Why String concatenation of extracted file names does not work? - bash

I have a file "a.txt", that contains file names with paths.
I would like to extract these file names and put them in one variable this way:
for i in $(cat a.txt); do
o+=$(basename $i)
echo $o
But it does not work.
I am geting:
Please, help.

while read -r i;
o=$o" "$(basename $i)
done < a.txt
echo $o
The above will do it.
(edits for copy and paste errors)
More edits: just tried this (terminator, ubuntu) and it give the right result:
while read -r i; do o="$o $(basename $i)";done < a.txt

You just need to add a space concatenation to your script, like this:
for i in $(cat a.txt); do
# Check the " " at the end of the following line
o+=$(basename $i)" "
echo $o
And it would work

"o+=..." is not really portable (which version of bash allows it? I never saw it until your mention of it? It looks like perl mechanisms)
Edit2 : following vladintok remarks on what the output is, I add DEBUG infos to try to pinpoints the problem
Edit3 : another step of trying to take out of the way every possible explanation for the weird output reported... I unalias, and unset any function named "o" and "basename" ...
unalias o 2>/dev/null
unalias basename 2>/dev/null
unset o 2>/dev/null
unset basename 2>/dev/null
for i in $(cat a.txt); do
printf 'DEBUG: i is: %s\n' "$i"
o="${o} $(basename $i)"
printf 'DEBUG: final o is: %s\n' "$o"
echo $o
#end of the script.
(of course the above is a SINGLE file. Name it 'test.bash", make it executable: chmod +x test.bash, and then execute it : ./test.bash)
Edit1: I corrected the o=$o" "$(basename $i) into o="${o} $(basename $i)" as pointed out by Pantoine. Otherwise, toto=$toto" "titi : would assign to toto everything until the first space (which will be somewhere inside $toto, after the first iteration or if a basename contained spaces)...


Running du against the home directory of a user whose name came from a variable [duplicate]

I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this:
Note that it is unexpanded tilde. When I do ls -lt on this variable (call it $VAR), I get no such directory. I want to let bash interpret/expand this variable without executing it. In other words, I want bash to run eval but not run the evaluated command. Is this possible in bash?
How did I manage to pass this into my script without expansion? I passed the argument in surrounding it with double quotes.
Try this command to see what I mean:
ls -lt "~"
This is exactly the situation I am in. I want the tilde to be expanded. In other words, what should I replace magic with to make these two commands identical:
ls -lt ~/abc/def/ghi
ls -lt $(magic "~/abc/def/ghi")
Note that ~/abc/def/ghi may or may not exist.
If the variable var is input by the user, eval should not be used to expand the tilde using
eval var=$var # Do not use this!
The reason is: the user could by accident (or by purpose) type for example var="$(rm -rf $HOME/)" with possible disastrous consequences.
A better (and safer) way is to use Bash parameter expansion:
Due to the nature of StackOverflow, I can't just make this answer unaccepted, but in the intervening 5 years since I posted this there have been far better answers than my admittedly rudimentary and pretty bad answer (I was young, don't kill me).
The other solutions in this thread are safer and better solutions. Preferably, I'd go with either of these two:
Charle's Duffy's solution
Håkon Hægland's solution
Original answer for historic purposes (but please don't use this)
If I'm not mistaken, "~" will not be expanded by a bash script in that manner because it is treated as a literal string "~". You can force expansion via eval like this.
eval homedir=$homedir
echo $homedir # prints home path
Alternatively, just use ${HOME} if you want the user's home directory.
Plagarizing myself from a prior answer, to do this robustly without the security risks associated with eval:
expandPath() {
local path
local -a pathElements resultPathElements
IFS=':' read -r -a pathElements <<<"$1"
: "${pathElements[#]}"
for path in "${pathElements[#]}"; do
: "$path"
case $path in
IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ homedir _ < <(getent passwd "$username")
if [[ $path = */* ]]; then
resultPathElements+=( "$path" )
local result
printf -v result '%s:' "${resultPathElements[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "${result%:}"
...used as...
path=$(expandPath '~/hello')
Alternately, a simpler approach that uses eval carefully:
expandPath() {
case $1 in
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:2}"
eval "content=${1:0:2}${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:1}"
eval "content=~${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
printf '%s\n' "$1"
How about this:
path=`realpath "$1"`
path=`readlink -f "$1"`
A safe way to use eval is "$(printf "~/%q" "$dangerous_path")". Note that is bash specific.
eval homedir="$(printf "~/%q" "$relativepath")"
echo $homedir # prints home path
See this question for details
Also, note that under zsh this would be as as simple as echo ${~dangerous_path}
Here is a ridiculous solution:
$ echo "echo $var" | bash
An explanation of what this command does:
create a new instance of bash, by... calling bash;
take the string "echo $var" and substitute $var with the value of the variable (thus after the substitution the string will contain the tilde);
take the string produced by step 2 and send it to the instance of bash created in step one, which we do here by calling echo and piping its output with the | character.
