Website is fine until hosted - hosting

I have a website that I am trying to build and have built everything up. I viewed everything locally on my computer then bought a name and found a company to host it. The result is very different to my original vision. Everything seems quite blurry, things that where small before are now bigger and things have moved around.
I wonder if there is anything that I should be putting in my code to make it different? I tested it locally and hosted on chrome.
here's the website, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

I zoomed in 150% and everything seems fine like that.
Chrome remembers your zoom settings per domain, is it possible you developed using 150% zoom, and the live site is at 100%?
As an aside, I think your site is really hard to navigate. If I have to wait for a box to turn to be able to click on something I want to, I'll close your site really fast... The menu on the bottom is barely noticable. I would also add the static text menu to all the subpages for easier navigation. Sorry, this is not really relevant to the question, I just thought I'd add my 2 cents.


Slow loading and responsiveness

Our app loads extremely slowly, especially the pictures, and the developer has not been able to come up with a solution to this. The movements are slow and the buttons are slow in response (works on the 2nd or 3rd press).
The stability is terrible, for example the whole screen moves to the left by 2mm when you press a back button.
The app downloads information from the server every time it runs. We have tried changing the server, but this did not yield any results.
The current solution is to make the images smaller (compress them) to make the app run faster, but we are dubious if this will work.
Is there anybody who has had the same problems with their app?
I would be very grateful for any suggestions for how to fix this. We need it to be fast and responsive.
These are very vague, general issues. You ideally need a developer to take a look at the whole problem.
Some things they may look into would be:
Is data access asynchronous?
Are there transitions running on the
Are styles being added on hover or focus?
If the app is written badly, simply chucking more resources at it probably won't solve the problem.

Google reCaptcha - Selected Image keep getting replaced with new Image

When we select a captcha image, it fading away and a fresh new image is getting replaced, as shown in below screenshot. Same for all images in that captcha. For over a year we had no problem, but only since 2 days we are seeing this(no change is done in the page).
Additionally, this problem occurs intermittently irrespective of browsers, OS, or Browser Incognito mode.
We tried changing security level at Google Developer Console to low, medium and full but of no use. If you have any clue or handled this before, please let me know.
Note: I see this problem for my work website, personal website, as well on Quora Signup page also!(may have to keep refreshing for a while to see the problem).
This is expected behaviour, its just a different type of recaptcha challenge. You select all storefronts or whatever it tells you too and then it will fade out and load a new image. You have to repeat and click the matching images until there are no more storefront images left to select, then verify.
This is completely confusing for users. If you do it once and it behaves a certain way and then the next time images fade out it seems like an error. This is not an answer but hopefully if enough people lodge an issue they can make a more sensible solution.
I had the same problem and it was very annoying. At first i thought my captcha is bugged out.
The solution: Keep pressing the images they ask you to click on (for example "select all images with dogs")
As soon as there are no more pictures with "dogs" press the submit button and it should give you a positive response.
hope it helped :)
i faced the same issue.
Its not a bug as many guys claim.
But first of all you have to disable your ad blocker, if you are using any.
When recaptcha i.e. asks for chosing a bus, select a bus until there is no bus anymore.
Then verify... this worked for me. i hope for you as well
I went through many links and research for this behavior but as we all know grecaptcha is one type of service that protects your website from spam and abuse. Every time our CAPTCHAs are solved, that human effort helps digitize text, annotate images, and build machine learning datasets. This in turn helps preserve books, improve maps, and solve hard AI problems.
Google Recaptcha
So this is basic thing which everybody knows who are using grecaptcha.
But your question is appreciable but this behavior is not related to security settings or OS or Browsers or anything else.
(You will get rid of this behavior only when they change their behavior or launch new Captcha. :)

Image not displaying in Firefox only on one computer

I built a fairly simple site, and all seems to be working fine, except one photo is showing up on almost every device/different computer I've looked at it on, except for one computer (in Firefox)!!! Does anyone know why a photo would show up for the majority of people, but wouldn't display on one computer??? There is no "broken path" icon that shows up for this person-- the image simply isn't there. Does this have anything to do with their browser settings maybe? Any help would be much appreciated!

Chrome Plugin image persists after close

I have been developing a media player browser plugin for the past few month using Firebreath, but I do not think this is a Firebreath problem.
Currently I am stuck on this weird problem that occurs when one tries to reload the webpage containing the plugin. The image that was being displayed before the reload will stay stuck on the top of screen. The new reloaded plugin will be alive and well behind it but the old image will stay stuck their on the screen forever. If I scroll or resize the browser or even change URLs the image will stay put, however If I move the browser the image will follow. The image stays after closing a tab, but leaves when closing the window
Here is a screenshot that demonstrates what I am talking about.
( I am a new user so I cant post images )
Has you can see I left my plugin's page and went to the Firebreath website and the image still persists.
This problem happens on both windows and linux, much less frequently on linux, and happens when using both directx and opengl. But only happens on chrome.
Just wondering if you, or anybody else, has any thoughts, suggestions, or insights as to what might be happening. I've tried everything including atrocious hacks and nothing seems to work.
Thank you.
Your problem is most likely that you aren't tearing down your directx or opengl context when the DetachedEvent fires. AttachedEvent is the earliest you can set it up, and DetachedEvent is the latest you can leave it running.

Is there a better developer toolbar for IE8?

I've been pulling my hair out for the last few hours trying to wrestle with the IE8 developer toolbar while working with some styles not playing with IE7 mode properly...
Coming over from Firebug the difference is like... well lets just say its better then nothing.
What I'm wondering is, has there been any.. additions, patches, hacks, updates etc to improve the toolbar at all in IE8? It seems, like with most things associated with the IE line, this was really done as an afterthought and not much effort was put into making it work well...
Update: So I was, it seems, not specific enough.. here is what is annoying me about the IE offerings:
Style support - yeah, it is there, but it just doesn't feel right. It isn't easy to see the inheritance, and if you want to tweak an existing style you have to go into Attributes and add an override to the element.
HTML element location. This just seems a LOT cleaner in Firebug
Scrolling - If you have an element selected in the HTML pane, and you goto scroll in the CSS pane on the right it wont happen until you focus that pane.
Most of all its just the small annoyances - I think I've been too spoiled by Firebug, and I want it in IE - but considering the 'closed'-ness of the product it would be hard to get this rectified. To be honest, if I could contribute I would, because it would make my life so much easier - but... yeah.
Not sure what specific issues you are trying to debug, but the following tools all work well for their specific purposes:
Fiddler2 - HTTP Debugging Proxy - if you want to see what files are called, loaded, how, headers etc. this is the tool you want.
IE Tester - If you want to see how your site renders in IE6, IE7, IE8 without installing a bunch of virtual machines (or different PCs) this is a very good tool (not perfect, but very good)
DebugBar - Similar to the IE dev toolbar (but its been around much longer) it will let you inspect/alter various aspects of the HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
You're looking at Firebug Lite. See:
You can just install it easily onto your web page and it'll work just like Firebug on Firefox.
Tools may not help in this case as readily as you may wish. Here is Position Is Everything, a site that addresses some of the hacks required Internet Explorer. I have used IETester for IE 6 issues, but not for IE 8.
Good luck. IE issues really suck. If you're dealing with Sharepoint and it's mess of html and css I feel for you dude! If not, be thankful.
