Is it possible to implement an event driven SFTP inbound adapter instead of a poller driven adapter using Spring? - spring

I have a requirement to develop an SFTP adapter which will download files from a remote location. This process will be scheduled using a quartz scheduler and the schedule time will be set from a gui. I was initially using spring SFTP inbound adapter but I realized that it is a poller consumer. However I want it to be invoked by my quartz scheduler instead of the poller. Could it be done? Can I make my SFTP inbound adapter event driven instead of poller driven?

No, but you have a few options...
Use outbound-gateway(s) instead; you can use one gateway to list (ls) the remote directory, followed by a <splitter/> and another outbound gateway to get the files; a third gateway can then rm the remote file(s). There's an example of that in the SFTP Sample App Or, you can use a single <outbound-gateway/> to mget all the files matching a pattern (e.g. /foo/*.txt).
Use the technique I described in this answer.


I need to build a Vert.x virtual host server that channels traffic to other Vert.x apps. How is this kind of inter-app communication accomplished?

As illustrated above, I need to build a Vert.x Java app that will be an HTTP server/virtual host (TLS Http traffic, Web socket traffic) that will redirect/channel specific domain traffic to other Vert.x Java apps running on the same server, each in it's own JVM.
I have been reading for days but I remain uncertain as to how to approach all aspects of the task.
What I DO know or have experience with:
Creating an HTTP server, etc
Using a Vert.x VirtualHost handler to "handle" incoming traffic for a
specific domain
What I DO NOT know:
How do I "re-direct" a domain's traffic to another Vert.x app (this
other Vert.x app would also be running on the same server, in its own
- Naturally this "other" Vert.x app would need to respond to HTTP
requests, etc. What Vert.x mechanisms do I employ to accomplish this
aspect of the task?
Are any of the following concepts part of the solution? I'm unfamiliar with these concepts and how they may or may not form part of the solution.:
Running each Vert.x app using -cluster option?
Vert.x Streams?
Vert.x Pumps?
There are multiple ways to let your microservices communicate with each other, the fact that all your apps are running on the same server doesn't change much, but it makes number 2.) easy to configure
1.) Rest based client - server communication
Both host and apps have a webserver
When you handle the incoming requests on the host, you simply call another app with a HttpClient
Typically all services find each others address via service discovery.
Eg: each service registers his address in a central registry then other services use this central registry to find the addresses.
Note: this maybe an overkill for you and you can just configure the addresses of the other services.
2.) You start the vertx microservices in clustered mode
the eventbus is then shared among the services
For all incoming requests you send a broadcast on the eventbus
the responsible app replies to the message
For further reading you can checkout You start your projects with -cluster option and define the clustering in an xml configuration. I think by default it finds the services via local broadcast.
3.) You use a message broker like RabbitMq etc.
All your apps connect to a central message broker
When a new request comes in to the host, it sends a message to the message broker
The responible app then listens to the relevant messages and replies
The host receives the reply from the message broker
There are already many existing vertx clients for certain message brokers like kafka, camel, zeromq:

Do I need to run Mosquitto to interact with a remote mosquitto broker

I am new to mqtt and would like to get my head around something.
I need to get messages from (subscribe to) topics from a remote mosquitto broker. The documentation for the service says I need to run a mosquitto broker on my server.
If I understand correctly then a script that uses the mqtt gem and manages to connect using something like this:
MQTT::Client.connect(conn_opts) do |c|
# The block will be called when you messages arrive to the topic
c.get('test') do |topic, message|
puts "#{topic}: #{message}"
IS a broker? Do I need to run mosquitto on my machine or can I get away with just a script and mqtt?
The doc describes the architecture and includes these lines:
The 3rd party platform needs an MQTT broker installed that will allow
communication with the different boxes on our servers. The broker on our servers will
initiate the connection and provide the credentials to allow
bidirectional communication.
The architecture I have in mind is a scheduled background process, using ruby-mqtt, that will spawn, connect with the remote mosquitto server and pull down new messages in batches before finishing. Does this sound like a reasonable approach for getting messages from a remote mosquitto broker?
I have a sneaky suspicion there is something I am not getting... any help/direction will be appreciated. Thanks!
No, you do not need a local MQTT server, you can connect directly to the remote server from your ruby script.
It is typical to keep the MQTT client running all the time, and not just download periodically using cron. Although I imagine that could work, providing you are using QoS 1/2 and disable clean sessions, so that messages are retained on the remote server. Despite its name, MQTT is not a message queuing protocol, it is a publish/subscribe protocol, so it is possible at the remote server will not allow you to build up a large pool of messages.
It may however be desirable to have a local MQTT server (eg mosquitto):
* You local MQTT server could deal with the storing of messages to disk until ruby is ready for them
* It allows multiple local clients to receive the same message without the remote server having to send it over the network multiple times
* Multiple local clients can send messages to each other, even when the remote network is down
Also be warned that ruby-mqtt doesn't support QoS 1 properly yet and also doesn't support persisting of messages or automatic reconnects, so a local mosquitto instance could solve some of those problems for you.

