Should performance/integration tests be considered modules in a multi-module Maven project? - maven

In a Maven multi-module project, should I consider the integration/performance tests projects also as modules?
  ├── module-war
├── some-other-module
└── etc...
Should I include?
└── performance-tests
What if these tests take hours to finish?
What if they require real servers running, like a JBoss cluster?

I would suggest in case of a web application to have a separate module as you suggested. I see performance tests as a kind of integration tests. Like this:
├── module-war
├── some-other-module
└── integration-tests
└── performance-tests
└── etc...
As mentioned in the comments: "You can control the execution of the integration test by a profile"


How to tell Gradle and Intellij that the project's folder structure is different?

I'm using Gradle with the wrapper, and the folder structure by default is like so:
├── settings.gradle
├── build.gradle
├── gradle
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│ └──
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat
However, I would like to change it to so:
├── gradle
| ├── build.gradle
│ ├── settings.gradle
│ ├──
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── gradlew
│ ├── gradlew.bat
│ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│ └──
└── src
├── main
└── test
Other than the fact that I don't know how to tell IntelliJ about the folder structure, I don't know how to change it for Gradle since the Environment Options related with changing the folder structure are deprecated:
-b, --build-file (deprecated)
Specifies the build file. For example: gradle --build-file=foo.gradle. The default is build.gradle, then build.gradle.kts.
-c, --settings-file (deprecated)
Specifies the settings file. For example: gradle --settings-file=somewhere/else/settings.gradle
You can't tell Gradle and Intellij IDEA that you use a non-standard Gradle build layout. And in all honesty, you shouldn't even consider that unless you have strong reasons to do so. There are mainly two reasons for that:
Developers familiar with one Gradle project feel immediately at home when starting with your Gradle project.
A non-standard build file and directory layout requires additional logic in IDE's (which is not present) and requires to provide extra parameters when building on the command line.
To put things into context, please have look at Gradle issue #16402.
Deprecate command-line options that describe the build layout
The -b and -c command-line options are effectively used to describe a non-standard build layout to Gradle. This is problematic because it means that a specific combination of options must be used whenever Gradle is used on that build, for example whenever invoked from the IDE, CI, command-line or some other tool. These command-line options also have some potentially surprising behaviours, such as running a settings script present in the target directory.
We don't think there are any use cases that are strong enough to justify keeping these options, and we should remove them (via deprecation). If we discover there are some use cases, we might consider replacing the options with more self-describing contracts, for example conventions for build script names.

Make gradle point to subdirectory and treat it as a rootProject

I encountered a problem with gradle project structure. I have a task that needs to be realized and some tests are meant to be executed to check whether my project structure is correct and the tasks in gradle execute correctly. However I think I misunderstood instruction a bit and I'm wondering whether I can do something with my current folders structure or If I will have to rewrite the whole project. My current project structure looks like this:
├── docker-related-file
├── rootProject
│ ├── sub-project-1
│ ├── build(output from tasks is created here)
│ ├── build.gradle
│ ├── sub-project-2
│ ├── gradle
│ ├── gradlew
│ ├── gradlew.bat
│ ├── settings.gradle
│ └── src
As you can see, the root project is a directory inside a repo. In order for my tests to execute I think the repo itself must be a root folder (or act as one) because the tests seem to be trying executing there. And here is my question, is it possible to add f.e settings.gradle file in main-repo-folder (at the same level as rootProject folder) to "point" gradle to build from rootProject and treat that folder as the root?(I mean f.e if I call gradle clean build task_name in main-repo-folder I want to make gradle execute it as I would be in rootProject folder)
I've tried to find some information but I'm at the path of learning gradle and I don't know if it is even possible :/ .
Rename main-repo-folder/rootProject to main-repo-folder.

How to debug maven dependencies logic?

Maven download package XYZ on compile time on step "maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile)"
but mvn -U -X -e dependency:tree -Dverbose | grep XYZ doesn't show anything.
How can i find out why is maven downloading dependency XYZ?
don't want to turn this into a collective POM debug exercise, but here is what i am trying to debug:
after mvn package (with an empty ~/.m2/repository) i end up with
├── 1.2.12
│   ├── log4j-1.2.12.jar
│   ├── log4j-1.2.12.jar.sha1
│   ├── log4j-1.2.12.pom
│   ├── log4j-1.2.12.pom.sha1
│   └── _remote.repositories
└── 1.2.17
├── log4j-1.2.17.jar
├── log4j-1.2.17.jar.sha1
├── log4j-1.2.17.pom
├── log4j-1.2.17.pom.sha1
└── _remote.repositories
i do not have any direct or indirect use of log4j. I'm pretty sure as soon as I post my pom someone will answer "of course you have ABC which everyone knows brings in XYZ"... but i would very much to understand how to force maven to show more information that helps me to get to that conclusion in different cases.
So some plugin you are using in your POM brings a log4j dependency.
First of all, this not really anything to worry about because these dependencies are not just for your JAR/WAR/EAR, but only during the build.
Secondly, excluding them at the plugin level will likely cause the build to fail.
Lastly, your problem might just be solved by updating your plugins to the latest version.

Error with Go modules build using /cmd structure

I'm new to go modules, and am taking them for a spin in a new project which I'm trying to model after the structure described here
Here is an example of my directory structure:
├── cmd
│   └── app_name
│   └── main.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   └── bot
│   └── bot.go
└── pkg
├── website_name
│   ├── client.go
│   ├── client.options.go
│   ├── server.go
│   └── server.options.go
└── lib
└── lib.go
Is this idiomatically correct? I know there's not a whole lot of consensus out there, but I'd like to follow best practices.
When I run go build I get 'unexpected module path ""', but when I run go build ./... it works. Why?
When I move main.go to the top level everything works as expected. Should I just not use the /cmd pattern with modules?
To answer your first question, its completely opinionated and whatever you like best that is also easy to understand for others you should go with (I think it's fine).
To answer your second question the reason go build ./... works as opposed to go build from the root directory is because ./... starts in the current directory (the root) and searches for all program entry-points and builds them. When you move main.go to the root directory, with this new information, go build working then makes sense, as its only looking in the current directory.
You can explicitly say go build ./cmd/app_name which would also work.
Your application structure works perfectly fine with modules, as I use something very similar to it ( and modules work very well for me.
from what i can tell there is nothing wrong with your project structure. What has worked for me is to run the go build/run command from the project root
go run
go build -o somebinary
I prefer to add the specific file to build, there are some projects with more than one executable
go build -o app ./cmd/server/main.go

Execute custom script before integration tests

my application is using Spring Boot, with 2 main modules main and test. In another directory on same level I have folder which contains script with database triggers which I need create in database before tests.
Here is my project structure:
├── main
├── scripts (this is not module, only default folder)
│   └── custom_script.sql
└── test
└── persistent
Test configuration is only interface where I set some configuration for tests, currently contains following code:
public interface TestConfiguration {
This code didn't work, and custom_script.sql isn't executed. Can you tell me why, or what is the better to execute it?
