asterisk extensions.conf random number - random

I want to generate a random number from 1 to 10 inside the extensions.conf with asterisk. Using the infamous rand(1,10) is just not working. I know I'm not using the proper language for extensions to understand so any kind of help I can get on this is greatly appreciated.
Here's what I have:
exten => 123456789,2,MeetMe(rand(1,10),qdM)

pro-sip*CLI> core show function RAND
-= Info about function 'RAND' =-
Choose a random number in a range.
Choose a random number between <min> and <max>. <min> defaults to '0', if
not specified, while <max> defaults to 'RAND_MAX' (2147483647 on many
Example: Set(junky=${RAND(1,8)}); Sets junky to a random number between
1 and 8, inclusive.
Not available
[See Also]
Not available
So you can use it as:


Positive random number generation with given mean and standard deviation

I am working on a simulation project. Need help on random number generation. I need two sets of random numbers.
Primary set (var_a) > Normally distributed, greater than 0, with given mean and std.
Secondary set (var_b) -> Same as a primary set, with an addition, that second set cannot be greater than primary set. The reason being the output of a deterministic function will be in percentage between 0-1 only. For example:
service level calculation
import numpy as np
n = 100000
# Calls Handled
callshandled = np.random.normal(loc=65, scale=97, size=n)
print('Calls handled: ', callshandled)
# Call handled within sl. Has to always be less or equal to Calls Handled
ansinsl = np.random.normal(loc=60, scale=82, size=n)
print('Answered in SL', ansinsl)
# Service Level - Has to be between 0-1. With normal distribution we get values in negative
sl = np.array(ansinsl)/np.array(callshandled)
print('Service level', sl)
Calls handled: [ 43.26825426 129.79198758 31.56460354 ... 37.45059791 1.71420416
Answered in SL [-12.72293091 204.28084996 232.25722235 ... 166.03208722 -53.69933624
Service level [ -0.29404771 1.57390956 7.35815427 ... 4.43336279 -31.32610312
There is a well-known “natural” way of generating pairs of Gaussian pseudo-random variates, known as Box-Muller.
You could try it that way:
generate pairs of unit normal variates à la Box-Muller
scale the pairs to whatever your (µ,σ) parameters are
reject the pairs that do not fit your criteria

Generate increasing random number rails

I've a random number generator code: { [*0..9].sample }.join.to_i
It gives me random numbers like 63832, 42337, 34998. As you can see that they are completely random, but how to make than I would get only in an increasing way? Not 63832, 42337, 34998, but 34998, 42337, 63832 (this is just an example, Ideally I would get smth like 00[number] => 0025, where 25 is a random number which was generated.
Hope my explanation is understandable :)
If you have the current / last random number, you can generate a larger one by simply adding a random number to it, e.g:
def generate(base = 0)
base + rand(1_000..10_000)
number = generate #=> 9635
number = generate(number) #=> 17761
number = generate(number) #=> 22082
number = generate(number) #=> 31061
Each number is 1,000 to 10,000 larger than its predecessor.
An alternative approach, if you want to generate all random numbers within a known range:
# => [602, 5608, 7912, 8384, 8714]
However, this only works if you want to fetch all random numbers upfront, rather than continuously being able to generate new ones which are larger.
It's also not a good approach if your upper limit is very big - e.g. this will freeze your system and need to be cancelled:
...But in that case, since the numbers are so huge, you can surely get away with the tiny risk of having a collision:{ rand(1..10000000000) }.sort
# => [460188573, 555213355, 3576967759, 3994239233, 9570165205]

Selecting only a small amount of trials in a possibly huge condition file in a pseudo-randomized way

