How can I change the execute order for Magmi plugins? - magento

I'm working on importing (on a regular basis) about 6,000 items into Magento using Magmi. I've got nearly everything configured the way I need it, but I have one issue.
I need to concatenate 3 columns from my .csv file to create a "category_ids" column. I'm using the Value Replacer plugin with the following value:
This works well, however I need to then map this field to another field using the Generic Mapper plugin. Both functions work individually, however I need the Value Replacer to run BEFORE the Generic Mapper. As best as I can tell, it appears the Generic Mapper runs first. Is there a way I can alter the execute order for these two plugins?
Thanks for the help!
Update for Dweeves:
Doh! I totally overlooked that section while trying to figure this out. Now that I've gone through it, I might need a little more help. Right now I've using just the Value Replacer plugin with the following settings:
Replaced attributes: category_ids
New value for category_ids:
{{ ValueRemapper::use_csv('/var/www/magmi/category_ids.csv')->map({item.departmentid},{item.classid},{item.subclassid}) }}
It doesn't seem to be working as I intended it to, but I'm a systems guy and not a PHP programmer. Any help?
2nd Edit
I got it working by using the Value Replacer function to first concatenate everything into a new "test" column, then using the Value Replacer Value Mapper function to create the category_ids column with the mapped values. Confusing, but it's working well.

You can use the ValueRemapper helper of Value Replacer plugin for this kind of purpose.
See Value Replacer Plugin Documentation (ValueRemapper helper section)

To answer your original question (how to define the order the plugins run in).
From my experience, the plugins are loaded in order of their plugin filename.
For example, if you look at magmi/plugins/base/itemprocessors/importlimiter, you will notice that the filename for the plugin is 01_importlimiter.php.
If you look in the genericmapper plugin folder, you'll notice the plugin filename to be 02_genericmapper.php.
With this being said, 01_importlimiter.php will execute before 02_genericmapper.php.


What NOREPLACE means at netflix's nebula plugin?

I was using netflix's nebula. Looking here, I saw this line:
fileType [org.freecompany.redline.payload.Directive] - Default for types, e.g. CONFIG, DOC, NOREPLACE, LICENSE
I didn't find any doc about the actual meaning of this enum, but I've found the original code.
Now I want an actual description of this enum. I thought NOREPLACE is releated to being not allowed to replace the file. But I want to be sure and don't rely on assumptions.
I have only seen noreplace as an additional attribute on a config file, e.g. %config(noreplace). It means that if the user has edited the file, the installer should put its new version as filename.rpmnew; by default %config files are replaced with the user one put as filename.rpmold .

How to get the actual Hyperlink element inside the main document part using docx4j

So I have a case where I need to be able to work on the actual Hyperlink element inside the body of the docx, not just the target URL or the internal/externality of the link.
As a possible additional wrinkle this hyperlink wasn't present in the docx when it was opened but instead was added by the docx4j-xhtmlImporter.
I've iterated the list of relationships here: wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getRelationshipsPart().getRelationships().getRelationship()
And found the relationship ID of the hyperlink I want. I'm trying to use an XPath query: List<Object> results = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//w:hyperlink[#r:id='rId11']", false);
But the list is empty. I also thought that it might need a refresh because I added the hyperlink at runtime so I tried with the refreshXMLFirst parameter set to true. On the off chance it wasn't a real node because it's an inner class of P, I also tried getJAXBAssociationsForXPath with the same parameters as above and that doesn't return anything.
Additionally, even XPath like "//w:hyperlink" fails to match anything.
I can see the hyperlinks in the XML if I unzip it after saving to a file, so I know the ID is right: <w:hyperlink r:id="rId11">
Is XPath the right way to find this? If it is, what am I doing wrong? If it's not, what should I be doing?
Thanks is a simple test case which works for me
You might be having problems because of JAXB, or possibly because of the specific way in which the binder is being set up in your case (do you start by opening an existing docx, or creating a new one?). Which docx4j version are you using?
Which JAXB implementation are you using? If its the Sun/Oracle implementation (the reference implementation, or the one included in their JDK/JRE), it might be this which is causing the problem, in which case you might try using MOXy instead.
An alternative to using XPath is to traverse the docx; see finders/
Try without namespace binding
List<Object> results = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//*:hyperlink[#*:id='rId11']", false);

