Xcode Product -> Archive disabled - xcode

I have been archiving for ad hoc distribution fine for many months and suddenly today I cannot do so as the Archive menu item is disabled. I have not changed anything. I went through the provisioning setup for the project and it looks ok.
My Ad Hoc profile is about to expire in 14 days. Could this be the problem? I don't believe I can renew it until the day it expires. There is a a "renew" button for my ad hoc profile in the organizer but when I click it I get...
The given profile was not found on the provisioning portal.
Please refresh your provisioning profiles before attempting to renew “MyAddHocProfile”
The profile in the provisioning portal shows active, expiring on the 30th. I noticed that I had not yet upgraded to 4.6.2 and did so. Then I downloaded my profile and double cliked it thinking that would refresh the profile in Xcode, still no joy. I also tried manually replacing the profile file MyAddHocProfile.mobileprovision in the Library.
What do they mean "refresh your provisioning profile"?
Even so, I would think that as long as the profile is active, I should be able to create an archive. I must be doing something else wrong.

You've changed your scheme destination to a simulator instead of Generic iOS Device.
That's why it is greyed out.

Select "Any iOS Device" in newer versions of Xcode. And Archive Option will be enabled!

Change the active scheme Device from Simulator to Generic iOS Device

Select active scheme to Generic iOs Device.

In addition to the generic device (or "Any iOS Device" in newer versions of Xcode) mentioned in the other answers, it is possible that the "Archive" action is not selected for the current target in the scheme.
To view and edit at the current scheme, select Product > Schemes > Edit Scheme... (Cmd+<), then make sure that the "Archive" action is checked in the line corresponding to the desired target.
In the image below, Archive is not checked and the Archive action is greyed out in the Product menu. Checking the indicated checkbox fixed the issue for me.

If you are sure that you selected the Generic iOS device and still can't see the option, then you simply have to restart Xcode.
This was the missing solution for me as a cordova developer with Xcode 11.2

Organiser was empty after try every here recommended settings, also it was impossible to do 'Product > Archive' but... Only when device connected on cable and app run then 'Archive' show up. and then was possible to do 'Archive' and app shows up in Organiser


Xcode 8: Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify containers

I'm getting this error with code signing with Xcode 8:
Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify containers
What does it want from me?
I also faced this issue in XCode 8.3.3 (8E3004b). I just went to Project Settings → Capabilities tab, then toggled iCloud off and on. Once I went back to the General tab, the errors were gone.
This seems like it may be a bug with XCode 8.
To resolve this, I unchecked the "automatically manage signing" checkbox in the of my target's General settings. I then archived my project by manually setting the provisioning profiles. After that succeeded, I went back and again checked the "automatically manage signing" checkbox and it stopped complaining with errors that made no sense.
Just had this issue with XCode 8.3.2 after we enabled iCloud Capabilities and the entitlements changed. We use automatic signing - xcode managed profile. Going into Xcode -> Preferences -> Download All Profiles wouldn't fix the problem UNTIL we temporarily made team members Admin and repeated the process. At that point XCode realized the new provisioning profile and the problem was solved.
Just goto Xcode capabilities section and see if any of the capability showing error then disable that and enable again. Then come to your Signing section in General. The issues will go now
1) Remove all automatically created provision profiles from
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
2) In Xcode 11.1 and higher remove and add capabilities
I faced this issue in XCODE Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b). To resolve this go to project settings. In capabilities tab -> iCloud -> containers. Verify whether valid iCloud containers are selected and you have permission to access these containers. This should resolve the issue.
I was having the same problem too after I added a new device with Xcode 8.3.3 (same issue present in Xcode beta 9.0 as well). My Apple Developer account wasn't an administrator at the time either. I tried deleting my provisioning profiles and re-downloading them but that didn't work. I tried manually downloading and installing the provisioning profiles from developer.apple.com, but that didn't work either. I had my Apple Developer account made an Administrator following advice from dchappelle https://stackoverflow.com/a/43812123/5760384 and voila! The provisioning errors went away. (I'd reply to his post, but I don't have enough reputation.)
Full text of error:
Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify
containers. Provisioning profile "myApp" doesn't include the currently
selected device "myDevice". Code signing is required for product type
'Application' in SDK 10.3
Another potential solution, depending on your needs, is to upgrade to the paid version of the Apple Developer Program; this gives you access to the iCloud container features. Once paid and activated (the membership application takes a few hours to go through if you're an individual... sometimes a few days if you're a business) you'll need to enable iCloud features via the online dashboard or via XCode as per Apple's instructions. You may then have to restart XCode.
I had the same issue with Xcode 9.2. But in my case, the problem was in Keychain: my dev certificate was saved into login keychain by default. I was able to build an app on a device only when I moved it to System keychain.
So the steps are next:
Open Keychain Access
Open login keychain (you can see the list of all keychains on the left top corner of the window)
Drag and drop your dev/distribution certificate into System keychain
You may need to input password.
PS: while doing this steps you also may need to unlock locks on the keychains.
I had this problem and I fixed it by logging in to the iTunes development portal and accepted the new Terms & Conditions. I was basically locked out until these were accepted.
I was getting this error because I was in another team (my university team account), which was severely limiting my access to developer.apple.com features. Once I left that team (I added an answers here because even this was a bit of a pain), I was able to remove & re-add my account to XCode. It then worked.
EDIT: It happened again on a new machine (an M1 mac), and this time I had left the university account. By removing and adding back "Apple Pay" capability in Signing & Capabilities, it immediately fixed itself.
None of the other answers worked for me. E.g. The app doesn't even use iCloud, and enabling-disabling it didn't help. Deleting profiles, revoking certificates, disabling/re-enabling automatically manage signing also didn't help.
Go to Xcode -> preferences -> Accounts.
Remove your Apple ID & login back. Refresh the signing in on your project target
I had the same issue using Xcode 9.3
1 - Deselect "Automatic manage signing"
2 - Created a Provisioning profile for dev and dist and added in Keychain.
3 - Again when you come back to Sighing (debug and release) you can see your created provisioning profile in a dropdown
4 - Crate archive by selecting "Generic iOS devices" in the project schema

