How To Refresh/Clear the DistributedCache When Using Hue + Beeswax To Run Hive Queries That Define Custom UDFs? - hadoop

I've set up a Hadoop cluster (using the Cloudera distro through Cloudera Manager) and I'm running some Hive queries using the Hue interface, which uses Beeswax underneath.
All my queries run fine and I have even successfully deployed a custom UDF.
But, while deploying the UDF, I ran into a very frustrating versioning issue. In the initial version of my UDF class, I used a 3rd party class that was causing a StackOverflowError.
I fixed this error and then verified that the UDF can be deployed and used successfully from the hive command line.
Then, when I went back to using Hue and Beeswax again, I kept getting the same error. I could fix this only by changing my UDF java class name. (From Lower to Lower2).
Now, my question is, what is the proper way to deal with these kind of version issues?
From what I understand, when I add jars using the handy form fields to the left, they get added to the distributed cache. So, how do I refresh/clear the distributed cache? (I couldn't get LIST JARS; etc. to run from within Hive / Beeswax. It gives me a syntax error.)

Since the classes are loaded onto the Beeswax Server JVM (same goes with HiveServer1 and HiveServer2 JVMs), deploying a new version of a jar could often require restarting these service to avoid such class loading issues.


How to use AvroParquetReader inside a Flink application?

I am having trouble using AvroParquetReader inside a Flink Application. (flink>=1.15)
Motivaton (AKA why I want to use it)
According to official doc one can read Parquet files in Flink into FileSource. However, I only want to write a function to load parquet file into Avro records without creating a DataStreamSource. In particular, I want to load parquet files into FileInputFormat which is a complete separate API (for some weird reasons). (And I could not see easily how one could cast BulkFormat or StreamFormat into it, if one dig one level deeper.)
Therefore, it would much simpler if one use org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroParquetReader to read it directly.
Error description
However, I found this error after run the Flink application locally: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found.
This is quite unexpected, since the flink-s3-hadoop-fs jar has already been loaded inside the plugin system (and the file path has already been added to HADOOP_CLASSPATH as well). So not only flink knows where it is, so should the local hadoop as well.
Without this AvroParquetReader, the Flink app can write to S3 without problem.
The Hadoop is not a flink shaded one, but installed separately with version 2.10.
Would love to hear if you have some insights about this.
ParquetAvroReader should be able to read the parquet files without problem.
there is an official hadoop guide that has some potential fixes for the issue and can be found here. If I recall correnctly this issue was cause by some Hadoop AWS dependencies missing.

As a Hadoop Regular User, Is There a Way to See Details about Running Jobs?

I do not have access to any CLI on any of the Hadoop nodes, but I have access to the cluster via Hue and Jupyter. The engineering team has also configured the Hadoop UI that shows New, Running, Submitted, Finish, etc. applications. However, it appears all spark jobs have a generic name, for instance, something like this:
or similar and when I click on the application_id, I get a Failed to read the attempts of the application error. (even for my own jobs). Similarly, spark jobs, which you can normally name using setAppName, are all named generic "Spark-something" because the spark context is already initialized upon bringing up Jupyter on an edge node (i.e. I can't establish a name because one already exists).
Is there a way for a unprivileged Hadoop user to see into what job is actually running (i.e. the Hive query or the Spark / Hadoop command ), without having some sort of CLI privilege?
I have tried using a few urls that I suspect have job information in them, for instance:
http://cluster_master:<portnum>/history/application_1234123412341234_12345/jobs/ or
but neither attempt returns any details about the job itself (even things I named myself within the hive / spark context using setAppName.
Please let me know if there's a better way to ask this question. I am relatively new to Hadoop/Spark. All the reference docs and SO answers I've found assume CLI or privileged access and I can't find any documentation in either Spark or Hadoop that applies to this problem.

Apache Kylin installation without Sandbox

I was wondering if there are any resources regarding Apache Kylin installation without any sandbox (like cloudera, hortonworks) support. I have managed to do the following:
Install Hadoop 2.6
Install Hive
Install HBase
Then I used the binary from kylin site and so far been able to run it. The problem start when I try to build a cube, the map reduce job gets stuck in step 2. I am thinking if it is still assuming to be in sandbox mode and not submitting job to hadoop at all (there is no entry in hadoop jobtracker).
So I need solution regarding the two:
1. Possible configuration of kylin in pure hadoop setup (no sandbox)
2. somehow enable the kylin setup to submit job to hadoop.
There is no such sandbox or non-sandbox configuration in Kylin. Just make sure the machine where Kylin runs has hadoop setup correctly and you should be fine.
Under the scene, uses hbase classpath and hive -e set | grep 'env:CLASSPATH' to detect hadoop settings. Double check these commands work as expect if you are not sure what cluster Kylin connects to.
If Kylin has problem submitting MR jobs, check two places. First is hadoop resource manager, see if the job has really been submitted or not. Sometimes it's just running slow. Second check kylin.log, see if any exception there. Post the log to kylin dev mailing list and someone will be able to help.
You can install hadoop-2.6 , hive-0.14 ,hbase-0.98.8-hadoop2 with Zookeeper inbuilt or external zookeeper-3.5
Now you can run kylin-v1.1-release on it
If you still face Issues paste the log here

PIG cannot understand hbase table data

I'm running hbase(0.94.13) on a single node for my academic project. After loading data into hbase tables, I'm trying to run pig(0.11.1) scripts on the data using HBaseStorage. However this throws an error saying
IllegalArgumentException: Not a host:port pair: �\00\00\00
here is the load command I'm using in Pig
books = LOAD 'hbase://booksdb' USING
true') AS (ID:chararray,title:chararray);
I thought this might be a problem of hbase being a different version in pig than what my machine has. But can't seem to make it work without downgrading my hbase. Any help?
It seems you are trying to submit a pig job remotely
if so you'd need to add a few settings in the file (or set setting_name='values' in your script)

Cascading HBase Tap

I am trying to write Scalding jobs which have to connect to HBase, but I have trouble using the HBase tap. I have tried using the tap provided by Twitter Maple, following this example project, but it seems that there is some incompatibility between the Hadoop/HBase version that I am using and the one that was used as client by Twitter.
My cluster is running Cloudera CDH4 with HBase 0.92 and Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.1.3. Whenever I launch a Scalding job connecting to HBase, I get the exception
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseClient$Connection.setupIOstreams(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseClient.getConnection(
It seems that the HBase client used by Twitter Maple is expecting some method on NetUtils that does not exist on the version of Hadoop deployed on my cluster.
How do I track down what exactly is the mismatch - what version would the HBase client expect and so on? Is there in general a way to mitigate these issues?
It seems to me that often client libraries are compiled with hardcoded version of the Hadoop dependencies, and it is hard to make those match the actual versions deployed.
The method actually exists but has changed its signature. Basically, it boils down to having different versions of Hadoop libraries on your client and server. If your server is running Cloudera, you should be using the HBase and Hadoop libraries from Cloudera. If you're using Maven, you can use Cloudera's Maven repository.
It seems like library dependencies are handled in Build.scala. I haven't used Scala yet, so I'm not entirely sure how to fix it there.
The change that broke compatibility was committed as part of HADOOP-8350. Take a look at Ted Yu's comments and the responses. He works on HBase and had the same issue. Later versions of the HBase libraries should automatically handle this issue, according to his comment.
