Passing generic List<int> to WebApi method through the browser bar -

Sorry if you think this is a duplicate to this one but it didn't resolve my issue.
I have a WebApi method like:
public EmpResults GetSearchResults([FromUri] string country, [FromUri] List<int> depts)
EmpResults emps = m_controller.Search(country, depts);
return emps;
and the routing table looks like:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.MapHttpRoute("IMO Route",
controller = "Employee",
action = "Search"
I am not sure how can I test this WebApi through simple browser bar?
I have tried the this with some success, it returns the list of employees for department 10:
but I was not able to find a way to pass a list of depts like 10, 20, 40. Appreciate any help.

One way to do this is to remove the {depts} in your route and pass depts in the query string parameter instead:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.MapHttpRoute("IMO Route",
controller = "Employee",
action = "Search"


Context.Request.Query["id"] return null in View

I want to get "id" parameter in View, but Context.Request.Query["id"] return null value.
Query like this:localhost:1000/MyController/Getuser/65190907-1145-7049-9baa-d68d44b1ad06
// Controller
public ActionResult Getuser(Guid id)
//HttpContext.Request.Query["id"] also return null
return View();
//in startup.cs
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
I think I can get it by ViewContext.ModelState["id"].AttemptedValue
Request.Query contains query string of the request, i.e. URL part that goes after question mark: ...?param1=value1&param2=value2. URL localhost:1000/MyController/Getuser/65190907-1145-7049-9baa-d68d44b1ad06 does not contain query string. GUID 65190907-1145-7049-9baa-d68d44b1ad06 is just a part of URL path.
If for some reason you want to access id parameter from raw request, not via Model Binding, you have two options:
Pass id in query string and access it via HttpContext.Request.Query["id"]:
In this case request URL will be http://localhost:1000/MyController/Getuser?id=65190907-1145-7049-9baa-d68d44b1ad06. No changes in routes are required.
The second option is to extract id from Request.Path:
public IActionResult Getuser(Guid id)
var path = HttpContext.Request.Path;
var id2 = Guid.Parse(path.Value.Split('/').Last());
return View();

MVC Web API Routing to Wrong Action

I have a web API controller, when I call the default Get action this works, when I call another specific action (GetReservationsForCustomer) this also works, but one action gives an error (GetReservationsByDate), it seems to route to the default Get action. Here is the code:
// GET: api/Reservations
public IQueryable<Reservation> GetReservations()
return db.Reservations;
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsForCustomer(int CustomerId)
IEnumerable<Reservation> reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.CustomerId == CustomerId).ToList();
List<ReservationDTO> reservationList = new List<ReservationDTO>();
foreach(Reservation reservation in reservations)
reservationList.Add(new ReservationDTO
id =,
ReservationStart = reservation.ReservationStart,
Covers = reservation.Covers
return Ok(reservationList);
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsByDate(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
IEnumerable<Reservation> reservations = new List<Reservation>();
if (EndDate != null)
reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.ReservationStart.Date >= StartDate.Date && r.ReservationStart.Date >= EndDate.Date).ToList();
reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.ReservationStart.Date == StartDate.Date).ToList();
List<ReservationDTO> reservationList = new List<ReservationDTO>();
foreach (Reservation res in reservations)
reservationList.Add(new ReservationDTO
id =,
ReservationStart = res.ReservationStart,
Covers = res.Covers,
CustomerEmail = res.Customer.EmailAddress,
CustomerName = res.Customer.Name,
CustomerPhone = res.Customer.PhoneNumber
return Ok(reservationList);
Here is my API call:
And here is the response:
"Message": "The request is invalid.",
"MessageDetail": "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Http.IHttpActionResult GetReservation(Int32)' in 'GreenLionBookings.API.ReservationsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter."
Please note the specifics of the action are not relevant at this stage, I've butchered it a fair bit trying to get this to work! I've tried specifying a start date and end date and neither seems to work. It always seems to get routed to the default Get action.
Here is my RouteConfig:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
And here is my WebApiConfig:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services
// Configure Web API to use only bearer token authentication.
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));
// Web API routes
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
So both basically just default.
Why is this not routing to the correct action, just for this one and not the others? I have another controller (Customers) which seems to work correctly for all actions too. I've read this and this, and also this and this which I actually thought was pretty relevant and quite helpful, but didn't solve my problem.
What am I doing wrong here?
First of all, you have a typeo in the date.
This 2018-03-04:T12:30:00 should be 2018-03-04T12:30:00.
Then, to solve the routing problem, you could leave out the action name of the url and let the framework match the request against the parameters name.
Try it like this
Then, if you want to be able to send nullable values to EndDate which is a value type of DateTime; make the DateTime nullable
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsByDate(DateTime StartDate, DateTime? EndDate)
Notice the DateTime? which is a shorthand for Nullable<DateTime>

