intersection of voronoi diagram with a line - computational-geometry

Is there a computationally efficient way to determine the points of intersection of a straight line with all the edges of a given Voronoi tessellation in a rectangular plane area?

Once you have your first intersection point, the rest is easy.
Prepare a database of edges: for each edge, list both polygons it belongs to, or say it is the outer edge (and so belongs to one polygon only). In your picture, the lower side of the rectangle would contain 4 edges of 4 different polygons.
Draw your line, find your first intersection point ([0, 0.25] in your picture, not circled). Say it's polygon A. Then the next intersection point (the lowest one circled in your picture) also belongs to A. You find the relevant edge with a binary search through the list of edges of A.
Now you have found the second edge of A, find out which other polygon it belongs to. Then use binary search to find which other edge of that other polygon the line intersects. And so on until you exit your rectangle.


Find common tangents of two convex polygons

Given two convex polygons P, Q separated by a line, how can I find their common tangents?
There should be 4 total.
Geometry isn't my strong side so any help will be appreciated :)
Any tangent will be generated from (at least) one point on each polygon. The tangent forms a half-space for each polygon, containing that entire polygon; different tangents are generated by requiring that each polygon be above or below the tangent line.
Whenever you have a problem involving two convex polygons, the algorithm probably involves "pick a point on each one, then iterate." This algorithm is no different.
What you do, basically, is start with a random guess, and refine. Pick a vertex on each polygon and calculate the line through the two vertices. Look at polygon A and see whether either of the two neighboring vertices is on the wrong side of the line. If one is, replace the current vertex with that vertex. Then do the same check on polygon B. Then, if you updated either vertex, repeat. Eventually the lines will converge to tangents with each vertex the extremal one in the desired direction.

Convert voronoi edges into polygons

Currently I am trying to get Voronoi polygons dividing a plane of a certain size (e.g. 1000x1000 with 500 random points).
For this purpose, I used Delaunay's triangulation - Bowyer Watson's algorithm. Thanks to this, I am able to generate points and properly connect the edges included in the Voronoi diagram. Unfortunately, in my case, I need a list of polygons (of which each polygon contains a list of its edges).
I tried to create a naive algorithm that would take the edges one by one and look for the next ones to create a final polygon and so on - unfortunately without success. I was also thinking about taking the vertices of the triangles and creating a circle until the polygon is formed (from the existing edges), but I am not sure if this is a good solution?
Is there any way to do it? Or should I use a different algorithm to get the Voronoi polygon list?
I have not found a suitable solution to this problem on the Internet, if there is one, I will be grateful for the link
Select E an arbitrary edge
Add vertices in E to polygon
Select point P slightly to one side of E
If point inside plane
Select one vertex of selected edge
Select E2 new edge from vertex with smallest angle on side with point P
Add second vertex in E2 to polygon
Repeat last two steps until reach other vertex in E
Add polygon to solution, if not already included
Repeat with point on other side of edge
Repeat until all edges processed

How to find visibility of a polygon from a vertex v in a concave polygon

I'm working on an assignment 2d art gallery problem to find a minimum number of vertex guards. As part of solving the problem using genetic algorithms, I would need to find out the area of the polygon that is visible for a guard placed on a vertex.
The input is a polygon with known 2d (x,y) coordinates. Could you please help me know how to calculate the visibility of the guard(i.e what part of the polygon he could possibly see) placed on a vertex of the polygon?
This is a solution for finding visible area from an arbitrary point inside the polygon. You can change it to restrict point to polygon vertices:
Step 1: Draw rays from guard toward each vertex and find intersection points with all edges of polygon.
Step 2: Check if ray crosses polygon (yellow) or just touches it (purple).
Step 3: Sort intersections on a ray by their distances from the guard and find closet cross point. Call all further points invisible (red) and closer ones visible (green).
Step 4: Now each edge of polygon is equivalent to one or multiple segments, each segment that its both end points are labeled as visible will be visible. Sum length of such segments.
Here is a more complicated sample:
And keep in mind that it is just a start and you can optimize it. Think about Niko's comment for first improvement.

Best way to merge overlapping convex polygons into a single concave polygon?