Basically the current bash instance we're running takes our place as the user of another bash instance and types in the command "echo ~..." for us.
Expanding (no pun intended) on birryree's and halloleo's answers: The general approach is to use eval, but it comes with some important caveats, namely spaces and output redirection (>) in the variable. The following seems to work for me:
if [ -e "`eval echo ${mypath//>}`" ]; then
echo "FOUND $mypath"
echo "$mypath NOT FOUND"
Try it with each of the following arguments:
'~/existing file with spaces'
'~/nonexistant file with spaces'
'~/string containing > redirection'
'~/string containing > redirection > again and >> again'
The ${mypath//>} strips out > characters which could clobber a file during the eval.
The eval echo ... is what does the actual tilde expansion
The double-quotes around the -e argument are for support of filenames with spaces.
Perhaps there's a more elegant solution, but this is what I was able to come up with.
why not delve straight into getting the user's home directory with getent?
$ getent passwd mike | cut -d: -f6
I believe this is what you're looking for
magic() { # returns unexpanded tilde express on invalid user
local _safe_path; printf -v _safe_path "%q" "$1"
eval "ln -sf ${_safe_path#\\} /tmp/realpath.$$"
readlink /tmp/realpath.$$
rm -f /tmp/realpath.$$
Example usage:
$ magic ~nobody/would/look/here
$ magic ~invalid/this/will/not/expand
Here is the POSIX function equivalent of Håkon Hægland's Bash answer
expand_tilde() {
[ "$1" != "$tilde_less" ] && tilde_less="$HOME/$tilde_less"
printf '%s' "$tilde_less"
2017-12-10 edit: add '%s' per #CharlesDuffy in the comments.
Here's my solution:
local tilde_re='^(~[A-Za-z0-9_.-]*)(.*)'
local path="$*"
local pathSuffix=
if [[ $path =~ $tilde_re ]]
# only use eval on the ~username portion !
path=$(eval echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]})
echo "${path}${pathSuffix}"
result=$(expandTilde "$1")
echo "Result = $result"
Simplest: replace 'magic' with 'eval echo'.
$ eval echo "~"
Problem: You're going to run into issues with other variables because eval is evil. For instance:
$ # home is /Users/Hacker$(s)
$ s="echo SCARY COMMAND"
$ eval echo $(eval echo "~")
Note that the issue of the injection doesn't happen on the first expansion. So if you were to simply replace magic with eval echo, you should be okay. But if you do echo $(eval echo ~), that would be susceptible to injection.
Similarly, if you do eval echo ~ instead of eval echo "~", that would count as twice expanded and therefore injection would be possible right away.
For anyone's reference, a function to mimic python's os.path.expanduser() behavior (no eval usage):
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~myuser/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~nonexistent/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde /full/path
And the function:
function _expand_homedir_tilde {
set -e
set -u
if [[ "$p" =~ ^~ ]]; then
u=`echo "$p" | sed 's|^~\([a-z0-9_-]*\)/.*|\1|'`
if [ -z "$u" ]; then
h=$(set -o pipefail; getent passwd "$u" | cut -d: -f6) || exit 1
p=`echo "$p" | sed "s|^~[a-z0-9_-]*/|${h}/|"`
echo $p
) || echo $1
Just to extend birryree's answer for paths with spaces: You cannot use the eval command as is because it seperates evaluation by spaces. One solution is to replace spaces temporarily for the eval command:
mypath="~/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
expandedpath=${mypath// /_spc_} # replace spaces
eval expandedpath=${expandedpath} # put spaces back
expandedpath=${expandedpath//_spc_/ }
echo "$expandedpath" # prints e.g. /Users/fred/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
ls -lt "$expandedpath" # outputs dir content
This example relies of course on the assumption that mypath never contains the char sequence "_spc_".
You might find this easier to do in python.
(1) From the unix command line:
python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' ~/fred
Results in:
(2) Within a bash script as a one-off - save this as test.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' $1)
echo $thepath
Running bash ./test.sh results in:
(3) As a utility - save this as expanduser somewhere on your path, with execute permissions:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])
This could then be used on the command line:
expanduser ~/fred
Or in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(expanduser $1)
echo $thepath
Just use eval correctly: with validation.
case $1${1%%/*} in
([!~]*|"$1"?*[!-+_.[:alnum:]]*|"") ! :;;
(*/*) set "${1%%/*}" "${1#*/}" ;;
(*) set "$1"
esac&& eval "printf '%s\n' $1${2+/\"\$2\"}"
I have done this with variable parameter substitution after reading in the path using read -e (among others). So the user can tab-complete the path, and if the user enters a ~ path it gets sorted.
read -rep "Enter a path: " -i "${testpath}" testpath
ls -al "${testpath}"
The added benefit is that if there is no tilde nothing happens to the variable, and if there is a tilde but not in the first position it is also ignored.
