directories of all my png files. the results were like this:
I want it to be shortened so it will display only starting from the images folder;
is it possible to do?
if it's not, is there any way for me to edit the directories by deleting the first few folder from a generated text file?
say i put dir /b/s *.png > path.txt how do i edit the texts since the list got no whitespaces.
i'm still new to this so i'm not so familiar with much commands but this is as far as my understanding can do.
Assuming this comment in your question:
"I want it to be shortened so it will display only starting from the "images" folder;"
you always want from the images folder, and also assuming the images folder always exists in the path:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /R %%i in (*.png) do (
set "_fp=%%~i"
echo !_fp:*\images\=images\!"
Or to explicitly ensure you only include paths with \images\ in the path:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s *.png ^| findstr \images\') do (
set "_fp=%%~i"
echo !_fp:*\images\=images\!"
example of using pushd:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~1"
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s *.png ^| findstr \images\') do (
set "_fp=%%~i"
echo !_fp:*\images\=images\!"
So the above you can run from cmd and simply pass the path you want the script to run in as script_name.cmd "C:\some path\here"

Batch file to count file types in sub directories

I need a batch file that counts certain file types in sub directories. In this case it's .txt and .xls files. At the end of the file it reports this back.
#echo off
REM get script directory
set scriptdir=%~dp0
REM change directory to script directory
cd /d %scriptdir%
set txtcount=0
set xlscount=0
for %%x in ('dir *.txt /s ) do set /a txtcount+=1
for %%x in ('dir *.xls /s ) do set /a xlscount+=1
echo %txtcount% text files
echo %xlscount% .xls files
My batch file doesn't report back the correct count of files. I thought it might be continually counting but I've set the count variables to local so I'm not sure what's up.
There's three problems with your script:
You want to iterate over command output, so you need FOR /F
You're not using the "bare" /B format, i.e. DIR outputs more than just filenames
You're missing the closing single quote twice
Replace your loops with this:
FOR /F %%X IN ('DIR /S /B *.txt') DO SET /A "txtcount+=1"
FOR /F %%X IN ('DIR /S /B *.xls') DO SET /A "xlscount+=1"
You are very close, but you are missing the switch /B of the dir command, so the output contains a header and a footer, which are both included in the count. Therefore, change dir *.txt /s to dir *.txt /s /b (same for *.xls) and the count is going to be correct.
Besides that, there are typos: the closing ' is missing -- for %%x in ('dir *.txt /s') do .... In addition, the /F switch at for is missing, which is needed to capture the output of a command. (I assume these things are present in the true script as you would receive errors otherwise.)
Alternative Approach
To count the number of files, you could also do the following:
for /F "delims=" %%X in ('dir /B /S "*.txt" ^| find /C /V ""') do set "COUNT=%%X"
find /V "" searches for non-empty lines, hence all lines returned by dir /B /S are considered as matches; the /C switch simply lets find return the total amount of matching lines.

