SWI-Prolog predicates are not called - prolog

I am trying to make a game similar to minesweeper and i am trying to count the number of bombs near a point on a map but it only enters in one countneighbour and it stops, how can I make it enter the other countneighbor predicates?
checkneighbours(X,Y) :- nb_setval(vecini,0),
X1 is X-1,
X2 is X+1,
Y1 is Y-1,
Y2 is Y+1,
countneighbours(X,Y) :- map(X,Y,Z),
( Z=:= "O"
-> nb_getval(V,vecini),
V1 is V+1,

The whole approach is a bit questionable, global variables, copy-pasting instead of using back-tracking, etc. How do you represent the whole playing field?
Anyway, the if-else construct will fail when the else hits. You need to write something like:
( if_condition
-> action
; true
if there is no action associated with the else.
But it could be something else, of course... What does map do?


Define a rule happened_before(X,Y) which defines the relation that event X happened before event Y using system predicates

I can't figure out how to write the answer to the question. Any help is appreciated. I understand the logic behind it but can't find the correct syntax.
Define a rule happened_before(X,Y) which defines the relation that
event X happened before event Y, and use it to obtain all such pairs
of events. You will need to use the system predicate <, less than. For
example ?- (5 < 7). succeeds. Suitably instantiated variables can be
used either side of < instead of numbers. Start the rule with
happened_before(X,Y) :-.
my attempt is as follows:
event(battle_of_hastings, 1066).
event(plague_of_london, 1665).
event(fire_of_london, 1666).
event(man_on_the_moon, 1969).
happened_before(X,Y) :-
(Event1, Y1),
(Event2, Y2).
Y1 < Y2.
You are close.
What you desired is
happened_before(Event1,Event2) :-
event(Event1, Y1),
event(Event2, Y2),
Y1 < Y2.
Prolog is about syntactic unification which can often be thought simply as matching terms.
In this case a line like event(Event1, Y1) which is in itself is known as a goal needs to match against something to work (succeed). You have facts which you are trying to match.
event (the functor) in event(Event1, Y1) needs to match with event in a fact like event(battle_of_hastings, 1066)..
Then the number of arguments needs to match which in this case they both have 2 arguments.
Now since the goal has two variables (begin with upper case letter) they will match (unify) with the corresponding parts of the facts. Thus
Event1 unifies with battle_of_hastings and
Y1 unifies with 1066.
The reason you need to match on the functor is because if you have a fact like
time(battle_of_hastings, 1066).
and a query like you had (Event1,Y1) with the way you intended it to work without a functor, the match would succeed on unifying when you did not want it too.
Another way to think about unification of terms that reinforces the need to check the functor when unifying is this variation of Prolog terms from days gone by
event(battle_of_hastings, 1066)
in the past would be
(event, battle_of_hastings, 1066)
where the name was the first argument and it was thus apparent that it also needed to be unified.
Here is all the code with test cases.
event(battle_of_hastings, 1066).
event(plague_of_london, 1665).
event(fire_of_london, 1666).
event(man_on_the_moon, 1969).
happened_before(Event1,Event2) :-
event(Event1, Y1),
event(Event2, Y2),
Y1 < Y2.
:- begin_tests(happened_before).
test(01,[forall(happened_before_test_case_generator(success,Event1,Event2))]) :-
test(02,[fail,forall(happened_before_test_case_generator(fail,Event1,Event2))]) :-
:- end_tests(happened_before).
Example run of tests.
?- run_tests.
% PL-Unit: happened_before ..... done
% All 5 tests passed

