AVG warning when compiling with visual studios - visual-studio-2010

Im trying to compile my code in visual studios and every time i do so, AVG gives me a warning saying there is a threat "potentially harmful program hacktool.wun" and shows the file path for the exe that was just created. Any idea why this is happening?

For starters, whether the program compiles or not, try temporarily disabling your antivirus. For the long-term, I suggest adding your program as an exception. The following link provides the steps to exclude files & folders from the detection.

Check this out, seems its just a mistake in positive detection of AVG


Visual Studio 2015 error: exe_main.cpp not found

I am new to using Visual studio for Fortran programming.
Just as I start to step into the line-by-line debugging of the code, an error occured, and it crashed out. The error informs that "exe_main.cpp" file could not be found.
Would you please guide me how can I overcome this problem?
Shall I download such a file and replace somewhere, or any other solution.
Thank you so much in advance.
When you run a Fortran program from Visual Studio, there is actually a C "wrapper" that calls the Fortran main program. What seems to have happened here is that your program finished execution, returned to the main() wrapper (exe_main.cpp) and got an error (perhaps because stack was corrupted or something else.)
You don't need the source to exe_main.cpp and should ignore that. If you can provide more details on "crashed out", we can probably help with that problem.

Typescript and VS2013: How to force build despite ts errors

I am getting some mysterious compiler type related errors in my ts code. I have another thread addressing them.
But I know there will be no adverse reactions to my code, so I would like to force it to compile and make my js files anyway so I can do some run-time debugging.
I have seen a comment or two about the project compiling despite some build errors. How do I do that? If I use the command line compiler it seems to do this, but apparently I am spoiled VS programmer who wants a to build in one step, not two.
I have VS2013 and TS 1.5.
Thanks, Brad
How do I do that? If I use the command line compiler it seems to do this, but apparently I am spoiled VS programmer who wants a to build in one step, not two.
Make sure that in your csproj you have noEmitOnError set to false.

The breakpoint will not currently be hit. Unable to set requested breakpoint on target

Im working on Arduino Uno board recently im stuck with my code, i couldnt debug using print() in ArduinoIde.So i downloaded AtmelStudio 6.2 for debug purpose.
when i set the breakpoint and try to build .Im getting the warning
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. Unable to set requested breakpoint on target.The current selected deviceis unable to set breakpoints during runtime
please help me sort this issue
Following workarounds worked with the same problem using ATMega 168P on Atmel Studio 7 with Atmel-ICE.
1. Assembler
Insert the following assembler code where you want your breakpoint:
Please note, this is a really ugly solution and not suitable for all situations. It only works with DEBUGwire and makes your program stop in any case, even if no programmer is attached.
2. Create new project
Creating a new project at a different location helped as well. I copied all the required files to the new folder. The new location has a short path (C:\atmel\project...) and contains no spaces, no umlauts etc.
I had a similar problem, the difference was that I could only hit breakpoints in the original modules of my project (i.e. those already existent when I created the .cproj), any modules I added later wouldn't have the program stopped in breakpoints placed on them.
The solution (2) mentioned by #pafodie worked to solve this, but in the process I found a simpler way: just delete the .atsuo file. It will later be automatically recreated, and the problem disappears (at least until you add more modules). It seems AS6 caches something there that isn't updated when new files are added, or does it incorrectly.
I might've found a solution that works, for me at least! You need to disable compiler optimization. In Atmel Studio,
Hit Alt+F7 > ToolChain > Optimization {there are 2 Optimization
windows but only one fits the shoes} > Optimization level > None
I found it here, explained better than I did: https://www.microchip.com/webdoc/GUID-ECD8A826-B1DA-44FC-BE0B-5A53418A47BD/index.html?GUID-8FF26BD2-DBFF-48DD-91FB-8585D91A938D figure 5
If using external Makefile, make sure the -g (debug) flag is set in CFLAGS.
Otherwise, Atmel Studio would have no idea how the source files correspond to the compiled binary.

The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information after frame work is changed to 4.0 from 3.5

I am using VS2010.I was changed my project and its dependent projects .Net Framework to 4.0 from 3.5.Now I could not attach the process,due to this I am not able to debug the code.
I have cleaned all the bin folders and rebuild the projects ,but still I am having following error.
Please help me to resolve this..
I'm not sure what the question is here. The error message clearly tells you that you need to
Turn off (disable) optimizations
Turn on (enable) debug info
Rebuild your project so those changes take effect.
Apparently you only did step #3.
Also see vs2010 debugging module was built without debugging information?, which may provide more information.
I also received this error, and did all the right things as described above - those have been my settings all along anyway. I even went so far as deleting the assembly from the long C:\Users... path in the error message - it still didn't cause that message to go away.
Then I tried putting a breakpoint in the source, which should not be allowed if the module really WAS built without debug information. And then ran the program and it stopped at the break point and I could do all the usual debugging.
So right now I'm just ignoring the message. I could do as suggested and disable the 'Warn if no user code on launch' option as suggested in the message, but I'm not doing that until I can spend some time working out why the message comes up at all.
Uncheck this option in Visual Studio 2012.This would solve this issue

PCL Rigid Transformation using IterativeClosestPoint - Error: vector erase iterator outside range

I am currently trying to calculate rigid transformation between two point sets so I tried to use the code given by the tutorial on pointclouds.org:
For my case I only changed the part where the data is randomly generated to something that loads the point data I want to analyze. Everything else is exactly like in the tutorial...
(I also tried testing exactly the tutorial code with the random data, in case I had somethign wrong with reading my input data)
Since I work with Qt I integrated the PCL library, Eigen library and FLANN library to my project. It finds all headers and successfully compiles with MSVC 2008...
Unfortunately I always get a runtime error at
Debug Assertion failed! Program:
...MSVC2008_Qt_SDK_Release\release\Project.exe File: c:\Program
Files\Microsoft VIsual Studio 10.0\CV\include\vector Line: 1200
Expression: vector erase iterator outside range
[..] ... check documentation ... [..]
Does anybody know what that means? The input clouds both have the same size and have filled values.
I would be thankful for any help!
The error message shows some file path for MSVC 2010 (10.0) ... So I tried to uninstall Visual Studio 2010 since I don't really need it. But still, if I compile in Debug mode, it shows me an error message, but with Expression: vector iterators incompatible instead... If I now run it in Release mode, it just crashes at runtime (at the same line), but doesn't show that error message.
This seems so be a problem with the library you use. Assuming you have done a clean build, checked your PATH variable and everything and that Visual Studio 2010 is removed, this might be a problem with the library itself. Are you you using the right one?
The current Qt SDK has MSVC2008 in it, so I guess it takes everything from where it needs. But either the compiler in Qt or one of the libraries you use that might want the 2010 version...
Hope it helps!