Recursive directory processing in a BAT file with a twist

OK, I apologize ahead of time for a) using an old, crappy technology (BAT files) and b) asking what seems to be a redundant question. I'm limited in the technology I'm allowed to use in this particular case and after looking at dozens of posts on the subject I can't find anything I can adapt to what I need.
I have a directory structure that looks like this:
more folders
My BAT file is located outside this files system. I need to inspect it starting at level "C" and need to find the "XYZ" directory. The folders between C and XYZ can have variable names depending on the environment in which the files were created. I need to end up with a string that consists of the directory names from C through XYZ (i.e. "C\D\E\F....\XYZ") that I can put into a variable so when my BAT file is completed I can reference the variable and run another command.
I've looked at posts using FIND and FOR but I can't seem to figure out how to a) limit the string to the starting directory (for example when I combine FOR with DIR I get "A\B\C...") and how to stop when I get to "XYZ"...
Any help is greatly appreciated.
This should work in most situations:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "root=c:\a\b\c"
set "target=xyz"
for %%R in ("%root%") do for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'dir /b /s /ad "%root%\%target%"'
) do (
set "fullPath=%%F"
set "relpath=!fullPath:%%~dpR=!"
echo !relpath!
It can fail if any of your paths contain ! or =. There are solutions for this, but the code is significantly more complicated.
Actually, there is a relatively simple solution using FORFILES that should work in all situations. (Assuming your version of Windows has FORFILES)
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "root=c:\a\b\c"
set "target=xyz"
for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'forfiles /p "%root%" /m "%target%" /s /c "cmd /c if #isdir==TRUE echo #relpath"'
) do set "relpath=%%~F"
for %%R in ("%root%") do set "relpath=%%~nxR%relpath:~1%"
echo %relpath%
The only restriction is the code has to change slightly if your result contains poison characters like &. In that case you need to add quotes to the final ECHO statement, or else enable delayed expansion at the end and use echo !relpath!
For a) question:
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%d IN ('DIR A\B\C\XYZ /S /AD /B') DO SET variable=%%d
For a) and b) question:
FOR /D /R "A\B\C" %%d IN (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~nxd"=="XYZ" (SET variable=%%d& GOTO :EOF)
but this will exit batch script, so you need:
... your batch code
... your batch code
FOR /D /R "A\B\C" %%d IN (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~nxd"=="XYZ" (SET variable=%%d& GOTO :EOF)
ECHO XYZ not found!

Make subfolder names from part of file name and copy files with Robocopy

Is it posible to copy and make directories automatically from file name substrings using Robocopy?
I mean i have files like these. LAJ00306130201004626.rc the first 8 chararacters are control number (LAJ00306=control number) this would be the name of the folder and the rest are the date and time (Date=130201) (time=004626).
and i would like to copy and create folders from the file name like under and copy the files mentioned before in the new folders.
I hope to be clear if necessary ask me for more information
try this, look at the output and remove the echos before MD and ROBOCOPY, if it looks good:
SET "sourcefolder=."
SET "targetfolder=X:\data"
CD /d "%sourcefolder%"
FOR %%a IN (*.rc) DO (
SET "fname=%%a"
SET "folder=!fname:~0,8!"
SET "$!folder!=1"
FOR /f "delims=$=" %%a IN ('set "$"') DO (
ECHO MD "%targetfolder%\%%a" 2>nul
ECHO ROBOCOPY "%sourcefolder%" "%targetfolder%\%%a" "%%a*.rc"
Set sourcefolder and targetfolder for your folder tree.
Try this:
#echo off
pushd "c:\source folder"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (*.rc) do (
set "name=%%a"
robocopy "%cd%" "%%a" "D:\target directory\!name:~0,8!"
Answers to your questions are:
pushd "drive:\path" makes the location the current working directory.
popd restores the last working directory
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion allows you to change and use variables within a loop, using the !variable! syntax.
If your 2000 files are in a single folder then it should work - but test it on some sample files first so that you can see how it will work.
SET "sourcedir=."
SET "destdir=c:\destdir"
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=_" %%i IN (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*_*."'
) DO XCOPY /b "%sourcedir%\%%i_%%j" "%destdir%\%%i\"
This should accomplish the task described. You'd need to set up the source and destination directories to suit, of course. Add >nul to the end of the XCOPY line to suppress 'copied' messages.