(I include the -i for read since I use this in a loop so the user can fix the path if there is a problem.)
for some reason when the string is already quoted only perl saves the day
#val="${val/#\~/$HOME}" # for some reason does not work !!
val=$(echo $val|perl -ne 's|~|'$HOME'|g;print')
I think that
thepath=( ~/abc/def/ghi )
is easier than all the other solutions... or I am missing something? It works even if the path does not really exists.

bash variable with or without double quotes [duplicate]

I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this:
Note that it is unexpanded tilde. When I do ls -lt on this variable (call it $VAR), I get no such directory. I want to let bash interpret/expand this variable without executing it. In other words, I want bash to run eval but not run the evaluated command. Is this possible in bash?
How did I manage to pass this into my script without expansion? I passed the argument in surrounding it with double quotes.
Try this command to see what I mean:
ls -lt "~"
This is exactly the situation I am in. I want the tilde to be expanded. In other words, what should I replace magic with to make these two commands identical:
ls -lt ~/abc/def/ghi
ls -lt $(magic "~/abc/def/ghi")
Note that ~/abc/def/ghi may or may not exist.
If the variable var is input by the user, eval should not be used to expand the tilde using
eval var=$var # Do not use this!
The reason is: the user could by accident (or by purpose) type for example var="$(rm -rf $HOME/)" with possible disastrous consequences.
A better (and safer) way is to use Bash parameter expansion:
Due to the nature of StackOverflow, I can't just make this answer unaccepted, but in the intervening 5 years since I posted this there have been far better answers than my admittedly rudimentary and pretty bad answer (I was young, don't kill me).
The other solutions in this thread are safer and better solutions. Preferably, I'd go with either of these two:
Charle's Duffy's solution
Håkon Hægland's solution
Original answer for historic purposes (but please don't use this)
If I'm not mistaken, "~" will not be expanded by a bash script in that manner because it is treated as a literal string "~". You can force expansion via eval like this.
eval homedir=$homedir
echo $homedir # prints home path
Alternatively, just use ${HOME} if you want the user's home directory.
Plagarizing myself from a prior answer, to do this robustly without the security risks associated with eval:
expandPath() {
local path
local -a pathElements resultPathElements
IFS=':' read -r -a pathElements <<<"$1"
: "${pathElements[#]}"
for path in "${pathElements[#]}"; do
: "$path"
case $path in
IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ homedir _ < <(getent passwd "$username")
if [[ $path = */* ]]; then
resultPathElements+=( "$path" )
local result
printf -v result '%s:' "${resultPathElements[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "${result%:}"
...used as...
path=$(expandPath '~/hello')
Alternately, a simpler approach that uses eval carefully:
expandPath() {
case $1 in
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:2}"
eval "content=${1:0:2}${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:1}"
eval "content=~${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
printf '%s\n' "$1"
How about this:
path=`realpath "$1"`
path=`readlink -f "$1"`
A safe way to use eval is "$(printf "~/%q" "$dangerous_path")". Note that is bash specific.
eval homedir="$(printf "~/%q" "$relativepath")"
echo $homedir # prints home path
See this question for details
Also, note that under zsh this would be as as simple as echo ${~dangerous_path}
Here is a ridiculous solution:
$ echo "echo $var" | bash
An explanation of what this command does:
create a new instance of bash, by... calling bash;
take the string "echo $var" and substitute $var with the value of the variable (thus after the substitution the string will contain the tilde);
take the string produced by step 2 and send it to the instance of bash created in step one, which we do here by calling echo and piping its output with the | character.
Basically the current bash instance we're running takes our place as the user of another bash instance and types in the command "echo ~..." for us.
Expanding (no pun intended) on birryree's and halloleo's answers: The general approach is to use eval, but it comes with some important caveats, namely spaces and output redirection (>) in the variable. The following seems to work for me:
if [ -e "`eval echo ${mypath//>}`" ]; then
echo "FOUND $mypath"
echo "$mypath NOT FOUND"
Try it with each of the following arguments:
'~/existing file with spaces'
'~/nonexistant file with spaces'
'~/string containing > redirection'
'~/string containing > redirection > again and >> again'
The ${mypath//>} strips out > characters which could clobber a file during the eval.
The eval echo ... is what does the actual tilde expansion
The double-quotes around the -e argument are for support of filenames with spaces.
Perhaps there's a more elegant solution, but this is what I was able to come up with.
why not delve straight into getting the user's home directory with getent?