Failed to create provisioning profile

I'm trying to create a project in Xcode, Version 8.0 beta 6 (8S201h) and I'm getting this error.
The apple account is a free one because I'm just playing around with Xcode but it is forcing me to set it as a Team. Any help?
Check the schemes menu at the top of the Xcode project window. Look at the destination you're trying to run in. If you run in the simulator, you don't need to sign your project.
If you run in a device, you need to attach the actual device. It must not say "generic device".
In my case this error disappeared when I changed the "Bundle Identifier" to something less generic (e.g. adding some random numbers at the end)
Change the bundle identifier to something more unique.
If you are following a tutorial and just put a generic identifier then adding a few numbers to the end will likely solve your issues.
i.e. if you had HelloWorld change it to HelloWorld12345
After struggling for an hour, I just unchecked the "Automatically manage signing" and went back to the old school way of specifying my profiles. Probably not the best thing to do but works.
Profiling your Phone takes a few minutes. . . watch the status bar on the top to be sure that your phone is being profiled on the top.
Next, be sure you choose YOUR PHONE as the target, not iPhone 7 or iPhone 8... your exact phone. This is done by choosing: Product > Destination > (pick your phone)
Your phone will only show up after it's been plugged in, turned on, and left running for a few minutes while Xcode creates a profile.
Check these things.
1.A device is connected to your system or not.
2.Deployment target in xcode. (General->Deployment info->Deployment target)
It should match with the ios version of your device.
3.Change your bundle identifier. Follow general rules of setting a unique bundle identifier for yourproject while running in device.
See this what is correct format of bundle identifier in iOS?
Also be careful with the number of bundle identifiers you set in the project. Please remember all bundle identifiers or note it down somewhere. Since you are using a free account you have limited access to the number of bundle id's.
You should also disable push notifications in the "Capabilities" section of the project. Try changing "App groups" as well in the format of group.com.someString.
These things helped me run my app in real device without any errors.
I had same problem with provisioning profile. If you have any kind of iPhone, you can connect to your Mac with cable and provisioning profile is automatically defined.
After some time with the same disturbing error and after I write a unique Bundle Identifier and it didn't help,
I searched the web and found here that my error was that I selected a virtual device and not an real device. The solution was:
1.I plugged my iPhone
2.I clicked on the button - set the active scheme. and there it was on the top - device iPhone.
the error has gone.
I have had this error multiple times and what solves it for me is the following:
In the list with the view of all certificates, right click on each row and move each certificate to trash (go to Xcode > Preferences > Choose account > Click View Details)
Go to member center download the right certificates again and click on them so
Restart Xcode
Go to build settings and set the right Code signing for debug/release - you should be able to see an option on the row that says "Identities from profile..."
If this doesn't work then you should consider revoking your certificate and then create a new one and the do the steps above again.
The issue behind this error is Unavailability of App ID with given Bundle Identifier
Solution: Change Bundle Identifier simple :)
Adding this because it took me 4 hours to figure out..
Xcode will fail to create the provisioning profile for a device with no name, i.e. "" or " ". When I changed my device name to something else, the steps above worked.
Both of these errors arise as a result of a provisioning profile not existing. To create one, simply do the following as suggested in the error message:
Plug in your Apple device
Choose the device from the schemes/simulator menu
Thereafter, provisioning profile will automatically be created
This error is because you selected a target rather than a project name, so please, at the left side of general in Xcode you will find your project name. Click on it and change it from target to project section.
Change Deployment Target to newer version and then solved
For me this happened when I was making a tvOS app and didn't have a appleTV registered.
In general, you need to plug in the device or have logged into it (connected to it)..then it shows up here: https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list
You can also add devices there..you need to click reset to be able to add a new device. the reset button should be labeled modify because it doesn't reset anything.
