I have a question.
I have N objects and N x N matrix M. Each entry M(i, j) contains (a kind of) relative gravitational force indicating how strongly i pulls j toward it (or inversely pull it away from it).
I want to place these N objects on a two-dimensional R x R plane by assigning a coordinate to each object.
Is there an algorithm/method that does this? There must be some commonly methods used in astrophysics, physics, chemistry, etc.
Thank you for your help.
You are interested in assigning co-ordinates (xi,yi,zi) and mass (mi) to each object such that gravitational force is consistent, right?
Consider 8 points at a time. You have a total of 32 unknowns and 28 equations. You can assume that first point is at origin and second point on x axis. That means, you will have 28 unknown and 28 equations.
So, first device and algorithm to solve for 8 points at a time. Then incrementally add one point at each iteration.
Consider you are given n points in D dimensions. You only have distances between the points, but not the co-ordinates. Goal is to find co-ordinates for each point.
If D=1, you need to consider only two (+1) points at a time. Place first point at origin. Place second point on the positive side of origin. You can place third point in relation to origin, but place it right or left of it depending on the distance to first point and so on...
If D=2, place point 1 at origin, point to on positive side on x axis, third point on positive side of y axis depending on distance. From fourth point onward, you can use any two placed points to place the next and use any other point to refine the options (there will be two options).
Similar with D=3. Place first three points on xy plane (z=0) for all three. Next, place 4th point ofn postive part of z axist. And so on.
Coming back to gravity:
Your problem is complicated because you cannot exactly place mass at the origin. So you would need more than 5 points to place them. As I have shown above, you need at most 8 points though.
In case your mass are all equal, you can calculate distance (~inverse of gravity) and apply the case when D=3.
The problem is, given that we know the n*n distances between n objects, how to obtain their positions?
1. Put the first one, say a, at (0,0)
2. Put the second one b at ( |b-a|, 0 )
3. For the third one c, it is at the one of the two intersections of the two circles:
|p-a|=|c-a| and |p-b|=|c-b|.
Solve this system of quadratic equations using the well-known formula, choose
either of the solutions as the position of c.
4. For any other points p, do the same thing as we're done for c, but choose one of the
two solutions that is consistent with the distance |p-c|. And check the distance
between p and all previous points. If the check fails, return with failure.
I have a collection of points in some N-dimensional space, where all I know is the distances between them. Let's say it's an unordered collection of structs like the following:
struct {
int first; // Just some identifier that uniquely specifies a point
int second; // No importance to which point is first or second
float separation; // The distance between the first and second points -- always positive
Of course the algorithm doesn't have to be C code. I just wrote the struct in this style to make the problem clear. It rather upsets me that the struct spoils the symmetry between the two end-points, but fixing this just makes things more complicated.
Let's say that the separations are defined by the Pythagorean distance between them, and the space is Euclidean. Let's also specify that the separations are internally consistent. For example, given separations AB, BC and AC, we know that AB + BC >= AC.
I want an algorithm that finds the minimal dimensional space that can contain all the points. Within this algorithm, we can assume that separations that deviate from that defined by the space by less than some specified tolerance can be ignored.
Does anyone know an algorithm that does this? So far, I've only been able to think up non-polynominal algorithms. Can anybody improve on that, or at least make something that is clean and extensible?
Why is this interesting? In Physics there are some low-level theories such as String Theory or Quantum Loop Gravity that do not obviously predict our three dimensional world. This algorithm could be part of a project to find how a 3d world can be emergent.
Thank you everybody who posted ideas here. I now have an answer to my own question. It's not great, in that it executes O(n^3) but at least it's polynomial. Roughly, it works like this:
Represent the problem as a symmetric matrix with zero diagonal -- representing the distances between any two points. This is equivalent to the representation using structs, but much easier to work with.
Assume the ordering of the points implied by the matrix (first column/row = first point) is sensible. (It may be worth pivoting to find a better ordering, but that is todo.)
Now create a rectangular coordinate system to fit the points, starting with the first point, which WLOG we take to be the origin.
Second point defines the x axis
For each subsequent point, we calculate its coordinates one at a time, starting with the x axis. We know the distance from the origin and the distance from point 2. This allows us to calculate the x coordinate, as we end up with two simultaneous equations x^2 + y^2 + ... = s1^2 and (x - x2)^2 + y^2 + ... = s2^2, which allows us to calculate x easily from x2, the x coordinate of point 2, and the distances from points 1 and 2, s1 and s2.
