Magento: improving default search engine - magento

So, I changed the default Magento search engine slightly, and it works close to how I want it. (i.e. OR term search to AND). However, there is one more thing that I'd like to implement. When a person searches for a series of terms, like Green Apple A, I'd like the product Green Apple A to show up first. Right now, with the AND operator, the results are in the order they were pulled from the DB. So, the Green Apple A might show up in anywhere.
Here is the function that prepares the results.. It is a bit complicated for me, and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to "append" a search result that looks for the specific sequence of the inputted terms and concatenates the results, giving this priority, so it shows up first.
(Sorry for the long code. I typically don't like posting large amount of code)
From Fulltext.php in /stores/my_website/app/code/local/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Resource
public function prepareResult($object, $queryText, $query)
$adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
if (!$query->getIsProcessed()) {
$searchType = $object->getSearchType($query->getStoreId());
$preparedTerms = Mage::getResourceHelper('catalogsearch')
->prepareTerms($queryText, $query->getMaxQueryWords());
$bind = array();
$like = array();
$likeCond = '';
if ($searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE
|| $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE
) {
$helper = Mage::getResourceHelper('core');
$words = Mage::helper('core/string')->splitWords($queryText, true, $query->getMaxQueryWords());
foreach ($words as $word) {
$like[] = $helper->getCILike('s.data_index', $word, array('position' => 'any'));
if ($like) {
$likeCond = '(' . join(' AND ', $like) . ')';
$mainTableAlias = 's';
$fields = array(
'query_id' => new Zend_Db_Expr($query->getId()),
$select = $adapter->select()
->from(array($mainTableAlias => $this->getMainTable()), $fields)
->joinInner(array('e' => $this->getTable('catalog/product')),
'e.entity_id = s.product_id',
->where($mainTableAlias.'.store_id = ?', (int)$query->getStoreId());
if ($searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_FULLTEXT
|| $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE
) {
$bind[':query'] = implode(' ', $preparedTerms[0]);
$where = Mage::getResourceHelper('catalogsearch')
->chooseFulltext($this->getMainTable(), $mainTableAlias, $select);
if ($likeCond != '' && $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE) {
$where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . $likeCond;
} elseif ($likeCond != '' && $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE) {
$select->columns(array('relevance' => new Zend_Db_Expr(0)));
$where = $likeCond;
if ($where != '') {
$sql = $adapter->insertFromSelect($select,
$adapter->query($sql, $bind);
return $this;