I am using the PsychoPy Builder and have used the code only rudimentary.
Now I'm having a problem for which I think coding is inevitable, but I have no idea how to do it and so far, I didn't find helpful answers in the net.
I have an experiment with pictures of 3 valences (negative, neutral, positive).
In one of the corners of the pictures, additional pictures (letters and numbers) can appear (randomly in one of the 4 positions) in random latencies.
All in all, with all combinations (taken the identity of the letters/numbers into account), I have more than 2000 trial possibilities.
But I only need 72 trials, with the condition that each valence appears 24 times (or: each of the 36 pictures 2 times) and each latency 36 times. Thus, the valence and latency should be counterbalanced, but the positions and the identities of the letters and numbers can be random. However, in a specific rate, (in 25% of the trials) no letters/ numbers should apear in the corners.
Is there a way to do it?
Adding a pretty simple code component in builder will do this for you. I'm a bit confused about the conditions, but you'll probably get the general idea. Let's assume that you have your 72 "fixed" conditions in a conditions file and a loop with a routine that runs for each of these conditions.
I assume that you have a TextStim in your stimulus routine. Let's say that you called it 'letternumber'. Then the general strategy is to pre-compute a list of randomized characters and positions for each of the 72 trials and then just display them as we move through the experiment. To do this, add a code component to the top of your stimulus routine and add under "begin experiment":
import random # we'll use this module to pick random elements from below
# Indicator sequence, specifying whether letter/number should be shown. False= do not show. True = do show.
show_letternumber = [False] * 18 + [True] * 54 # 18/72=25%, 54/72=75%.
# Sets of letters and numbers to present
char_set = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] # ... and so on.
char_trial = [random.choice(char_set) if show_char else '' for show_char in char_set] # list with characters
# List of positions
pos_set = [(0.5, 0.5),(-0.5, 0.5),(-0.5,-0.5),(0.5, -0.5)] # coordinates of your four corners
pos_trial = [random.choice(pos_set) for char in char_trial]
Then under "begin routine" in the code component, set the lettersnumbers to show the value of character_trial for that trial and at the position in pos_trial.
letternumbers.pos = pos_trial[trials.thisN] # set position. trials.thisN is the current trial number
letternumbers.text = char_trial[trials.thisN] # set text
# Save to data/log
trials.addData('pos', pos_trial[trials.thisN])
trials.addData('char', char_trial[trials.thisN])
You may need to tick "set every repeat" for the lettersnumbers component in Builder for the text to actually show.
Here is a strategy you could try, but as I don't use builder I can't integrate it into that work flow.
Prepare a list that has the types of trials you want in the write numbers. You could type this by hand if needed. For example mytrials = ['a','a',...'d','d'] where those letters represent some label for the combination of trial types you want.
Then open up the console and permute that list (i.e. shuffle it).
import random
That will shift the mytrials around. You can see that by just printing that. When you are happy with that paste that into your code with some sort of loop like
t in mytrials:
if t == 'a':
<grab a picture of type 'a'>
elseif t == 'b':
<grab a picture of type 'b'>
<grab a picture of type 'c'>
<then show the picture you grabbed>
There are programmatic ways to build the list with the right number of repeats, but for what you are doing it may be easier to just get going with a hand written list, and then worry about making it fancier once that works.

numerical recipies ran3 generates negative numbers

I am using numerical recipes scheme to generate random numbers (ran3, page 7 in this PDF file). I didn't notice anything strange but this time, I got a negative numbers at the "warm up" stage which are larger than MBIG. The code look as if this shouldn't happen. I can easily fix this with changing the if statement to be a while statement at the line that says if( but I want to know what are the consequences.
Edit:here is the function
FUNCTION ran3a(idum)
REAL ran3a,FAC
PARAMETER (MBIG=1000000000,MSEED=161803398,MZ=0,FAC=1./MBIG)
C PARAMETER (MBIG=4000000.,MSEED=1618033.,MZ=0.,FAC=1./MBIG)
INTEGER i,iff,ii,inext,inextp,k
INTEGER mj,mk,ma(55)
C REAL mj,mk,ma(55)
SAVE iff,inext,inextp,ma
DATA iff /0/
do 11 i=1,54
11 continue
do 13 k=1,4
do 12 i=1,55
12 continue
13 continue
I was getting Seg Faults (using gfortran 4.8) because the function was trying to change the input value idum from the negative number to 1. There is no reason for that line (nor anything with iff), so I deleted it and printed out the array ma at several different places and found no negative numbers in the array.
One possibility, though, is if iabs(idum) is larger than MSEED, you might have a problem with the line mj=MSEED - iabs(idum). You should protect from this by using mj=abs(MSEED-abs(idum)) like the book has written.
Had a look at the pdf. What you need to do is
1) Seed it: value = ran3(-1)
2) Use it: value = ran3(0)

Secure Random hex digits only

Trying to generate random digits with SecureRandom class of rails. Can we create a random number with SecureRandom.hex which includes only digits and no alphabets.
For example:
Instead of
=> "95bf7267"
It should give
=> "95237267"
Check out the api for SecureRandom:
I believe you're looking for a different method: #random_number.
Since #hex returns a hexadecimal number, it would be unusual to ask for a random result that contained only numerical characters.
For basic use cases, it's simple enough to use #rand.
I'm not aware of a library that generates a random number of specified length, but it seems simple enough to write one. Here's my pass at it:
def rand_by_length(length)
rand((9.to_s * length).to_i), rand(9).to_s).to_i
The method #rand_by_length takes an integer specifying length as a param and tries to generate a random number of max digits based on the length. String#center is used to pad the missing numbers with random number characters. Worst case calls #rand for each digit of specified length. That may serve your need.
Numeric id's are good because they are easier to read over the phone (no c for charlie).
Try this
length = 20
id = (SecureRandom.random_number * (10**length)).round.to_s # => "98075825200269950976"
and for bonus points break it up for easier reading
id.split(//).each_slice(4)'-') # => "9807-5825-2002-6995-0976"
This will create a number of the desired length.
length = 11
length = 4
as simple as that :)