ASP.NET core HttpGet single Web API

Good Morning,
I’m having difficulty setting up my HTTPGETs and then testing the solution in Postman.
I’m trying to return a single result on both occasions however when I input the parameters nothing loads. So I'm clearly missing something which i need some help on please.
I have 1 parameter {id} in my CashMovementController and if I navigate to localhost/api/cashmovements/{id} it loads however if pass the {id} parameter in postman it fails.
Then in my BondCreditRatingsController I have 2 parameters {ISIN} & {Date} and again I'm not sure how to approach this.
Love to hear some advice/help on this please
Thanks GWS
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
public class CashMovementsController : Controller
private ICashMovementRepository _cashmovementRepository;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetCashMovement")]
public IActionResult Get(int id)
CashMovement _cashmovement = _cashmovementRepository.GetSingle(u => u.CashMovementId == id);
if (_cashmovement != null)
CashMovementViewModel _cashmovementVM = Mapper.Map<CashMovement, CashMovementViewModel>(_cashmovement);
return new OkObjectResult(_cashmovementVM);
return NotFound();
public class BondCreditRatingsController : Controller
private IBondCreditRatingRepository _bondcreditratingRepository;
public BondCreditRatingsController(IBondCreditRatingRepository bondcreditratingRepository)
_bondcreditratingRepository = bondcreditratingRepository;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetBondCreditRating")]
public IActionResult Get(string id, DateTime efffectivedate)
BondCreditRating _bondcreditrating = _bondcreditratingRepository.GetSingle(u => u.ISIN == id, u => u.EffectiveDate == efffectivedate);
if (_bondcreditrating != null)
BondCreditRatingViewModel _bondcreditratingVM = Mapper.Map<BondCreditRating, BondCreditRatingViewModel>(_bondcreditrating);
return new OkObjectResult(_bondcreditratingVM);
return NotFound();
If you want to map it to api/Controller/method/id you would need to use the code below because you want to map parameter order (no other identifier) to a specific parameter name in the action.
Your current code should work with below since you are using named parameters and because the request can't be mapped to any other template.
But that attribute syntax will also (possibly unintentionally) trigger:
Since a sum of your defined template for that action is:
Reason to why /api/ApiTest/GetCashMovement maps GetCashMovement.Get(int i) is because id is defined as optional in startup
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/**{id?}**");
A question mark (?) after the route parameter name defines an optional

Whats wrong with my routes and actions?

I recently asked a question based on how to create pages based on the content table which contains the following: Title and Content. I followed the steps, to my understanding, in the answer that was given.
I created a route like so:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
new { controller = "ContentManagement", action = "Index", title = "{title}" }
I am assuming I can do routes like this? where I can set up multiple routes? I am also assuming I can pass the title to to the controller action like I have done?
I then created the model:
namespace LocApp.Models
public class ContentManagement
public int id { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public string content { get; set; }
from that I created a controller with an index action that looks as such:
public ViewResult Index(string title)
using (var db = new LocAppContext())
var content = (from c in db.Contents
where c.title == title
select c).ToList();
return View(content);
So then I created some content with the title of "bla" so when I visit I get an error that it cant find "bla/"
Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong? I would also, if you are familiar with the default layout of a mvc project with the tabs at the top, create a set of tabs that lead to the pages, based on the title in the database
The main issue is that when you are using the title, the routing engine is matching it to the first route and trying to find a controller by that title. We have implemented something similar and found that by explicitly defining what controllers are valid for the default route, it then processed request appropriately. I gave an example of the controllers that we allow to fit our default route below (Home, Help and Error).
You probably also want to prevent people from giving the content the same TITLE as your root level controllers as that would blow this up pretty well.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional},
new {controller = "Home|Error|Help"},
new[] {"UI_WWW.Controllers"});
new {controller = "ContentManagement", action = "Index"});

Migrate custom route to ASP.NET MVC custom route to support List<string>

I have a URL in a Django based web app that looks similar to this:
The application is being rewritten in ASP.NET MVC 3. I need to maintain the URL.
The crux of the problem is that I to support the multiple stock ticker symbols separated by forward slashes.
I want a custom route that looks like this:
new { controller = "Market", action = "Prices" }
The controller would look something like:
public ActionResult Prices(string queryDate, string minOrMax, ICollection<string> listOfStocksSeparatedByForwardSlash) {
var model = repository.List(queryDate, minOrMax, listOfStocksSeparatedByForwardSlash);
return View(model );
My current solution is as follows:
new { controller = "Market", action = "Prices" }
public ActionResult Prices(string queryDate, string minOrMax, string listOfStocksSeparatedByForwardSlash) {
var list = listOfStocksSeparatedByForwardSlash.Split('/').ToList();
var model = repository.List(queryDate, minOrMax, list);
return View(model );
Although this works, I'm interested to know if there is a better way to do this?
Okay, this is an option, although I think your approach is easier.
You can provide a RouteHandler attached to a route, like so:
name: "Test",
url: "Test/{someDate}/{*tickerSymbols}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Test" }).RouteHandler = new SlashSeparatedTrailingParametersRouteHandler("tickerSymbols", "tickers");
with the route handler being
public class SlashSeparatedTrailingParametersRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
private readonly string catchallParameterName;
private readonly string actionTargetParameter;
public SlashSeparatedTrailingParametersRouteHandler(string catchallParameterName, string actionTargetParameter)
this.catchallParameterName = catchallParameterName;
this.actionTargetParameter = actionTargetParameter;
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
if (requestContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("requestContext");
IRouteHandler handler = new MvcRouteHandler();
var vals = requestContext.RouteData.Values;
vals[this.actionTargetParameter] = vals[this.catchallParameterName].ToString().Split('/');
return handler.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
If this is your controller action:
public ActionResult Test(DateTime someDate, string[] tickers)
if (tickers == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("tickers");
return Content(string.Format("{0} and {1}", someDate, tickers.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
and this your post:
then your output is:
12/6/2012 12:00:00 AM and 2
On the elegance this this improves the parameter on the action method at the expense of having to write your own route handler.
