Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5.4 fails to load up after upgrade to 11.0.9 - panel

I am facing annoying problem.
My hosting provider sent me an email that my Plesk panels version is too old and it needs to be updated. So I logged to my Parallels Plesk panel, and clicked update, I've chosen the latest release and got confirmation email that upgrade was successful.
After that my domain now loads up with Horder web mail log-in form, not my web page.
And when I try to log in to my Parallels Plesk panel I get:
ERROR: Zend_Db_Statement_Exception
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'psa.smb_apsPackages' doesn't exist
0: Pdo.php:234
1: Statement.php:300
2: Abstract.php:479
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query(string 'DESCRIBE `smb_apsPackages`', array)
3: Abstract.php:238
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query(string 'DESCRIBE `smb_apsPackages`')
4: Mysql.php:169
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->describeTable(string 'smb_apsPackages', NULL null)
5: Abstract.php:835
6: Abstract.php:874
7: Abstract.php:982
8: Select.php:100
Zend_Db_Table_Select->setTable(object of type Smb_Db_Table_Broker_ApsPackages)
9: Select.php:78
Zend_Db_Table_Select->__construct(object of type Smb_Db_Table_Broker_ApsPackages)
10: Abstract.php:1018
11: Abstract.php:1331
Zend_Db_Table_Abstract->fetchAll(string '`name` = 'osTicket'')
12: Abstract.php:150
Db_Table_Abstract->findByFields(array, boolean true)
13: Abstract.php:162
14: Config.php:14
15: NavigationContext.php:342
NavigationContext->_fetchHelpDeskSectionNodes(object of type UserAdmin)
16: NavigationContext.php:196
NavigationContext->fetchCustomButtonsSectionNodes(object of type UserAdmin)
17: NavigationContext.php:70
NavigationContext->fetchSection(object of type UserAdmin, string 'custom_buttons', array)
18: NavigationContext.php:402
NavigationContext->get(object of type UserAdmin)
19: Navigation.php:95
Navigation->getUserContextList(object of type UserAdmin)
20: Navigation.php:113
Navigation->getRoot(object of type UserAdmin)
21: Navigation.php:357
Navigation->buildPathbar(string '/license.php3', NULL null, object of type UserAdmin, string 'dashboard')
22: Navigation.php:348
Navigation->getPathbar(NULL null)
23: Navigation.php:144
24: Abstract.php:303
25: Abstract.php:312
Form_Abstract->renderPathbarButton(object of type Navigation, NULL null)
26: Form.php:109
27: license.php3:75
Any suggesttions, please?

Looks like bug in libmysqlclien15 from third-party repository.
Try this solution


Ruby Sequel Gem unable to look up tables with different owner

I'm connecting to my company's database with the Sequel Gem using the odbc adaptor.
DB = Sequel.odbc('myserver', :user => "USER1", :password => "1234")
I connected fine but I was not able to get the dataset off of tables that belongs to other users.
When I connect to the database with Interactive SQL, I see the following tables.
When in interactive SQL. I have complete right to do anything with all the tables since user1 is a superuser. However, when I try to pull table4 or table5 with Sequel gem.
dataset = DB[:TABLE4].all.count
I get the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
16: from C:/Ruby26-x64/bin/irb:23:in 'load'
15: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/irb-1.2.0/exe/irb:11:in '<top (required)>'
14: from (irb):17
13: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:51:in 'all'
12: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:1006:in `_all'
11: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:51:in 'block in all'
10: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:152:in 'each'
9: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/adapters/odbc.rb:90:in 'fetch_rows'
8: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:1089:in 'execute'
7: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/adapters/odbc.rb:40:in 'execute'
6: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/database/connecting.rb:270:in 'synchronize'
5: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/connection_pool/threaded.rb:92:in 'hold'
4: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/adapters/odbc.rb:42:in 'block in execute'
3: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/database/logging.rb:38:in 'log_connection_yield'
2: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/adapters/odbc.rb:42:in 'block (2 levels) in execute'
1: from C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.29.0/lib/sequel/adapters/odbc.rb:42:in 'run'
Sequel::DatabaseError (ODBC::Error: S0002 (-141) [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Table 'TABLE4' not found)
However when using the same code to pull TABLE1, 2 or 3 is fine tho.
dataset = DB[:TABLE1].all.count
Maybe because I'm not looking up table 4 or 5 correctly? Or I have to somehow specify the owner of those table? In Interactive SQL I have to do USER2.TABLE4 to identify the table.
Many thanks!
You need to use a qualified identifier in Sequel, just as you need to in SQL:
dataset = DB[Sequel[:USER2][:TABLE4]].all.count
For more information, see:

