How to use f:selectItem properly with JSF2? - ajax

guys I need to update another selectOneMenu when the User selects one option of combo_pedido_tipoplm selectOneMenu. If the user selects the "Chose One" option it needs to clear the second one.
I've tried everything but I cant call my actionListener after I've selected the Option "Chose one" (Selecione) from my h:selectOneMenu.
<h:selectOneMenu id="combo_pedido_tipoplm" value="#mBeanManterPedido.tipoPlacaMaeFiltro}" required="true" disabled="#{!mBeanManterPedido.pedidoValido or mBeanManterPedido.clonado}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgTemplate.lblSelecione}" />
<f:selectItems value="#{mBeanManterPedido.selectItemsTipoPlacaMae}" />
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{mBeanManterPedido.tipoPlacaMaeChange}" process="#this"/>
private TipoPlacaMae tipoPlacaMaeFiltro;
public void popularTipoPlacaMae() {
this.selectItemsTipoPlacaMae = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
for (TipoPlacaMae tipoplaca : TipoPlacaMae.values()) {
this.selectItemsTipoPlacaMae.add(new SelectItem(tipoplaca, tipoplaca.getNome()));
public void tipoPlacaMaeChange(AjaxBehaviorEvent e) {
// deseleciona a PlacaMae atualmente selecionada.
if I select the option "Chose one" I got a validation error because this selectOneMenu is requeried and my setter for tipoPlacaMaeFiltro is not called.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
What can I do about it ?

For those that have the same doubt.
You need to put the immediate="true" in your ajax request.
<h:selectOneMenu id="id"
value="#{mbean.value}" required="#{mbean.required}"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Chose one" />
<f:selectItems value="#{mbean.selectItems}" />
<f:ajax event="valueChange" listener="#{mbean.onchange}"
After that in the ManagedBean you need to implements but handle differently the listener
public void onchange(AjaxBehaviorEvent e) {
YourClass o = getSelectedValue(e);
private YourClass getSelectedValue(AjaxBehaviorEvent e)
if (e != null)
UISelectOne select = (UISelectOne) e.getSource();
if (select.getSubmittedValue() == null ||
select.getSubmittedValue().toString().isEmpty()) {
return null;
else {
String id = select
return ObjectThatImplementsConverterInterface.getAsObject(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), select, id);
return null;
Unfortunally you must handle that way because if you don't do the user can selects "Chose One" and the mbean.value will be OK (null) after that the second selection in the same SelectOneMenu will trigger with the previous selected value (null). I don't know if it happens with everybody or just me.


Why does PrimeFaces 5.3 not call my listener function when I catch the "blur" and "focus" events?

My intention was to show information on filling a text area component. When it gets the focus I show the info, when it loses the focus I clear the info. I do not want to proccess any input value just catch the focus and blur events and call the listener and show/clear the message.
I have read BalusC's comment on conditional rendering so I put my conditional text message to an "always rendered" JSF component.
My "always rendered" f:outPutPanel component is shown in the generated XHTML code but my listener function is never called. As far as I know the method signature of primefaces listener is just void somefunction() not like in jsf ajax listener.
I also read BalusC's comment about including #this for the proccess attribute but in my case it seems not to be reasonable as I do not want to catch any input values.
I am newbie to JSF and primefaces so any help is appreciated.
My relevant view snippet:
<h:panelGroup layout="block" id="info">
<h:outputText rendered="#{ebookController.infoMessage != null}" value="#{ebookController.infoMessage}"/>
<p:inputTextarea id="description" styleClass="form-control vspace" required="true" requiredMessage="Kérlek, add meg az e-könyv rövid leírását" value="#{ebookController.newEbook.description}" rows="20" cols="30" counter="display" maxlength="500" counterTemplate="{0} karakter lehet még" autoResize="false" validatorMessage="Az e-könyv leírása maximum 500 karakterből állhat">
<f:validateLength maximum="500"/>
<p:ajax event="focus" process="#none" update="info" listener="#{ebookController.setTextAreaInfoMessage()}"/>
<p:ajax event="blur" process="#none" update="info" listener="#{ebookController.clearInfoMessage()}"/>
<h:outputText id="display" />
My relevant java code:
#Named(value = "ebookController")
public class EbookController implements Serializable {
private String infoMessage;
public String getInfoMessage() {
return infoMessage;
public void setInfoMessage(String infoMessage) {
this.infoMessage = infoMessage;
public void setTextAreaInfoMessage(){
setInfoMessage("Tipp: Az e-könyved bemutatása során a fontos részeket emeld ki, és tagold a szöveget bekezdésekkel. Ha egy bekezdés végére értél, csak egy ENTER-t üss!");
public void clearInfoMessage(AjaxBehaviorEvent e){
Solution 1 : User f:ajax
<f:ajax immediate="true" event="focus" process="#none" render="info"
listener="#{ebookController.setTextAreaInfoMessage()}" />
<f:ajax immediate="true" event="blur" process="#none" render="info"
listener="#{ebookController.clearInfoMessage()}" />
Managed Bean
public void setTextAreaInfoMessage() {
"Tipp: Az e-könyved bemutatása során a fontos részeket emeld ki, és tagold a szöveget bekezdésekkel. Ha egy bekezdés végére értél, csak egy ENTER-t üss!");
public void clearInfoMessage() {
Reference Problem with h:form and p:ajax