Each new coordinate can be calculated easily, because the matrix of coordinates calculated so far is triangular -- there is only one unknown each time.
The last coordinate for each point is on a new axis -- a dimension that has not yet been used. Calculate its coordinate using Pythagoras on the distance from the origin, as we know all the other coordinates.
It is possible that the coordinate on the new axis will come out imaginary -- a general set of distances cannot always be represented by a coordinate system of any number of dimensions -- at least not with real numbers. If this is the case, I error.
Keep going in this way for each new point, building up a vector of coordinate vectors for each point. In general, this is triangular, but there may be cases where the final coordinate we calculate is near enough to zero that we consider the point's position to be represented by the existing dimensions. I store the coordinates anyway, but keep the number of dimensions the same as the previous point. I also skip these points, as they are not needed for calculating further points (see step 10).
Finally, we have represented all points such that the distances are consistent.
As a final check, I validate that the distances match for all points, including those skipped in step 9.
The number of dimensions needed is the number used for the last point.
If anyone is interested in an implementation of this (in Haskell), it is on my GitHub page at https://github.com/MarcusRainbow/EmergentDimensions/coords.hs.
Please take a look at pic1 above first.
2 points combine a line, let's call it LineAB, and we can get a normal from our eye sight direction, let's call it view-direction, vector(lineAB) X view-direction, we can get a normal named plane-normal. in the pic1, plane-normal is directed to the top (green arrow), and the plane with plane-normal cut the map into 2 parts.
As the point C is on the same direction of the plane-normal, we regard it as inside, let's return true. Point D is on the anti-direction of plane-normal, it is outside, return false.
My problem is in the pic2 as following:
Now, there are many points A,A1,A2...A5,... An, build many lines such as lineAA1, line A1A2, ... LineAn-1An (one condition is: every angle between 2 adjacent lines are equal to or more than 90 degree) and plus with view direction (the direction from our eye sight), we can get many planes PAA1, PA1P2, ... PAn-1An which also cut the map to 2 parts.
I need to check one point is inside or outside.
for example, point C is inside but point D is outside.
Regarding one plane separating the dim(3)-space isn't difficult, to consider a piecewise assembled dim(2)-plane we need to dive deeper:
The problem may be reduced to separating the dim(2)-space.
If only for the calculation of the normal the 3rd dimension is considered, then that can solved in a different way:
Let v = (a,b) be the vector of a lineAB. The normal is (b, -a) or (-b, a) respectively.
If you want to check only if a point is within a polygon, just use the ray-casting-algorithm.
When it comes to dividing the dim(2)-space into two separate spaced by your polygonal chain, it won't be enough to check if the point is on the positive directon of the normals on each part line(A[i-1])(A[i]):
Polygonal chain
Point P is positive with respect to normal N0, but negative w.r.t. normal N1.
Also, the upper angles are all above 90° (some counter angles are also displayed), but the polygon chain isn't convex either w.r.t. the upward y-axis.
To solve your issue, you can use the ray-casting-algorithm, going towards negative y-direction, i.e. "downwards", and see if the amount of intersections is odd.
If the line ends at a higher x-coordinate than the start point, an odd amount of intersections means "true"
If the line ends at a lower x-coordinate than the start point, an odd amount of intersections means "false"
You can find if a ray from point C (with view direction) intersects with one of the segments AiAi+1. It could be done with binary search by X-coordinate (to find potential segment quickly)
We can solve the problem of segment intersection in 2D in O(nlgn) time. In this problem, we are given a set of line segments and we have to see if there is an intersection or not. Now her's a problem from CLRS.
Ques. Professor Charon has a set of n sticks, which are lying on top of each other in some
configuration. Each stick is specified by its endpoints, and each endpoint is an ordered triple giving its (x, y, z) coordinates. No stick is vertical. He wishes to pick up all the sticks, one at a time, subject to the condition that he may pick up a stick only if there is no other stick on top of it.
a. Give a procedure that takes two sticks a and b and reports whether a is above, below,
or unrelated to b.
b. Describe an efficient algorithm that determines whether it is possible to pick up all the sticks, and if so, provides a legal sequence of stick pickups to do so.