$ getent passwd mike | cut -d: -f6
I believe this is what you're looking for
magic() { # returns unexpanded tilde express on invalid user
local _safe_path; printf -v _safe_path "%q" "$1"
eval "ln -sf ${_safe_path#\\} /tmp/realpath.$$"
readlink /tmp/realpath.$$
rm -f /tmp/realpath.$$
Example usage:
$ magic ~nobody/would/look/here
$ magic ~invalid/this/will/not/expand
Here is the POSIX function equivalent of Håkon Hægland's Bash answer
expand_tilde() {
[ "$1" != "$tilde_less" ] && tilde_less="$HOME/$tilde_less"
printf '%s' "$tilde_less"
2017-12-10 edit: add '%s' per #CharlesDuffy in the comments.
Here's my solution:
local tilde_re='^(~[A-Za-z0-9_.-]*)(.*)'
local path="$*"
local pathSuffix=
if [[ $path =~ $tilde_re ]]
# only use eval on the ~username portion !
path=$(eval echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]})
echo "${path}${pathSuffix}"
result=$(expandTilde "$1")
echo "Result = $result"
Simplest: replace 'magic' with 'eval echo'.
$ eval echo "~"
Problem: You're going to run into issues with other variables because eval is evil. For instance:
$ # home is /Users/Hacker$(s)
$ s="echo SCARY COMMAND"
$ eval echo $(eval echo "~")
Note that the issue of the injection doesn't happen on the first expansion. So if you were to simply replace magic with eval echo, you should be okay. But if you do echo $(eval echo ~), that would be susceptible to injection.
Similarly, if you do eval echo ~ instead of eval echo "~", that would count as twice expanded and therefore injection would be possible right away.
For anyone's reference, a function to mimic python's os.path.expanduser() behavior (no eval usage):
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~myuser/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~nonexistent/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde /full/path
And the function:
function _expand_homedir_tilde {
set -e
set -u
if [[ "$p" =~ ^~ ]]; then
u=`echo "$p" | sed 's|^~\([a-z0-9_-]*\)/.*|\1|'`
if [ -z "$u" ]; then
h=$(set -o pipefail; getent passwd "$u" | cut -d: -f6) || exit 1
p=`echo "$p" | sed "s|^~[a-z0-9_-]*/|${h}/|"`
echo $p
) || echo $1
Just to extend birryree's answer for paths with spaces: You cannot use the eval command as is because it seperates evaluation by spaces. One solution is to replace spaces temporarily for the eval command:
mypath="~/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
expandedpath=${mypath// /_spc_} # replace spaces
eval expandedpath=${expandedpath} # put spaces back
expandedpath=${expandedpath//_spc_/ }
echo "$expandedpath" # prints e.g. /Users/fred/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
ls -lt "$expandedpath" # outputs dir content
This example relies of course on the assumption that mypath never contains the char sequence "_spc_".
You might find this easier to do in python.
(1) From the unix command line:
python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' ~/fred
Results in:
(2) Within a bash script as a one-off - save this as test.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' $1)
echo $thepath
Running bash ./test.sh results in:
(3) As a utility - save this as expanduser somewhere on your path, with execute permissions:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])
This could then be used on the command line:
expanduser ~/fred
Or in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(expanduser $1)
echo $thepath
Just use eval correctly: with validation.
case $1${1%%/*} in
([!~]*|"$1"?*[!-+_.[:alnum:]]*|"") ! :;;
(*/*) set "${1%%/*}" "${1#*/}" ;;
(*) set "$1"
esac&& eval "printf '%s\n' $1${2+/\"\$2\"}"
I have done this with variable parameter substitution after reading in the path using read -e (among others). So the user can tab-complete the path, and if the user enters a ~ path it gets sorted.
read -rep "Enter a path: " -i "${testpath}" testpath
ls -al "${testpath}"
The added benefit is that if there is no tilde nothing happens to the variable, and if there is a tilde but not in the first position it is also ignored.
(I include the -i for read since I use this in a loop so the user can fix the path if there is a problem.)
for some reason when the string is already quoted only perl saves the day
#val="${val/#\~/$HOME}" # for some reason does not work !!
val=$(echo $val|perl -ne 's|~|'$HOME'|g;print')
I think that
thepath=( ~/abc/def/ghi )
is easier than all the other solutions... or I am missing something? It works even if the path does not really exists.

Giving relative address as an input to read in bash scripts [duplicate]

I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this:
Note that it is unexpanded tilde. When I do ls -lt on this variable (call it $VAR), I get no such directory. I want to let bash interpret/expand this variable without executing it. In other words, I want bash to run eval but not run the evaluated command. Is this possible in bash?
How did I manage to pass this into my script without expansion? I passed the argument in surrounding it with double quotes.
