Datalog-find duplicates - datalog

I would like to create a constraint that filters all duplicate rows in a nxn matrix, where every field consists of either 0 or 1. The matrix can be up to 10x10 rows and columns.
E.g. we have the following 4x4 matrix:
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
Then row 1 and row 3 would be identical which should not be possible. I've been thinking for 4 hours now about this problem, but with no luck.
Can someone give me a hint please?

As you're note, you can't "just" get the row (1,0,1,1) to occur twice in a datalog relation. The issue is, of course, that datalog relations store sets as opposed to lists or multisets of elements. The best way to deal with this is to add extra data to track either how often a row occurs to treat the matrix as map from indices to values. You might try one for the following:
myUnorderedMultiset[x,y,z,w]=count -> int(x), int(y), int(z), int(w), int(count).
myMatrix[rowIndex, columnIndex] = value -> int(rowIndex), int(columnIndex), int(value).


Using Greedy approach, given an m × n boolean matrix B, find its largest square submatrix whose elements are all zeros

Anybody know using greedy approach please help me out this problem.I have already done this by dynamic approach. But my main concern is by using Greedy method. And also we have to find max square sub-matrix of 0's.
Here is the example using dynamic approach and finding elements having 1's.
NOTE:using greedy
Greedy approach is where you make a locally optimal choice, believing that it will lead to the optimal solution. So basically we start by searching for a 0 in one of the four margins of the mXn matrix i.e. in the 1st row, last row, first column or last column. Once a 0 is found, we start by searching for the largest square possible.
0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
In the above example, the first element is 0, so check for the presence of 5X5 matrix, it fails as the third element is 1. There are a few cases now-
1] If you leave the first row from further evaluation, you can still aim for a matrix of size 4X4.
2] If you leave the third column and consider only the first two columns, aim for 2X2 matrix.
3] If you leave the third column and consider only the last three columns, aim for 3X3 matrix.
4] We wouldn't consider the option of eliminating both the row and the column, as it wouldn't be any better than the previous three options.
Considering greedy, we would choose the 1st case and repeat the process.

How to optimize search of rows x columns combination in a matrix?

Given a matrix of 1's and 0's, I want to find a combination of rows and columns with least or none 0's, maximizing the n_of_rows * n_of_columns picked.
For example, rows (0,1,2) and columns (0,1,3) have only one zero in col #0 row #1, and the rest 8 values are 1's.
1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0
Pracical task is to search over 1000's to 1000000's of rows and columns, finding the maximal biclique in a bipartite graph – rows and cols can be viewed as verticles, and values as connections.
The problem in NP-complete, as far as I learned.
Please advice an approach / algorithm that would speed up the task and reduce requirements to CPU and memory.
Not sure you could minimise thism
However, easy way to work this out would be...
Multiple your matrix by a 1 column and n rows full of 1's. This will give you number of ones in each row. Next do a 1 row by n columns multiplcation (at frot of) your matrix full of 1's. This will give you totals of 1's for each column, From there it's a pretty easy compairson........
ie original matrix...
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
1 0 1 x 1 = 2 (row totals)
o 1 1 1 2
0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 x 1 0 1 = 1 (Column totals)
0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0
nb max sum is 2 (which you would keep track of as you work it out.
Actually given the following assumptions:
1. You don't care how many 0's are in each row or column
2. You don't need to keep track of their order....
Then you only really need to store values to count the total in each row/column as you read the values in and don't actually store the matrix itself.
If you are given the number of rows and columns prior to reading in the matrix you can do the following heuristics to reduce computational time...
Keep track of the current max. If the current row cannot reach this potential max stop counting for the row (but continue in the columns). Vice versa is true for the columns
But you still have a worst case scenario in which all rows and columns have sme number of 1's and 0's.... :)

Algorithm for read matrixes

An algorithm that need process a matrix n x m that is scalable.
E.g. I have a time series of 3 seconds containing the values: 2,1,4.
I need to decompose it to take a 3 x 4 matrix, where 3 is the number of elements of time series and 4 the maximum value. The resulting matrix that would look like this:
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
Is this a bad solution or is it only considered a data entry problem?
The question is,
do I need to distribute information from each row of the matrix for various elements without losing the values?

