Randomized Number Repeats when run again LUA - random

Why do I get the same randomized numbers from my previous run when I run again this code:
local weightsOutput = {}
for i=0, 2 do --initialize random weights
weightsOutput[i] = string.format("%0.4f",(2*math.random())-1)
any problem with my code? By the way, I'm using LUA.

Start your program with
math.randomseed( os.time() )


MT19937 does NOT reproduce the same pseudo-random sequence by holding the seed value a constant

I'm writing a checkpoint function in my Monte Carlo simulation in Fortran 90/95, the compiler I'm using is ifort 18.0.2, before going through detail just to clarify the version of pseudo-random generator I'm using:
A C-program for MT19937, with initialization, improved 2002/1/26.
Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
Code converted to Fortran 95 by Josi Rui Faustino de Sousa
Date: 2002-02-01
See mt19937 for the source code.
The general structure of my Monte Carlo simulation code is given below:
program montecarlo
call read_iseed(...)
call mc_subroutine(...)
Within the read_iseed
subroutine read_iseed(...)
use mt19937
if (Restart == 'n') then
call system('od -vAn -N4 -td4 < /dev/urandom > '//trim(IN_ISEED)
read(7,*) i
!This is only used to initialise the PRNG sequence
iseed = abs(i)
else if (Restart == 'y') then
!Taking seed value from the latest iteration of previous simulation
iseed = RestartSeed
call init_genrand(iseed)
print *, 'first pseudo-random value ',genrand_real3(), 'iseed ',iseed
end subroutine
Based on my understanding, if the seed value holds a constant, the PRNG should be able to reproduce the pseudo-random sequence every time?
In order to prove this is the case, I ran two individual simulations by using the same seed value, they are able to reproduce the exact sequence. So far so good!
Based on the previous test, I'd further assume that regardless the number of times init_genrand() being called within one individual simulation, the PRNG should also be able to reproduce the pseudo-random value sequence? So I did a little modification to my read_iseed() subroutine
subroutine read_iseed(...)
use mt19937
if (Restart == 'n') then
call system('od -vAn -N4 -td4 < /dev/urandom > '//trim(IN_ISEED)
read(7,*) i
!This is only used to initialise the PRNG sequence
iseed = abs(i)
else if (Restart == 'y') then
!Taking seed value from the latest iteration of the previous simulation
iseed = RestartSeed
call init_genrand(iseed)
print *, 'first time initialisation ',genrand_real3(), 'iseed ',iseed
call init_genrand(iseed)
print *, 'second time initialisation ',genrand_real3(), 'iseed ',iseed
end subroutine
The output is surprisingly not the case I thought would be, by all means iseed outputs are identical in between two initializations, however, genrand_real3() outputs are not identical.
Because of this unexpected result, I struggled with resuming the simulation at an arbitrary state of the system since the simulation is not reproducing the latest configuration state of the system I'm simulating.
I'm not sure if I've provided enough information, please let me know if any part of this question needs to be more specific?
From the source code you've provided (See [mt19937]{http://web.mst.edu/~vojtat/class_5403/mt19937/mt19937ar.f90} for the source code.), the init_genrand does not clear the whole state.
There are 3 critical state variables:
integer( kind = wi ) :: mt(n) ! the array for the state vector
logical( kind = wi ) :: mtinit = .false._wi ! means mt[N] is not initialized
integer( kind = wi ) :: mti = n + 1_wi ! mti==N+1 means mt[N] is not initialized
The first one is the "array for the state vector", second one is a flag that ensures we don't start with uninitialized array, and the third one is some position marker, as I guess from the condition stated in the comment.
Looking at subroutine init_genrand( s ), it sets mtinit flag, and fills the mt() array from 1 upto n. Alright.
Looking at genrand_real3 it's based on genrand_int32.
Looking at genrand_int32, it starts up with
if ( mti > n ) then ! generate N words at one time
! if init_genrand() has not been called, a default initial seed is used
if ( .not. mtinit ) call init_genrand( seed_d )
and does its arithmetic magic and then starts getting the result:
y = mt(mti)
mti = mti + 1_wi
so.. mti is a positional index in the 'state array', and it is incremented by 1 after each integer read from the generator.
Back to init_genrand - remember? it have been resetting the array mt() but it has not resetted the MTI back to its starting mti = n + 1_wi.
I bet this is the cause of the phenomenon you've observed, since after re-initializing with the same seed, the array would be filled with the same set of values, but later the int32 generator would read from a different starting point. I doubt it was intended, so it's probably a tiny bug easy to overlook.

