When is the right time to create Indexes in Oracle? - oracle

A brand new application with Oracle as DataStore is going to be pushed in Production. The Databases use CBO and I have indentified some columns to do indexing. I am expecting the total number of records in a particular table to be 4 million after 6 months. After that very few records will be added and there will not be any updates in the records of Indexed columns. I mean most of the updates will be on NonIndexed columns.
Is it advisable to create Index now? or I need to wait for a couple of months?

If table requires indexes, you will incur a lot of poor performance (full table scan + actual I/O) after the number of rows in the table goes beyond what might reasonably be kept the cache. Assume that is 20000 rows. We'll call it magic number. You hit 20000 rows in a week of production. After that the queries and updates on the table will grow progressively slower, on average, as more rows are added.
You are probably worried about the overhead of inserting new rows with indexed fields. That is a one-time hit. You a trading that against dozens of queries and updates when you delay adding indexes.
The trade off is largely in favor of adding indexes right now. Especially since we do not know what that magic number (20000?) really is. Could be larger. Or smaller.


vertica how restrict database size

Could you please help me with the following issue?
I have installed vertica cluster. I can't understand how I can restrict database size in time or in size. For example, data in a database must be deleted older than 30 days or when a database size of 100 GB is reached (what comes first)
There is no automated way of doing this, and no logical way of "restricting database size". You can't just trim "data" from a "database".
What are you talking about (in terms of limiting data outside of 30 days old) needs to be done on the table level. You would need some kind of date field and delete anything older than 30 days. However, I would advice against deleting rows in this way. It is non-performant and can cause queries against the table to be slow: see DELETE and UPDATE Performance Considerations. The best way of doing this would be to partition the table by day, and create an automated script (bash, python, etc) to each day drop the partition that corresponds with the date 30 days ago: see Dropping Partitions.
As for deleting data—if the size of the "database" goes above 100GB—this requirement is extremely vague and would be impossible to enforce. Let's say you have 50 tables, and the size of several of those tables grows so that the total size of the database is over 100GB, how would you decide which table to prune? This also must be done on a table by table level (or in this case—technically—on a projection level, since that is where the data is actually stored).
To see the compressed size (size on disk) of the database you can use this query:
SELECT SUM(used_bytes) / ( 1024^3 ) AS database_size_gb
FROM projection_storage;
However, since data can only be deleted with a DELETE or DROP PARTITION statement on a table, it would also be helpful to see the size of each table. You can do this by using this query:
SELECT projection_schema, anchor_table_name, SUM(used_bytes) / ( 1024^3 ) AS table_size_gb
FROM projection_storage
From the results you can decide which tables you want to prune.
A couple of notes (as a Vertica DBA):
Data is stored in projections. Having too many projections on a single table can not only cause queries to be slow but will also increase the overall data footprint. Avoid using too many projections (especially too many superprojections, don't have more than two per table, and most tables will only need one). Use the database designer or follow the guidelines in the documentation for creating custom projections: Design Fundamentals.
Also, another trick to keep database size down is to use the DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS function. Unless your projections are created with the database designer, they will likely only contain the auto encoding. Using the DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS function will help you to pick the most optimal encoding for each column. I have seen properly encoded projections take up a mere 2% disk size compared to the previously un-optimized projection. That is rare, but in my experience you will still see at least a 20-40% reduction in size. Do not be afraid to use this function liberally. It is one of my favorite tools as a Vertica DBA.

Time for updating a sqlite3 index fluctuates too much

I have a large-ish sqlite3 (3.6.22) database (about 1 GB, 5 million rows) with a single table indexed on one column. The problem is that the time to do a typical INSERT transaction fluctuates widely. I insert about 10000 rows at a time (wrapped in a transaction of course). Often it takes about 1.5 seconds, but about every fifth transaction it suddenly takes several minutes for the very same transaction to complete. I've done a lot of experimentation, and I've discovered that the phenomena only occurs if there is an index, which makes me think it is updating the index which takes a lot of time.
I need more consistent performance. A bit higher average insertion times times would be ok, if I can only avoid that some transactions suddenly takes 200x as long as the previous one... What should I do?
Here's the schema. The strings in blocks.md5 are always exactly 32 bytes long and likely unique. The rolling.value column will contain very large 64-bit integers.
CREATE TABLE blocks (blob char(32) NOT NULL,
offset long NOT NULL,
md5 char(32) NOT NULL,
row_md5 char(32));
CREATE TABLE rolling (value INT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX index_md5 ON blocks (md5);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_rolling ON rolling (value);
I don't know exactly how sqlite indexes are implemented, but I'd expect the behavior you describe if they were storing the index on disk or reordering the data.
Imagine a scenario where when they are allocating blocks for the index, they start some page with N slots for data. When the page fills up, they have to allocate another and split the data between them.
When you're inserting your data, the ordering of the MD5 will be as random as it gets, so every page will fill up independently. There isn't any reasonable way for the indexing strategy to know that.
Other databases will even recommend using different indexing strategies than normal for strings, especially in the case of something like random MD5s.
Trying to do this in an all memory database would tell you whether its algorithmic or disk access.
I've only really tried to avoid this in an offline system where I could sort data before inserting. After it was all inserted I would index it and that was as fast as I could find. If you're doing 10k at a time, that might be your use case, though I don't know.

Oracle : table with unused columns impact performance?