Magento Dataflow (Advanced) Profile, default values

I want to create an import from a CSV but i can't modify the CSV file.
So i need to define default values for a couple required fields in Magento (like "type" ( > Simple Product ) etc.
I'm looking at to make a custom Adapter and that inject the missing required values in the array before saving.
But i already get an error that says:
Method "parse" not defined in adapter spaanproductions_basics/convert_adapter_product
So i can't even begin with my custom code.
Maybe someone has a beter idea how to create some default values, or how to fix this issue.
Magento version:
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Not sure what the problem is, your code does seem to be valid. You could try . OR temporarily rename your app/code/local/Spaanproductions/Basics/Model/Covert/Adapter/Product.php to verify wetter the right class is actually being loaded although I highly doubt that's the problem
-- Edit (See comments) --
try changing spaanproductions_basics/convert_adapter_product to basics/convert_adapter_product your models are defined under basics, not under spaanproductions"
At the first you have to export products as a csv file to catch the structure and then modify that as you need.
Take a look at this answer, it could be useful:
Update Magento products with multiple images

how to pass parameters to joomla module loaded from article

I had previously added Joomla modules from within Joomla articles this way : {loadmodule mod_name} but this time I need to pass parameters from it.
How can I pass parameters from within the article to a Joomla module?
You'll need to modify or clone the Joomla plugin loadmodule because it doesn't handle parameters other than just a module name. It's not particularly difficult to do if you're proficient in PHP (assuming you don't mind getting your hands dirty with a little bit of Regex work) but I'd suggest cloning it and using it this way:
Copy folder \plugins\content\loadmodule to \plugins\content\Myloadmodule (and all it's files)
Within the new folder, rename loadmodule.php and loadmodule.xml to myloadmodule.php and myloadmodule.xml. These are the files you'll do all the work on.
In both files, replace occurrences of loadmodule with myloadmodule, (Case sensitive)
In myloadmodule.php, start at around line 36 with the Regex that strips out what is in the {loadposition xxx} being processed. You'll need to tinker with this Regex to get the parameters that you want to supply when using {myloadmoduel blah-blah-blah} in your article.
Find the database entry in your table '_extensions' for loadposition and create and identical record for myloadposition. (Unless you want to write and installer)
Finally, you'll need to render the modules with your new parameters - I can't begin to help there because I don't know what modules, or parameter work you'll be doing, but this renderModule documentation will be of assistance.
I think I've covered it all, but this should be enough to get most of it done for you. When you're done, use {myloadposition ...} instead of {loadposition ...}.
I will give more details about the previous answer, to be able to pass parameters to a module with a tag as {loadmodule mod_name,param}
The solution given by GDP works fine: it's easy and quick to rewrite a content plugin (e.g. myloadmodule), following the steps 1 to 5 in the previous answer.
The problem, for me, comes with the steps 6: how to put parameters into the module, and ohow to retrieve de parameters within the module.
Step 7 : how to give parameters to the "render" of a module
In the plugin created (base on the loadmodule), you have to find the lines with the following code :
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Before this line, you can put parameters into the $params parameter, but "render" of the module retrieves only params with the key 'params', using a json format.
So, to pass parameters to the render function, you can do something like that :
$param = array('param_name' => 'value'); // param_name = value
$params = array('params' => json_encode($param)); // 'params' (String) should be decoded by the render of the module
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Step 8 : How to retrieve the parameter within the module
In the helper of your module, you can retrieve the parameter with $params variable :
$value = $params->get('param_name');
To understand a helper, read this tutorial :
I googled the same issue and found your question. I know its old but my find may help someone else. There are now plugins that allow embedding modules and allowing you to pass parameters to it. My choice is Module Plant.

How to add components in to an existing GUI created by guide?

I just created a GUI using guide in MATLAB for a small project I'm working on. I have amongst other things two text fields for from and to dates. Now I'd like to get rid of them and use a Java date select tool. Of course this is not possible using guide so I need to add them manually.
I've managed to get them to show up by putting this code into my Opening_Fcn,
uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
But even though it shows up I can't access the date select's attributes, for example
??? Reference to non-existent field 'til2'.
How can I fix this?
Unless you edit the saved GUI figure, the basic handles structure will not include your new component by default.
One way to access you component is to store the handle via guidata, by adding the following to your opening function:
handles.til2 = uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
Functions that need to access the handle need the line
handles = guidata(hObject)
to return the full handles structure that includes the filed til2