Try this command to see what I mean:
ls -lt "~"
This is exactly the situation I am in. I want the tilde to be expanded. In other words, what should I replace magic with to make these two commands identical:
ls -lt ~/abc/def/ghi
ls -lt $(magic "~/abc/def/ghi")
Note that ~/abc/def/ghi may or may not exist.
If the variable var is input by the user, eval should not be used to expand the tilde using
eval var=$var # Do not use this!
The reason is: the user could by accident (or by purpose) type for example var="$(rm -rf $HOME/)" with possible disastrous consequences.
A better (and safer) way is to use Bash parameter expansion:
Due to the nature of StackOverflow, I can't just make this answer unaccepted, but in the intervening 5 years since I posted this there have been far better answers than my admittedly rudimentary and pretty bad answer (I was young, don't kill me).
The other solutions in this thread are safer and better solutions. Preferably, I'd go with either of these two:
Charle's Duffy's solution
Håkon Hægland's solution
Original answer for historic purposes (but please don't use this)
If I'm not mistaken, "~" will not be expanded by a bash script in that manner because it is treated as a literal string "~". You can force expansion via eval like this.
eval homedir=$homedir
echo $homedir # prints home path
Alternatively, just use ${HOME} if you want the user's home directory.
Plagarizing myself from a prior answer, to do this robustly without the security risks associated with eval:
expandPath() {
local path
local -a pathElements resultPathElements
IFS=':' read -r -a pathElements <<<"$1"
: "${pathElements[#]}"
for path in "${pathElements[#]}"; do
: "$path"
case $path in
IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ homedir _ < <(getent passwd "$username")
if [[ $path = */* ]]; then
resultPathElements+=( "$path" )
local result
printf -v result '%s:' "${resultPathElements[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "${result%:}"
...used as...
path=$(expandPath '~/hello')
Alternately, a simpler approach that uses eval carefully:
expandPath() {
case $1 in
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:2}"
eval "content=${1:0:2}${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:1}"
eval "content=~${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
printf '%s\n' "$1"
How about this:
path=`realpath "$1"`
path=`readlink -f "$1"`
A safe way to use eval is "$(printf "~/%q" "$dangerous_path")". Note that is bash specific.
eval homedir="$(printf "~/%q" "$relativepath")"
echo $homedir # prints home path
See this question for details
Also, note that under zsh this would be as as simple as echo ${~dangerous_path}
Here is a ridiculous solution:
$ echo "echo $var" | bash
An explanation of what this command does:
create a new instance of bash, by... calling bash;
take the string "echo $var" and substitute $var with the value of the variable (thus after the substitution the string will contain the tilde);
take the string produced by step 2 and send it to the instance of bash created in step one, which we do here by calling echo and piping its output with the | character.
Basically the current bash instance we're running takes our place as the user of another bash instance and types in the command "echo ~..." for us.
Expanding (no pun intended) on birryree's and halloleo's answers: The general approach is to use eval, but it comes with some important caveats, namely spaces and output redirection (>) in the variable. The following seems to work for me:
if [ -e "`eval echo ${mypath//>}`" ]; then
echo "FOUND $mypath"
echo "$mypath NOT FOUND"
Try it with each of the following arguments:
'~/existing file with spaces'
'~/nonexistant file with spaces'
'~/string containing > redirection'
'~/string containing > redirection > again and >> again'
The ${mypath//>} strips out > characters which could clobber a file during the eval.
The eval echo ... is what does the actual tilde expansion
The double-quotes around the -e argument are for support of filenames with spaces.
Perhaps there's a more elegant solution, but this is what I was able to come up with.
why not delve straight into getting the user's home directory with getent?
$ getent passwd mike | cut -d: -f6
I believe this is what you're looking for
magic() { # returns unexpanded tilde express on invalid user
local _safe_path; printf -v _safe_path "%q" "$1"
eval "ln -sf ${_safe_path#\\} /tmp/realpath.$$"
readlink /tmp/realpath.$$
rm -f /tmp/realpath.$$
Example usage:
$ magic ~nobody/would/look/here
$ magic ~invalid/this/will/not/expand
Here is the POSIX function equivalent of Håkon Hægland's Bash answer
expand_tilde() {
[ "$1" != "$tilde_less" ] && tilde_less="$HOME/$tilde_less"
printf '%s' "$tilde_less"
2017-12-10 edit: add '%s' per #CharlesDuffy in the comments.
Here's my solution:
local tilde_re='^(~[A-Za-z0-9_.-]*)(.*)'
local path="$*"
local pathSuffix=
if [[ $path =~ $tilde_re ]]
# only use eval on the ~username portion !
path=$(eval echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]})
echo "${path}${pathSuffix}"
result=$(expandTilde "$1")
echo "Result = $result"
Simplest: replace 'magic' with 'eval echo'.
