SideBySide Application Error - windows

I've got an application that has been built with TideSDK.
When trying to run the application on the machine that it was packaged with (runs Windows 8) the application works no problem. When I try to run this program on a Windows Vista machine that I've got, I get a
"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail."
Here's the event viewer information:
Activation context generation failed for "C:\Users[blah blah blah]\Program.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT, processorArchitecture="x86", publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3", type="win32", version="8.0.50727.4053" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
Some solutions say to update windows or reinstall visual c++ redist.
Do these errors signify a needed windows update or visual c++ redist reinstallation?
Thanks in advance!

Hi The MSVC Redistibutable files are outdated in your system. You need to install "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1" Redistributables.
they can be found here:


Error Message During the Installation of Microsoft Visual c++ 2015

I have problem trying to install visual c++ 2015. All I get is error Message. The error message is 0x80240017. I have tried several solutions provided online but it seems none of them is working for me. Some will tell me to fully uninstall then restart my PC and try to do the installation again.
I'm running windows 7 32bit.
Thanks so much in advance.
I'm very grateful to everyone.
I found the solution to my problem. The specifications of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 indicate that your Operating System must have a Service Pack. Eg service pack 1 for win7.
You can check this by checking the properties of my computer. Right under the operating system it will be indicated if you have a service pack or not.
To get a service pack for windows 7 try to check for updates. Make sure you see service Pack 1. Or whatsoever. If not install the updates available and restart your PC then check for updates again. Then it should be there.
Thanks house for your contribution

The 32-bit version o fthe Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor cannot be used to debug 64-bit processes?

I am trying to run my visual studio (2010) C++ project on an old Windows XP machine that is running VS2010. However, when I run it, I get the error listed in the title of this question. Why is this, and how can I fix it?
Same error was throwing for me when I had Silverlight debugger enabled. To resolve this issue
Open project properties
Under web tab look for Debuggers
Remove the tick mark on "Silverlight"
In general, a debugger should be the same bitness as the debuggee (or at least it must be able to understand the architecture of the target). In any common siutation, an x86-based debugger will not be able to debug an x64 application.
The Visual Studio documentation says:
To debug a 64-bit application that is running on a remote computer,
you need to install the 64-bit remote debugger on the remote computer.
The 64-bit remote debugger is available on the last disc of your
Visual Studio installation set.

Unable to start/debug program

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 to help me with some exercises for class.
It all worked great in school but when I got home and tried to run and debug the second program I got this error:
Unable to start ...\Kapitel_1\Debug\Kapitel_1.exe
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. For more details, please see the application event log.
How can this be solved?
This message generally means that the machine on which you built the application did not have the same redistributables than the system where you run the application.
Redistributables are sets of DLLs needed for your application to run properly.
In your case, I noticed that you are trying to run a debug build. That might just be the problem: you cannot run an application or use a DLL that has been built in debug configuration on a system with no debugger installed. Installing Visual Studio (ideally the same version your school has) should do the trick. You could also rebuild your application in Release configuration to avoid having to install a debugger on the running system.
Another case where this error message might be displayed is if you just installed a new Visual Studio update on the system that built the application and not on the system where you are trying to run it. In that case, you would need to update your system with the latest set of redistributables from Microsoft (at time of writing, here was a good place to look for that).

application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
my mfc application created in visual studio 5 running on windows server 2000 sp4, i create a release for it and try running it win xp slp2. it gives me application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)
i have tried following things
-Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) the one that comes within the release folder as well as one downloadable from website
copied all dll and mainfest from microsoft visual sutdio\vc\redist
I still keep receiving the same messsage. c
what could be wrong?how can i fix it
some things to check:
check the /SUBSYSTEM linker option for you project. It might include OS major/minor version numbers.
ensure that you are using appropriate Windows XP PlatformSDK on DEV machine; check values of WINVER, _WIN32_WINNT
use depends to see whether the problem is in unresolved dependencies
check the version of runtime that your application requires with that on target machine. I usually do this by looking at the app's manifest from one side and into WinSxS folder of the target machine from another (recently there had been an ATL Security update from Microsoft; new binaries created by updated Visual Studio will not run on machines that haven't the same updated version of runtime).
It is possible you have applied a security update or compiler update to your VS2005 SP1. That makes it generate a manifest that requests a different MFC/CRT-dll than the one installed with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) .
Try to use Depends.exe and open your application, then in the menu choose "Profile". Look in the output window below for a more detailed description.
Are you trying to run the debug version? That may give you an error similar to 0xc0150002. Try the release build, or you could compile against the static libraries rather than dynamic libraries. If you get this problem on a release build then the chances are that it's a missing dll (in which case try running Depends.exe) or an incorrect manifest.
If you have a missing dependency on a runtime dll you could try creating a deployment project for it as this will detect the appropriate runtime dlls and build it into an installer for you.

Setup Project for Windows Service won't build under Server 2008 (Visual Studio 2008)

We've got new machines here for doing development on running Server 2008.
With Visual Studio 2008 we're having problems building a Setup Project which installs the Windows Service - Under Custom Actions then Uninstall, "InstallerClass property is only valid for assemblies".
This builds and installs fine on XP SP3.
Has anybody else had any similar problems?
Workstation OS: Server 2008
Software: Visual Studio 2008
Make sure you add the service in the custom actions otherwise the service will not be registered. Other than that, are you having any compilation errors?
I recommend against using the VS install project. Use Wix instead, it's easier than you think.
I did find this -
Ive made the changes to the Solution and now waiting for it to be tested on a Server 2008 machine - Im still on XP SP3.
I was getting this error when running commandline devenv.exe to build a .vdproj file (in Nant scripts). The problem was I was not also building the dependant project first, so once that was done it worked fine.
It had nothing to do with the configuration of the InstallerClass property after all.
