InProc session state, web farm and unique and sticky SessionID? -

I'd like to have InProc session state on servers in my webfarm and only share the unique SessionID (which I believe is transferred via browser cookie).
Is this possible? We're planning to have custom object cache based on this SessionID that needs to be loaded only in certain scenarios. If possible, I'd like to avoid creating custom session provider

You really should avoid relying on internal details of ASP.NET (how it manages Session ID) - this behavior could change in the next .NET version or even before that if someone discovers a vulnerability in the current approach.
Instead create your own cookie - both reading and writing that cookie is a one-liner (HttpResponse.SetCookie() and HttpRequest.Cookies[]).


Can I use the Grails session to store entire domain objects?

If I have a number of Grails domain objects that I do not want to save just yet, but still access them throughout my application, is it wise to store them in the Grails / Hibernate session (especially as regards peformance)? If not, what is the alternative?
What do you mean by the grails / hibernate session?
If you really mean the Hibernate session, adding an object to it will provoke the object to be saved automatically when the session is flushed (unless the object doesn't validate, in that case it will be lost once the session is discarded). A session is created and discared per request.
If you mean the session object that gets automatically injected into controllers and views, it's nor grails neither Hibernate specific, but just the old, plain HttpSession from the Servlet specification (see
You can use that to store any kind of object if you need to access them across multiple requests of the same client. Meaning the session is private to a given client (who identifies it throught the jsessionid cookie) and survives multiple requests. If you don't need the multiple request bit, adding them as a request attribute would suffice.
Putting things in the session is generally fine and fast (since by default is based on memory), but it will increase the memory footprint of the application if abused, and will prevent horizontal scaling (i.e deploying the same application in multiple instances) unless sticky session mechanisms are used (or the session is persisted).
Bear in mind though that grails uses a new Hibernate session per request (not an Http session :), so if you add objects that are attached to a Hibernate session to the Http session, and then the Hibernate session is closed, you might encounter problems. This shouldn't affect non-saved objects (they don't come from a Hibernate session), but it might affect their associations (other domain classes that do come from the database and therefore a Hibernate session). If that's the case, you might need to re-attach them. See
Also, if the session is invalidated (because the user logs out, or the server is re-deployed) everything that was stored in there will be gone.
If you don't want to rely on sessions at all, you can create your own a MemoryBasedStoreService service and use a ConcurrentHashMap or a similar mechanism to store and retrieve the objects. Since services are singleton in Grails, you can use it across the whole application, regardless of requests or clients - as long as your application is deployed in a single instance of course :).

Spring Session Repository List All

I need in my project more session management than I thought at the beginning. The major feature that I need is to list all sessions for (or per) identified principal (for example to delete/invalidate all his session id's). I don't want to use SessionsRegistry because of distributed kind of a system.
So two questions:
How to list session ids in Spring-Session (Do I need to come with custom implementation) ?
Is there a way to set sessions time-out that is not interval between requests but max session time life?
Typical use case for such functionality is to prevent malicious user to continue his activity by blocking his account and invalidate his all sessions across the servers.

Persisting user data in MVC 3

I have been given a requirement to persist user data once the user has authenticated initially. We don't want to hit the database to look up the user every time they navigate to a new view etc...
I have a User class that is [Serializable] so it could be stored in a session. I am using SQL server for session state as well. I was thinking of storing the object in session but I really hate doing that.
How are developers handling this type of requirement these days?
Three ways:
Encrypting data in cookies and sending it to client, decrypting it whenever you need it
Storing it server side by an Id (e.g UserId) in Cache, Session, or any other storage(which is safer than cookie).
Use second level caching strategy if you used an ORM
Assuming your user object is not huge and does not change often i think it is acceptable to store it in the session.
Since you already have a sql server session you will be making SP calls to pull/push the data already and adding a small object to that should have minimal perf issues compared to other options like persisting it down to the client and sending it back on every request.
I would also consider the server a much more secure place to keep this info.
You want to minimize the number of times you write to the session(request a lock) when it is stored in sql as it is implemented in a sealed class that exclusivity locks the session. If any of your other requests in this session require write access to the SQL session they will be blocked by the initial request until it releases the session lock. (there are some new hooks in .NET 4 for allowing you to change the SessionStateBehavior in the pipeline before the session is accessed)
You might consider a session state server (appfabric) if perf of your SQL session store is an issue.

Windows Azure:Do we need External Persisted storage for Web role having Multiple Instances

Do we need to maintain extranal Persisted storage if we maintain a single Web Role with multiple instances?
If we deploy a site into azure with WebRole instance count greater that 1, is session state, Application State is shared among the Instances automaticaly?
Consider we have created two instances for webRole. If I made a request to the server, consider Instance1 processed the request given the response. In this request processing we saved some data into session. When I do a post back consider due to some reason Instance2 processed my postback request. Here my question is how the Instance2 can access the session data that is saved in my previous request?
If you use in-proc session state, each instance will have its own session data (not a good thing). You can easily use the new AppFabric Cache Session State provider, which gives you an instance-agnostic storage medium for your session state.
Here's the MSDN info on this. There's also a lab in the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit, called Building Windows Azure Applications with the Caching Service, that walks you through this.

ColdFusion Session issue - multiple users behind one proxy IP -- cftoken and cfid seems to be shared

I have an application that uses coldfusion's session management (instead of the J2EE) session management.
We have one client, who has recently switched their company's traffic to us to come viaa proxy server in their network.
So, to our Coldfusion server, it appears that all traffic is coming from this one IP Address, for all of the accounts of this one company..
Of the session variables, Part 1 is kept in a cflock, and Part 2 is kept in editable session variables. I may be misundestanding, but we have done it this way as we modify some values as needed throughout the application's usage.
We are now running into an issue of this client having their session variables mixed up (?). We have one case where we set a timestamp.. and when it comes time to look it up, it's empty. From the looks of it this is happening because of another user on the same token.
My initial thoughts are to look into modifying our existing session management to somehow generate a unique cftoken/cfid, or to start using jsession_ID, if this solves the problem at all.
I have done some basic research on this issue and couldn't find anything similar, so I thought I'd ask here.
I've run into similar problems on and off for years.
JSession cookies seem to help (no hard data on that) but one solution that I've implemented repoeatedly is using no-cache and cache expiry headers on every page. gives some specifics on how to implement this.
In extreme cases, we've been forced to pass the token and cfid in the links/forms, but that is a PITA to implement, so I'd try the cache expiry/prevention soluiton first.
As far as I know, there are no "cons" in using J2EE session variables, unless you really need session to be active after user closes the browser. I think you should try and see how application behaves with it and see if that saves you trouble of refactoring.
To be sure that you are using all other settings try this:
<cfdump var="#APPLICATION.GetApplicationSettings()#" label="Application settings" />
If you have sessionmanagement and client cookies turned on, everything is fine, so try j2ee session variables.