Fold over a partial list

This is a question provoked by an already deleted answer to this question. The issue could be summarized as follows:
Is it possible to fold over a list, with the tail of the list generated while folding?
Here is what I mean. Say I want to calculate the factorial (this is a silly example but it is just for demonstration), and decide to do it like this:
fac_a(N, F) :-
must_be(nonneg, N),
( N =< 1
-> F = 1
; numlist(2, N, [H|T]),
foldl(multiplication, T, H, F)
multiplication(X, Y, Z) :-
Z is Y * X.
Here, I need to generate the list that I give to foldl. However, I could do the same in constant memory (without generating the list and without using foldl):
fac_b(N, F) :-
must_be(nonneg, N),
( N =< 1
-> F = 1
; fac_b_1(2, N, 2, F)
fac_b_1(X, N, Acc, F) :-
( X < N
-> succ(X, X1),
Acc1 is X1 * Acc,
fac_b_1(X1, N, Acc1, F)
; Acc = F
The point here is that unlike the solution that uses foldl, this uses constant memory: no need for generating a list with all values!
Calculating a factorial is not the best example, but it is easier to follow for the stupidity that comes next.
Let's say that I am really afraid of loops (and recursion), and insist on calculating the factorial using a fold. I still would need a list, though. So here is what I might try:
fac_c(N, F) :-
must_be(nonneg, N),
( N =< 1
-> F = 1
; foldl(fac_foldl(N), [2|Back], 2-Back, F-[])
fac_foldl(N, X, Acc-Back, F-Rest) :-
( X < N
-> succ(X, X1),
F is Acc * X1,
Back = [X1|Rest]
; Acc = F,
Back = []
To my surprise, this works as intended. I can "seed" the fold with an initial value at the head of a partial list, and keep on adding the next element as I consume the current head. The definition of fac_foldl/4 is almost identical to the definition of fac_b_1/4 above: the only difference is that the state is maintained differently. My assumption here is that this should use constant memory: is that assumption wrong?
I know this is silly, but it could however be useful for folding over a list that cannot be known when the fold starts. In the original question we had to find a connected region, given a list of x-y coordinates. It is not enough to fold over the list of x-y coordinates once (you can however do it in two passes; note that there is at least one better way to do it, referenced in the same Wikipedia article, but this also uses multiple passes; altogether, the multiple-pass algorithms assume constant-time access to neighboring pixels!).
My own solution to the original "regions" question looks something like this:
set_region_rest([A|As], Region, Rest) :-
sort([A|As], [B|Bs]),
open_set_closed_rest([B], Bs, Region0, Rest),
sort(Region0, Region).
open_set_closed_rest([], Rest, [], Rest).
open_set_closed_rest([X-Y|As], Set, [X-Y|Closed0], Rest) :-
X0 is X-1, X1 is X + 1,
Y0 is Y-1, Y1 is Y + 1,
ord_intersection([X0-Y,X-Y0,X-Y1,X1-Y], Set, New, Set0),
append(New, As, Open),
open_set_closed_rest(Open, Set0, Closed0, Rest).
Using the same "technique" as above, we can twist this into a fold:
set_region_rest_foldl([A|As], Region, Rest) :-
sort([A|As], [B|Bs]),
foldl(region_foldl, [B|Back],
closed_rest(Region0, Bs)-Back,
closed_rest([], Rest)-[]),
sort(Region0, Region).
closed_rest([X-Y|Closed0], Set)-Back,
closed_rest(Closed0, Set0)-Back0) :-
X0 is X-1, X1 is X + 1,
Y0 is Y-1, Y1 is Y + 1,
ord_intersection([X0-Y,X-Y0,X-Y1,X1-Y], Set, New, Set0),
append(New, Back0, Back).
This also "works". The fold leaves behind a choice point, because I haven't articulated the end condition as in fac_foldl/4 above, so I need a cut right after it (ugly).
The Questions
Is there a clean way of closing the list and removing the cut? In the factorial example, we know when to stop because we have additional information; however, in the second example, how do we notice that the back of the list should be the empty list?
Is there a hidden problem I am missing?
This looks like its somehow similar to the Implicit State with DCGs, but I have to admit I never quite got how that works; are these connected?
You are touching on several extremely interesting aspects of Prolog, each well worth several separate questions on its own. I will provide a high-level answer to your actual questions, and hope that you post follow-up questions on the points that are most interesting to you.