PrimeFaces input components are not highlighted on validation error

I am using Seam 2.3.1 Final. And I have added the Custom EmailValidation on my form.
public class EmailValidator implements Validator {
private static final String EMAIL_REGEX = "^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*#[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";
* <a href="
* -address-with-regular-expression/">Source</a> <br/>
* Modification : autorisation des "-" dans le nom de domaine <br/>
* Exemple valide :
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
Object value) throws ValidatorException {
/* Create the correct mask */
Pattern mask = Pattern.compile(EMAIL_REGEX);
/* Get the string value of the current field */
String emailField = (String) value;
/* Check to see if the value is a valid email */
Matcher matcher = mask.matcher(emailField);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
message.setDetail("E-posta adresi geçerli değil!");
message.setSummary("E-posta Hatasi");
throw new ValidatorException(message);
public String getValidatorId() {
return "emailValidator";
And the JSF
<h:form id="editPersonelForm">
<p:messages showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true" closable="true"/>
<p:outputLabel for="personName" value="Ad"/>
<p:inputText id="personName" placeholder="Ad" value="#{}" required="true"
requiredMessage="Ad alanını doldurmak zorunludur." validatorMessage="Ad alanı zorunludur.">
<p:outputLabel for="personEmail" value="E-Posta"/>
<p:inputText id="personEmail" value="#{}" placeholder="E-Posta" >
<f:validator validatorId="emailValidator" />
<p:outputLabel for="personelSaveBtn" value=""/>
<p:commandButton id="personelSaveBtn" value="Kaydet"
oncomplete="if (args && !args.validationFailed) PF('personEdit').hide();"
update=":tableForm" ajax="true">
It works, when I type invalid email, it gives error message text. However, input fields does not switch error-state mode. There is no redline border of input anymore.
You need to explicitly cover the inputs in ajax-update as well. One way is adding #form which represents the current form.
<p:commandButton ... update=":tableForm #form" />
Or by its explicit ID.
<p:commandButton ... update=":tableForm :editPersonelForm" />
Another way is using a PFS/jQuery selector to reference only the inputs.
<p:commandButton ... update=":tableForm #(#editPersonelForm :input)" />
A completely different way is using OmniFaces <o:highlight> to put PrimeFaces own style sheet on the associated inputs (and labels) so that you never need to worry about explicitly ajax-updating them.
<o:highlight styleClass="ui-state-error" />

p:calendar AJAX updates only the second time

I have a problem with PrimeFaces calendar and ajax update.
I have a calendar and when I change the date on the UI I want to refresh another component. The problem is that the first time I change the date, the other component stays the same, but when i change the date a second time, the other component is updated with the correct value that I am expecting.
Here is my form:
<p:ajax update="criteriosDataGridTeste" event="dateSelect"
listener="#{foo.updateTeste}" />
<h:panelGroup id="criteriosDataGridTeste">
<td><h:selectOneMenu value="#{foo.idtpresult}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="ok" itemValue="ok" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="not ok" itemValue="not ok" />
I am using primefaces 3.0.1
By debugging I found out that the listener is being called before the value dtValidade is set.
But i thought it should be the other way.
Why is this happening?
A simplified version of my bean:
#ManagedBean(name = "foo")
public class Foooo {
private Date dtValidade;
private String idtpresult;
public Foooo() {
dtValidade = new Date();
idtpresult = "not ok";
public Date getDtValidade() {
return dtValidade;
public void setDtValidade(Date dt) {
this.dtValidade = dt;
public String getIdtpresult() {
return idtpresult;
public void setIdtpresult(String idtpresult) {
this.idtpresult = idtpresult;
public void updateTeste() {
Date now = new Date();
if (dtValidade.before(now)) {
idtpresult = "ok";
} else {
idtpresult = "not ok";
Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance!
try this one
add in xhtml code in the h:form where yours calendar is
<p:remoteCommand name="rc" update="criteriosDataGrid" >
and in your ajax
event="dateSelect" listener="#{foo.updateCriteria}" oncomplete="rc"/>
i dont know excatly if you need the rest of attributes of p:ajax

