How can I install jython on Windows 7? - windows-7

I have downloaded "jython-installer-2.7-b1.jar". I want to install it on Windows 7. What are the steps can I follow? Please guide me.

Pre requisite: Installation of Java
Follow the following steps:
Run "jython-installer-2.7-b1.jar" as below command:
java -jar jython-installer-2.7-b1.jar
Follow the instruction from Jython Installation pop up
After successful installation set PATH as C:\jython2.7b1\bin
Open command prompt and execute the command as below:
jython --version
The output as "Jython 2.7b1" would verify the complete installation and setting path

I followed #RiponAlWasim answer but at the first step the installer stopped saying unable to create directory
To solve this problem Open command prompt as administrator


How can I install and execute Elasticsearch?

I want to install Elasticsearch.I downloaded this and I need to activate Elasticsearch.Actually,in command prompt,I executed this line in bin directory:
As follows,I added screenshot of the command prompt.
While commant prompt is open,this site executes.http://localhost:9200/
But when I closed command prompt,this site is not execute.
Instructions to install ES on windows can be found here:

Error for Kafka install on windows 7(without Cygwin)

I am trying to install kafka_2.10- on windows 7(without Cygwin), but I am getting below error when I am trying to start server
.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
I have followed below steps.
Downloaded kafka_2.10- folder.
Changed log.dirs path in
Set the JAVA_HOME path in system
Please guide to install

