Spring - HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource is not available - spring

I have the 404 error when requesting a page. I have a users page with a list of objects that the user can click on to then carry out a number of transactions, add, edit etc.
The controller for it
#RequestMapping(value="/main/user/setter/addpage/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getAddPage(#RequestParam("userId") Integer userId, ModelMap model) {
Module module = new Module();
model.addAttribute("userId", userId);
model.addAttribute("module", module);
return "/main/user/setter/addpage";
The page I want to get
<c:url var="processUrl" value="/main/user/setter/addpage/?id=${userId}" />
<form:form modelAttribute="module" method="POST" action="${processUrl}" name="module"
The page that I'm requesting it from:
<c:forEach items="${users}" var="setter" >
<c:url var="addUrl" value="/main/user/setter/addpage?userId=${setter.userId}" />
When I click on the add link above it goes to the 404 page. Obviously the url is going through. Any help would be great.

can you try :
instead of


Why do I lose information after submit a form with Spring MVC?

As I say int the title I loose information in the object that comes back from JSP to Controller.
From my Controller I pass a ModelAndView with an object of class Historic.
In the JSP page I have access to all of the values of this object, but when I submit I just get part of this information, some looses on the way on.
public ModelAndView index(Model model) {
HistoricBO historic = new HistoricBO();
// ... I fulfill this object ...
return new ModelAndView("tt", "historic", historic);
In JSP I have access to all the information that I passed.
I use the values in two different ways. The first one (information that later I won't be able to recover) is:
<form:form method="POST" action="/addInput" modelAttribute="historic">
<form:label path="userHistoric[0].user.name" />
<form:input path="userHistoric[0].user.name" disabled="true" />
Being userHistoric a list inside HistoricBO object.
And the other way that I use the object values is daoing loop to the registers and show them. I can have these values after submit:
c:forEach items="${historic.userHistoric[0].periods[0].registers}" var="reg" varStatus="rog">
<td class="tab-odd">
<form:input path="userHistoric[0].periods[0].registers[${rog.index}].hours[0]" class="monin" type="number" />
The method that catch the submit is as follows:
public String savePeriod(
#ModelAttribute("historic") HistoricBO inputs,
BindingResult result, ModelMap model) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "error";
And here the object inputs only has setted the hours values, the rest of the object is empty.
Can you please why is the info loosing and how to solve it?
Remove disabled="true" and use readonly="true" or readonly="readonly" instead like below.
<form:input path="userHistoric[0].user.name" readonly="readonly" />
Disabled values will not be submitted with the form.
See this values-of-disabled-inputs-will-not-be-submitted and demo here.

How to handle session to keep login information using Spring MVC

I want to make login form with Spring MVC using Hibernate.
I found that I need to use 'session' to keep login information.
So, I use it in 'Controller.java', '.jsp'.
But It seems didn't work.
Below is my code. Controller.java:
public class PassengerController {
private PassengerService passengerService;
public void setPassengerService(PassengerService passengerService) {
this.passengerService = passengerService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/login")
public String login(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request) {
String id = request.getParameter("idInput");
String pw = request.getParameter("pwInput");
// check DB
// if it is right, add session.
session.setAttribute("id", id);
session.setAttribute("pw", pw);
return "flightschedule";
#RequestMapping(value = "/logout")
public String logout(HttpSession session) {
return "flightschedule";
Below is part of flightschedule.jsp:
<c:if test="${sessionScope.loginId eq null}">
<!-- Not login: show login button -->
<div class="loginArea">
<form action="${loginAction}"> <!-- // URL '/login' -->
<input type="text" name="idInput" placeholder="ID" class="loginInput">
<input type="password" name="pwInput" placeholder="PASSWORD" class="loginInput">
<input id="loginButton" type="submit" value="login">
<c:if test="${sessionScope.loginId ne null}">
<!-- already login: show logout button -->
<div class="loginArea">
<form action="${logoutAction}"> <!-- // URL '/logout' -->
<input type="button" name="idInput" id="loginInfo" value="Welcome ${sessionScope.loginId}">
<input id="logoutButton" type="submit" value="LOGOUT">
I intended that when session.id exists, show log out button and when session.id doesn't exist, show login button.
I don't want to use interceptors or spring security etc..
I thought they're too complex to my little project.
And, I have login/logout form at all most of my pages. I don't use a separate page to login.
So I don't want to use interceptor. I just want to check whether session key exists in some jsp pages. Depending on its presence, I want to change page's view.
Above's code work partly. When login, it shows 'Welcome userId'.
But, when I click page's logo(then go to the first page), It still show 'login' button. It have to show 'log-out' button becuase session.loginId exists!
Do you have any solution?
In login method you put
// check DB
// if it is right, add session.
session.setAttribute("id", id);
session.setAttribute("pw", pw);
but on JSP check sessionScope.loginId , looks like you should check attribute with name id.