I think you can try this free extension for default search


Codeigniter count_all_results with having

I have composed a query using Codeigniter's Query Builder class. The query utilizes aliases and the having method. When I call the count_all_results method on this query, an exception occurs. Inspecting the log, I see that the query has stripped out the 'having' clauses. Is there a way to keep these clauses in while calling count_all_results? Thanks for your help.
EDIT: I first believed the problem was knowledge-based and not code-based and so did not share the code, but here it is. Please let me know if more is needed.
Here's the call on the model in the controller.
$where_array = array(
$parent_key.' is not NULL' => null
$search_post = $request_data['search'];
if (isset($request_data['filter'])) {
$filter_array = $request_data['filter'];
foreach ($filter_array as $filter_pair) {
if (isset($filter_pair['escape'])) {
$where_array[$filter_pair['filterBy']] = null;
} else {
if ($filter_pair['filterBy'] == 'table3_id') {
$where_array['table3.'.$filter_pair['filterBy']] = isset($filter_pair['filterId']) ?
$filter_pair['filterId'] : null;
} else {
$where_array[$table.'.'.$filter_pair['filterBy']] = isset($filter_pair['filterId']) ?
$filter_pair['filterId'] : null;
$like_array = array();
foreach ($request_data['columns'] as $key => $column) {
if (!empty($column['search']['value'])) {
$like_array[$column['data']] = $column['search']['value'];
$totalFiltered = $this->$model_name->modelSearchCount($search, $where_array, $like_array);
Here's the model methods.
public function modelSearchCount($search, $where_array = null, $like_array = null)
$this->joinLookups(null, $search);
if ($where_array) {
if ($like_array) {
foreach($like_array as $key => $value) {
$this->db->having($key." LIKE '%". $value. "%'");
return $this->db->from($this->table)->count_all_results();
protected function joinLookups($display_config = null, $search = null)
$select_array = null;
$join_array = array();
$search_column_array = $search ? array() : null;
$i = 'a';
$config = $display_config ? $display_config : $this->getIndexConfig();
foreach ($config as $column) {
if (array_key_exists($column['field'], $this->lookups)) {
$guest_model_name = $this->lookups[$column['field']];
$join_string =$this->table.'.'.$column['field'].'='.$i.'.'.
$guest_display = $this->$guest_model_name->getDisplay();
if ($search) {
$search_column_array[] = $i.'.'.$guest_display;
$join_array[$this->$guest_model_name->getTable().' as '.$i] = $join_string;
$select_array[] = $i.'.'.
} else {
$select_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$column['field'];
if ($search) {
$search_column_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$column['field'];
$select_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$this->key;
foreach ($join_array as $key => $value) {
$this->db->join($key, $value, 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('table2', $this->table.'.table2_id=table2.table2_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table3', 'table2.table3_id=table3.table3_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table4', $this->table.'.table4_id=table4_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table5', 'table4.table5_id=table5.table5_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->select(implode($select_array, ', '));
if ($search) {
foreach (explode(' ', $search) as $term) {
$this->db->or_like($this->table.'.'.$this->key, $term);
foreach ($search_column_array as $search_column) {
$this->db->or_like($search_column, $term);
$this->db->select('table2_date, '. $this->table.'.table2_id, table4_id, '. 'table5.table5_description');
Since count_all_results() will basically run a Select count(*) and not count the rows in your resultset (basically rendering the query useless for your purposes) you may use other Codeigniter methods to get the resultset and the row count.
Try running the query into a variable:
$query = $this->db->get();
From then, you can do pretty much anything. Besides returning the result with $query->result(); you can get the number of rows into another variable with:
$rownum = $query->num_rows();
You can then return that into your controller or even just return the $query object and then run the num_rows() method on the controller
To answer this question, count_all_results() transforms the original query by replacing your selects with SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table. the aliased column would not be selected, and the having clause would not recognize the column. This is why count_all_results() does not work with having.

Having a lot of trouble with Yii2 QueryBuilder

public function getOrderItemStatus($magentoorderitemid) {
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())
->select(["COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipVendor, '') AS ShipMethod", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier","COALESCE(ShipTracking.TrackingNumber, '') AS TrackingNumber"])
->leftJoin('PickTicketOrders','PickTicketOrders.OrderId = OrderDetails.OrderId')
->leftJoin('ShipTracking', 'ShipTracking.PickTicketId = PickTicketOrders.Id')
->leftJoin('Products', 'Products.ISBN = OrderDetails.ISBN')
->where('OrderDetails.MagentoOrderItemId=:magentoorderitemid', [':magentoorderitemid' => $magentoorderitemid]);
$result = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($query)->execute();
return $result;
Even when I remove the joins and the where, and I change the select to *. It doesn't work
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())
->select(["COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipVendor, '') AS ShipMethod", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier","COALESCE(ShipTracking.TrackingNumber, '') AS TrackingNumber"])
->leftJoin('PickTicketOrders','PickTicketOrders.OrderId = OrderDetails.OrderId')
->leftJoin('ShipTracking', 'ShipTracking.PickTicketId = PickTicketOrders.Id')
->leftJoin('Products', 'Products.ISBN = OrderDetails.ISBN')
->where('OrderDetails.MagentoOrderItemId=:magentoorderitemid', [':magentoorderitemid' => $magentoorderitemid]);
$command = $query->createCommand();
$result = $command->queryAll();
Use this query in this way
I ended up using the following and it works
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())
->select(["COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipVendor, '') AS ShipMethod", "COALESCE(ShipTracking.ShipCarrier, '') AS ShipCarrier","COALESCE(ShipTracking.TrackingNumber, '') AS TrackingNumber"])
->leftJoin('PickTicketOrders','PickTicketOrders.OrderId = OrderDetails.OrderId')
->leftJoin('ShipTracking', 'ShipTracking.PickTicketId = PickTicketOrders.Id')
->leftJoin('Products', 'Products.ISBN = OrderDetails.ISBN')
->where('OrderDetails.MagentoOrderItemId=:magentoorderitemid', [':magentoorderitemid' => $magentoorderitemid]);
$result = $query->all();