First, I will trim down the fragment to its essence:
essence(N) :-
foldl(essence_(N), [2|Back], Back, _).
essence_(N, X0, Back, Rest) :-
( X0 #< N ->
X1 #= X0 + 1,
Back = [X1|Rest]
; Back = []
Note that this prevents the creation of extremely large integers, so that we can really study the memory behaviour of this pattern.
To your first question: Yes, this runs in O(1) space (assuming constant space for arising integers).
Why? Because although you continuously create lists in Back = [X1|Rest], these lists can all be readily garbage collected because you are not referencing them anywhere.
To test memory aspects of your program, consider for example the following query, and limit the global stack of your Prolog system so that you can quickly detect growing memory by running out of (global) stack:
?- length(_, E),
N #= 2^E,
This yields:
It would be completely different if you referenced the list somewhere. For example:
essence(N) :-
foldl(essence_(N), [2|Back], Back, _),
Back = [].
With this very small change, the above query yields:
?- length(_, E),
N #= 2^E,
ERROR: Out of global stack
Thus, whether a term is referenced somewhere can significantly influence the memory requirements of your program. This sounds quite frightening, but really is hardly an issue in practice: You either need the term, in which case you need to represent it in memory anyway, or you don't need the term, in which case it is simply no longer referenced in your program and becomes amenable to garbage collection. In fact, the amazing thing is rather that GC works so well in Prolog also for quite complex programs that not much needs to be said about it in many situations.
On to your second question: Clearly, using (->)/2 is almost always highly problematic in that it limits you to a particular direction of use, destroying the generality we expect from logical relations.
There are several solutions for this. If your CLP(FD) system supports zcompare/3 or a similar feature, you can write essence_/3 as follows:
essence_(N, X0, Back, Rest) :-
zcompare(C, X0, N),
closing(C, X0, Back, Rest).
closing(<, X0, [X1|Rest], Rest) :- X1 #= X0 + 1.
closing(=, _, [], _).
Another very nice meta-predicate called if_/3 was recently introduced in Indexing dif/2 by Ulrich Neumerkel and Stefan Kral. I leave implementing this with if_/3 as a very worthwhile and instructive exercise. Discussing this is well worth its own question!
On to the third question: How do states with DCGs relate to this? DCG notation is definitely useful if you want to pass around a global state to several predicates, where only a few of them need to access or modify the state, and most of them simply pass the state through. This is completely analogous to monads in Haskell.
The "normal" Prolog solution would be to extend each predicate with 2 arguments to describe the relation between the state before the call of the predicate, and the state after it. DCG notation lets you avoid this hassle.
Importantly, using DCG notation, you can copy imperative algorithms almost verbatim to Prolog, without the hassle of introducing many auxiliary arguments, even if you need global states. As an example for this, consider a fragment of Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm in imperative terms:
function strongconnect(v)
// Set the depth index for v to the smallest unused index
v.index := index
v.lowlink := index
index := index + 1
This clearly makes use of a global stack and index, which ordinarily would become new arguments that you need to pass around in all your predicates. Not so with DCG notation! For the moment, assume that the global entities are simply easily accessible, and so you can code the whole fragment in Prolog as:
scc_(V) -->
This is a very good candidate for its own question, so consider this a teaser.
At last, I have a general remark: In my view, we are only at the beginning of finding a series of very powerful and general meta-predicates, and the solution space is still largely unexplored. call/N, maplist/[3,4], foldl/4 and other meta-predicates are definitely a good start. if_/3 has the potential to combine good performance with the generality we expect from Prolog predicates.