I have a table in my oracle db with 100 columns. 50 columns in this table are not used by the program accessing this table. (i.e. the select queries only select the relevant columns and NOT using '*')
My question is this :
If I recreate the same table with only the columns I need will it improve queries performance using the same query I used with the original table (remember that only the relevant columns are selected)
It is well worth mentioning the the program makes these queries a reasonable amount of times per second!
P.S. :
This is an existing project I am working on and the table design was made a long time ago for other products as well (thats why we have unused columns now)
So the effect of this will be that the average row will be smaller, if the extra columns have got data that will no longer be in the table. Therefore the table can be smaller, and not only will it use less space on disk it will use less memory space in the SGA, and caching will be more efficient.
Therefore, if you access the table via a full table scan then it will be faster to read the segment, but if you use index-based access mechanisms then the only performance improvement is likely to be through an improved chance of fetching the block from cache.
This SO thread suggests "it always pulls a tuple...". Hence, you are likely to see some performance improvement, not sure major or minor, as already mentioned.

TSQL Merge Performance

I have a table with roughly 24 million records. The table has pricing history related to individual customers and is computed daily. There are on average 6 million records for each day. Every morning a the price list is generated and a merge statement is ran to reflect the changes in their pricing.
The merge statement begins with the previous day's previous data being inserted into a variable table, that table is then merged into the actual table. The main problem is that the merge statement takes pretty long.
My real question centers around the performance of using a variable table vs physical table vs temp table. What is the best practice for large merges like this?
I'd consider a temp table: these have statistics which will help. A table variable is always assumed to have one row. Also, the IO can be shunted onto separate drives (assuming you have tempdb separately)
If a single transaction is not required, I'd split the MERGE too into a DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT sequence to reduce the amount of work needed in each action (which reduces the amount of rollback info needed and the amount of locking etc
Temp tables often perform better than table variables for large data sets. Additionally you can put the data into the temp table and then index it.
Check if you indexes on the tables. Indexes would be updated every time you add/delete records on that table.
Try removing the indexes before merging the records and then re-create it again after the merge.

DB Index speed vs caching

We have about 10K rows in a table. We want to have a form where we have a select drop down that contains distinct values of a given column in this table. We have an index on the column in question.
To increase performance I created a little cache table that contains the distinct values so we didn't need to do a select distinct field from table against 10K rows. Surprisingly it seems doing select * from cachetable (10 rows) is no faster than doing the select distinct against 10K rows. Why is this? Is the index doing all the work? At what number of rows in our main table will there be a performance improvement by querying the cache table?
For a DB, 10K rows is nothing. You're not seeing much difference because the actual calculation time is minimal, with most of it consumed by other, constant, overhead.
It's difficult to predict when you'd start noticing a difference, but it would probably be at around a million rows.
If you've already set up caching and it's not detrimental, you may as well leave it in.
10k rows is not much... start caring when you reach 500k ~ 1 million rows.
Indexes do a great job, specially if you just have 10 different values for that index.
This depends on numerous factors - the amount of memory your DB has, the size of the rows in the table, use of a parameterised query and so forth, but generally 10K is not a lot of rows and particularly if the table is well indexed then it's not going to cause any modern RDBMS any sweat at all.
As a rule of thumb I would generally only start paying close attention to performance issues on a table when it passes the 100K rows mark, and 500K doesn't usually cause much of a problem if indexed correctly and accessed by such. Performance usually tends to fall off catastrophically on large tables - you may be fine on 500K rows but crawling on 600K - but you have a long way to go before you are at all likely to hit such problems.
Is the index doing all the work?
You can tell how the query is being executed by viewing the execution plan.
For example, try this:
explain plan for select distinct field from table;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
I notice that you didn't include an ORDER BY on that. If you do not include ORDER BY then the order of the result set may be random, particularly if oracle uses the HASH algorithm for making a distinct list. You ought to check that.
So I'd look at the execution plans for the original query that you think is using an index, and at the one based on the cache table. Maybe post them and we can comment on what's really going on.
Incidentaly, the cache table would usually be implemented as a materialised view, particularly if the master table is generally pretty static.
Serious premature optimization. Just let the database do its job, maybe with some tweaking to the configuration (especially if it's MySQL, which has several cache types and settings).
Your query in 10K rows most probably uses HASH SORT UNIQUE.
As 10K most probably fit into db_buffers and hash_area_size, all operations are performed in memory, and you won't note any difference.
But if the query will be used as a part of a more complex query, or will be swapped out by other data, you may need disk I/O to access the data, which will slow your query down.
Run your query in a loop in several sessions (as many sessions as there will be users connected), and see how it performs in that case.
For future plans and for scalability, you may want to look into an indexing service that uses pure memory or something faster than the TCP DB round-trip. A lot of people (including myself) use Lucene to achieve this by normalizing the data into flat files.
Lucene has a built-in Ram Drive directory indexer, which can build the index all in memory - removing the dependency on the file system, and greatly increasing speed.
Lately, I've architected systems that have a single Ram drive index wrapped by a Webservice. Then, I have my Ajax-like dropdowns query into that Webservice for high availability and high speed - no db layer, no file system, just pure memory and if remote tcp packet speed.
If you have an index on the column, then all the values are in the index and the dbms never has to look in the table. It just looks in the index which just has 10 entries. If this is mostly read only data, then cache it in memory. Caching helps scalability and a lot by relieving the database of work. A query that is quick on a database with no users, might perform poorly if a 30 queries are going on at the same time.
