Magento update inventory with REST - magento

I Followed the instruction of this page and I have this code:
$oauthClient->setToken($_SESSION['token'], $_SESSION['secret']);
$resourceUrl = $apiUrl.'/stockitems/429';
$productData = json_encode(array(
'qty' => 982,
'is_in_stock' => 1
$headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
$oauthClient->fetch($resourceUrl, $productData, OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_POST, $headers);
But I get the return
[message:protected] => Invalid auth/bad request (got a 401, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)
I tried with XML like this:
$oauthClient->setToken($_SESSION['token'], $_SESSION['secret']);
$resourceUrl = $apiUrl.'/stockitems/429';
$productData = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
$headers = array('Content-Type' => 'text/xml');
$oauthClient->fetch($resourceUrl, $productData, OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_POST, $headers);
and I get the error:
[message:protected] => Invalid auth/bad request (got a 405, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)
I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you for your reply.

Another way to update item's quantity is to call the /products/:id API, method = PUT, with the following payload:
{"stock_data" : {"qty" : "123"}}

You are using POST instead of PUT. HTTP Post is used for creating items in Magento, but if you update an item (or inventory, image, whatever) by id you have to use PUT.

Make sure you assigned to your admin user REST role.
Configuring Permissions Step By Step:
System -> Web Services -> REST - Roles -> Create new role
System -> Web Services -> REST - Consumers -> Create a Consumer -> Copy Key & Secret to use in your App
System -> Permissions -> Your User -> REST Role -> Select and Save your Role


"Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful () low level call on POST"

The following code works most of the time but sometimes it throws an exception with this message:
Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful () low level call on POST: /queries2020-09/_search?typed_keys=true
var response = await client.SearchAsync<LogEntry>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Bool(b => b
.Must(m => m.DateRange(r => r.Field(l => l.DateTimeUTC)
.GreaterThanOrEquals(new DateMathExpression(since))),
m => m.Term(term)
.Aggregations(a => a
.Sum("total-cost", descriptor => descriptor
.Field(f => f.Cost)
if (!response.IsValid)
throw new Exception("Elasticsearch response error. " + response.ToString());
This seems to be a very generic message that pops up a lot on Q&A websites. How do I debug it to see the root cause?
Using NEST 7.6.1.
It may be better to write the debug information out rather than .ToString()
if (!response.IsValid)
throw new Exception("Elasticsearch response error. " + response.DebugInformation);
The debug information includes the audit trail and details about an error/exception, if there is one. It's a convenience method for collecting the pertinent information available on IResponse in a human readable form.
If a response is always checked for validity and an exception thrown, you may want to set ThrowExceptions() on ConnectionSettings to throw when an error occurs.

Laravel issue Credentials are required to create a Client

I need to test send SMS to mobile I get Credentials are required to create a Client error for My Code Here
'twilio' => [
$accountSid = env('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID');
$authToken = env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
$twilioNumber = env('TWILIO_NUMBER');
$client = new Client($accountSid, $authToken);
try {
"body" => 'test',
"from" => $twilioNumber
// On US phone numbers, you could send an image as well!
// 'mediaUrl' => $imageUrl
Log::info('Message sent to ' . $twilioNumber);
} catch (TwilioException $e) {
'Could not send SMS notification.' .
' Twilio replied with: ' . $e
Twilio developer evangelist here.
A quick read over the environment config for Laravel suggests to me that you can use the env method within your config files, as you are doing, but it's not necessarily available in application code. Since you are committing your environment variables to the config object, I think you need to use the config method instead.
$accountSid = config('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID');
$authToken = config('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
$twilioNumber = config('TWILIO_NUMBER');
Let me know if that helps at all.

Guzzle Http Not Logging In Laravel With Monolog

I have this example:
use Monolog\Logger;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatter;
public function getApiTest()
$stack = HandlerStack::create();
new Logger('Logger'),
new MessageFormatter('{req_body} - {res_body}')
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(
'base_uri' => 'http://apitesting.test/api/',
'handler' => $stack,
echo (string) $client->get('apitest')->getBody();
Which should be logging the request and response, from what I understand.
I have a custom logging channel built for logging to the database instead.. But I have now disabled it and went back to Laravel's file logging - but this is still not logging the Guzzle request/response.
It seems that the first parameter of the Middleware::log() is suppose to be the log channel that you are trying to use. For example:
$stack = HandlerStack::create();
$logChannel = app()->get('log')->channel('my-custom-channel');
new MessageFormatter('{req_body} - {res_body}')
That will tell the middleware which log channel that you are trying to use.