<option> returning emptyin UI form:select of spring mvc3

I've a list of values to be passed from my controller to the jsp page. I've the below controller:
#RequestMapping(value="/addClient.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
protected ModelAndView Submit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
MyForm = new MyForm();
System.out.println("Size of list : "+MyForm.getClientList().size()); //-- Displayed as 10 which is correct
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("feeMaintenance");
model.addObject("selectedMenu", "MenuSelected");
return model;
And my jsp form is as below:
<form:form method="post" modelAttribute="clientForm" action="${userActionUrl}">
<tr> <td align="left">
<form:select path="clientList">
<form:option value="-" label="------Select Client ------">
<form:options items="${clientsLists}">
</tr> </td>
I've removed the additional unrelated code. The drop down only shows ----Select Client--- even though the controller shows the correct values of the clientList. Unable to figure out whats missing.
if MyForm.getClientList() is successfully return list of client data than
rewrite this line into jsp page.
you write key name into controller is clientsList and you write this into jsp page is clientsLists this is wrong.
I hope this is work.
try this code.
model.addObject("country", projectservice.getallCountry());
**Note:**itemLabel name is same as property name into pojo class and also itemValue name.

Spring Redirect URL differs in browser

I am creating sample Spring MVC application.In this application i have one form when i submit the form i perform some action.
My problem is after the form submit url is changed for example i have url as http://localhost:8080/SampleWeb/sample/user this is for my form display when i submit the form the url redirected to http://localhost:8080/sample/user-by-name
in my jsp
<form:form method="POST" action="/sample/user">
In my controller
public class SampleController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
return "redirect:" + "SampleWeb/sample/user-by-name";
when i change the redirect url to "/SampleWeb/sample/user-by-name"
it works in firefox but in chrome http://localhost:8080/SampleWeb/SampleWeb/sample/user-by-name it adds two times.
if i give return "redirect:" + "/sample/user-by-name"; means url will be http://localhost:8080/sample/user-by-name
I am new to the Spring mvc. Please anyone can help me
Remove the first slash from this line <form:form method="POST" action="sample/user-by-name">
Do not hard code the context path in your controller / jsp page. Mention context path in your JSP page as shown below. It worked for me.
<form:form method="POST" action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/sample/user-by-name">
<form:form method="POST" action="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/sample/user-by-name">
Try this:
<c:url var="myUrl" value="/sample/user-by-name"/>
<form:form method="POST" action="${myUrl}">

Spring MVC : How to pass Model object from one method in controller to another method in same controller?

I have integrated Spring Security in my application , and would like to display an error message to the user in case of Bad credentials.
<c:out value='${secerror}' /> //prints nothing on screen
<c:if test="${empty secerror}">
error is empty or null. //always prints this line on screen
<c:if test="${not empty secerror}">
<div class="errorblock">
Your login attempt was not successful, try again.<br /> Caused :
<c:set var = "url" value = "/j_spring_security_check" />
<form:form method="post" commandName="portalLogin" action="${pageContext.servletContext.contextPath}${url}" name="f">
[Update]: Sorry all, i realized that my Model object was getting overriden after i redirect to portalLogin.html as i had created a new model object created there previously.
But i tried few easy options by which i can pass Model object from one controller method to another method in the same controller. But nothing worked.
I tried using forward: prefix instead of redirect prefix. For this, i didn't get error message at all.
I tried below code in loginerror method.
return new ModelAndView("portalLogin","secerror","true");
I was getting following error for the above code:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'portalLogin' available as request attribute
I did come across this link, but i found it to be a very lengthy solution and wasn't sure if iv'e to write that much code.
I wasn't sure if i can use Model object for #ModelAttribute annotations#ModelAttribute.
Please provide me with code snippets / examples which i can try out.
My controller method is like this:
public ModelAndView goToLogin(Model model) {
try {
System.out.println("Enter goToLogin************************");
} catch (Exception exception) {
return new ModelAndView("portalLogin", "portalLogin", new LoginModel());
//return new ModelAndView("portalLogin", model);
#RequestMapping(value="/loginfailed", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView loginerror(ModelMap model) {
//model.addAttribute("secerror", "true");
//return "redirect:portalLogin.html";
return new ModelAndView("portalLogin","secerror","true");
[Update]: As a work around i added goToLogin method logic inside loginerror method as my only intention is to get portalLogin page. Error was thrown as expected.
#RequestMapping(value="/loginfailed", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView loginerror(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("secerror", "true");
return new ModelAndView("portalLogin", "portalLogin", new LoginModel());
But still i would like to know if i can pass Model object from one controller method to another method in the same controller through some way.
You can also try something like this
<c:if test="${not empty secerror == 'true'}">
<td colspan="2" align="center"><font style="color: red">Your login attempt was not successful, try again</font>
Let`s make things easy, if you want to show a Bad credentials message, you can simply do something like this:
In your spring-security.xml:
<sec:form-login login-page="/login.jsp"
login-processing-url="/login" always-use-default-target="true" />
In your login.jsp:
<c:if test="${not empty param.error}">