'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am completely new to nodejs. I am trying to get nodejs to work on my Windows 2008 box in order to install Karma which I would use for TDDing my AngularJs code. I have done the following steps so far
Install using Chocolatey ==> npm is not recognised
Install using 64-bit nodejs installer from ==> npm is not recognised
At this stage, running where npm gives me c:\User\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\npm which has nothing in it
I figure out that nodejs is installed in C:\Program Files\nodejs. Opening a command prompt in this directory makes npm work fine.
So I added C:\Program Files\nodejs to PATH only to get the same error again that npm is not recognized
One of the github issues on nodejs repository says that I need to restart the machine and it would fix. But that has not helped so far
I do see a Node.js icon in my Start -> Programms mennu which takes me to nodejs console but not sure what to do with that.
Have I missed any important step in the process?
I figured out that if I open "Nodejs command prompt" from program files, then npm is recognized. How do I make it work on a normal command prompt?
After node I started facing a similar problem with another application. I posted this question on superuser and as rightly pointed out by the accepted answer, I had an additional quote in my PATH which was causing issues with all the paths added after the quote. I have a feeling that some Chocolatey install adds this troubling quote but I am just not sure which one.
Just add:
;C:\Program Files\nodejs\
To the end of your Path variable on the "User variable" section of the Environment Variables on the System Properties.
After that, reopen your command prompt and type
This should work.
Don't forget to reboot your computer after installing node! That one got me.
If you are using VS Code, close VS code and open again.
I tried closing Terminal and then opening new Terminal but it didn't work.
Re-Starting VS Code works!
To elaborate on Breno's answer... For Windows 7 these steps worked for me:
Open the Control Panel (Click the Start button, then click Control Panel)
Click User Accounts
Click Change my environment variables
Select PATH and click the Edit... button
At the end of the Variable value, add ;C:\Program Files\nodejs
Click Ok on the "Edit User Variable" window, then click Ok on the "Environment Variables" window
Start a command prompt window (Start button, then type cmd into the search and hit enter)
At the prompt (C:\>) type npm and hit enter; you should now see some help text (Usage: npm <command> etc.) rather than "npm is not recognized..."
Now you can start using npm!
For Windows users: A picture tells a thousand words
Reference: npm not recognized as internal or external command (Note: this is my own blog)
Just Download and Install Node.js from here
If you run the downloaded file and install it, they will automatically configure for your system
You don't need any other configurations anymore, now you can use the npm command anywhere
If the Nodejs is successfully installed and still displays the message like this:
'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Follow the steps below for Windows users:
Go to My Computer Properties
Click Advanced System Setting from the Left bar of a window.
Now you have a System Properties window. Click Advanced
Then, Click Environment Variable button
Now you have Environment variable window: From System Variable, Select Path
Click Edit
At the end of the Variable value, add ;C:\Program Files\nodejs\
Note: If you have installed nodejs on other drives then please act accordingly.
Click Ok all the open dialogue box
Very important Note: "Close your Command Prompt And Restart Again"
(It's very important because if you didn't restart your command prompt then changes will not be reflected.)
Now you can use the npm command anywhere
Don't forget to run cmd as admin.
I understand this question is really old and we have many answers, unfortunately, my scenario was different, thus a different solution.
If you started using nvm to manage the node versions after you install the node in your machine, most likely you will be facing the same issue.
I installed a version 10.15.3 and then I had to use another version as there is some tight dependency with one of my projects. Then I decided to install the nvm, while installing it asked, whether I need nvm to manage the version already installed on my machine which is 10.15.3. And yeah, I said Yes hoping that it will take care of that, unfortunately, it didn't.
I was always getting this error no matter I tried many other things mentioned in the other answers here, including setting the path. In the end, to fix that, these are the things I tried.
Uninstall the node version installed, for example, nvm uninstall 10.15.3
Make sure no other node versions are there, nvm list
Then, install the version needed, for example, nvm install 10.15.3. This should give you an output as preceding.
Downloading node.js version 10.15.3 (64-bit)...
Creating C:\Users\SibeeshVenu\AppData\Roaming\nvm\temp
Downloading npm version 6.4.1... Complete
Installing npm v6.4.1...
Installation complete. If you want to use this version, type
nvm use 10.15.3
PS C:\Users\SibeeshVenu> nvm use 10.15.3
Now using node v10.15.3 (64-bit)
Please note that from the above command, the npm is also installed.
Now use the version you need, nvm use 10.15.3 and type npm
I had the same problem described by Ashu, but in addition to that, the PATH entry for nodejs was terminated by a backslash:
C:\Program Files\nodejs\
I also had to remove that final backslash in order to have it work.
I faced the exact same issue and notice that after installing node.js there was a new path entry in the user variable section for PATH with value --> c:\User\\AppData\Roaming\npm. Also the Path entry in the system variable is appended with --> C:\Program Files\nodejs. Now since user variable has preference over system you have two options to fix this. Either delete the path from user variable or correct the right path (C:\Program Files\nodejs). Restart CMD and it should work.
Set aside all the tips, just run the following line in cmd
> SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
If you're getting this error through a service account like Visual Studio TFS Build controller service or any other background service, make sure you restart the service after installing npm as the new PATH environment settings will not be picked up by those already running processes. I was getting same error through my build service but I had npm installed and running in the console.
You might have already received a response but this might help others since I experienced the same issue recently and this is what I did:
Added a path for Powershell. For me, the path was C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
Then, I opened the command prompt with administrative privileges and ran
#powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
Next, choco install nodejs
Restart and everything worked fine. Try opening the command prompt without admin privileges and run npm -v
Had the same problem on Windows 8.1 64 bit.
Turns out i get that problem if I start cmd by typing it in the path bar at the top of a folder window or when i shift right click in a folder window and then open command prompt from the list.
When I run cmd using Run or Just from the cmd.exe executable it works.
I installed nodejs following this AngularJS tutorial. the npm command did work when I open a new cmd window but not in the current one.
So the fix was to close and open a new cmd window.
If the package is successfully installed and still shows the message "'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Click windows start button.
Look for "ALL APPS", you will see Node.js and Node.js Command prompt there.
You can run the Node.js Command prompt as administrator and soon as its run it will show the message "Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 6.3.0 (x64) and npm."
and then it works from there...
I ran into this issue as well. It turns out Windows doesn't enjoy single quotes on the command line. The culprit was one of my npm scripts. I changed the single quotes to escaped double quotes:
'npm -s run sass-build'
\"npm -s run sass-build\"
I'm updating this thread with a new answer because I've found the solution to my miserable situation after not less than a week ...
For those still experiencing the error even though they have their path value set properly, check your pathext variable to have the value (default value in windows 7 +) : .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC
Mine was to set only to : .BAT and changing it solved the problem. I wonder why nobody brought this up ...
Hope this helps!
If everything looks fine. I would advice to check this for PATHEXT .CMD must be added.
I don't know why most of user suggesting ; / in the command.
I solved this by removing ; and /
;C:\Program Files\nodejs\
After Solution
C:\Program Files\nodejs
You need to save them into system PATH variables
I ran into this problem the other day on my Windows 7 machine. Problem wasn't my path, but I had to use escaped forward slashes instead of backslashes like this:
"scripts": {
"script": ".\\bin\\"
Step 1: install NodeJs
step 2: Set environment path
Step 3: Restart PC once
I installed Node.js and while trying to install Ionic and cordova using this piece of code:
npm install -g cordova ionic
I faced the above error. I added 'C:\Program Files\nodejs' to my Environment Variable 'PATH'. But still was unable to get over this issue. Turned out that my PATH variable was longer than 2048 characters and so I was unable to add the Nodejs path to it. I had to remove the path of another program and add the Nodejs path.
Close and reopen the cmd prompt and try to install Ionic again.
This worked for me.
for me adding path to PATH didn't do the trick.
Run c:\Program Files\nodejs\nodevars.bat instead, it will do the job for you
Well in my case doing testing via Mocha i tried everything just to realize i have to remove single quotes around my test case script tag inside package.json.
I am running mocha test case on all *.test.js files as can see below:
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha server/**/*.test.js",
"test-watch": "nodemon --exec 'npm run test'"
After(removing single quotes - npm run test):
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha server/**/*.test.js",
"test-watch": "nodemon --exec npm run test"
Worked for me, just in case someone else also gets stuck on this.
Check npm config by command:
npm config list
It needs properties: "prefix", global "prefix" and "node bin location".
; userconfig C:\Users\username\.npmrc
cache = "C:\\ProgramData\\npm-cache"
msvs_version = "2015"
prefix = "C:\\ProgramData\\npm"
python = "C:\\Python27\\"
registry = ""
; globalconfig C:\ProgramData\npm\etc\npmrc
cache = "C:\\ProgramData\\npm-cache"
prefix = "C:\\ProgramData\\npm"
; node bin location = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
; cwd = C:\WINDOWS\system32
In this case it needs to add these paths to the end of environment variable PATH:
;C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\ProgramData\npm;
If you used ms build tools to install node the path is here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs
You don't need to "install" Node.js. Just download the package from and extract the contents somewhere. Then, in a command prompt, you can navigate there using cd. Then you can run npm from that location. While you will have to do the cd C:\Users\YourAcct\Documents\node-v16.13.0-win-x64 or similar command before you can run it, it's a way to get it onto your computer and run npm without having to be an admin or editing environmental variables.
The issue is with system policy. I have tried the following comments in powers heel then it is started working
$> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
$> npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade
$> npm-windows-upgrade
I got this idea from the following link
After adding environment varible path restart your machine maybe this will work. it work for me. i was using vm.