Code running very slow

My code seems to run very slowly and I can't think of any way to make it faster. All my arrays have been preallocated. S is a large number of element (say 10000 element, for example). I know my code runs slowly because of the "for k=1:S" but i cant think of another way to perform this loop at a relatively fast speed. Can i please get help because it takes hours to run.
[M,~] = size(Sample2000_X);
[N,~] = size(Sample2000_Y);
[S,~] = size(Prediction_Point);
% Speed Preallocation
Distance = zeros(M,N);
Distance_Prediction = zeros(M,1);
for k=1:S
for i=1:M
for j=1:N
Distance(i,j) = sqrt(power((Sample2000_X(i)-Sample2000_X(j)),2)+power((Sample2000_Y(i)-Sample2000_Y(j)),2));
Distance_Prediction(i,1) = sqrt(power((Prediction_Point(k,1)-Sample2000_X(i)),2)+power((Prediction_Point(k,2)-Sample2000_Y(i)),2));
I realized the major problem was organization of my code. I was performing calculation in a loop where it was absolutely unnecessary. So i seperated the code in two blocks and it Works much faster.
for i=1:M
for j=1:N
Distance(i,j) = sqrt(power((Sample2000_X(i)-Sample2000_X(j)),2)+power((Sample2000_Y(i)-Sample2000_Y(j)),2));
for k=1:S
for i=1:M
Distance_Prediction(i,1) = sqrt(power((Prediction_Point(k,1)-Sample2000_X(i)),2)+power((Prediction_Point(k,2)-Sample2000_Y(i)),2));
Thanks to the community for the help.
Your matrix Distance does not depend on k, so you can easily calculate it outside the main for-loop, for instance using:
d = sqrt((repmat(Sample2000_X, [1,M]) - repmat(Sample2000_X', [M,1])).^2 + (repmat(Sample2000_Y, [1,N]) - repmat(Sample2000_Y', [N,1])).^2);
I assume M=N, because elsewise your code won't work. Next, you can calculate your Distance_Prediction matrix. It is rather strange that you calculate this inside the for-loop over k, because the matrix will be changed in every iteration without using it. Anyway, this will do exactly the same as your code:
for k=1:S
Distance_Prediction = sqrt((Sample2000_X - Prediction_Point(k,1)).^2 + (Sample2000_Y - Prediction_Point(k,1)).^2);

Assignment problems with simple random number generation in Modelica

I am relatively new to Modelica (Dymola-environment) and I am getting very desperate/upset that I cannot solve such a simple problem as a random number generation in Modelica and I hope that you can help me out.
The simple function random produces a random number between 0 and 1 with an input seed seedIn[3] and produces the output seed seedOut[3] for the next time step or event. The call
(z,seedOut) = random(seedIn);
works perfectly fine.
The problem is that I cannot find a way in Modelica to compute this assignment over time by using the seedOut[3] as the next seedIn[3], which is very frustrating.
My simple program looks like this:
*model Randomgenerator
Real z;
Integer seedIn[3]( start={1,23,131},fixed=true), seedOut[3];
(z,seedOut) = random(seedIn);
seedIn := seedOut;
end Randomgenerator;*
I have tried nearly all possibilities with algorithm assignments, initial conditions and equations but none of them works. I just simply want to use seedOut in the next time step. One problem seems to be that when entering into the algorithm section, neither the initial conditions nor the values from the equation section are used.
Using the 'sample' and 'reinit' functions the code below will calculate a new random number at the frequency specified in 'sample'. Note the way of defining the "start value" of seedIn.
model Randomgenerator
Real seedIn[3] = {1,23,131};
Real z;
Real[3] seedOut;
(z,seedOut) = random(seedIn);
when sample(1,1) then
end when;
end Randomgenerator;
The 'pre' function allows the use of the previous value of the variable. If this was not used, the output 'z' would have returned a constant value. Two things regarding the 'reinint' function, it requires use of 'when' and requires 'Real' variables/expressions hence seedIn and seedOut are now defined as 'Real'.
The simple "random" generator I used was:
function random
input Real[3] seedIn;
output Real z;
output Real[3] seedOut;
seedOut[1] :=seedIn[1] + 1;
seedOut[2] :=seedIn[2] + 5;
seedOut[3] :=seedIn[3] + 10;
z :=(0.1*seedIn[1] + 0.2*seedIn[2] + 0.3*seedIn[3])/(0.5*sum(seedIn));
end random;
Surely there are other ways depending on the application to perform this operation. At least this will give you something to start with. Hope it helps.

