Magento List Products based by attribute in CMS page, how to? - magento

how can I list only porducts with some attribute on CMS page?
For example I want to list only all the products across the categories with attribute color=red
How can I achive this?
So far I was able to achive listing products with Special prices based on this
HoweverI am unable to modify it to any other attribute. Any help, how can I achieve displaying only products which have specific value of some attribute /from the Root category for the store or also from specific categories/
Thanks a lot.

check out this tutorial for creating a simple custom module which should do exactly what you need:


How to add custom attributes to a specific category in Magento

I need to add some custom attributes to a category in Magento. I only want to use for a special category, not all.
Do you mean that you want products in category A have a set of attributes while products in category B have another set of attributes?
If so, you should create a new attribute set in Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attribute Sets, and add all attributes you need for the specific category. And when you create products for this category, just choose the new attribute set.
Well if it is not what you mean, please give more detailed explanation.
Hope it helps

How To Create Multiple Attribute In Magento For Product Details Page

I want to create multiple attribute in magento for product details page because i have to show two things on the product details page and they are attribute first of all i have color swatches with the help of attribute i am showing on the product details page the next thing is the google map and each different product has a different google map how to show two attribute in magento product details page any help would be very appreciated
You would need to first create an attribute. Read here on a simple tutorial on how to do that.
To display any product attribute in magento you need the "Attribute Code". Lets say you make a attribute called "Gogole Map" with a Attribute Code "gmap". You would need to open the html for the product detail page which can be found
app/design/frontend/default/[your template]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
and just add the following code to where you want to place
<?php echo $_product_getGmap();?>

How to display Category list at search result page in magento..?

I want to display categories instead of product result. if anyone search product name, then result should be category which contains that product.
Is it possible in magento?
Magento does not have this feature.
Magento search depends on product and it Eav Attributes.
If you want then you need create custom extension and custom module

Is it possible to filter related products based on some of it's attributes on the product view page?

I am new to magento and looking for a solution. Is it possible to filter related products based on some of it's attributes on the product view page? I have a product and there are 100s of related products associated with it. I want customers to filter these related products based on their attributes on the product view page itself. Is it possible? Please help me.
Regards, Pallab
The template (Magento version) for this is located in: frontend/your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/list/related.phtml template and the Block class associated with this template is: Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List/Related.php and the method is: protected function _prepareData() where the related products collection is being fetched. You will have to setup your filters as you need, most likely by using JavaScript and finding the products that match the selected (filtered) attributes by the customer.
For more thorough answer, I will need more information about how these filters should look like and work.

How to filter product with related product?

I have to create filter option, which is related product. But I am not getting an idea about it. I have attach image url for reference. Here are product listing, which are related product. And I have to use related product in filter option
Please help me asap.
The simple way would be to define a new product attribute to filter by. You could do a multiselect with all the potential related products and set Use In Layered Navigation to Yes.
