Spring junit error single matching bean but found 2 - spring

I have a test class, and have created a java config class to use with this class.. But im having issues as other tests seem to throw up found two instances of bean in configuration...
my test class:
public class ListenerTest {
// various tests.. just basic stuff..
public class TestConfiguration {
public MyListsner ListenerImpl() {
return Mockito.mock(MyListsner .class);
Now for this test class passes fine when i use a mock as above. My other test classes seem to fail and they are as follows:
test class which fails...
This class throws the error
public class GeneratorTest {
// various tests
Main config
#EnableTransactionManagement(proxyTargetClass = true)
#ComponentScan({ // where the components are
public class GeneratorTestConfiguration {
I dont know why, when i add listener mock to the above class ListenerTest, the toher tests fail, as im being specific in those classes to use the relevant configuration when autowiring.

Seems the bean was defined twice.


"No converter found for return value" when running Spring Boot MockMvc test

I'm trying to create a MockMvc test of a Spring Boot controller. I specifically do not want the entire application context to be spun up, so I am restricting the context to the controller in question. However, the test fails with a 500 with the following log output:
2020-03-03 13:04:06.904 WARN 8207 --- [ main] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type: class main.endpoints.ResponseDto]
It appears that the Spring Boot context does not know how to find Jackson.
Here is the controller
class MyController {
fun endpoint(): ResponseDto {
return ResponseDto(data = "Some data")
data class ResponseDto(val data: String)
The test is as follows:
classes = [MyController::class],
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK
internal class MyControllerTest(#Autowired private val mockMvc: MockMvc) {
fun `should work`() {
"data": "Some data"
The build.gradle file includes the following dependencies:
def jacksonVersion = "2.10.2"
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
The solution is to annotate the class with #WebMvcTest rather than #SpringBootTest. This configures enough context that the test can interact via MockMvc with the controller.
Unfortunately, enabling #WebMvcTest has another side effect: all beans specified by #Bean-annotated methods in the configuration are also instantiated. This is a problem when those methods cannot be executed in a test environment (e.g. because they access certain environment variables).
To solve this, I added the annotation #ActiveProfiles("test") to the test and #Profile("!test") to each such annotated method. This suppresses the invocation of those methods and the test works.
I'm not sure, but I think you need to specify what format the output will be. So something like
#GetMapping(value = ["/endpoint"], produces = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON])
So that spring knows to convert it to json and not say XML or something.
#EnableWebMvc might solve your issue.
According to Java Doc:
Adding this annotation to an #Configuration class imports the Spring MVC configuration from WebMvcConfigurationSupport,
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = MyConfiguration.class)
public class MyConfiguration {
To customize the imported configuration, implement the interface WebMvcConfigurer and override individual methods, e.g.:
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = MyConfiguration.class)
public class MyConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry formatterRegistry) {
formatterRegistry.addConverter(new MyConverter());
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
converters.add(new MyHttpMessageConverter());

How to override spring's import annotation

I have a spring boot application. In the main class annotated with #SpringBootApplication, I have imported some configurations, using the import annotation.
#Import({ MyConfiguration.class })
public class MySpringBootApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(MySpringBootApp.class).build().run(args);
Now when I run my junit test class, annotated with "#RunWith(SpringRunner.class)", it loads the application, and the imported configuartion classes in the main class, are also loaded (that is MyConfiguration).
public class MyTest {
Is there a way to override the import, so that MyConfiguration is not loaded while running tests.
I understand you need to use a SpringRunner but you want to use a different configuration. In that case you simply annotate your Test class with #ContextConfiguration(classes = SomeConfigurationClass.class)
So it would look like this:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SomeConfigurationClass.class)
public class MyTest {
If you do not want any Spring Container, just remove #RunWith(...)

DRY Spring AnnotationConfig testing

So, I'm working on some Spring tests which require dependency injection using annotations:
public class BeanTest {
private SomeService someService;
static class ContextConfiguration {
public SomeService someService() {
return new SomeService();
I'd really like to not have to repeat this code in every test but my attempts to create a base class which contains the configuration:
class MyContextConfiguration {
public SomeService someService() {
return new SomeService();
And deriving from it:
public class BeanTest {
private SomeService someService;
static class ContextConfiguration extends MyContextConfiguration {}
Don't seem to work. Can anybody suggest a way to DRY this up?
You should be able to do this instead.
public class BeanTest {
private SomeService someService;
static class ContextConfiguration {
Also, you don't need to mention AnnotationConfigContextLoader, Spring by convention will automatically pick up the static inner class annotated with #Configuration and use the appropriate ContextLoader
You can declare configuration classes in the the contextconfiguration-annotation. From the documentation.
Defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests. Specifically, #ContextConfiguration declares the application context resource locations or the annotated classes that will be used to load the context.
Resource locations are typically XML configuration files located in the classpath; whereas, annotated classes are typically #Configuration classes. However, resource locations can also refer to files in the file system, and annotated classes can be component classes, etc.
example from the documentation.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class ConfigClassApplicationContextTests {
// class body...