I am working with several convex polygons that overlap each other and I need to combine them back together to form one single polygon that may be convex or concave.
The problem is always as follows:
1) The polygons that I need to merge together are always convex.
2) The vertices of each polygon are defined in clockwise order.
3) The polygons are never in any specific order.
4) The final polygon can only be simple convex or concave polygon, i.e. no self-intersection, no duplicate vertices or holes in the shape.
Here is an example of the kind of polygons that I am working with.
![overlapping convex polygons]"image removed")
My current approach is to start from the first polygon and vertex by vertex I loop through all vertices of all of the polygons to find overlap. If there is no overlap, I store the vertex for the final outline and continue.
Upon finding overlapping vertices, I determine which polygon to continue to by measuring the angles of the possible paths and by choosing the one that leads towards the outside of the shape.
This method works until I encounter polygons that do not have vertices overlapping each other, but instead one polygon's vertex is overlapping another polygon's side, as is the case with the rectangle in the image.
I am currently planning on solving these situations by running line intersect checks for all shapes that I have not yet processed, but I am convinced that this cannot be the easiest or the best method in terms of performance.
Does someone know how I should approach this problem in a more efficient manner and/or universal manner?
I solved this issue and I'm posting the answer here in case someone else runs into this issue as well.
My first step was to implement a pre-processing loop based on trincot's suggestions.
I calculated the minimum and maximum x and y bounds for each individual shape.
I used these values to determine all overlapping shapes and I stored a simple array for each shape that I could later use to only look at shapes that can overlap each other.
Then, for the actual loop that determines the outline of the final polygon:
I start from the first shape and simply compare its vertices to those of the nearby shapes. If there is at least one vertex that isn't shared by another vertex, it must be on the outer edge and the loop starts from there. If there are only overlapping vertices, then I add the first shape to a table for all checked shapes and repeat this process with another shape until I find a vertex that is on the outer edge.
Once the starting vertex is found, the main loop will check the vertices of the starting shape one by one and measure how far from the given vertex is from every nearby shapes' edges. If the distance is zero, then the vertex either overlaps with another shape's vertex or the vertex lies on the side of another shape.
Upon finding the aforementioned type of vertex, I add the previous shape's number to the table of checked shapes so that it isn't checked again. Then, I check if there are other shapes that share this particular vertex. If there are, then I determine the outermost shape and continue from there, starting back from step 2.
Once all shapes have been checked, I check that all non-overlapping vertices from the starting shape were indeed added to the outline. If they weren't, I add them at the end.
There may be computationally faster methods, but I found this one to be simple to write, that it meets all of my requirements and it is fast enough for my needs.
Given a vertex, you could speed up the search of an "overlapping" vertex or edge as follows:
Finding vertices
Assuming that the coordinates are exact, in the sense that if two vertices overlap, they have exactly the same x and y coordinates, without any "error" of imprecision, then it would be good to first create a hash by x-coordinate, and then for each x-entry you would have a hash by y-coordinate. The value of that inner hash would be a list of polygons that have that vertex.
That structure can be built in O(n) time, and will allow you to find a matching vertex in constant time.
Only if that gives no match, you would go to the next algorithm:
Finding edges
In a pre-processing step (only once), create a segment tree for these polygons where a "segment" corresponds to a min/max x-coordinate range for a particular polygon.
Given a vertex, use the segment tree to find the polygons that are in the right x-coordinate range, i.e. where the x-coordinate of the vertex is within the min/max range of x-coordinates of the polygon.
Iterate those polygons, and eliminate those that do not have an y-coordinate range that has the y-coordinate of the vertex.
If no polygons remain, the vertex does not participate in any edge of another polygon.
You cannot get more than one polygon here, since that would mean another polygon shares the vertex, which is a case already covered by the hash-based algorithm.
If you get just one polygon, then continue your search by going through the edges of that polygon to find a match -- which is what you already planned on doing (line intersect check), but now you would only need to do it for one polygon.
You could speed that line intersect check up a little bit by first filtering the edges to those that have the right x-range. For convex polygons you would end up with at most two edges. At most one of those two will have the right y-range. If you get such an edge, check whether the vertex is really on that edge.

How to efficient extract new polygons form the exist polygons

the polygons image
All of the polygons are simply, there are no holes in them.
board polygon(P0 to P7)
Red polygon (R0 to R6)
Green polygon (G0 G1 P2 G3)
Yellow polygon(Y0 to Y3)
I want to got new four polygons marked as 1 to 4 , polygon 1's coordinates are(J7 J10 R5 R4).
When I use polygon clipping algorithm, I can got the results easy , board diff(red union green union yellow). But when I have more than 10,000 polygons, I need a long time to get my results. My polygons are simply and my result polygons are simply also, there are no holes in the result polygons also.
You know I can find out the four polygons form the image easy using eyes, but how to find them using algorithm.
If all vertices of your computed black polygons do not have more than 2 edges intersecting at the vertex, then there may be a faster way than a more general tool.
Since the number of polygons is on the order of 10000, first try computing the intersection points of all pairs of polygons, and hopefully the number of intersection points is small enough (like 10 million or less). Then, for each intersection point test to see if it is contained in the interior of another polygon (in case you have multiple polygons that jointly overlap). Testing to see if a point is contained in the interior of a polygon can be done quickly, you can read how online. Then, all intersection points that are not contained in another polygon, which note also contains all the original polygon vertices that are not contained in the interior of a polygon, these are the vertices for the "black" polygons you want to compute. These points should be stored with a secondary structure that for each polygon edge, it stores all the stored intersection points along that edge, in sorted order. Similarly, for each stored vertex and intersection point you should store the edges that intersect at that point, and the location of the intersection point in the previous structure. So then pick any stored intersection point that hasn't been used yet in a black polygon, and pick one edge that defines the intersection point. Then you move to the neighboring intersection point along the edge which has the property that the part of the edge between the two intersection points does not pass inside a polygon. Then continue by similarly moving along the other edge that defines the neighboring intersection point. Continue until you reach the vertex you started at; this defines one black polygon. Then you can pick a new unused stored intersection point and repeat. Since your polygons have no holes, this will find all black polygons.