Iterate all files in a directory using a 'for' loop

How can I iterate over each file in a directory using a for loop?
And how could I tell if a certain entry is a directory or if it's just a file?
This lists all the files (and only the files) in the current directory and its subdirectories recursively:
for /r %i in (*) do echo %i
Also if you run that command in a batch file you need to double the % signs.
for /r %%i in (*) do echo %%i
(thanks #agnul)
Iterate through...
...files in current dir: for %f in (.\*) do #echo %f
...subdirs in current dir: for /D %s in (.\*) do #echo %s
...files in current and all subdirs: for /R %f in (.\*) do #echo %f
...subdirs in current and all subdirs: for /R /D %s in (.\*) do #echo %s
Unfortunately I did not find any way to iterate over files and subdirs at the same time.
Just use cygwin with its bash for much more functionality.
Apart from this: Did you notice, that the buildin help of MS Windows is a great resource for descriptions of cmd's command line syntax?
Also have a look here:
To iterate over each file a for loop will work:
for %%f in (directory\path\*) do ( something_here )
In my case I also wanted the file content, name, etc.
This lead to a few issues and I thought my use case might help. Here is a loop that reads info from each '.txt' file in a directory and allows you do do something with it (setx for instance).
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%f in (directory\path\*.txt) do (
set /p val=<%%f
echo "fullname: %%f"
echo "name: %%~nf"
echo "contents: !val!"
*Limitation: val<=%%f will only get the first line of the file.
There is a subtle difference between running FOR from the command line and from a batch file. In a batch file, you need to put two % characters in front of each variable reference.
From a command line:
FOR %i IN (*) DO ECHO %i
From a batch file:
FOR %%i IN (*) DO ECHO %%i
This for-loop will list all files in a directory.
pushd somedir
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d-h-s') do echo %%f
"delims=" is useful to show long filenames with spaces in it....
'/b" show only names, not size dates etc..
Some things to know about dir's /a argument.
Any use of "/a" would list everything, including hidden and system attributes.
"/ad" would only show subdirectories, including hidden and system ones.
"/a-d" argument eliminates content with 'D'irectory attribute.
"/a-d-h-s" will show everything, but entries with 'D'irectory, 'H'idden 'S'ystem attribute.
If you use this on the commandline, remove a "%".
Hope this helps.
%1 refers to the first argument passed in and can't be used in an iterator.
Try this:
#echo off
for %%i in (*.*) do echo %%i
I had trouble getting jop's answer to work with an absolute path until I found this reference:
The following example loops through all files in a directory given by the absolute path.
For /R C:\absoulte\path\ %%G IN (*.*) do (
Echo %%G
Here's my go with comments in the code.
I'm just brushing up by biatch skills so forgive any blatant errors.
I tried to write an all in one solution as best I can with a little modification where the user requires it.
Some important notes: Just change the variable recursive to FALSE if you only want the root directories files and folders processed. Otherwise, it goes through all folders and files.
C&C most welcome...
#echo off
title %~nx0
chcp 65001 >NUL
set "dir=c:\users\%username%\desktop"
:: Recursive Loop routine - First Written by Ste on - 2020.01.24 - Rev 1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem By removing the /s switch from the first loop if you want to loop through
rem the base folder only.
set recursive=TRUE
if %recursive% equ TRUE ( set recursive=/s ) else ( set recursive= )
endlocal & set recursive=%recursive%
cd /d %dir%
echo Directory %cd%
for %%F in ("*") do (echo → %%F) %= Loop through the current directory. =%
for /f "delims==" %%D in ('dir "%dir%" /ad /b %recursive%') do ( %= Loop through the sub-directories only if the recursive variable is TRUE. =%
echo Directory %%D
echo %recursive% | find "/s" >NUL 2>NUL && (
pushd %%D
cd /d %%D
for /f "delims==" %%F in ('dir "*" /b') do ( %= Then loop through each pushd' folder and work on the files and folders =%
echo %%~aF | find /v "d" >NUL 2>NUL && ( %= This will weed out the directories by checking their attributes for the lack of 'd' with the /v switch therefore you can now work on the files only. =%
rem You can do stuff to your files here.
rem Below are some examples of the info you can get by expanding the %%F variable.
rem Uncomment one at a time to see the results.
echo → %%~F &rem expands %%F removing any surrounding quotes (")
rem echo → %%~dF &rem expands %%F to a drive letter only
rem echo → %%~fF &rem expands %%F to a fully qualified path name
rem echo → %%~pF &rem expands %%A to a path only
rem echo → %%~nF &rem expands %%F to a file name only