terraform plan is giving the error : function call (function yamldecode)

Please find the GitLab repo for the terraform scripts which we are using.
enter link description here
Run in terraform plan gives the below error in an all-in-one.YAML file for the elastic search.
Error: Error in function call
on line 49, in locals:
49: resource_list = yamldecode(file("${path. module}/all-in-one.yaml")).items
| path.module is "."
Call to function `"yamldecode"` failed: on line 458, column 1: unexpected extra
content after value.
enter image description here
As is describe in the fine manual:
Only one YAML document is permitted. If multiple documents are present in the given string then this function will return an error.
and one can trivially reproduce your error message:
content = yamldecode("---\nhello: world\n---\ntoo: bad\n")
on line 14, in resource "local_file" "example":
14: content = yamldecode("---\nhello: world\n---\ntoo: bad\n")
Call to function "yamldecode" failed: on line 2, column 1: unexpected extra
content after value.

Data assignment error for dbms_xmldom.domdocument

I'm trying the example in the link below
but I get errors on this line
v_doc := dbms_xmldom.cument(v_variable);
how can I solve this problem
ORA-06550: satır 31, sütun 25:
PLS-00302: component 'CUMENT' must be declared
ORA-06550: satır 31, sütun 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
#Alex Poole is correct.

Stripping a Windows path prefix

I am trying to strip a prefix from Windows path. I attempted to do this using the strip_prefix method but it fails. You can try it out at the Rust Playground. I was not able to get any reasonable details as to why this failed even with RUST_BACKTRACE=full.
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let pwd = Path::new(r#"C:\Users\me"#);
let path = Path::new(r#"C:\Users\me\site"#);
let result = path.strip_prefix(pwd).map_err(|_| ());
println!("Result: {:?}", result); // Result: Err(())
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Result with RUST_BACKTRACE=full:
Result: Err(())
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: StripPrefixError(())', src/libcore/
stack backtrace:
0: 0x55f339d5eb53 - std::sys::unix::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace::hf8722b0178fb1b63
at src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
1: 0x55f339d5aa68 - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::hc40139e5f1d656ee
at src/libstd/sys_common/
2: 0x55f339d5daa2 - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::h993d43465919c16a
at src/libstd/sys_common/
at src/libstd/
3: 0x55f339d5d814 - std::panicking::default_hook::h73d2c2ec3d9ba5a4
at src/libstd/
4: 0x55f339d5e100 - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h744417edfe714d72
at src/libstd/
5: 0x55f339d5dc81 - std::panicking::continue_panic_fmt::h3557b3c3fa21b47b
at src/libstd/
6: 0x55f339d5db65 - rust_begin_unwind
at src/libstd/
7: 0x55f339d6e0cc - core::panicking::panic_fmt::h74ee8034b317ceed
at src/libcore/
8: 0x55f339d536fd - core::result::unwrap_failed::h3406097ad0bd8fc9
at /rustc/2aa4c46cfdd726e97360c2734835aa3515e8c858/src/libcore/
9: 0x55f339d53429 - <core::result::Result<T, E>>::unwrap::hac51cf7638922ce6
at /rustc/2aa4c46cfdd726e97360c2734835aa3515e8c858/src/libcore/
10: 0x55f339d53e89 - g::main::h131de6fc3bc2b7fb
at src/
11: 0x55f339d538df - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::h68e0b763dc36e392
at /rustc/2aa4c46cfdd726e97360c2734835aa3515e8c858/src/libstd/
12: 0x55f339d5db52 - std::panicking::try::do_call::h7a0381557c6c2cee
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
13: 0x55f339d5faa9 - __rust_maybe_catch_panic
at src/libpanic_unwind/
14: 0x55f339d5e655 - std::rt::lang_start_internal::he0d8d06abc6f912f
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
15: 0x55f339d538b8 - std::rt::lang_start::h565ec575e9c57feb
at /rustc/2aa4c46cfdd726e97360c2734835aa3515e8c858/src/libstd/
16: 0x55f339d53ec9 - main
17: 0x7f59a6820412 - __libc_start_main
18: 0x55f339d531fd - _start
19: 0x0 - <unknown>
As the document of std::path::Path says:
This type supports a number of operations for inspecting a path, including breaking the path into its components (separated by / on Unix and by either / or \ on Windows), extracting the file name, determining whether the path is absolute, and so on.
(emphasis is mine)
This means that on Linux, \ will not be recognized as a path separator, and therefore, C:\Users\me and C:\\Users\me\site are just filenames, in the current directory. On Linux, \ is indeed not a special character in filenames:
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ touch 'C:\Users\me'
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin 0 Apr 14 01:47 'C:\Users\me'
As the Playground runs on Linux (as hinted by the fact that there is no deployment information for Windows, although it might technically be possible to host it on Windows as well), your code cannot work there.
However on Windows, it works as expected.