Laravel Bulk UPDATE

I'm trying to update a table containing a slug value with random slugs for each record.
$vouchers = Voucher->get(); // assume 10K for example
foreach ($vouchers as $voucher) {
$q .= "UPDATE vouchers set slug = '" . Str::random(32) . "' WHERE id = " . $voucher->id . ";";
There are about 2 million records so I need to perform this as a bulk. Doing it as separate records is taking way too long. I can't seem to find a way to bulk run them, say in groups of 10K or something.
Tried a bunch of variations of ->update() and DB::statement but can't seem to get it to go.
In case someone land in this page like me, laravel allows a bulk update as:
$affectedRows = Voucher::where('id', '=', $voucher->id)->update(array('slug' => Str::random(32)));
See "Updating A Retrieved Model" under
I have created My Custom function for Multiple Update like update_batch in CodeIgniter.
Just place this function in any of your model or you can create helper class and place this function in that class:
//test data
$multipleData = array(
'title' => 'My title' ,
'name' => 'My Name 2' ,
'date' => 'My date 2'
'title' => 'Another title' ,
'name' => 'Another Name 2' ,
'date' => 'Another date 2'
* ----------------------------------
* update batch
* ----------------------------------
* multiple update in one query
* tablename( required | string )
* multipleData ( required | array of array )
static function updateBatch($tableName = "", $multipleData = array()){
if( $tableName && !empty($multipleData) ) {
// column or fields to update
$updateColumn = array_keys($multipleData[0]);
$referenceColumn = $updateColumn[0]; //e.g id
$whereIn = "";
$q = "UPDATE ".$tableName." SET ";
foreach ( $updateColumn as $uColumn ) {
$q .= $uColumn." = CASE ";
foreach( $multipleData as $data ) {
$q .= "WHEN ".$referenceColumn." = ".$data[$referenceColumn]." THEN '".$data[$uColumn]."' ";
$q .= "ELSE ".$uColumn." END, ";
foreach( $multipleData as $data ) {
$whereIn .= "'".$data[$referenceColumn]."', ";
$q = rtrim($q, ", ")." WHERE ".$referenceColumn." IN (". rtrim($whereIn, ', ').")";
// Update
return DB::update(DB::raw($q));
} else {
return false;
It will Produces:
UPDATE `mytable` SET `name` = CASE
WHEN `title` = 'My title' THEN 'My Name 2'
WHEN `title` = 'Another title' THEN 'Another Name 2'
ELSE `name` END,
`date` = CASE
WHEN `title` = 'My title' THEN 'My date 2'
WHEN `title` = 'Another title' THEN 'Another date 2'
ELSE `date` END
WHERE `title` IN ('My title','Another title')
Chunking results is the best way to do this kind of stuff without eating all of your RAM and Laravel support chunking results out of the box.
For example:
Voucher::chunk(2000, function($vouchers)
foreach ($vouchers as $voucher)
I made a bulk update function to use in my Laravel projects. It may be useful for anyone who wants to use the batch update query in Laravel. Its first parameter is the table name string, second is the key name string based on which you want to update the row or rows and most of the times it will be the 'id' and the third parameter is a data array in the following format:
'id' => 1,
'col_1_name' => 'col_1_val',
'col_2_name' => 'col_2_val',
'id' => 2,
'col_1_name' => 'col_1_val',
'col_2_name' => 'col_2_val',
The function will return the number of affected rows. Function definition:
private function custom_batch_update(string $table_name = '', string $key = '', Array $update_arr = array()) {
if(!$table_name || !$key || !$update_arr){
return false;
$update_keys = array_keys($update_arr[0]);
$update_keys_count = count($update_keys);
for ($i = 0; $i < $update_keys_count; $i++) {
$key_name = $update_keys[$i];
if($key === $key_name){
$when_{$key_name} = $key_name . ' = CASE';
$length = count($update_arr);
$index = 0;
$query_str = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ';
$when_str = '';
$where_str = ' WHERE ' . $key . ' IN(';
while ($index < $length) {
$when_str = " WHEN $key = '{$update_arr[$index][$key]}' THEN";
$where_str .= "'{$update_arr[$index][$key]}',";
for ($i = 0; $i < $update_keys_count; $i++) {
$key_name = $update_keys[$i];
if($key === $key_name){
$when_{$key_name} .= $when_str . " '{$update_arr[$index][$key_name]}'";
for ($i = 0; $i < $update_keys_count; $i++) {
$key_name = $update_keys[$i];
if($key === $key_name){
$when_{$key_name} .= ' ELSE ' . $key_name . ' END, ';
$query_str .= $when_{$key_name};
$query_str = rtrim($query_str, ', ');
$where_str = rtrim($where_str, ',') . ')';
$query_str .= $where_str;
$affected = DB::update($query_str);
return $affected;
It will produce and execute the query string like this:
UPDATE table_name SET col_1_name = CASE
WHEN id = '1' THEN 'col_1_value'
WHEN id = '2' THEN 'col_1_value'
ELSE col_1_name END,
col_2_name = CASE
WHEN id = '1' THEN 'col_2_value'
WHEN id = '2' THEN 'col_2_value'
ELSE col_2_name END
WHERE id IN('1','2')