rem echo → %%~xF &rem expands %%F to a file extension only
rem echo → %%~sF &rem expanded path contains short names only
rem echo → %%~aF &rem expands %%F to file attributes of file
rem echo → %%~tF &rem expands %%F to date/time of file
rem echo → %%~zF &rem expands %%F to size of file
rem echo → %%~dpF &rem expands %%F to a drive letter and path only
rem echo → %%~nxF &rem expands %%F to a file name and extension only
rem echo → %%~fsF &rem expands %%F to a full path name with short names only
rem echo → %%~dp$dir:F &rem searches the directories listed in the 'dir' environment variable and expands %%F to the fully qualified name of the first one found. If the environment variable name is not defined or the file is not found by the search, then this modifier expands to the empty string
rem echo → %%~ftzaF &rem expands %%F to a DIR like output line
echo/ & pause & cls
To iterate through all files and folders you can use
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s') do echo %%a
To iterate through all folders only not with files, then you can use
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a:d /b /s') do echo %%a
Where /s will give all results throughout the directory tree in unlimited depth. You can skip /s if you want to iterate through the content of that folder not their sub folder
Implementing search in iteration
To iterate through a particular named files and folders you can search for the name and iterate using for loop
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir "file or folder name" /b /s') do echo %%a
To iterate through a particular named folders/directories and not files, then use /AD in the same command
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir "folder name" /b /AD /s') do echo %%a
for %1 in (*.*) do echo %1
Try "HELP FOR" in cmd for a full guide
This is the guide for XP commands.
The following code creates a file Named "AllFilesInCurrentDirectorylist.txt" in the current Directory, which contains the list of all files (Only Files) in the current Directory. Check it out
dir /b /a-d > AllFilesInCurrentDirectorylist.txt
It could also use the forfiles command:
forfiles /s
and also check if it is a directory
forfiles /p c:\ /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c if #isdir==true echo #file is a directory"
I would use vbscript (Windows Scripting Host), because in batch I'm sure you cannot tell that a name is a file or a directory.
In vbs, it can be something like this:
Dim fileSystemObject
Set fileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim mainFolder
Set mainFolder = fileSystemObject.GetFolder(myFolder)
Dim files
Set files = mainFolder.Files
For Each file in files
Dim subFolders
Set subFolders = mainFolder.SubFolders
For Each folder in subFolders
Check FileSystemObject on MSDN.
I use the xcopy command with the /L option to get the file names. So if you want to get either a directory or all the files in the subdirectory you could do something like this:
for /f "delims=" %%a IN ('xcopy "D:\*.pdf" c:\ /l') do echo %%a
I just use the c:\ as the destination because it always exists on windows systems and it is not copying so it does not matter. if you want the subdirectories too just use /s option on the end. You can also use the other switches of xcopy if you need them for other reasons.
Try this to test if a file is a directory:
FOR /F "delims=" %I IN ('DIR /B /AD "filename" 2^>^&1 ^>NUL') DO IF "%I" == "File Not Found" ECHO Not a directory
This only will tell you whether a file is NOT a directory, which will also be true if the file doesn't exist, so be sure to check for that first if you need to. The carets (^) are used to escape the redirect symbols and the file listing output is redirected to NUL to prevent it from being displayed, while the DIR listing's error output is redirected to the output so you can test against DIR's message "File Not Found".
try this:
::Example directory
set SetupDir=C:\Users
::Loop in the folder with "/r" to search in recursive folders, %%f being a loop ::variable
for /r "%SetupDir%" %%f in (*.msi *.exe) do set /a counter+=1
echo there are %counter% files in your folder
it counts .msi and .exe files in your directory (and in the sub directory). So it also makes the difference between folders and files as executables.
Just add an extension (.pptx .docx ..) if you need to filter other files in the loop
In my case I had to delete all the files and folders underneath a temp folder. So this is how I ended up doing it. I had to run two loops one for file and one for folders. If files or folders have spaces in their names then you have to use " "
cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\
rem files only
for /r %%a in (*) do (
echo deleting file "%%a" ...
if exist "%%a" del /s /q "%%a"
rem folders only
for /D %%a in (*) do (
echo deleting folder "%%a" ...
if exist "%%a" rmdir /s /q "%%a"