Spring: Properly setup #ComponentScan

I have following set up for my Spring Application Context.
public class RmiContext {
public RmiProxyFactoryBean service() {
RmiProxyFactoryBean rmiProxy = new RmiProxyFactoryBean();
return rmiProxy;
public class LocalContext {
public Controller Controller() {
return new ControllerImpl();
#Import({RmiContext.class, LocalContext.class})
public class MainContext {
The above setup works fine, but I want to enable #ComponentScan annotating Controllers with #Component as there are many Controllers in my application which is tedious when declared one by one using #Bean.
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {Controller.class})
public class LocalContext {
/* ... */
The problem is that when I do #ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {Controller.class}), the previously fine working RmiProxyFactoryBean are not recognized or can't be created.
So, How do I configure my MainContext so that both beans via RMI and local beans are created?
#Configuration is also a candidate for component scan, so you can scan all the beans in RmiContext and all controllers in your controller package by:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"org.example.controllers", "package.of.RmiContext"})
public class MainContext {
#Configuration is a candidate for component scan, here is the test case that works in my pc:
package scan.controllers;
public class ExampleController {
package scan;
public interface RMIService {
package scan;
public class RmiContext {
public RmiProxyFactoryBean service() {
RmiProxyFactoryBean rmiProxy = new RmiProxyFactoryBean();
return rmiProxy;
package scan;
//MainContext will auto scan RmiContext in package scan and all controllers in package scan.controllers
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"scan", "scan.controllers"})
public class MainContext {
package scan;
public class TestContext {
#Autowired private RMIService rmi;
#Autowired private ExampleController controller;
public void test() {
//both controller and rmi service are autowired as expected
May be you could try using the base packages of your classes (RMI, Controller):
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"your controller package", "your rmi package"})
If the RMI classes package is different than controller then they will fail to instantiate by spring.
If I understand you correctly, you use "#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses" but it is not detecting and registering your spring beans?
I had the same issue a few minutes ago. I did not give up and tried all funny guesses. One guess did it.
I had to add an XML component-scan entry in XML. I just put a dummy package there, like below:
component-scan base-package="dummy.filler.to.enable.component.scan"
It seems that the component-scan in XML enables the #ComponentScan.
[Late Edit: I noticed, my spring xml schema is spring 2.5. Anyway, I dont know if this matters. Best Regards.]

SpringJUnit4ClassRunner with JUnit testsuite error

I am trying to setup Junit test suite with Spring for the first time and tried with couple of changes in my classes, but no luck and ended up with this error : "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: No tests found in Myclass"
Briefly, I have 2 test classes both are from same base class which loads Spring context as below
#RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
#ContextConfiguration( locations =
I tried adding those 2 test classes into a suite as below
#RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
#SuiteClasses({ OneTest.class, TwoTest.class })
public class MyTestSuite extends TestCase {
//nothing here
I am running this test suite from ant. But, this gives me an error saying "No tests found"
However, If I run the individual 2 test cases from ant, they work properly. Not sure why is this behaviour, I am sure missing something here. Please advice.
As mentioned in the comments, we run the TestSuite with #RunWith(Suite.class) and list all the test cases with #SuiteClasses({}). In order to not repeat the #RunWith(SpringJunit4ClassRunner.class) and #ContextConfiguration(locations = {classpath:META-INF/spring.xml}) in each test case, we create an AbstractTestCase with these annotations defined on it and extend this abstract class for all test cases. A sample can be found below:
* An abstract test case with spring runner configuration, used by all test cases.
#ContextConfiguration(locations =
{ "classpath:META-INF/spring.xml" })
public abstract class AbstractSampleTestCase
public class SampleTestOne extends AbstractSampleTestCase
private SampleInterface sampleInterface;
public void test()
public class SampleTestTwo extends AbstractSampleTestCase
private SampleInterface sampleInterface;
public void test()
{ SampleTestOne.class, SampleTestTwo.class })
public class SampleTestSuite
If you don't want to have an AbstractSampleTest, then you need to repeat the spring runner annotations on each test case, until Spring comes up with a SpringJunitSuiteRunner similar to how they need to add a SpringJunitParameterizedRunner.