How to uninstall Apache with command line

So I'm trying to find a command to uninstall apache from windows that I have installed earlier with an NSIS script.
Basically apache is part of a package of aplications we use for our program, and when uninstalling our program we uninstall them all. Already working for postgres, java and ruby, but I'm not finding any command for apache.
I tried the wmic command, but it required user to confirm the action. There isn't any httpd uninstall command?
httpd -k uninstall
simply removes the service.
sc delete Apache2.4
Remove service in windows
On Windows 8.1 I had to run cmd.exe as administrator (even though I was logged in as admin). Otherwise I got an error when trying to execute: httpd.exe -k uninstall
C:\Program Files\Apache\bin>(OS 5)Access is denied. : AH00373: Apache2.4: OpenS
ervice failed
I've had this sort of problem.....
The solve: cmd / powershell run as ADMINISTRATOR! I always forget.
Notice: In powershell, you need to put .\ for example:
.\httpd -k shutdown .\httpd -k stop .\httpd -k uninstall
Result: Removing the apache2.4 service The Apache2.4 service has been removed successfully.
If Apache was installed using NSIS installer it should have left an uninstaller. You should search inside Apache installation directory for executable named unistaller.exe or something like that. NSIS uninstallers support /S flag by default for silent uninstall. So you can run something like "C:\Program Files\<Apache installation dir here>\uninstaller.exe" /S
From NSIS documentation:
3.2.1 Common Options
/NCRC disables the CRC check, unless CRCCheck force was used in the
script. /S runs the installer or uninstaller silently. See section
4.12 for more information. /D sets the default installation directory ($INSTDIR), overriding InstallDir and InstallDirRegKey. It must be the
last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any
quotes, even if the path contains spaces. Only absolute paths are
Try this :
sc delete Apache2.4
or try this :
C:\Apache24\bin>httpd -k uninstall
hope this will be helpful

NSClient++ not getting installed in windows

I have installed Nagios monitoring tool in linux whose service is running successfully as expected.
Now as per NSClient documentation, the windows part is not getting installed.
The required steps are:
(a) Copy pNSClient.exe, pdh.dll, psapi.dll and counters.defs in any directory on the machine you want to monitor. ie. (c:\nsclient).
(b) Open a dos prompt in the installation directory
(c) Run the following command : >pNSClient.exe /install
(d) Type 'net start nsclient' on the command line or start the service 'Nagios Agent' in the services applet of the control panel.
The installation will create an entry for the service in the registry and create a new key to store parameters. The created key is the following:
The issue is with the installation as per the first step, and the 'net start nsclient' command is not executing on command prompt, its showing service name invalid
Any help regarding this ? M installing this on windows 7.
Only the windows installation part of NSClient is remaining yet the linux part is properly installed along with the 'check_nt' plugin.
Thanks in advance !!
NSClient is antiquated and deprecated. You should be using NSClient++ (AKA nscp), which has an actual installer, along with excellent documentation.
Alternatively, if you are dealing with more than a few dozen Windows hosts, and are using Active Directory, you might want to consider Nagios-WSC. Whether or not it will suit your needs depends on what sort of checks you are hoping to do, though.
That documentation might be out of date. Try using the following doc to install NSClient++. The doc is for Nagios XI, but the agent instructions should be the same.
Otherwise, you could also try:
net start nsclient++
just an advice - forget about manual installs )
install choco
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
restart powershell session and
install nsclient++
choco install nscp
