Joomla: Uploading an Articulate presentation - joomla

I have a client who has done some presentations using Articulate. They have sent me the zip file of a presentation, and I'm trying to upload them into their Joomla site so the presentation can be viewed online.
I've followed the instructions in this video:
I'm unsure if I should make the iframe path be to the player, or the presentation itself. When on my computer's local drive if I click the player, it will load the presentation. So I assumed my iframe path should be to the player, but now only the player is loading and no presentation. I'm unsure where the presentation needs to be in reference to the player for it load. I mimicked the structure of the directory on my computer but that's not working either.
I'm still pretty new to Joomla, and don't work with Articulate at all, so any help is appreciated!

I figured it out. If anyone else needs to know, make sure you upload the files through your FTP in binary, not ASCII. If not, the XML data is messed up. Other than that, the youtube video I posted above is helpful.


why hosting images in google sites from google drive has stopped working?

yesterday I created a simple "quote of the day" script for my google site. The script reads the quote from a google sheet. I also wanted each quote to go
with a companion image, which I host in my google drive (the image Ids also are stored in the sheet).
I followed the instructions explained here, and everything seemed to work fine. The permissions for the images was "everyone with the link within my institution" (this is supposed to work in a website on the google apps for education).
It was a success, because the images did display correctly.
Today I opened that page again, and the images have disappeared.
I know that image hosting was discontinued in 2016, but I think it was a different way of hosting (no permalink). Indeed, as I mention, yesterday I could see the images in the website.
Also, when I write the "permalink" in chrome address bar I get "403. That’s an error. We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know." This happens despite I'm the owner of the file, and I'm logged in the correct google account. Also, it happens irrespective of the browser and/or machine I use (I tried with my phone too).
I also tried what explained here, although I'm not sure I understand that completely. There should be a problem though, because instead of the image I get the alt text (NA).
Is the "permalink" method still supposed to work?
Could this be a problem of excessive traffic? I haven't even published the page yet, I only did some testing...
What is the best way of displaying images from google drive into google sites, without resorting to third party services?
Thanks a lot
You already answered your question. Hosting on Google Drive has been stopped.
However, you can try the workaround from this SO post where you'll use the URL:{IMAGE_FILE_ID}
It worked fine when use with the <img src="{IMAGE_URL}"> HTML tag. That's the closest thing to what you're trying to do.
You can also try Firebase Storage where you host your images on the cloud and display them on your web page.
This is at least a partial answer to the problem I tried to explain, which I'm summarizing below:
I was hosting images for a page in my google site on my google drive, via the syntax{IMAGE_FILE_ID}
the sharing settings of the individual images was "anyone with the link within [my institution]";
this worked for one single day and then stopped working: the images stopped showing, and I could not figure out why. All this happenened a few days ago (oct 21-22 2017), and hence cannot possibly have to do with google discontinuing a previous service, which happened in 2016;
this happened despite I was logged into the account in my institution (and hence the owner of the images).
I found out that the problem appears to be in the sharing settings. Apparently, the images only display if their sharing settings are "public on the web" or "anyone with the link". Instead "anyone with the link within [my institution]", or more restrictive settings won't work. The first settings were mentioned in the webpage I linked, but I thought it would also work with "anyone with the link within [my institution]" (and, for one day, it did).
I also tried by setting the permissions of the parent folder. In that case only "public on the web" would work. With anything more restrictive than that the images won't display.
Despite I carefully double checked all this, I think this permissions thing seems to be a bit erratic though.
As I mention, on the first day (oct 21) the images would display even with "anyone with the link within [my institution]. I could swear on my life that, before the systematic tests I just finished carrying out, all was working with the folder settings to "anyone with the link [within my institution]". Now that setting won't work.
I know, I said "it appears" a bunch of times. This is because all of this is just from my point of view, so far. I still have to share the link of the page I'm preparing. As soon as I can I'm going to ask a colleague to take a look at it.
What I anyway want is that the page displaying the images is visibile only to people within my institution, for the moment being.
However, now I'm at least able to see the images hosted in drive, in my website.