I find it is an extension of the segment intersection in 3D. In 2D, the sweep line moves in "y" and the array is sorted according to the "x" coordinate. I think in 3D, the sweep line should move in "z" dimension but m not sure how to sort now, since I have to take care of both "x" & "y".
If we somehow figure it out, I guess, if there is an intersection, then for part (b), its not possible to pick all the sticks.
Am I going in the right direction??
It is possible to use segment intersection in 2D to solve this problem.
Checking is one segment above the other is same as checking for there intersection in XY projection and if they intersect than compare Z coordinate of intersection point on each segment. E.g. for segments a=((0,0,0), (2,2,2)) and b=((0,2,3), (2,0,5)), projection on XY is ((0,0), (2,2)) and ((0,2), (2,0)). 2D intersection is (1,1), and Z value in (1,1) for a is 1, and for b is 4. That means b is above a.
So, use segment intersection in 2D to find which segments are in relation. To find in which order to remove segments use topological sorting.
Given a set of known cartesian points (set A), and a 2d transformation (rotation, translation, scale) of some subset of those points (set B), find the orientation of the subset (rotation, translation, scale) relative to the original set of points.
I.E. Suppose I take a "picture" of a known set of 2d points on a wall. I want to know what position the camera was in relative to "upright and centered" when the picture was taken. Some of the points may not be visible in the picture (they may be occluded). (in this analogy, assume the camera is orthoganal and always pointed directly at the plane of the wall, so you don't need to take distortion or perspective into account)
Proposed approach:
Step 1: Scale B to the same "range" as A
Don't know how; open to suggestions. Maybe take the area of a convex hull around all the points in B, and scale it to nearly that of the convex hull around A. This is tricky, because points may be missing from B.
Step 2: Match some arbitrary point in "B" to its twin in "A"
Pick some random point in set B. Call this point K. Somehow take a "fingerprint" of K relative to all the other points in B (using distance only). Find its match in A by fingerprinting all points in A and taking the point with the most similar fingerprint of K.
Step 3: Rotate B (around K) until all points in B are aligned with a point in A
Multiple solutions are possible, so keep rotating though 360d looking for solutions.
That's just shooting from the hip, I may be way off base. Anyone have any ideas?
Assuming you don't actually know the correspondence between the points in the two clouds, you could try a statistical approach.
First, compute the mean x0 of the original cloud, then compute the mean x1 of the subset cloud. The difference of the mean vectors, x1-x0, is a good estimate of the required translation.
Now, subtract the relevant mean vector from each set to give two clouds centered at the origin. Compute the covariance matrix for each cloud and find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The required rotation can be found from the eigenvectors, while the scaling corresponds to the eigenvalues.
Compose all of this and you should have a good statistical estimate of the desired transform. Obviously, its quality will be a function of how well the subset spans the original set.
"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth" Archimede
I think we should follow the steps of Archimede
Arpi's algoritm:
We must choose a point (X1) of set A with coordinates (0, 0). (this will be the place to stand on)
Choose another point (X2) and put it on the OX vector (to simplify things)
All the other points' coordinates from set A will be calculated based on the coordinates of X1(0, 0) and X2(some_Coordinate, 0).
Now, choose a point from set B (Y1) and that will be the center of the B set. Choose another point from set B (Y2) and put it to OX of the B set. Now, we have a scale scalar and a rotation angle. If this will be a solution, than Y1 in the B set represents X1 from the A set and Y2 from the B set represents X2 from the A set. If we can find a map between the B set and A set based on this, using all the points of the B set and Yi <> Yj if i <> j, where i and j are the indexes of the points in our representation than we have a potential solution and we store that.
End of Arpi's algoritm
To find all the potential solutions you must do the following:
foreach point in A as X1 do
foreach point in A as X2 do
arpi's algoritm(X1, X2)
Of course, you can optimize this, but for the sake of simplicity I described it without optimizations (complications), it will be your job to optimize this and only if you need that.
I would attempt to minimize the deviation between the target points and the found points. Meaning I would pair each target point with a found point, and apply any transformation (rotation, scale or skew) to all the target points which decreases the sum of the deviations. I would repeat this for all potential pairs, eventually taking the match to be the set of pairs and the necessary transformations with the smallest total deviation.