for example, if you need to make a tvOS app then you need to have an apple TV in the device list. Once you add that then you're good to go. kisses.
Go to your apple developer account and hit certificates
Select devices from the left side
Add the device name and its UDID. Close Xcode and hit automatic signing
Attach your iPhone to Xcode. and run the app on that. Xcode will automatically create a profile.
To set up WITHOUT an iPhone, you can manually download certificates from Apple's website and create a profile. The certificates you install on the Mac and the Profile you import into XCode after download. It worked for me. Follow the links:
It's just as it says.
To have xCode automate something, you need to get your own iPhone registered there with the UDID, which you can find on Finder or System Information (USB section) when you connect to your iPhone.
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Select a device run destination to have Xcode register it.
Adding a fake device on Apple dev account helped me since I have no iPhone:
Example of device you can add:
Name: "NotARealDevice"
Device ID: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
For me this happened when I tried to run on a device with a newer version of iOS than supported by the version of Xcode I was running.
There are basically two way to solve the issue.
Add a device on your mac. Then you can choose that device by selecting Product => Destination => Select your connected device. After this, Xcode will try to add the device in apple developer platform and also create a profile against the same.
Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list. Add a iPhone device by providing device name and device UDID number. you can google it (How to get the UDID number for iphone). Then you can create the profile and then retry.
By adding my iphone device here solved my problem.
and getting apple UUID use this website https://udid.tech no need of xcode and itunes.
Change bundle identifier, Straight solution
What saved me from this error was when I changed my Bundle Identifier.
Try and do that

Xcode 6 OS X Submission Error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile

I'm having the worst time ever submitting an update to my Mac app. Everything was fine until I updated to Xcode 6. I'm in Mavericks, 10.9.4. I get the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile.
I have no idea why it says "iOS." Don't know if that's an Xcode bug or it thinks I'm making an iOS app. I used the same Xcode project file to submit the Mac app in the previous Xcode.
I have tried the following with no results:
• Revoked and deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles and started over.
• I created all certificates, provisioning profiles manually rather than Xcode managing them.
• Set the provisioning profile in "release" in the target and in a different occasion, in the project file.
• Gone into the project info and created a separate configuration.
The only "weird" thing I would say that I could be doing insanely obviously wrong is when I look at the options for code singing identity for release, it says "Mac Developer:yata" but there is no option for "Mac Distribution:(myname)" Should there be? I didn't need that in the past. Also, the only options that I can select are in a section called "identities in keychain." Should there be another section? "Identities in Xcode?"
Thank you for anyone that can help. I'll try pretty much anything at this point.
Solution for my case:
I got error in validation stage.
On organizer we see:
1) Go to Apple download page and download xCode 5.1.1
2) Double click on xcode_5.1.1.dmg
3) Copy xCode.app to Desktop
4) Rename xCode.app -> xCode511.app
5) Move xCode511.app -> Applications
6) Close xCode 6.1
7) Work with validation and upload in xCode511.app
8) Be careful ! ITC.apps.validation.prerelease_build_missing
I don't have Xcode right now, but here are the steps:
Delete your certificate and provisioning, both your mac and iTunes account
Regenerate the certificates and provisioning profile (distribution)
Download double click
Go to the account tab, then view account
All certificates and profiles will be listed refresh the stuff there
Clean and rebuild your app with the right provision and 3 party Mac developer
archive, validate and submit (select the right provison and match the app)
Everything you will ever need to know :
I was having the same problem... finally I click on Submit and it worked! It seems that the problem is on Validate only.
Okay so our problem was that our company name had an apostrophe in it ---- could have the same issue if you have quotes in your company name as well. I contacted Apple for them to change it and then uploading worked from Xcode 5.1.1.