Cannot create an ad or ad creative via the facebook API

So I'm working on a project from work using the facebook API so we can build ads (yes I know you can do it from facebook ads manager but my company wants me to create our own interface). Anyways so I'm able to create campaigns and ad sets through the API but I cannot seem to have any luck with ads and or creatives.
{message: "Invalid parameter", exception: "FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException",…}
"Invalid parameter"
[{,…}, {,…},…]
That's the error I seem to get and from the looks it has something to do with Authorization but I'm able to create campaigns and ad sets so I figured I'm authorized. I'm just testing dummy data on a page that I am an admin on. Any advice or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
So turns out the authorization issue has something to do with the fact that our app is still in review. I was able to however create a carousel ad/ad creative through their API with this bit of code, which I also got from their documentation. Anyways the code that worked for me is here:
$product1 = (new AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment())->setData(array(
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::LINK =>
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::NAME => 'Product 1',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::DESCRIPTION => '$8.99',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::IMAGE_HASH => '<IMAGE_HASH>',
$product2 = (new AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment())->setData(array(
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::LINK =>
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::NAME => 'Product 2',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::DESCRIPTION => '$9.99',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::IMAGE_HASH => '<IMAGE_HASH>',
$product3 = (new AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment())->setData(array(
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::LINK =>
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::NAME => 'Product 3',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::DESCRIPTION => '$10.99',
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachmentFields::IMAGE_HASH => '<IMAGE_HASH>',
$link_data = new AdCreativeLinkData();
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::LINK => '<URL>',
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::CHILD_ATTACHMENTS => array(
$product1, $product2, $product3,
$object_story_spec = new AdCreativeObjectStorySpec();
AdCreativeObjectStorySpecFields::PAGE_ID => <PAGE_ID>,
AdCreativeObjectStorySpecFields::LINK_DATA => $link_data,
$creative = new AdCreative(null, 'act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');
AdCreativeFields::NAME => 'Sample Creative',
AdCreativeFields::OBJECT_STORY_SPEC => $object_story_spec,

Google URL Shortening API using PHP

Now I know this is a common topic that has been over the Internet especially StackOverflow. But what I do not have (or haven't yet seen) is a straight solution for the token being maintained over a session.
I'm using the Google APIs Client Library for PHP .
My Query:
I have one index.php where I fetch the user data (such as name) using the Google_Oauth2Service from the PHP client lib. The user is authenticated successfully and all goes well. Now I'd like to use the URL Shortening service and therefore I have a shorten.php where I have the code to try fetch the short URL. Some how this doesn't work.
//include google api files
require_once 'src/Google_Client.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/Google_UrlshortenerService.php';
//start session
$gClient = new Google_Client();
$gClient->setApplicationName('Test App');
$google_oauthV2 = new Google_Oauth2Service($gClient);
Here I have started the session and made an object of the Google_Client. I have declared the client id, secret and all other details.
Then I get the access token on successful authentication and store it in the Session variable so that when I try to fetch the short url (using jQuery ajax) from shorten.php, I can use the existing token.
$_SESSION['token'] = $gClient->getAccessToken();
Now in shorten.php
require_once 'src/Google_Client.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/Google_UrlshortenerService.php';
$gClient = new Google_Client();
$gClient->setApplicationName('Test App');
if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && $_SESSION['token']) {
// Set the access token from the session
$url_service = new Google_UrlshortenerService($gClient);
// Check if a URL has been passed
if (isset($_GET['url'])) {
$url = new Google_Url();
$url->longUrl = $_GET['url'];
$shortURL = $url_service->url->insert($url);
This is the exact line where the code breaks $shortURL = $url_service->url->insert($url); I was successful in getting the token using the Session variable and created a successful URL Service object. But just when I call the insert method, that's when it fails.
From the apache error logs :
husain#innovate:~/myprojects/web$ tail -1 /var/log/apache2/error.log | sed -e 's/\\n/\n/g'
[Thu Mar 28 00:42:35 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_ServiceException' with message 'Error calling POST (401) Invalid Credentials' in /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/src/io/Google_REST.php:66
Stack trace:
#0 /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/src/io/Google_REST.php(36): Google_REST::decodeHttpResponse(Object(Google_HttpRequest))
#1 /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/src/service/Google_ServiceResource.php(177): Google_REST::execute(Object(Google_HttpRequest))
#2 /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/src/contrib/Google_UrlshortenerService.php(38): Google_ServiceResource->__call('insert', Array)
#3 /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/shorten.php(44): Google_UrlServiceResource->insert(Object(Google_Url))
#4 {main}
thrown in /home/husain/myprojects/web/apps/src/io/Google_REST.php on line 66
When I dump the Google_Client variables on the index.php and shorten.php files, this is what I get.
Google_Client Object
[scopes:protected] => Array
[useObjects:protected] =>
[services:protected] => Array
[oauth2] => Array
[scope] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[authenticated:Google_Client:private] =>
object(Google_Client)#1 (4) {
array(0) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
string(44) ""
and both aint the same so I'm assuming that there is something not right here. Help or direction please.
You're not requesting the UrlShortener scope when authenticating, that's why it's failing.
To get the scope added, you can create an UrlshortenerService before authenticating in index.php, passing the same instance of the client, as in:
//start session
$gClient = new Google_Client();
$gClient->setApplicationName('Test App');
$google_oauthV2 = new Google_Oauth2Service($gClient);
$url_service = new Google_UrlshortenerService($gClient);
Alternatively, you can use setScopes to override the automatically generated scope