The real question is how you optimize this so the performance to be better than O(n^2). I suppose some sort of heuristic matching, perhaps caching the intermediary results, or finding a method of eliminating some pairs earlier in the process.
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Improve this question
Given a 2 dimensional plane in which there are n points. I need to generate the equation of a line that divides the plane such that there are n/2 points on one side and n/2 points on the other.
I have assumed the points are distinct, otherwise there might not even be such a line.
If points are distinct, then such a line always exists and is possible to find using a deterministic O(nlogn) time algorithm.
Say the points are P1, P2, ..., P2n. Assume they are not all on the same line. If they were, then we can easily form the splitting line.
First translate the points so that all the co-ordinates (x and y) are positive.
Now suppose we magically had a point Q on the y-axis such that no line formed by those points (i.e. any infinite line Pi-Pj) passes through Q.
Now since Q does not lie within the convex hull of the points, we can easily see that we can order the points by a rotating line passing through Q. For some angle of rotation, half the points will lie on one side and the other half will lie on the other of this rotating line, or, in other words, if we consider the points being sorted by the slope of the line Pi-Q, we could pick a slope between the (median)th and (median+1)th points. This selection can be done in O(n) time by any linear time selection algorithm without any need for actually sorting the points.
Now to pick the point Q.
Say Q was (0,b).
Suppose Q was collinear with P1 (x1,y1) and P2 (x2,y2).
Then we have that
(y1-b)/x1 = (y2-b)/x2 (note we translated the points so that xi > 0).
Solving for b gives
b = (x1y2 - y1x2)/(x1-x2)
(Note, if x1 = x2, then P1 and P2 cannot be collinear with a point on the Y axis).
Consider |b|.
|b| = |x1y2 - y1x2| / |x1 -x2|
Now let the xmax be the x-coordinate of the rightmost point and ymax the co-ordinate of the topmost.
Also let D be the smallest non-zero x-coordinate difference between two points (this exists, as not all xis are same, as not all points are collinear).
Then we have that |b| <= xmax*ymax/D.
Thus, pick our point Q (0,b) to be such that |b| > b_0 = xmax*ymax/D
D can be found in O(nlogn) time.
The magnitude of b_0 can get quite large and we might have to deal with precision issues.
Of course, a better option is to pick Q randomly! With probability 1, you will find the point you need, thus making the expected running time O(n).
If we could find a way to pick Q in O(n) time (by finding some other criterion), then we can make this algorithm run in O(n) time.
Create an arbitrary line in that plane. Project each point onto that line a.k.a for each point, get the closest point on that line to that point.
Order those points along the line in either direction, and choose a point on that line such that there is an equal number of points on the line in either direction.
Get the line perpendicular to the first line which passes through that point. This line will have half the original points on either side.
There are some cases to avoid when doing this. Most importantly, if all the point are themselves on a single line, don't choose a perpendicular line which passes through it. In fact, choose that line itself so you don't have to worry about projecting the points. In terms of the actual mathematics behind this, vector projections will be very useful.
This is a modification of Dividing a plane of points into two equal halves which allows for the case with overlapping points (in which case, it will say whether or not the answer exists).
If number of points is odd, return "impossible".
Pick a random line (two random points)
Project all points onto this line (`O(N)` operation)
(i.e. we pretend this line is our new X'-axis, and write down the
X'-coordinate of each point)
Perform any median-finding algorithm on the X'-coordinates
(`O(N)` or faster-if-desired operation)
(returns 2 medians if no overlapping points)
Return the line perpendicular to original random line that splits the medians
In rare case of overlapping points, repeat a few times (it would take
a pathological case to prevent a solution from existing).
This is O(N) unlike other proposed solutions.
Assuming a solution exists, the above method will probably terminate, though I don't have a proof.
Try the above algorithm a few times unless you detect overlapping points. If you detect a high number of overlapping points, you may be in for a rough ride, but there is a terribly inefficient brute-force solution that involves checking all possible angles:
For every "critical slope range", perform the above algorithm
by choosing a line with a slope within the range.
If all critical slope ranges fail, the solution is impossible.
A critical angle is defined as the angle which could possibly change the result (imagine the solution to a previous answer, rotate the entire set of points until one or more points swaps position with one or more other points, crossing the dividing line. There are only finitely many of these, and I think they are bounded by the number of points, so you're probably looking at something in the range O(N^2)-O(N^2 log(N)) if you have overlapping points, for a brute-force approach.