Laravel sort by join value many to many relationship with pagination

Lets say that each user has domains and I would like to be able to display those domains in a tabular format.
As a user I should be able to sort by the domain attributes.
The domain attributes include sortable entities such as page rank.
In laravel I grab a collection of domains that are related to the currently logged in user like so:
$users = User::with(array('domains' => function($query)
// $query->where('name','like','%all%'); //subquery filter
//What goes here?
I can itterate through the results like so:
$domains = $users->domains;
$collection = Paginator::make($domains->toArray(), $page, $pagesize);
To get the result set I would do this:
How do I apply a filter to the domain results to apply sorting by a particular value?
So I got done typing this message and decided to try something:
public function listView()
$order = Input::get('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; // default desc
$page = Input::get('page') ? Input::get('page') : 1; // default 1
$model = new Domain;
$pagesize = Input::get('pagesize');
if($pagesize == 'all')
$pagesize = count($model::all());
$pagesize = DomainsController::$default_pagesize;
$pagesize = DomainsController::$default_pagesize;
$users = User::with(array('domains' => function($query)
$sort = Input::get('sort') ? Input::get('sort') : NULL; // default NULL
$order = Input::get('order') ? Input::get('order') : 'DESC'; // default DESC
$query->orderBy($sort, $order);
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
$domains = $users->domains;
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
$collection = Paginator::make($domains->toArray(), $page, $pagesize);
$data = array(
'totalCount' => count($domains),
'pageSize' => $collection->getPerPage(),
'numberOfPages' => $collection->getLastPage(),
'currentPage' => $collection->getCurrentPage(),
'startNumber' => $collection->getFrom(),
'endNumber' => $collection->getTo(),
'results' => $collection->getItems(),
'sortstr'=>((Input::get('pagesize')) == '' ? '' : '&pagesize='.(Input::get('pagesize'))).'&order='.($order == 'asc' || null ? 'desc' : 'asc'),
'querystr'=>(Input::get('pagesize')) == '' ? '' : '&pagesize='.(Input::get('pagesize')).'&order='.(Input::get('order') == '' ? 'desc' : (Input::get('order')))
$this->layout->content = View::make('',$data);
This is working code.
To answer my own question, the problem I was having is simply that the $sort value was inaccessible from the function SEE function($query).

