Detecting lost focus for NSTableView in Cocoa - cocoa

Is there any way to detect and respond when a control on a window loses focus?
I want to run some code when a user leaves NSTableView.

You can do this in 10.6 and later by using KVO to observe the window's firstResponder. It will change when the focused control in the window changes.
Put the code you want to run in the observing object's observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: method.


How can I make a Mouse Event persist through closing an NSPopover?

I have a NSPopover that opens, and if the user clicks somewhere else in the app, the popover closes.
But the problem is that currently that mouseDown event is consumed during the popover-closing process.
Is it possible to still have that mouseDown event go through to the application, but also close the popover?
I had this same problem, so we changed to using NSPopoverBehaviorSemitransient for the behavior type. It no longer steals the mouseDown: and we just added some extra cases for closing the popover manually.
You can subclass the windows contentViewControllers view object.
I did this in the Storyboard file.
In there, implement the mouseDown() method. In there, you can create a notification which can be received at a point in your project where you need to know about the mouse event.
As the 'root view' captures almost all mouseDown() events, you have to filter them in order to only respond to the notification when the popover is displayed.
Don't forget to call super.mouseDown() at the end of your implementation.

Is there a way to get NSPanel “Non activating” style functionality on an NSWindow?

NSPanel has a “Non activating” option for HUD Panels. I’d like to get that same functionality working on an NSWindow, i.e. I want the window to accept clicks but not take focus away from whatever the active app is (by this I mean the app that was active before clicking on the window activated my app—in this case Sketch).
I have tried creating an NSWindow subclass and setting canBecomeMainWindow and canBecomeKeyWindow to NO but that doesn’t seem to be working—I think because those settings only apply to windows within the same app.
What I’m trying to do here is prevent this flickering. I’m pretty sure this is doable as apps like Alfred seem to be doing it.

NSStatusItem app focus

How can my menubar application achieve the same behaviours as 1Password or Dropbox:
clicking their menu bar icons or popovers does not steal focus, e.g. while I am in for example TextEdit and open 1Password/Dropbox, the blinking cursor disappears but the window itself does not go into the background, yet I can type into 1Password's text field.
even though they didn't take focus in the first place, they disappear when I click back into another application
I figured out how mouse over works in the Dropbox popover table view by using an NSTrackingArea with the options MouseEnteredAndExited, AssumeInside, and ActiveAlways.
I am trying to get the same behaviour to work in an NSPopover that opens from an NSStatusItem.
I found a workaround for now. I am able to get the same behaviour by using non-activating NSPanel with a window level kCGPopUpMenuWindowLevelKey and I had to override canBecomeKeyWindow to return true.
Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to get a NSPopover to behave this way since it's not a subclass of NSWindow.
To set the kind of behavior you are describing you use:
yourPopover.behavior = .transient

Handling events in full screen mode in Cocoa on OSX

I am trying to add full screen support to my cocoa application and I am having a little trouble figuring out how to handle events. I use the method enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: to get into full screen mode but when I do this it seems that a NSFullScreenWindow becomes the first responder and receives events. I am confused about how about be able to override this class to handle keyboard and mouse events (I could find no way to set what class of window becomes the full screen window). Am I totally off base? Should I use another method to achieve full screen mode?
I was able to overcome this problem by making the view that became full the screen the first responder.

Determine when a NSOpenPanel will close

I'm trying to determine when an NSOpenPanel is closing before it actually closes. I need to do this so I can overlay another window with a screenshot of the open panel on top of it to be animated. Unfortunately, all the notifications that you seem to be able to access seem to fire AFTER the window's already been closed. This leads to a jarring stutter before you start your transition.
I've tried:
- using NSWindow delegate methods on the open panel (apparently, none of the NSWindow delegate methods work)
- monitoring panel:userEnteredFilename:confirmed: (not called)
- showing the dialog with a callback (callback happens AFTER the panel disappears)
You should register your controller as the open panel's delegate and then implement the -panel:isValidFilename: delegate method. This method will be called just before the open dialog closes.
You should return YES from the method if you just want the notification. Returning NO allows you to prevent the open dialog from being closed.
Another way to handle this was to look through NSOpenPanel's subviews for the Cancel button and swap yourself in as the target/action. This is what i ended up doing.