I'd guess that a good way is to sort/sequence/order the points (e.g. from left to right), and then choose a line which passes through (or between) the middle point[s] in the sequence.
There are obvious cases where no solution is possible. E.g. when you have three heaps of points. One point at location A, Two points at location B, and five points at location C.
If you expect some decent distribution, you can probably get a good result with tlayton's algorithm. To select the initial line slant, you could determine the extent of the whole point set, and choose the angle of the largest diagonal.
The median equally divides a set of numbers in the manner similar to what you're trying to accomplish, and it can be computed in O(n) time using a selection algorithm (the writeup in Cormen et al is better, so you may want to look there instead). So, find the median of your x values Mx (or your y values My if you prefer) and set x = Mx (or y = My) and that line will be axially aligned and split your points equally.
If the nature of your problem requires that no more than one point lies on the line (if you have an odd number of points in your set, at least one of them will be on the line) and you discover that's what's happened (or you just want to guard against the possibility), rotate all of your points by some random angle, θ, and compute the median of the rotated points. You then rotate the median line you computed by -θ and it will evenly divide points.
The likelihood of randomly choosing θ such that the problem manifests itself again is very small with a finite number of points, but if it does, try again with a different θ.
Here is how I approach this problem (with the assumption that n is even and NO three points are collinear):
1) Pick up the point with smallest Y value. Let's call it point P.
2) Take this point as the new origin point, so that all other points will have positive Y values after this transformation.
3) For every other point (there are n - 1 points remaining), think it under the polar coordinate system. Each other point can be represented with a radius and angle. You could ignore the radius and just focus on the angle.
4) How can you find a line that split the points evenly? Find the median of (n - 1) angles. The line from point P to the point with that median angle will split the points evenly.
Time complexity for this algorithm is O(n).
I dont know how useful this is I have seen a similar problem...
If you already have the directional vector (aka the coefficients of the dimensions of your plane).
You can then find two points inside that plane, and by simply using the midpoint formula you can find the midpoint of that plane.
Then using the coefficients of that plane and the midpoint you can find a plane that is from equal distance from both points, using the general equation of a plane.
A line then would constitute in expressing one variable in terms of the other
so you would find a line with equal distance between both planes.
There are different methods of doing this such as projection using the distance equation from a plane but I believe that would complicate your math a lot.
To add to M's answer: a method to generate a Q (that's not so far away) in O(n log n).
To begin with, let Q be any point on the y-axis ie. Q = (0,b) - some good choices might be (0,0) or (0, (ymax-ymin)/2).
Now check if there are two points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) collinear with Q. The line between any point and Q is y = mx + b; since b is constant, this means two points are collinear with Q if their slopes m are equal. So determine the slopes mi for all points and check if there are any duplicates: (amoritized O(n) using a hash-table)
If all the m's are distinct, we're done; we found Q, and M's algorithm above generates the line in O(n) steps.
If two points are collinear with Q, we'll move Q up just a tiny amount ε, Qnew = (0, b + ε), and show that Qnew will not be collinear with two other points.
The criterion for ε, derived below, is:
ε < mminΔ*xmin
To begin with, our m's look like this:
mi = yi/xi - b/xi
Let's find the minimum difference between any two distinct mi and call it mminΔ (O(n log n) by, for instance, sorting then comparing differences between mi and i+1 for all i)
If we fudge b up by ε, the new equation for m becomes:
mi,new = yi/xi - b/xi - ε/xi
= mi,old - ε/xi
Since ε > 0 and xi > 0, all m's are reduced, and all are reduced by a maximum of ε/xmin. Thus, if
ε/xmin < mminΔ, ie.
ε < mminΔ*xmin
is true, then two mi which were previously unequal will be guaranteed to remain unequal.
All that's left is to show that if m1,old = m2,old, then m1,new =/= m2,new. Since both mi were reduced by an amount ε/xi, this is equivalent to showing x1 =/= x2. If they were equal, then:
y1 = m1,oldx1 + b = m2,oldx2 + b = y2
Contradicting our assumption that all points are distinct. Thus, m1, new =/= m2, new, and no two points are collinear with Q.
