I would like to convert it to a date so that I can display it in the proper format which is, well, a ridiculous format anyways.
this is my current format (which is a string):
2012/03/06 00:00:00
this is what I'm going to change it to:
since your string is in a format Crystal will recognize create a formula
then right click the field to format the output it like you want
got it.. just for reference.. had to account for blanks, also had to format properly..
if isnull({Command.EXAM_DT}) then Date(0,0,0)
if ({Command.EXAM_DT}='') THEN Date(0,0,0)
Date(ToNumber(LEFT({Command.EXAM_DT}, 4)),
ToNumber(Mid ({Command.EXAM_DT}, 6, 2)),
ToNumber(Mid ({Command.EXAM_DT}, 9, 2))
In a field called $Detailed Decription$ sometimes dateformat 08/09/2021 is enterd and this need to be converted to swedish format 2022-02-11
I'am going to use BMC Developer studio and make a filter but i cant find a fitting solution for it. Replacing it wont work (i think) becaus it need to have a value to replace it with.
Maby there can be a function that reads regex (\d{2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4}) but how can i convert it?
If it's sometimes - look at AR System User Preferencje form. Check certain user's locale and date time config.
Also is important where the data comes from. Could be a browser setting or java script mod.
1- Using Set fields action, copy the date value from Detailed Description to a Date/Time field (i.e. z1D_DateTime01).
2- Using Set fields action and Functions (MONTH, YEAR, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND) you can parse the date/time and convert it to format you like.
Something like this:
SwedishDate = YEAR($z1D_DateTime01$) + "-" + MONTH($z1D_DateTime01$) + "-" + DAY($z1D_DateTime01$)
This will capture the parts of date and combine them with "-" in the middle and in the order you want.
There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.
How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed (https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GZCP_forms_dateText), do those include using single digits for month and day ?
I tried to set the value of format = "#(myPageProperty.myValue)# " but I got a compilation error in Studio so that went nowhere. Has anyone ever been able to set the format value depending on the user input value?
I am guessing that the control input value must be converted to the YYYY-MM-DD before validation. I am open to calling a javascript function to do that but where would be the best place to put it?
for details see Class %ZEN.Component.dateText
setting format:
Property format As %ZEN.Datatype.string(MAXLEN = 3, **VALUELIST = ",MDY,DMY,YMD",** ZENEXPRESSION = 1)
you have exactly 3 formats or ""
Your guess on values is correct and documented:
/// The value of this control is always in the canonical form: YYYY-MM-DD
As this is one of the oldest components of ZEN your only chance to achieve
your way of operation is to create your own version inheriting from
Class %ZEN.Component.dateText and overloading the parts you want to change
Hello i've been working on how to get yesterday date in DataStage?
When i compile the job, it gave me an error.
So how should i do to get the yesterday date?
btw that code i'm doing it in the Transformer stage
Assuming you are using the parallel engine in DataStage - this could be a solution
DateOffsetByComponents(CurrentDate(), 0, 0, -1)
As the last parameter is the day part and -1 would substract a day
Convert the date into a date type, then you can add or subtract days.
You can use IConv to convert a string into a datastage internal date format. Then you can perform addition/subtraction on the date. Then use OConv to convert the variable back to string format.
If this is done in a transformer stage, you need to do this all in one statement:
OConv(Iconv(VDate ,"D/YMD[4,2,2]") - 1), "D/YMD[4,2,2]")
Hope this helps.
In a parallel Transformer stage, I'd use DateFromDaysSince() function. Use current date function as the base, and -1 as the offset value.
If I have a date in YYYYMMDD format how to validate in Xquery version "1.0", so that it checks for month and year are valid and if say they are valid then a leap year with month as 02 can have a date 29 else a max 28.
Several integration tools such as Oracle Fusion Middleware implement Xquery version "1.0" not "3.0"
First of all, although your use case is rather simple: generally avoid tampering with dates (and especially times) on your own, and always rely on already implemented functionality, handling date and time is horribly complicated if you want to do it right.
Convert the string to a representation that XQuery's date functions are able to parse. If you can construct a date from the string, it is valid; if an error occurs, it is invalid. Dates can be constructed using xs:date($string). One way to convert the string would be using using substring(...) and string-join(...):
xs:date(string-join((substring($date, 1, 4), substring($date, 5, 2), substring($date, 7, 2)), '-'))
To catch an error, use a try/catch block.
I have a report in my application and this report will show a long date from db and I used this expression to make it shorter:
and the date will show like this : 1/1/2010
I need to make it like this : 2010/1/1
How I can do it?
That expression do the trick
I think that it is a lot cleaner to use the Format property rather than format it in your expressions:
You can use the standard .NET formatting strings.
Fields!StatementDate.Value will need to be a DateTime, if not you can try convert it: