LINQ ToList() causes all records to be the last one off a coroutine - linq

I seem to have an misunderstanding because the following code works correctly if I don't append the ToList() command:
IEnumerable<ProcessorInfo> query = (
from n in InfoGet(EMachineInfoDepth.LogicalProcessor)
select n
InfoGet looks like this:
internal static IEnumerable<ProcessorInfo> InfoGet(EMachineInfoDepth depth)
ProcessorInfo result = new ProcessorInfo();
// loop through all workgroups
foreach (Workgroup wg in workgroups_S)
result.Workgroup = wg;
if (depth >= EMachineInfoDepth.NUMANode)
// loop through all NUMANodes
foreach (NUMANode node in wg.NUMANodes)
result.NUMANode = node;
if (depth >= EMachineInfoDepth.CPU)
// loop through all CPUs
foreach (CPU cpu in node.CPUs)
result.CPU = cpu;
if (depth >= EMachineInfoDepth.Core)
// loop through all Cores
foreach (Core core in cpu.Cores)
result.Core = core;
if (depth >= EMachineInfoDepth.LogicalProcessor)
// loop through all LogicalProcessors
foreach (LogicalProcessor lp in core.LogicalProcessors)
result.LogicalProc = lp;
yield return result;
yield return result;
yield return result;
yield return result;
yield return result;
With ToList() I get the correct count, but all records equal the final element in the sequence. While I get that this could be a variable scope error in my complex coroutine, as in all iterations see the final value, why does the code work without ToList()?
My question is: what am I misunderstanding?

Problem is, you're returning reference to the same variable all the time:
ProcessorInfo result = new ProcessorInfo();
That's the only place you're actually creating new ProcessorInfo object. You only change it's properties values later, but return still the same object.
You should consider adding copy constructor into your ProcessorInfo() class, and replace every yield return result; call with yield return new ProcessorInfo(result);. That would be the easiest way to make it work.
It could look like it works e.g. when you've saved some variable state somewhere during loop:
foreach(var item in query)
After that call itemsList will contain incorrect data, while propertyList will be just fine.


Compare most recent values from multiple BehaviorSubjects

Say I have this:
// I want to implement this
// "returns" a string asynchronously
getMatchedEventsCount() {
return this.dcs.matchCount.asObservable();
getTotalEventsCount() {
return this.dcs.totalCount.asObservable();
matchedCount and totalCount are like so:
public matchCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
public totalCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
these Observables fire integers as values change. Anytime a value is fired from either one, I want to compare the two most recent values from both, how do I do that?
What I want to do is return a boolean from the method
so I can display in the HTML:
<div>{{(isMatchedCountLessThanTotalCountMessage() | async)}}</div>
I think might do the trick:
const intA = v[0];
const intB = v[1];
if(intA > intB)
// but I don't know how to send a message the HTML from here
You can easily use .map() function to transform the data you want:
isMatchedCountLessThanTotalCountMessage() {
return Observable.combineLatest(
.map(([intA, intB]) => {
return intA > intB ? '(results ARE filtered)' : '(results are not filtered)'
This works, although we might be able to use something other than
isMatchedCountLessThanTotalCount() {
return Observable.create(obs => {
.subscribe(v => {
if ((v[1] - v[0]) > 0) {'(results ARE filtered)')
else {'(results are not filtered)');
and there is actually a simpler way to do that using what's called a "projection function":
isMatchedCountLessThanTotalCount() {
return Observable.combineLatest(
function (one, two) {
if ((two - one) > 0) {
return '(results ARE filtered)'
return '(results are not filtered)';
Observable.combineLatest() is similar to but will fire upon the first new value, it doesn't wait for new values to come from all observables.

Compare each string in datatable with that of list takes longer time.poor performance

I have a datatable of 200,000 rows and want to validate each row with that of list and return that string codesList..
It is taking very long time..I want to improve the performance.
for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
bool isCodeValid = CheckIfValidCode(codevar, codesList,out CodesCount);
private bool CheckIfValidCode(string codevar, List<Codes> codesList, out int count)
List<Codes> tempcodes= codesList.Where(code => code.StdCode.Equals(codevar)).ToList();
if (tempcodes.Count == 0)
RetVal = false;
for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
bool isCodeValid = CheckIfValidCode(codevar, codesList,out CodesCount);
private bool CheckIfValidCode(string codevar, List<Codes> codesList, out int count)
List<Codes> tempcodes= codesList.Where(code => code.StdCode.Equals(codevar)).ToList();
if (tempcodes.Count == 0)
RetVal = false;
return bRetVal;
codelist is a list which also contains 200000 records. Please suggest. I used findAll which takes same time and also used LINQ query which also takes same time.
A few optimizations come to mind:
You could start by removing the Tolist() altogether
replace the Count() with .Any(), which returns true if there are items in the result
It's probably also a lot faster when you replace the List with a HashSet<Codes> (this requires your Codes class to implement HashCode and Equals properly. Alternatively you could populate a HashSet<string> with the contents of Codes.StdCode
It looks like you're not using the out count at all. Removing it would make this method a lot faster. Computing a count requires you to check all codes.
You could also split the List into a Dictionary> which you populate with by taking the first character of the code. That would reduce the number of codes to check drastically, since you can exclude 95% of the codes by their first character.
Tell string.Equals to use a StringComparison of type Ordinal or OrdinalIgnoreCase to speed up the comparison.
It looks like you can stop processing a lot earlier as well, the use of .Any takes care of that in the second method. A similar construct can be used in the first, instead of using for and looping through each row, you could short-circuit after the first failure is found (unless this code is incomplete and you mark each row as invalid individually).
Something like:
private bool CheckIfValidCode(string codevar, List<Codes> codesList)
Hashset<string> codes = new Hashset(codesList.Select(c ==> code.StdCode));
return codes.Contains(codevar);
// or: return codes.Any(c => string.Equals(codevar, c, StringComparison.Ordinal);
If you're adamant about the count:
private bool CheckIfValidCode(string codevar, List<Codes> codesList, out int count)
Hashset<string> codes = new Hashset(codesList.Select(c ==> code.StdCode));
count = codes.Count(codevar);
// or: count = codes.Count(c => string.Equals(codevar, c, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return count > 0;
You can optimize further by creating the HashSet outside of the call and re-use the instance:
Hashset<string> codes = new Hashset(codesList.Select(c ==> code.StdCode));
for (/*loop*/) {
bool isValid = CheckIfValidCode(codevar, codes, out int count)
private bool CheckIfValidCode(string codevar, List<Codes> codesList, out int count)
count = codes.Count(codevar);
// or: count = codes.Count(c => string.Equals(codevar, c, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return count > 0;

Returning a value from a method from a loop

I am having such a code as show below:
private static String getShoppingLine()
for(int index = 0; index <= ProductInfoName.length; index++)
return ProductInfoName[index];
But it states an error to have a return statement at the end. But I already had one in the loop. Please advise. Thanks.
Of course it does. ProductInfoName.length may be negative. If it's negative, your return statement won't be executed.
Note: of course in reality it can't be negative, but the compiler doesn't know that when compiling your code.
Second note: this isn't the way to write this method. You are always returning the first element in the array (and if it doesn't exist, you'll be throwing an exception). You should replace your code with:
private static ...
return ProductInfoName[0];
return null;
you will always return ProductInfoName[0] ,
why dont you just write return productinfoname[0] ?
and what if there is no object in the array at all ?
you are not returning anything in your code.
if you want to return the last value change to like the code given below
private static String getShoppingLine()
String str="";
for(int index = 0; index <= ProductInfoName.length; index++)
return str;
private static String getShoppingLine()
for(int index = 0; index <= ProductInfoName.length; index++)
return ProductInfoName[index]; // don't do this.
return null; //add here too
Instead of writing return statement inside, for-loop write it outside. Because, control will return back at ProductInfoName[0].
NOTE : Your return statement must be found within the method (if you have declared any return type to your method). Since, there is no guarantee that, your for-loop always execute. Then, in such case your method won't return anything. So, you need to add one more return statement outside your for-loop.

