I am writing a report about distributed systems libraries for Java. But I can't see the difference between them. What is the difference between ACE vs Hadoop vs DDS? Can the three of them be used to develop a distributed application like a simple chat? Thanks!
I'm planning on developing simple applications on small scale for real-time problem like a software for replacing a Ledger. Can I use Visual Studio Community for the purpose. Will i be able to share the .exe file to any computer?
Lot of ETL tools in the market are using Eclipse RCP for providing richer development interface. However, with Flex getting open source and HTML5 coming up to speed, will we be seeing ETL tools which are based on these platforms? Also, will Flex/HTML5 development increase the complexity of tool development?
Such a tool will reduce the maintenance cost and will also provide a better interface for business teams for complex ETL development. I am not sure if such ETL tools are already available.
I am looking to find out the testing tool capabilities that are offered with Visual Studio. From my research, I understand that you offer both functional and load testing tools for both web and Windows-based applications. I read the ‘coded UI Tests’ feature automates UI testing. My questions is, does this feature only work on .NET-based applications or can I use it to do UI testing on an application that was written in PowerBuilder?
You can find here the configurations that are supported by coded UI.
PowerBuilder is not in the list but depending on the technology it relies on (MFC?) it might work.
You can download a trial version of VS and try it on a PB application.
In Visual Studio, when I go to add a project, there are two options for creating GUI applications. Win32 Project and Windows Forms Application. What's the difference between these two? Is one of them
dependent on more .dlls than the other?
faster than the other?
easier to program in than the other?
Win32 are native applications primarly written with C++. (Machine dependent). Windows Forms are managed-code applications using the .NET Runtime Environment.
Between both, Windows forms are easier to program given the fact that you can choose the language you are better with; the vast amount of libraries (BCL) without bizarre things like manual memory management and the real object-oriented paradigm implementation of many of them.
Till date I have used only VB6 Professional for developing apps.
But recently I have joined a company which owns VS 6 Enterprise (or some such version)
I was just exploring what is available in VS 6 Ent. and I found Visual Modeler.
The tutorial provided with it is not good enough.
I was wondering if there is any detailed tutorial(s) for Visual Modeler?
Is Visual Modeler a cut down version of Rational Rose?
I have never used such a tool for developing apps. What are the benefits of developing apps like this?
The document claims that one can speed up development and modifications of VB6 & VC++ 6 applications. How true is this claim?
My company also has Ration Rose 6.
Which is better Rational Rose 6 or Visual Modeler that comes with VS 6 Ent.?
Yes Visual Modeler is a cut down version of Rational Rose. However, I actually found it more usable than Rational Rose.
Modeling tools can be great for doing some analysis and design work, but do not get sucked into the idea of building apps by modelling and then using code gen to write the code. It is a pipe dream. And the claim that you speed up the modifications of legacy apps using these tools to me is a joke.
If you are only maintaining legacy apps why do you care about modelling tools anyway? Are you considering trying to reverse engineer the code into a model to try and understand the structure. If so I wouldn't bother. You will probably get more understanding in less time with pencil and paper.
If you really want a modelling tool that is easy to use and will not break the bank, look at Enterprise Architect by Sparx Systems.