Selection of extendedDataTable inside popupPanel not in Ajax Request Parameter

I am having a JSF page that contains a modal popupPanel from Richfaces and inside this popupPanel is an extendedDataTable. Now I want to have the user selection in my bean every time the user selects a new row. At first I want to show the code then I will explain the problem.
Part of the xhtml page with the popupPanel and the extendedDatatable:
<rich:popupPanel id="kontaktPanel" modal="true" onmaskclick="#{rich:component('kontaktPanel')}.hide()">
value="#{nachfrageBean.loadedKontakte}" var="kontakt"
selection="#{nachfrageBean.selection}" id="kontaktTable">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{messages['tabelle.kontakt.instknz']}" />
<h:outputText value="#{kontakt.instKnz}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{messages['']}" />
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<a4j:ajax execute="kontaktTable kontaktPanel" event="selectionchange" listener="#{nachfrageBean.selectedRecord}" />
Corresponding bean with the listener and the needed members:
public class NachfrageBean {
private KontaktDTO kontakt;
private List<KontaktDTO> loadedKontakte = new ArrayList<KontaktDTO>();
private Collection<Object> selection;
public Collection<Object> getSelection() {
return selection;
public void setSelection( Collection<Object> selection ) {
this.selection = selection;
public List<KontaktDTO> getLoadedKontakte() {
//contacts are successfully loaded
return kontaktBusiness.getAllKontakte( );
public KontaktDTO getKontakt() {
return kontakt;
public void setKontakt( KontaktDTO kontakt ) {
this.kontakt = kontakt;
public void selectedRecord( AjaxBehaviorEvent event ) {
UIExtendedDataTable dataTable = ( UIExtendedDataTable )event.getComponent();
Object originalKey = dataTable.getRowKey();
for( Object selectionKey : selection ) {
dataTable.setRowKey( selectionKey );
if( dataTable.isRowAvailable() ) {
// do something with the selection
dataTable.setRowKey( originalKey );
The listener gets called successfully when the user selects a row in the datatable, but the selection is null, so I am getting a NPE. And when I remove the popupPanel and have my extendedDatatable directly in my page, then it works fine. I am always printing out the request parameters and I can see that there are two missing parameters when I have the datatable inside the pupupPanel. These request parameters are:
mainForm:kontaktTable:wi =
mainForm:kontaktTable:si = 3,3|3||x
So outside the popup the selection from the kontaktTable gets submitted but inside the popupPanel not. Does anyone know whats wrong here?
I just found a solution here .
By default the rich:popupPanel will be attached to the body and not to the form. Adding domElementAttachment="form" to the popupPanel just did it.

JSF 2 f:ajax lifecycle problem

The problem is, that if a property is changed during an f:ajax request and a binded panelGroup should be newly created depending on that changed value, the old value is used.
This code will explain the problem.
Here is the backingbean TestBean:
public String getFirst() {
return first;
public void setFirst(String first) {
this.first = first;
public String getLast() {
return last;
public void setLast(String last) {
this.last = last;
public String getName(){
return first+" "+last;
public void setDynamicPanel(HtmlPanelGroup panel){ }
public HtmlPanelGroup getDynamicPanel(){
Application app = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
HtmlPanelGroup component = (HtmlPanelGroup)app.createComponent(HtmlPanelGroup.COMPONENT_TYPE);
HtmlOutputLabel label1 = (HtmlOutputLabel)app.createComponent(HtmlOutputLabel.COMPONENT_TYPE);
label1.setValue(" --> "+getFirst()+" "+getLast());
return component;
and now the jsf/facelet code:
<h:form id="form">
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:inputText id="first" value="#{testBean.first}" />
<h:inputText id="last" value="#{testBean.last}" />
<h:commandButton value="Show">
<f:ajax execute="first last" render="name dyn" />
<h:outputText id="name" value="#{}" />
<h:panelGroup id="dyn" binding="#{testBean.dynamicPanel}" />
After the page was initially loaded the outputText and panelGroup shows both "null" as first and last. But after the button is pressed, the outputText is updated well, but the the panelgroup shows again only "null". This is due to the problem, that the "binded method" dynamicPanel is executed before the update of the first and last properties.
how can workaround this behaviour or what is wrong with my code?
If you add the attribute immediate="true" to your input elements, the values will be applied during the "Apply Request Values" phase, and hence be present before your action executes. You may or may not need the immediate attribute set to true on the commandButton as well.