Lof K2Scroller Module

I have been using K2 Scroller module developed by Land of Coder. When I use this module to display same category items in the items view the module displays items in the ascending order of the date created and it is the default and only setting available in the module parameter settings in the back-end. However, I want the module to display the items in date wise descending order. So I chose to edit the default code in the helper which I suppose is used to process items based on the back-end settings. And this is the part of the code in the helper file which I think controls the order:
public function __getList( $params ){
global $mainframe;
/*some irrelevant code removed*/
$condition = $this->buildConditionQuery( $params );
$limitDescriptionBy = $params->get('limit_description_by','char');
$ordering = $params->get( 'k2_ordering', 'created_desc');
$limit = $params->get( 'limit_items', 5 );
$ordering = str_replace( '_', ' ', $ordering );
$my = &JFactory::getUser();
$aid = $my->get( 'aid', 0 );
/*some irrelevant code removed*/
$extraURL = $params->get('open_target')!='modalbox'?'':'&tmpl=component';
$excludeIds = $params->get('exclude_ids', '');
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$date =& JFactory::getDate();
$now = $date->toMySQL();
$dateFormat = $params->get('date_format', 'DATE_FORMAT_LC3');
$limitDescriptionBy = $params->get('limit_description_by','char');
$isAuthor= $params->get('itemAuthor',0);
require_once ( JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_k2/helpers/route.php') );
$query = "SELECT a.*, cr.rating_sum/cr.rating_count as rating, as categoryname, as categoryid, c.alias as categoryalias, c.params as categoryparams, cc.commentcount as commentcount".
" FROM #__k2_items as a".
" LEFT JOIN #__k2_categories c ON = a.catid" .
" LEFT JOIN #__k2_rating as cr ON = cr.itemid".
" LEFT JOIN (select cm.itemid as id, count( as commentcount from #__k2_comments as cm
where cm.published=1 group by cm.itemid) as cc on =";
$query .= " WHERE a.published = 1"
. " AND a.access get('featured_items_show','0') == 0 ){
$query.= " AND a.featured != 1";
} elseif( $params->get('featured_items_show','0') == 2 ) {
$query.= " AND a.featured = 1";
if( trim($excludeIds) ){
$query .= " AND NOT IN(".$excludeIds.") ";
$query .= $condition . ' ORDER BY ' . $ordering;
$query .= $limit ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : '';
$data = $db->loadObjectlist();
/*some irrelevant code removed*/
return $data;
* build condition query base parameter
* #param JParameter $params;
* #return string.
public function buildConditionQuery( $params ){
$source = trim($params->get( 'k2_source', 'k2_category' ) );
if( $source == 'k2_category' ){
$catids = $params->get( 'k2_category','');
if( !$catids ){
return '';
$catids = !is_array($catids) ? $catids : '"'.implode('","',$catids).'"';
$condition = ' AND a.catid IN( '.$catids.' )';
} else {
$ids = preg_split('/,/',$params->get( 'k2_items_ids',''));
$tmp = array();
foreach( $ids as $id ){
$tmp[] = (int) trim($id);
$condition = " AND IN('". implode( "','", $tmp ) ."')";
return $condition;
Am I editing the right part of the code or am I missing something else.
I am looking forward to your help
Maybe the best way would be to modify the xml file of the module.
I looked at the code of Lof K2Scroller (v 2.2 for Joomla 2.5) and the different ordering options are there.
However if you want to modify the default option, you are in the right file, just replace 'created_desc' for 'created_asc' .