X++ Coming Out Of QueryRun In Fetch Method

I can't seem to find the resolution for this. I have modified the Fetch method in a report, so that if the queryRun is changed, and the new ID is fetched, then the while loop starts over and a new page appears and 2 elements are executed. This part works fine, the next part does not, in each ID there are several Records which I am using Element.Execute(); and element.Send(); to process. What happens is, the first ID is selected, the element (body) of the reports is executed and the element is sent as expected, however the while loop does not go onto the next ID?
Here is the code;
public boolean fetch()
APMPriorityId oldVanId, newVanId;
LogisticsControlTable lLogisticsControlTable;
int64 cnt, counter;
queryRun = new QueryRun(this);
if (!queryRun.prompt() || !element.prompt())
return false;
while (
if (queryRun.changed(tableNum(LogisticsControlTable)))
lLogisticsControlTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(LogisticsControlTable));
if (lLogisticsControlTable)
cnt = 0;
oldVanId = newVanId;
newVanId = lLogisticsControlTable.APMPriorityId;
if (lLogisticsControlTable.APMPriorityId)
select count(recId) from lLogisticsControlTable where lLogisticsControlTable.APMPriorityId == newVanId;
counter = lLogisticsControlTable.RecId;
while select lLogisticsControlTable where lLogisticsControlTable.APMPriorityId == newVanId
if(lLogisticsControlTable.APMPriorityId == newVanId && cnt <= counter)
return true;
You are using lLogisticsControlTable as a target of both a queryRun.get() and a while select. However these two uses interfere; there are two SQL cursors to control.
Use two different record variables.

What does ExpressionVisitor.Visit<T> Do?

Before someone shouts out the answer, please read the question through.
What is the purpose of the method in .NET 4.0's ExpressionVisitor:
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> Visit<T>(ReadOnlyCollection<T> nodes, Func<T, T> elementVisitor)
My first guess as to the purpose of this method was that it would visit each node in each tree specified by the nodes parameter and rewrite the tree using the result of the elementVisitor function.
This does not appear to be the case. Actually this method appears to do a little more than nothing, unless I'm missing something here, which I strongly suspect I am...
I tried to use this method in my code and when things didn't work out as expected, I reflectored the method and found:
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> Visit<T>(ReadOnlyCollection<T> nodes, Func<T, T> elementVisitor)
T[] list = null;
int index = 0;
int count = nodes.Count;
while (index < count)
T objA = elementVisitor(nodes[index]);
if (list != null)
list[index] = objA;
else if (!object.ReferenceEquals(objA, nodes[index]))
list = new T[count];
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
list[i] = nodes[i];
list[index] = objA;
if (list == null)
return nodes;
return new TrueReadOnlyCollection<T>(list);
So where would someone actually go about using this method? What am I missing here?
It looks to me like a convenience method to apply an aribitrary transform function to an expression tree, and return the resulting transformed tree, or the original tree if there is no change.
I can't see how this is any different of a pattern that a standard expression visitor, other than except for using a visitor type, it uses a function.
As for usage:
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> addLambdaExpression= (a, b) => a + b;
// Change add to subtract
Func<Expression, Expression> changeToSubtract = e =>
if (e is BinaryExpression)
return Expression.Subtract((e as BinaryExpression).Left,
(e as BinaryExpression).Right);
return e;
var nodes = new Expression[] { addLambdaExpression.Body }.ToList().AsReadOnly();
var subtractExpression = ExpressionVisitor.Visit(nodes, changeToSubtract);
You don't explain how you expected it to behave and why therefore you think it does little more than nothing.