If your Prolog implementation supports freeze/2 or similar predicate (e.g. Swi-Prolog), then you can use following approach:
fac_list(L, N, Max) :-
(N >= Max, L = [Max], !)
freeze(L, (
L = [N|Rest],
N2 is N + 1,
fac_list(Rest, N2, Max)
multiplication(X, Y, Z) :-
Z is Y * X.
factorial(N, Factorial) :-
fac_list(L, 1, N),
foldl(multiplication, L, 1, Factorial).
Example above first defines a predicate (fac_list) which creates a "lazy" list of increasing integer values starting from N up to maximum value (Max), where next list element is generated only after previous one was "accessed" (more on that below). Then, factorial just folds multiplication over lazy list, resulting in constant memory usage.
The key to understanding how this example works is remembering that Prolog lists are, in fact, just terms of arity 2 with name '.' (actually, in Swi-Prolog 7 the name was changed, but this is not important for this discussion), where first element represents list item and the second element represents tail (or terminating element - empty list, []). For example. [1, 2, 3] can be represented as:
.(1, .(2, .(3, [])))
Then, freeze is defined as follows:
freeze(+Var, :Goal)
Delay the execution of Goal until Var is bound
This means if we call:
freeze(L, L=[1|Tail]), L = [A|Rest].
then following steps will happen:
freeze(L, L=[1|Tail]) is called
Prolog "remembers" that when L will be unified with "anything", it needs to call L=[1|Tail]
L = [A|Rest] is called
Prolog unifies L with .(A, Rest)
This unification triggers execution of L=[1|Tail]
This, obviously, unifies L, which at this point is bound to .(A, Rest), with .(1, Tail)
As a result, A gets unified with 1.
We can extend this example as follows:
freeze(L1, L1=[1|L2]),
freeze(L2, L2=[2|L3]),
freeze(L3, L3=[3]),
L1 = [A|R2], % L1=[1|L2] is called at this point
R2 = [B|R3], % L2=[2|L3] is called at this point
R3 = [C]. % L3=[3] is called at this point
This works exactly like the previous example, except that it gradually generates 3 elements, instead of 1.
As per Boris's request, the second example implemented using freeze. Honestly, I'm not quite sure whether this answers the question, as the code (and, IMO, the problem) is rather contrived, but here it is. At least I hope this will give other people the idea what freeze might be useful for. For simplicity, I am using 1D problem instead of 2D, but changing the code to use 2 coordinates should be rather trivial.
The general idea is to have (1) function that generates new Open/Closed/Rest/etc. state based on previous one, (2) "infinite" list generator which can be told to "stop" generating new elements from the "outside", and (3) fold_step function which folds over "infinite" list, generating new state on each list item and, if that state is considered to be the last one, tells generator to halt.
It is worth to note that list's elements are used for no other reason but to inform generator to stop. All calculation state is stored inside accumulator.
Boris, please clarify whether this gives a solution to your problem. More precisely, what kind of data you were trying to pass to fold step handler (Item, Accumulator, Next Accumulator)?
adjacent(X, Y) :-
succ(X, Y) ;
succ(Y, X).
state_seq(State, L) :-
(State == halt -> L = [], !)
freeze(L, (
L = [H|T],
freeze(H, state_seq(H, T))
fold_step(Item, Acc, NewAcc) :-
next_state(Acc, NewAcc),
NewAcc = _:_:_:NewRest,
(var(NewRest) ->
Item = next ;
Item = halt
next_state(Open:Set:Region:_Rest, NewOpen:NewSet:NewRegion:NewRest) :-
Open = [],
NewOpen = Open,
NewSet = Set,
NewRegion = Region,
NewRest = Set.
next_state(Open:Set:Region:Rest, NewOpen:NewSet:NewRegion:NewRest) :-
Open = [H|T],
partition(adjacent(H), Set, Adjacent, NotAdjacent),
append(Adjacent, T, NewOpen),
NewSet = NotAdjacent,
NewRegion = [H|Region],
NewRest = Rest.
set_region_rest(Ns, Region, Rest) :-
Ns = [H|T],
state_seq(next, L),
foldl(fold_step, L, [H]:T:[]:_, _:_:Region:Rest).
One fine improvement to the code above would be making fold_step a higher order function, passing it next_state as the first argument.