I picked up the idea from Moron and andand and
continued to form a deterministic O(n) algorithm.
I also assumed that the points are distinct and
n is even (thought the algorithm can be
changed so that uneven n with one point
on the dividing line are also supported).
The algorithm tries to divide the points with a vertical line between them. This only fails if the points in the middle have the same x value. In that case the algorithm determines how many points with the same x value have to be on the left and lower site and and accordingly rotates the line.
I'll try to explain with an example.
Let's asume we have 16 points on a plane.
First we need to get the point with the 8th greatest x-value
and the point with the 9th greatest x-value.
With a selection algorithm this is possible in O(n),
as pointed out in another answer.
If the x-value of that points is different, we are done.
We create a vertical line between that two points and
that splits the points equal.
Problematically now is if the x-values are equal. So we have 3 sets of points.
That on the left side (x < xa), in the middle (x = xa)
and that on the right side (x > xa).
The idea now is to count the points on the left side and
calculate how many points from the middle needs to go there,
so that half of the points are on that side. We can ignore the right side here
because if we have half of the points on the left side, the over half must be on the right side.
So let's asume we have we have 3 points (c=3) on the left side,
6 in the middle and 7 on the right side
(the algorithm doesn't know the count from the middle or right side,
because it doesn't need it, but we could also determine it in O(n)).
We need 8-3=5 points from the middle to go on the left side.
The points we already got in the first step are useless now,
because they are only determined by the x-value
and can be any of the points in the middle.
We want the 5 points from the middle with the lowest y-value on the left side and
the point with the highest y-value on the right side.
Again using the selection algorithm, we get the point with the 5th greatest y-value
and the point with the 6th greatest y-value.
Both points will have the x-value equal to xa,
else we wouldn't get to this step,
because there would be a vertical line.
Now we can create the point Q in the middle of that two points.
Thats one point from the resulting line.
Another point is needed, so that no points from the left or right side are divided.
To get that point we need the point from the left side,
that has the lowest angle (bh) between the the vertical line at xa
and the line determined by that point and Q.
We also need that point from the right side (with angle ag).
The new point R is between the point with the lower angle
and a point on the vertical line
(if the lower angle is on the left side a point above Q
and if the lower angle is on the right side a point below Q).
The line determined by Q and R divides the points in the middle
so that there are a even number of points on both sides.
It doesn't divide any points on the left or right side,
because if it would that point would have a lower angle and
would have been choosen to calculate R.
From the view of a mathematican that should work well in O(n).
For computer programs it is fairly easy to find a case
where precision becomes a problem. An example with 4 points would be
A(0, 100000000), B(0, 100000001), C(0, 0), D(0.0000001, 0).
In this example Q would be (0, 100000000.5) and R (0.00000005, 0).
Which gives B and C on the left side and A and D on the right side.
But it is possible that A and B are both on the dividing line,
because of rounding errors. Or maybe only one of them.
So it belongs to the input values if this algorithm suits to the requirements.
get that two points Pa(xa, ya) and Pb(xb, yb)
which are the medians based on the x values > O(n)
if xa != xb you can stop here
because a y-axis parallel line between that two points is the result > O(1)
get all points where the x value equals xa > O(n)
count points with x value less than xa as c > O(n)
get the lowest point Pc based on the y values from the points from 3. > O(n)
get the greatest point Pd based on the y values from the points from 3. > O(n)
get the (n/2-c)th greatest point Pe based on the y values from the points from 3. > O(n)
also get the next greatest point Pf based on the y values from the points from 3. > O(n)
create a new point Q (xa, (ye+yf)/2)
between Pe and Pf > O(1)
for all points Pi calculate
the angle ai between Pc, Q and Pi and
the angle bi between Pd, Q and Pi > O(n)
get the point Pg with the lowest angle ag (with ag>0° and ag<180°) > O(n)
get the point Ph with the lowest angle bh (with bh>0° and bh<180°) > O(n)
if there aren't any Pg or Ph (all points have same x value)
create a new point R (xa+1, 0) anywhere but with a different x value than xa
else if ag is lower than bh
create a new point R ((xc+xg)/2, (yc+yg)/2) between Pc and Pg
create a new point R ((xd+xh)/2, (yd+yh)/2) between Pd and Ph > O(1)
the line determined by Q and R divides the points > O(1)