$ eval echo "~"
Problem: You're going to run into issues with other variables because eval is evil. For instance:
$ # home is /Users/Hacker$(s)
$ s="echo SCARY COMMAND"
$ eval echo $(eval echo "~")
Note that the issue of the injection doesn't happen on the first expansion. So if you were to simply replace magic with eval echo, you should be okay. But if you do echo $(eval echo ~), that would be susceptible to injection.
Similarly, if you do eval echo ~ instead of eval echo "~", that would count as twice expanded and therefore injection would be possible right away.
For anyone's reference, a function to mimic python's os.path.expanduser() behavior (no eval usage):
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~myuser/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~nonexistent/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde /full/path
And the function:
function _expand_homedir_tilde {
set -e
set -u
if [[ "$p" =~ ^~ ]]; then
u=`echo "$p" | sed 's|^~\([a-z0-9_-]*\)/.*|\1|'`
if [ -z "$u" ]; then
h=$(set -o pipefail; getent passwd "$u" | cut -d: -f6) || exit 1
p=`echo "$p" | sed "s|^~[a-z0-9_-]*/|${h}/|"`
echo $p
) || echo $1
Just to extend birryree's answer for paths with spaces: You cannot use the eval command as is because it seperates evaluation by spaces. One solution is to replace spaces temporarily for the eval command:
mypath="~/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
expandedpath=${mypath// /_spc_} # replace spaces
eval expandedpath=${expandedpath} # put spaces back
expandedpath=${expandedpath//_spc_/ }
echo "$expandedpath" # prints e.g. /Users/fred/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
ls -lt "$expandedpath" # outputs dir content
This example relies of course on the assumption that mypath never contains the char sequence "_spc_".
You might find this easier to do in python.
(1) From the unix command line:
python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' ~/fred
Results in:
(2) Within a bash script as a one-off - save this as test.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' $1)
echo $thepath
Running bash ./test.sh results in:
(3) As a utility - save this as expanduser somewhere on your path, with execute permissions:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])
This could then be used on the command line:
expanduser ~/fred
Or in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(expanduser $1)
echo $thepath
Just use eval correctly: with validation.
case $1${1%%/*} in
([!~]*|"$1"?*[!-+_.[:alnum:]]*|"") ! :;;
(*/*) set "${1%%/*}" "${1#*/}" ;;
(*) set "$1"
esac&& eval "printf '%s\n' $1${2+/\"\$2\"}"
I have done this with variable parameter substitution after reading in the path using read -e (among others). So the user can tab-complete the path, and if the user enters a ~ path it gets sorted.
read -rep "Enter a path: " -i "${testpath}" testpath
ls -al "${testpath}"
The added benefit is that if there is no tilde nothing happens to the variable, and if there is a tilde but not in the first position it is also ignored.
(I include the -i for read since I use this in a loop so the user can fix the path if there is a problem.)
for some reason when the string is already quoted only perl saves the day
#val="${val/#\~/$HOME}" # for some reason does not work !!
val=$(echo $val|perl -ne 's|~|'$HOME'|g;print')
I think that
thepath=( ~/abc/def/ghi )
is easier than all the other solutions... or I am missing something? It works even if the path does not really exists.

how to write foreach in one line in csh?

Sometimes I use same foreach operation with different target files in csh.
If I can give foreach command in a single line, I could easily substitue the target file names to repeat the process.(I usually use `find . -name ...` for target files)
For the purpose of this question, let's assume I want to cat all the *.txt files.
$ foreach i (*.txt)
foreach? cat $i
foreach? end
I read https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/32873/running-a-full-foreach-command and tried
alias disp 'echo "foreach i (*.txt)"; echo "cat "\$"i"; echo "end"; | /bin/csh'
when I type disp it gives me Invalid null command.
If I can do it in a single line, I could do !foreach:gs/\.c\>/.h/ (do the same replacing .c with .h).
How can I do it?
This method works for me:
printf 'foreach f ( 1 2 3 )\n echo $f \n end' | tcsh
There is no easy way to do the foreach in one line under tcsh.
However, by using alias, you may get something very close to your question.
alias disp 'foreach i (*.txt)\
cat $i\
You can call disp in your terminal.
If you want to direct the result into a pipe, then echo `disp` | grep foobar.
Sometimes, we need to save the result first, before further processing: set foo=`disp`
For your first question, I don't know how to write this in .cshrc file directly.
But I will use another flexible way to do this.