using arithmetic operations in Prolog

I have the following code:
Y is Y+1,
X is X+1.
but when i call move(f) it returns false. number(X) and number(Y) returns true but whem i add the other two lines the function doesn't work. what's the problem?
Elaborating on some of the comments your question has received, variables in Prolog stand for a possible instantiation of a single value, just like variables in mathematics and mathematical logic, and once they are instantiated within a context they must remain consistent. If we're dealing with a formula 0 = (a + b) - (a + b), we know that it can only express its intended sense if any value assigned to the first a is also assigned to the second. That is, we can substitute any value for a, but it must be the same value throughout. Prolog works with variables in this same way. If x = x + 1, then 2 = 3; but then math would be broken.
Addressing mat's caution against using dynamic predicates, here is a possible way of handling moves, but accomplished by passing around a list of previous moves. With this method, the most recent move will always be the first element of List in the compound term moves(List).
Supposing the current history of moves is as follows:
moves([position(0,0), position(0,1), position(1,1)]).
move/3 takes a direction, a complex term representing the previous moves, and tells us what the updated list of moves is.
move(Direction, moves([From|Ms]), moves([To,From|Ms])) :-
move_in_direction/3 takes a direction, and a position, and tells us what the next position in that direction is:
move_in_direction(left, position(X1,Y1), position(X2,Y1)) :- X2 is X1 - 1.
move_in_direction(right, position(X1,Y1), position(X2,Y1)) :- X2 is X1 + 1.
move_in_direction(up, position(X1,Y1), position(X1,Y2)) :- Y2 is Y1 + 1.
move_in_direction(down, position(X1,Y1), position(X1,Y2)) :- Y2 is Y1 - 1.
Notice that, using this method, you get a back-trackable history of moves for free. I'd imagine you could use this in interesting ways -- e.g. having the player explore possible series of moves until a certain condition is met, at which point it commits or backtracks. I'd be interested to know what kind of solution you end up going with.

About c() predicate in prolog

I have the code
newplan(State, [c(StateList)], [], State):- satisfied( State, StateList).
and I don't know what c() predicate does. I tried to search internet for answers but I couldn't find. Please help me.
In this code c/1 is just a structure. Prolog is a little different from most languages, in that a structure and a predicate (what might be thought of as a function call in another language) share syntax. So here c/1 doesn't do anything, it's just a marker that (presumably) is granted meaning through something else in the code which you haven't shared with us.
Let me give you a concrete example.
eval(c(X), X2) :- X2 is (X*2) + 3.
eval(q(X), X2) :- X2 is X / 3.
In this code, c/1 and q/1 do not do anything. If you query something_to_do/1 you'll get structures back:
?- something_to_do(X).
X = c(14) ;
X = q(21) ;
But if you then pass that structure to eval/2 it does something depending on which structure it gets. So you could say eval/2 imbues the structure q/1 and c/1 with meaning (though "imbuing meaning" is not in any sense official Prolog nomenclature).
?- something_to_do(X), eval(X, Y).
X = c(14), Y = 31 ;
X = q(21), Y = 7 ;
It's the same story here. You're going to have to search your codebase and find out what c/1 means in it, because it is not a built-in predicate.
Note: it's possible to have structures and predicates with the same name in the same codebase at the same time. For instance, I could add a predicate like
q(X) :- even(X).
and this predicate does not in any sense overlap with the q/1 structure above. This is just one of those fun confusing things about Prolog (later on it turns out to be powerful and grand). There is an acute difference between creating structures and attempting to unify goals.

Prolog - converting succ representation into decimal

This is my code:
numeral(succ(X)) :- numeral(X).
convertToD(succ(S), Y) :- numeral(S), Y1 is Y-1, convertToD(S, Y1).
Why does this give me such an output?
convertTo(succ(succ(0)), N).
N = 0 ;
ERROR: convertTo/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Well, you're getting more than one answer because of this:
What you mean to have here is convertToD(0, 0), because otherwise you're saying "convertToD is true between anything and 0" when you mean "convertToD is 0 for 0." This is also why Prolog thinks you have multiple results.
Having given it some thought and noticed a question this question is a duplicate of, I see what you were trying to accomplish with the second clause. What you're trying to do is emulate the clpfd solution from there in ordinary Prolog. With clpfd:
convertToD(succ(S), Y) :- numeral(S), Y0 #= Y-1, convertToD(S, Y0).
A straightforward copy of that into vanilla Prolog gets us your code here, but what doesn't happen is all the magic clpfd brings to the table. Without clpfd, it's very difficult to make a predicate that works for any instantiation combination and never loops. One thing that helps is to move the arithmetic last:
convertToD(succ(S), Y) :- numeral(S), convertToD(S, Y1), succ(Y1, Y).
This gets us a predicate with all the desirable properties, except it loops here:
?- convertToD(X, 3).
X = s(s(s(0))) ;
^CAction (h for help) ? abort
I've messed with this with when/2 and var/1/nonvar/1 and haven't been able to solve that little problem.
