Where to download Netflix Astyanax dependencies? - gradle

I want to include Astyanax into my project. I checkout the code from github and compiled it with "gradlew build". I am not familiar with gradle.
I include the Astyanx jar files manually into my project. When I run it, it complains about missing Jar.
I wonder, where I can download all the dependencies bundle for Astyanax?

Java library projects often don't provide a single download location for their dependencies. Instead, you would typically use a build tool that supports Maven repositories (e.g. Maven or Gradle) for your own project, which would then automatically download required dependencies behind the scenes.
If you do want to get hold of all dependencies for the Astyanax project, try to add the following to its build.gradle:
task copyLibs(type: Copy) {
from configurations.runtime
into "libs"
Running gradlew copyLibs should then copy all (compile and runtime) dependencies into the libs directory.


Gradle library including local jar as api dependency doesn't show up in consumer's classpath

In my gradle java library project, I have a dependency on a local jar file (the artifact is not published anywhere). The dependencies configuration looks like:
dependencies {
api fileTree(dir: '3rdparty', include: '*.jar')
When I publish my library to maven local, and then pull it in from another project, the symbols from the jar in the 3rdparty folder aren't available on the classpath, even though it's listed as an api dependency. Is this just a limitation of using jar files directly within library modules or something?
This is a well known limitation on File Dependencies. The Gradle documentation is clear on that
File dependencies are not included in the published dependency descriptor for your project. However, file dependencies are included in transitive project dependencies within the same build. This means they cannot be used outside the current build, but they can be used within the same build.
The reason is simply that those dependencies are not externally resolvable by other projects in contrast to artifacts hosted in a binary repository. Read more about this topic in the Declaring Dependencies userguide.

Update Maven Dependencies Jars

I am new to Maven and have a quick question. I am using the JBoss IDE and have my Maven project set up. I have several jar files in my Maven Dependencies build path that need to be updated to a newer version. I have tried adding the external jars manually, but they do not go within the Maven Dependencies library and the outdated jar remains within that library.
What is the best way to update the jars with the Maven Dependencies library?

Gradle Local Dependency Testing

I have 3 gradle projects, projectA, projectB, projectC. All of which build a jar file named projectX-0.0.0.jar. On my jenkins server, all of these projects deploy these jars to my companies artifactory.
In projectA, I have multiple compile dependencies used throughout my entire project. Then in project B, I include project A by stating: compile group: 'com.company.projectName', name: 'projectA, version '0.0.0' So I can use these dependencies (i.e. slf4j) I do the same for projectC to include projectB dependencies, which in result includes projectA's dependencies.
This works great for our jenkins servers on deployment, after I have pushed the code to the server, however when trying to test locally I can not get the dependencies to update for testing my code.
I have tried:
Updating the gradle cache that downloads project A from artifactory with locally built project A jar. Located in C:/users/username/.gradle/caches/path-to-jar.
Removed the compile group: 'com.company.projectName', name: 'projectA, version '0.0.0' and replaced it with compile files('libs/projectA-0.0.0.jar'), placing projectA's jar within a lib folder in projectB
Using gradle offline mode in IntelliJ and repeating #1
Going offline completely on my pc and repeating #1
With all 4 attempts above I still have not been able to resolve dependencies declared in project A for project B.
My goal is to be able to update a compile,testCompile,runtime,etc. dependency in my projectA.gradle file, and then run my projects down my pipeline to ensure this update effects the dependencies in my project as I intended.
You need to update the .jar and .pom file within your gradle cache. The .jar file contains the source code while the pom contains the dependencies you brought in the previous project. Using a gradlew clean build install you can create the jar and the pom.
So to solve your problem, do a gradle build clean install on project-a. Grab the jar and pom from the build file generated and replace the project-a.jar and project-a.pom within the cache. Then do the same for project-b and you will see the changes in project-c after a gradle refresh.

How to pack a jar without dependency classes in gradle similar to maven

How to write a gradle script so that the application jar should be packed without dependency classes similar to maven jar package
The application JAR is always without dependencies, except you use special plugins to create a "fat" JAR where the dependencies are included. If you ask how to set up a Gradle build at all, you should start reading the Users Guide.
If you are trying to package a jar from your Android app or library:
I ran into this question because gradle would include 3rd party libraries into my jar when running gradle assembleRelease.
The contents of the jar then looked like this:
For some reason this did not happen when building for debug. Finally I found that changing:
compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:23.0.0'
provided 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:23.0.0'
would not include the 3rd party libs ...

Download dependencies from url and extract to a folder using gradle

I am a gradle newbie. I see that gradle supports maven and ivy out of the box, however I have a need where the dependency for a java project is to be downloaded from a url. The dependencies are actually jar files which are zipped, I also need it to be extracted.