Provisioning Profiles menu item missing from Xcode 5

After spending a whole day installing a fresh copy of Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion), Xcode 5, fixing provisioning profiles, certificates, creating new ones, I finally managed to get my applications running on my iPad again. The problem is that in Xcode 5 I don't have a menu item for Library - Provisioning Profiles, and I don't know what could have happened. I restarted the computer, tried some things, but I really have no idea what I could do. How can I fix this problem?
These settings have now moved to Preferences > Accounts:
If you like to manually manage your profiles (mostly to clean up):
Open Windows/Devices in Xcode 6
Select your device
Show Provisioning Profiles:
You'll get + and - buttons to add/remove profiles:
No longer supported ... you can also download Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X, it still has "Provisioning Profiles" and works with Xcode 5 -- it's now gone from Apples site but you can find an alternative download link in #suda's comment.
Provisioning files are located in:
/Users/${USER}/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
Just remove the out-of-date files.
Xcode 5 lost my Mac Provisioning Profile while the one for iOS was present. The tips elsewhere helped solve the problem; this is what I did, because I noticed the lists were too short and did not include *Mac Team Provisioning Profile: **
Xcode menu => Preferences => Accounts
Select the Apple ID in the left panel.
Click the View Details button on the right.
In the pop-over that follows click the round refresh arrow. The lists will refresh after the download from the Member Center finishes. This can take a few minutes.
The provisioning profiles can then be selected in a Mac project under Build Settings => Code Signing => Provisioning Profile.
Try this:
Xcode >> Preferences >> Accounts
You can add account in the preference -> Accounts setting.
It seems that you already configure xCode4, then I think you can select your
certificates for compiling in project-> Building Setting directly since your
certificates are already in your keychain.
After searching a few times in google, i found one software for provisioning profiles.
Install this iPhone configuration utility software and manage your all provisioning profiles in MAC.
Stupid as it may sound but all "Provisioning Profiles" re-appear under "Organizer - Devices" once you connect a real device.
For me, the refresh in xcode 5 prefs->accounts was doing nothing. At one point it showed me three profiles so I thought I was one refresh away, but after the next refresh it went back to just one profile, so I abandoned this method.
If anyone gets this far and is still struggling, here's what I did:
Close xcode 5
Open xcode 4.6.2
Go to Window->Organizer->Provisioning Profiles
Press Refresh arrow on bottom right
When I did this, everything synced up perfectly. It even told me what it was downloading each step of the way like good software does. After the sync completed, I closed xcode 4.6.2, re-opened xcode 5 and went to preferences->accounts and voila, all of my profiles are now available in xocde 5.

The Automatic Device Provisioning options have gone since upgrading to Xcode 4.3.1?

I'm making a release for the first time since upgrading to Xcode 4.3.1.
While having a look to see if my profiles were up to date I also noticed that automatically updating device provisioning is no longer displayed (i.e. where it should appear in this screen shot doesn't appear for me How to add a new device to a team provisioning profile) but it used to there before I upgraded.
Is this something that has been removed with 4.3.1? If not, why is it no longer appearing for me?
xCode 4.3 now has the Refresh link on the far right, and there is no longer a checkbox for "Automatic Device Provisioning," at least that I can find.
Just clicking the Refresh link on the right is all that's needed to update the app's provisioning profile from developer.apple.com.
I'm not seeing it either. I'm having lots of troubles with code signing and ad hoc distribution, so I'm trying to follow Apple's (recently updated!) step by step instructions. However, they don't appear to match the options I have in XCode. It appears that "automatic device provisioning" has been silently removed as an option, or my Organizer install is corrupted.