JMS Listener Not Picking Up Message From the Queue

I am planning to do code change for an existing application which has a JMS listener.
To test whether the listener works on my local server, I deploy the application to my localhost and shutdown other containers that running the same application.
But my local listener won't pick up any message. It is confirmed that other containers work fine and can pick up and process new messages in the queue.
Can you think of any possible cause of this?
Way too general, too many missing points...but some things to look at:
if the message queue is on a different server, can you ping it from the local device? could be that development environment can't see production server, perhaps
does a netstat -n show the correct port number, you should see a remote port with the port on which the message provider is listening itself
can you verify that the messaging provider sees you as a consumer? I use activemq, I can look at the management console, dive into a specific queue, and view active consumers, most providers will have something similar
are you running in an identical environment? Running a listener in a JEE environment where the queue is a jndi reference might be different running in a debugger where you need the actual queue name
any JMS filtering going on, where the filter for your local envionrment doesn't match up with what's already on the queue?
any transaction manager stuff that may be getting in the way?
Again, just throwing stuff to see what sticks to the wall, but these are the really obvious things.
Thanks Scott for answering my question.
I finally find that Eclipse somehow created another container and my listener was deployed to it. That's why I cannot find it working in my current container.

Do I *really* need RPC and NETBIOS to use transactional NServiceBus queues between local servers and Amazon EC2?

We have been trying - without success - to get transactional message queues working between local servers and our cloud servers up in Amazon EC2.
We're using NServiceBus, and have got the pub/sub examples and various other trivial apps working locally between here and EC2, but trying to spin up the components of our actual application is proving... vexatious.
As far as I can work out, to allow a local server (DYLAN-PC) to send a message transactionally via a queue on an Amazon EC2 instance, I will need to:
Enable NETBIOS name resolution (e.g. via the /etc/lmhosts file) at both ends
Allow RPC connections to be initiated from either end (so open port 135 for RPC plus various other ports)
Configure MSTDC on both systems, enabling remote connections and inbound/outbound connections
Have I missed something? In particular, the requirement to allow NetBIOS in an age where everything (including Active Directory!) runs on DNS seems particularly archaic. Are we doing something stupid trying to use MSMQ between sites like this? This is the first big project where we've tried this kind of distributed architecture, and the deployment/configuration is starting to hurt so much I'm convinced we've taken a wrong turn somewhere... a little perspective or advice would be gratefully received!
If you're look to build a geographically distributed system, where you can't arrange a VPN between these sites, you should be using the gateway capabilities of NServiceBus to communicate over alternate transports (like HTTP) between those sites.
RPC is required for reading from remote queues.
If you push to remote queues and pull from local queues, you won't be using RPC.

What is the purpose of listener in WebSphere MQ?

When I go to my WebSphere MQ explorer, and connect to a remote queue manager and go to --> Advanced --> Listeners, I do not see any listeners defined. But I am able to create a remote JMS client, connect to this queue manager by using a channel connection and publish a message to a topic.
So what is the purpose of listeners? In my case, things are working fine without listeners.
WebSphere MQ listeners are what accepts remote connections and start inbound channels. Modern queue managers will almost always have listeners defined but it is also possible to specify a default port for the QMgr to listen on without actually defining a listener. This is unusual, though. For older versions of MQ it was common to use inetd to start channels. This method doesn't use a listener.
So rest assured that something on your QMgr is listening for connections. Since you are not seeing it there are three likely possibilities:
The listener name starts with SYSTEM. and your Explorer view is set to filter SYSTEM objects.
The default port has been specified in the qm.ini file
You have a really old QMgr using inetd
By the way, go get a new version of WMQ Explorer. Since you have an Advanced --> Listeners you must have an old version. Download from SupportPac MS0T.
