Display a link and by clicking on that all the new products should be displayed like category view page in Magento - magento

I am displaying all the NEW products on the homepage through Widget. I am displaying 3 NEW Products on the homepage. I want to put a link under products display. By clicking on that link, all the products should be displayed in a separate page. What do I give href of that link??

Try creating a CMS page for NEW products from admin and on href give the link to that page.


Custom magento product page

I want to develop product page like below image for my store is it possible in magento 1.9.x.x?
product page image

Magento: Assign all products to New store View after creating substore

I have main site and created multiple stores for different langues from magento admin.
Requirement - All categories and products need to be automatically displayed for new store.
Problem - All categories are displaying ok but all products are not displaying as these are displaying in main site. How can I achieve this?
What I have already done:
Magento version: 1.9
All categories and products need display on all stores
Multiple stores are created successfully
What else can I do?
Go to your manage products page, click select all, change the action dropdown to say "Change Attributes" and click submit. Then, on the websites tab, make sure your new site is checked in the "Add Product to Websites" area, and click save.

How to display products in home page which are created from a program in magento?

I created products using a controller in magento.The products are successfully created and are shown in list of products in Magento admin panel.But these are not shown in Magento home page.
But once I click on EDIT of these products and save them unchanged,they are shown on home page.
I am new to magento...
What might be the reason and how to overcome?
First you need to flush all Cache you can do it form admin->system->Cache Management now click on "Flush Magento Cache" Button
secondly you need to Index you can do it form admin->system->Index Management
select all indexes and select reindex data and click on submit button now check your home page it should work.make sure your product should be in stock
and status = enable.

how to add custom category to display area with blog in joomla?

In joomla 3.2 I have created a new category with name struts2. But when I create articles under this category it's not getting displayed in the default page. Only if I select the category as blog then only it is displaying the content area. How to add mu category struts2 to the default category (blog) which is displaying by default?
In the categories menu, struts2, in the options tab under 'Alternative Layout'
select 'Blog'. Then in the Home page menu item, in the Layout tab under Categories add struts2. It should work.

How to shows featured products in product page by category in magento?

I need to show featured products in product page by category, I created attribute to set featured product in admin panel, It working fine in admin panel,I need to get all the featured products by corresponding category in products page.
I am novice to magento , so please help me.
You can find detailed tutorial from Magento Wiki to create featured product.