Google Sites - Using Forms

I am building a Google Sites page with a simple form in which you can upload attachments. How would I go about having users fill out a form and attach a .jpeg that would automatically add the new jpeg file to the home page?
Thank you!
There is no way you can attach a .jpeg file to a google form, i am on similar project.
BUT! You can make a special form created by HTML and JavaScript, where you can add the file submit button. It took me days before i got it but to help you i show you where i started:
Google Forms file upload complete example
It is an asked question about similar topic.
This is the page, where i finaly understood what is going on.
Just by the way. You will have to do a lot more scripting than that. This are only ideas where to start. I am working now on the uploading to the google site.
If you have anymore problems, please contact me. I can show you the source codes i am working on right now.
Have a nice day and good luck with sripting ;)

Magento: Can't understand uploading images via desktop instead of via FTP client

I am pretty new to Magento and I had a quick question.
I am struggling to understand how I can upload an image straight from my desktop to my website via the Magento backend without adding it to my FTP client first, and it still show up on other peoples computers when they access the website?
To elaborate on this, in the backend location System/Configuration/GENERAL/Design/HTML Head/Favicon Icon, to add the Favicon Icon you simply search your desktop for the image you want, were with other images, I have to add them to my FTP client first. Why is this and what happens if I were to delete the chosen Favicon Icon off my desktop, would the image still appear on my website?
Short (only?) answer: Magento is fairly inconsistent when it comes to administering these specific files. Some options (favicon, email logo, logos for PDFs) can be uploaded directly via form input in System Configuration. Others (such as header logo) cannot.
If I were forced to explain the logic (though I'm not sure it's intentional): favicon, email logos, and PDF logo image assets are not subject to theme design factors such as element layout and CSS. Whereas this is the case though I would think that Magento would not provide the option to change the path for the header logo.

Outlook truncating images

I'm designing an e-mail template for a company and it tests great in everything besides Outlook. For some reason the bottom images of the email look like they're loading half way and then stop. I've found information online that Outlook won't load images with a height greater than 1728px, but the tallest image we have is much shorter than that. There are images beyond 1728px on the page that are loading just fine, so I'm not sure that's the issue. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice would be helpful.
Hi Here is a quick solution for this to be done in the outlook.
Use photoshop and follow this steps:
Once the design is over, slice up the image parts / height(1728px as per yout example).
Save this as, File->Save for web and device. click save. you will get option under save box
Under format change this to HTML and image from drop down.
Save them in one folder. A new HTML file and image file will be created in this folder.
Open this HTML file in a browser.
Just copy and paste the content in the outlook using a single cell table.
That's you are done. Now your image will load without any problem.

Why do my images break in Visual Studio when they have the word "order" in them?

I've been banging my head trying to find the cause of why my images weren't loading, heres my basic work flow.
create image in Photoshop CS5
export for web/device (PNG/GIF/JPG)
save to images folder
drag the images into visual studio with the
rest of them
Now I've been using this method for a very long time, and after returning from holidays I couldn't figure out why this wasn't working any more. When the page loads it shows the missing image icon. Firebug couldn't locate the image, CSS was not reading it neither would an <img> tag.
A LONG time later it turns out I found the root cause, my image was named "order_header_bg.png" if I dropped the word "order" from the title it appeared!
I can't figure out why its doing it, I can't find any docs on image naming conventions, so the only work around is not to include the word. Its not a problem but I'm more curious as to why is doesn't behave as expected. Is this unique to my environment?
Do you have any ad-blocking software installed on your machine? They can be rather aggressive about what they block.
I had a client who had Norton Ad Blocker installed and was reporting that she could not see the navigation on her site. Her particular problem was that she was running an advertising agency, and thus all of her links were deemed as spam.
To answer my own question: Its goosed.