Nullify a 2D matrix with some set of operations

Given an N x M matrix having only positive integer values, we have to nullify the matrix
i.e make all entries 0.
We are given two operations
1) multiply each element of any one column at a time by 2.
2) Subtract 1 from all elements of any one row at a time
Find the minimum number of operations required to nullify the matrix.
i thought of doing something related to LCM but could not reach to a solution
Let's first solve for 1 row first and we can extend it to all rows. Let's take a random example:
6 11 5 13
The goal is to make all elements as 1. First we make 5 (smallest element) as 1. For this we need to subtract 4 (i.e subtract 1 four times). The resultant array is:
2 7 1 9
Now we multiply 1 with 2 and subtract all row elements by 1:
1 6 1 8
Next, we multiply 2 1's by 2 and subtract all row elements by 1:
1 5 1 7
Continuing in this manner, we get to 1 1 1 1. Now we subtract 1 to get 0 0 0 0.
Next, we get to other rows and do the same like above. The row we nullified above are all zeroes so multiplication by 2 when manipulating other rows doesn't change the already nullified rows.
The question of finding the minimum number of operations would also depend on the row sequence we select. I think that would be to select a row whose maximum is minimum (among other rows) first. I need to verify this.

Matrix with equal sum of rows and columns

I have NxM matrix with integer elements, greater or equal than 0.
From any cell I can transfer 1 to another one (-1 to the source cell, +1 to the destination).
Using this operation, I have to make sums for all rows and columns equal. The question is how to find the minimal amount of such operations to achieve my task. During the processing cells may be negative.
For example, for
1 1 2 2
1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 2
The answer is 3.
P.s.: I've tried to solve it on my own, but came only to brute-force solution.
First, find the expected sum per row and per column 1.
rowSum = totalSum / numRows
colSum = totalSum / numCols
Then, iterate through the rows and the columns and compute the following values:
rowDelta = 0
for each row r
if sum(r) > rowSum
rowDelta += sum(r) - rowSum
colDelta = 0
for each col c
if sum(c) > colSum
colDelta += sum(c) - colSum
The number of the minimum moves to equilibrate all the rows and columns is:
minMoves = max(rowDelta, colDelta)
This works because you have to transfer from rows that exceed rowSum into rows that don't exceed it, and from columns that exceed colSum into columns that don't exceed it.
If initially rowDelta was lower than colDelta, then you will attain a stage where you equilibrated all the rows, but the columns are still not equilibrated. At this case, you will continue transferring from cells to other cells in the same row. The same applies if initially colDelta was lower than rowDelta, and that's why we selected the maximum between them as the expected result.
1 If totalSum is not a multiple of numRows or numCols, then the problem has no solution.
Let us consider the one dimensional case: you have an array of numbers and you are allowed a single operation: take 1 from the value of one of the elements of the array and add it to other element. The goal is to make all elements equal with minimal operations. Here the solution is simple: you choose random "too big number" and add one to random "too small" number. Let me now describe how this relates to the problem at hand.
You can easily calculate the sum that is needed for every column and every row. This is the total sum of all elements in the matrix divided by the number of columns or rows respectively. From then on you can calculate which rows and columns need to be reduced and which - increased. see here:
1 1 2 2 -2
1 0 1 1 +1
0 0 1 1 +2
1 1 1 2 -1
Expected sum of a row: 4
Expected sum of a column: 4
So now we generate two arrays: the array of displacements in the rows: -2,+1,+2,-1 and the number of displacements in the columns: +1,+2,-1,-2. For this two arrays we solve the simpler task described above. It is obvious that we can not solve the initial problem in fewer steps than the ones required for the simpler task (otherwise the balance in the columns or rows will not be 0).
However I will prove that the initial task can be solved in exactly as many steps as is the maximum of steps needed to solve the task for the columns and rows:
Every step in the simpler task generates two indices i and j: the index from which to subtract and the index to which to add. Lets assume in a step in the column task we have indices ci and cj and in the row task we have indices ri and rj. Then we assign a correspondence of this in the initial task: take 1 from (ci, ri) and add one to (cj, rj). At certain point we will reach a situation in which there might be still more steps in, say, the columns task and no more in the rows task. So we get ci and cj, but what do we do for ri and rj? We just choose ri=rj so that we do not screw up the row calculations.
In this solution I am making use of the fact I am allow to obtain negative numbers in the matrix.
Now lets demonstrate:
Solution for columns:
Solution for rows:
Total solution:
Supose thar r1 is the index of a row with maximal sum, while r2 is the row with minimal sum. c1 column with maximal sum and c2 column with minimal.
You need to repeat the following operation:
if Matrix[r1][c1] == Matrix[r2][c2] we're done!
Otherwise, Matrix[r1][c1] -= 1 and Matrix[r2][c2] += 1