1: Write a shell script:
/home/user/disp.sh (or any path you want)
for line in `find . -name "*.c"`; do
echo ""
cat "$line"
Or you only have csh shell:
foreach i (*.c)
echo $i
Add new alias command to the .cshrc file
alias disp /home/user/disp.sh
Reenter csh shell (or relogin)
For your second question, I did it on the same disp.sh script
This example is written in bash shell script.
usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-d <depth>] [-e <extension>]" 1>&2; exit 1; }
while getopts ":d:e:" o; do
case "${o}" in
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "${d}" ] || [ -z "${e}" ]; then
for line in `find . -maxdepth ${d} -name "*.${e}"`; do
echo ""
cat "$line"
You can simply type disp -d 1 -e c to find all .c file in the current path.
(-d means the depth of the file which is started from current path, -e means extension of files)
I tried to find answer but it looks there is no way. Just use bash by simply changing shell.
% bash
$ for f in *txt; do echo $f; done
$ exit
Use bash -c:
$ bash -c 'for i in *.txt; do cat $i; done'

How to manually expand a special variable (ex: ~ tilde) in bash

I have a variable in my bash script whose value is something like this:
Note that it is unexpanded tilde. When I do ls -lt on this variable (call it $VAR), I get no such directory. I want to let bash interpret/expand this variable without executing it. In other words, I want bash to run eval but not run the evaluated command. Is this possible in bash?
How did I manage to pass this into my script without expansion? I passed the argument in surrounding it with double quotes.
Try this command to see what I mean:
ls -lt "~"
This is exactly the situation I am in. I want the tilde to be expanded. In other words, what should I replace magic with to make these two commands identical:
ls -lt ~/abc/def/ghi
ls -lt $(magic "~/abc/def/ghi")
Note that ~/abc/def/ghi may or may not exist.
If the variable var is input by the user, eval should not be used to expand the tilde using
eval var=$var # Do not use this!
The reason is: the user could by accident (or by purpose) type for example var="$(rm -rf $HOME/)" with possible disastrous consequences.
A better (and safer) way is to use Bash parameter expansion:
Due to the nature of StackOverflow, I can't just make this answer unaccepted, but in the intervening 5 years since I posted this there have been far better answers than my admittedly rudimentary and pretty bad answer (I was young, don't kill me).
The other solutions in this thread are safer and better solutions. Preferably, I'd go with either of these two:
Charle's Duffy's solution
Håkon Hægland's solution
Original answer for historic purposes (but please don't use this)
If I'm not mistaken, "~" will not be expanded by a bash script in that manner because it is treated as a literal string "~". You can force expansion via eval like this.
eval homedir=$homedir
echo $homedir # prints home path
Alternatively, just use ${HOME} if you want the user's home directory.
Plagarizing myself from a prior answer, to do this robustly without the security risks associated with eval:
expandPath() {
local path
local -a pathElements resultPathElements
IFS=':' read -r -a pathElements <<<"$1"
: "${pathElements[#]}"
for path in "${pathElements[#]}"; do
: "$path"
case $path in
IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ homedir _ < <(getent passwd "$username")
if [[ $path = */* ]]; then
resultPathElements+=( "$path" )
local result
printf -v result '%s:' "${resultPathElements[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "${result%:}"
...used as...
path=$(expandPath '~/hello')
Alternately, a simpler approach that uses eval carefully:
expandPath() {
case $1 in
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:2}"
eval "content=${1:0:2}${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
local content content_q
printf -v content_q '%q' "${1:1}"
eval "content=~${content_q}"
printf '%s\n' "$content"
printf '%s\n' "$1"
How about this:
path=`realpath "$1"`
path=`readlink -f "$1"`
A safe way to use eval is "$(printf "~/%q" "$dangerous_path")". Note that is bash specific.
eval homedir="$(printf "~/%q" "$relativepath")"
echo $homedir # prints home path
See this question for details
Also, note that under zsh this would be as as simple as echo ${~dangerous_path}
Here is a ridiculous solution:
$ echo "echo $var" | bash
An explanation of what this command does:
create a new instance of bash, by... calling bash;
take the string "echo $var" and substitute $var with the value of the variable (thus after the substitution the string will contain the tilde);
take the string produced by step 2 and send it to the instance of bash created in step one, which we do here by calling echo and piping its output with the | character.
Basically the current bash instance we're running takes our place as the user of another bash instance and types in the command "echo ~..." for us.
Expanding (no pun intended) on birryree's and halloleo's answers: The general approach is to use eval, but it comes with some important caveats, namely spaces and output redirection (>) in the variable. The following seems to work for me:
if [ -e "`eval echo ${mypath//>}`" ]; then
echo "FOUND $mypath"
echo "$mypath NOT FOUND"
Try it with each of the following arguments:
'~/existing file with spaces'
'~/nonexistant file with spaces'
'~/string containing > redirection'
'~/string containing > redirection > again and >> again'
The ${mypath//>} strips out > characters which could clobber a file during the eval.