Iterating over an array attribute in Chef

I am using Chef provisioning to create machines in AWS. When creating the machine, I add an attribute to it that is an array of JSON files. In the recipes I run, I want to iterate over this array and create a template file on the machine. The machine gets provisioned but when iterating over the array attribute, I get an error that says:
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
I tried looking at the node file that got created on my server and guess what? The array of JSON files was added to the node file! I'm not sure why then it keeps throwing that error. Any ideas?
The code sample is as follows:
def get_cluster_json(domain_number)
clusters = []
##environment_template['domains'][domain_number]['clusters'].each do |cls|
clusters << JSON.parse(::File::read(new_resource.template_path + cls))
return clusters
provisioning_xyz_machine "test-admin" do
tag "usage:keep"
attribute "clusters_json", get_cluster_json(domain_counter)
recipe admin_role
machine_options get_machine_options()
ohai_hints ohai_hints
action $provisioningAction
managed_details = []
node["clusters_json"].each do |cls|
managed_details << "#{cls['cluster']['name']}"
* template[/tools/appsw/appsautm/config/INTFIN_config] action create[2015-05-12T10:24:13-07:00] INFO: Processing template[/tools/appsw/appsautm/config/INTFIN_config] action create (xyz-environment-cookbook::build_admin line 32)
Error executing action `create` on resource 'template[/tools/appsw/appsautm/config/INTFIN_config]'
undefined method 'each' for `nil:NilClass`
Resource Declaration:
# In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/xyz-environment-cookbook/recipes/build_admin.rb
32: template "/tools/appsw/appsautm/config/#{env_name}_config" do
33: source "#{env_name}_config.conf.erb"
34: cookbook "appsautm-template"
35: owner node['xyz-dir-library']['user']
36: mode "0755"
38: variables({
39: :admin_servers=> admin_details,
40: :managed_servers=> managed_details
41: })
42: end
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/xyz-environment-cookbook/recipes/build_admin.rb:32:in `from_file'
The error appears to be in your template, not your cookbook. In fact, it appears completely unrelated to the files you posted. I'd need to see the #{env_name}_config.conf.erb file and the build_admin.rb file in order to be more help than that.