Lua math.random not working

So I'm trying to create a little something and I have looked all over the place looking for ways of generating a random number. However no matter where I test my code, it results in a non-random number. Here is an example I wrote up.
local lowdrops = {"Wooden Sword","Wooden Bow","Ion Thruster Machine Gun Blaster"}
local meddrops = {}
local highdrops = {}
function randomLoot(lootCategory)
if lootCategory == low then
if lootCategory == medium then
if lootCategory == high then
Wherever I test my code I get the same result. For example when I test the code here http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo it always ends up with the "Ion Thruster Machine Gun Blaster" and doesen't randomize. For that matter testing simply
random = math.random (10)
gives me 9, is there something i'm missing?
You need to run math.randomseed() once before using math.random(), like this:
One possible problem is that the first number may not be so "randomized" in some platforms. So a better solution is to pop some random number before using them for real:
math.random(); math.random(); math.random()
Reference: Lua Math Library

Lua - why for loop limit is not calculated dynamically?

Ok here's a basic for loop
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
for i=1,#a do
print(i.."th iteration")
a = {"first"}
As it is now, the loop executes all 4 iterations.
Shouldn't the for-loop-limit be calculated on the go? If it is calculated dynamically, #a would be 1 at the end of the first iteration and the for loop would break....
Surely that would make more sense?
Or is there any particular reason as to why that is not the case?
The main reason why numerical for loops limits are computed only once is most certainly for performance.
With the current behavior, you can place arbitrary complex expressions in for loops limits without a performance penalty, including function calls. For example:
local prod = 1
for i = computeStartLoop(), computeEndLoop(), computeStep() do
prod = prod * i
The above code would be really slow if computeEndLoop and computeStep required to be called at each iteration.
If the standard Lua interpreter and most notably LuaJIT are so fast compared to other scripting languages, it is because a number of Lua features have been designed with performance in mind.
In the rare cases where the single evaluation behavior is undesirable, it is easy to replace the for loop with a generic loop using while end or repeat until.
local prod = 1
local i = computeStartLoop()
while i <= computeEndLoop() do
prod = prod * i
i = i + computeStep()
The length is computed once, at the time the for loop is initialized. It is not re-computed each time through the loop - a for loop is for iterating from a starting value to an ending value. If you want the 'loop' to terminate early if the array is re-assigned to, you could write your own looping code:
local a = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth"}
function process_array (fn)
local inner_fn
inner_fn =
function (ii)
if ii <= #a then
inner_fn(1 + ii)
inner_fn(1, a)
process_array(function (ii)
print(ii.."th iteration: "..a[ii])
a = {"first"}
Performance is a good answer but I think it also makes the code easier to understand and less error-prone. Also, that way you can (almost) be sure that a for loop always terminates.
Think about what would happen if you wrote that instead:
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
for i=1,#a do
print(i.."th iteration")
if i > 1 then a = {"first"} end
How do you understand for i=1,#a? Is it an equality comparison (stop when i==#a) or an inequality comparison (stop when i>=#a). What would be the result in each case?
You should see the Lua for loop as iteration over a sequence, like the Python idiom using (x)range:
a = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]
for i in range(1,len(a)+1):
print(str(i) + "th iteration")
a = ["first"]
If you want to evaluate the condition every time you just use while:
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
local i = 1
while i <= #a do
print(i.."th iteration")
a = {"first"}
i = i + 1