The eval echo ... is what does the actual tilde expansion
The double-quotes around the -e argument are for support of filenames with spaces.
Perhaps there's a more elegant solution, but this is what I was able to come up with.
why not delve straight into getting the user's home directory with getent?
$ getent passwd mike | cut -d: -f6
I believe this is what you're looking for
magic() { # returns unexpanded tilde express on invalid user
local _safe_path; printf -v _safe_path "%q" "$1"
eval "ln -sf ${_safe_path#\\} /tmp/realpath.$$"
readlink /tmp/realpath.$$
rm -f /tmp/realpath.$$
Example usage:
$ magic ~nobody/would/look/here
$ magic ~invalid/this/will/not/expand
Here is the POSIX function equivalent of Håkon Hægland's Bash answer
expand_tilde() {
[ "$1" != "$tilde_less" ] && tilde_less="$HOME/$tilde_less"
printf '%s' "$tilde_less"
2017-12-10 edit: add '%s' per #CharlesDuffy in the comments.
Here's my solution:
local tilde_re='^(~[A-Za-z0-9_.-]*)(.*)'
local path="$*"
local pathSuffix=
if [[ $path =~ $tilde_re ]]
# only use eval on the ~username portion !
path=$(eval echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]})
echo "${path}${pathSuffix}"
result=$(expandTilde "$1")
echo "Result = $result"
Simplest: replace 'magic' with 'eval echo'.
$ eval echo "~"
Problem: You're going to run into issues with other variables because eval is evil. For instance:
$ # home is /Users/Hacker$(s)
$ s="echo SCARY COMMAND"
$ eval echo $(eval echo "~")
Note that the issue of the injection doesn't happen on the first expansion. So if you were to simply replace magic with eval echo, you should be okay. But if you do echo $(eval echo ~), that would be susceptible to injection.
Similarly, if you do eval echo ~ instead of eval echo "~", that would count as twice expanded and therefore injection would be possible right away.
For anyone's reference, a function to mimic python's os.path.expanduser() behavior (no eval usage):
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~myuser/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde ~nonexistent/.vim
# _expand_homedir_tilde /full/path
And the function:
function _expand_homedir_tilde {
set -e
set -u
if [[ "$p" =~ ^~ ]]; then
u=`echo "$p" | sed 's|^~\([a-z0-9_-]*\)/.*|\1|'`
if [ -z "$u" ]; then
h=$(set -o pipefail; getent passwd "$u" | cut -d: -f6) || exit 1
p=`echo "$p" | sed "s|^~[a-z0-9_-]*/|${h}/|"`
echo $p
) || echo $1
Just to extend birryree's answer for paths with spaces: You cannot use the eval command as is because it seperates evaluation by spaces. One solution is to replace spaces temporarily for the eval command:
mypath="~/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
expandedpath=${mypath// /_spc_} # replace spaces
eval expandedpath=${expandedpath} # put spaces back
expandedpath=${expandedpath//_spc_/ }
echo "$expandedpath" # prints e.g. /Users/fred/a/b/c/Something With Spaces"
ls -lt "$expandedpath" # outputs dir content
This example relies of course on the assumption that mypath never contains the char sequence "_spc_".
You might find this easier to do in python.
(1) From the unix command line:
python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' ~/fred
Results in:
(2) Within a bash script as a one-off - save this as test.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(python -c 'import os; import sys; print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])' $1)
echo $thepath
Running bash ./test.sh results in:
(3) As a utility - save this as expanduser somewhere on your path, with execute permissions:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
print os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1])
This could then be used on the command line:
expanduser ~/fred
Or in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
thepath=$(expanduser $1)
echo $thepath
Just use eval correctly: with validation.
case $1${1%%/*} in
([!~]*|"$1"?*[!-+_.[:alnum:]]*|"") ! :;;
(*/*) set "${1%%/*}" "${1#*/}" ;;
(*) set "$1"
esac&& eval "printf '%s\n' $1${2+/\"\$2\"}"
I have done this with variable parameter substitution after reading in the path using read -e (among others). So the user can tab-complete the path, and if the user enters a ~ path it gets sorted.
read -rep "Enter a path: " -i "${testpath}" testpath
ls -al "${testpath}"
The added benefit is that if there is no tilde nothing happens to the variable, and if there is a tilde but not in the first position it is also ignored.
(I include the -i for read since I use this in a loop so the user can fix the path if there is a problem.)
for some reason when the string is already quoted only perl saves the day
#val="${val/#\~/$HOME}" # for some reason does not work !!
val=$(echo $val|perl -ne 's|~|'$HOME'|g;print')
I think that
thepath=( ~/abc/def/ghi )
is easier than all the other solutions... or I am missing something? It works even if the path does not really exists.
