I want to stack two Sencha Touch Ext.List's vertically. I want both of these lists to belong to a container that is scrollable. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure how I can configure these lists to be fully expanded components (the containing container should take care of the scrolling).
I.e. you would have to scroll down the entire contents of the first list to get to the second list.
Additionally, the containing container should also be possible to fill with other stacked components, such as a form.
-> Container (should show scroll bars if contained content doesn't fit in the container)
-> Form (should not show any scrollbars, thus fully expanded)
-> List (should not show any scrollbars, thus fully expanded)
-> List (should not show any scrollbars, thus fully expanded)
I've managed to get something working by setting scrollable to null for the lists. However, it only works with Sencha Touch versions prior to 2.1.0, thus 2.0.1 works fine.
var mainPanel = Ext.create("Ext.Container",
fullscreen: true,
layout: 'vbox'
var subPanel = Ext.create("Ext.Container", {
flex: 1,
layout: 'vbox'
Ext.define('MyList', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
config: {
scrollable: null,
fullscreen: false
var itemName = 'MyItem';
Ext.define(itemName, {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: {
fields: ["title"]
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: itemName,
data: [
{ title: 'row1' },
{ title: 'row2' }
var list1 = Ext.create('MyList');
list1.setItemTpl('<div>List 1 - {title}</div>');
var list2 = Ext.create('MyList');
list2.setItemTpl('<div>List 2 - {title}</div>');
Any ideas why it's not working in 2.1.0+?
Have you tried setting the scrollable config of the lists to false?
I recommend extending Ext.dataview.DataView rather than starting from Ext.dataview.List. You will have to build up some of your own styling, but I've found that's usually easier than trying to remove unwanted functionality from Ext.List.
I have a Kendo UI chart with some series data. When I update the series, the chart data does not change. I see from the documentation that it needs to be wired to a datasource. But the datasource property is not available in Angular tag.
[valueAxis] ="chartConfig.valueAxes"
public chartConfig = {
title: {
text: 'Insight'
legend: {
position: 'bottom'
series: [], //Some data
valueAxes: [], //Some data
categoryAxis: {
categories: [],
axisCrossingValues: [24, 24, 0],
justified: true
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: '{0}',
template: '#= category #/03: #= value #'
When I have an updated value, then I update the series like this.
this.chartConfig.series[seriesIndex].data[xAxisIndex] = parseInt(updatedValue.Value);
But the Chart doesn't get updated.
There is no datasource directive, you don't need anything like that. The problem is Angular not picking up changes to this.chartConfig.series.
Angular change detection checks for reference changes, not simply value changes. The simplest solution for this problem is after whatever updates you perform, change the reference of this.chartConfig.series like so:
this.chartConfig.series[seriesIndex].data[xAxisIndex] = parseInt(updatedValue.Value);
this.chartConfig.series = [...this.chartConfig.series];
That final line basically creates a new array with the same elements as the original and changes the reference of this.chartConfig.series to point to the newly created array. This makes it more likely to be picked up by Angular's change detection.
I am using angularjs-dragula and I am not able to auto scroll to the overflow container that is hidden from the screen.
This is my issue:
I have five containers in my dragula and the 5th container is hidden from the screen. Now I want to drag an element from the first container and drop it in the 5th container. But I am not able to do this, since the screen is not auto scrolling to the 5th container.
Does angularjs-dragula support vertical scrolling? or is there a property that I'm missing?
Example Plunkr : https://plnkr.co/edit/iD38MugmHIx298p7OlrI?p=preview
var app = angular.module('angular-dragula-demo', [angularDragula(angular)]);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, dragulaService) {
dragulaService.options($scope, 'fifth-bag', {
copy: true
It seems like this option is not implemented in Dragula. Dragula's developer suggests to use the module dom-autoscroller.
See this issue on Github: https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula/issues/121
To implement this functionality with AngularJS:
1) Download dom-autoscroller from the official repo: https://github.com/hollowdoor/dom_autoscroller/blob/master/dist/dom-autoscroller.min.js
2) Include it in your project folder
3) Enable autoscroll in your controller:
var scroll = autoScroll([
], {
margin: 30,
maxSpeed: 10,
scrollWhenOutside: true,
autoScroll: function () {
//Only scroll when the pointer is down
return this.down
I'm using kendo-ui with angularJS 1.5 and I have a simple kendo-grid bound to a datasource with transport configured using functions as follows:
private buildDataSource() {
this.dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
autoSync: true,
change: this.dataSourceChangeHandler.bind(this),
error: this.dataSourceErrorHandler.bind(this),
transport: {
read: this.dataSourceRead.bind(this),
create: this.dataSourceCreate.bind(this),
update: this.dataSourceUpdate.bind(this),
destroy: this.dataSourceDestroy.bind(this)
private dataSourceUpdate(e: kendo.data.DataSourceTransportUpdate) {
var updatedItem: KendoCosto = e.data;
e.success(updatedItem, undefined, undefined);
The grid options looks like this:
this.gridOptions = {
dataSource: this.dataSource,
change: this.gridChangeHandler.bind(this),
editable: {
mode: "incell",
confirmation: false
navigatable: true,
selectable: "multiple, cell",
allowCopy: true,
toolbar: [
The grid works fine and the read, create, update, destroy behave as expected.
My problem is that whenever I change a value in a grid's cell and hit enter, I would like to have keyboard navigation "placeholder" (the grid has navigatable: true) to remain on the edited cell, but it happens to be moved to the upper left corner cell.
This behavior happens only when dataSource's autoSync is set to true.
I've also tried to "set" the current cell via the ".current" method of the grid's api but it doesn't seem to work:
// this is bound to the grid's change event and it is supposed to
// store the currently selected cell in a property of the class
// that builds both the datasource and the grid
private gridChangeHandler(e: kendo.ui.GridNavigateEvent)
this.thisGrid = this.thisGrid || e.sender;
this.currentCell = e.sender.current();
// Then on the change event of the datasource I do
private dataSourceChangeHandler(event: kendo.data.DataSourceChangeEvent)
if (this.currentCell && this.thisGrid) {
this.currentCell = undefined;
any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance !
--- edit ---
The code I posted/pasted in the comment is absolutely unreadable so I'm repeating the code here:
To have your solution work, I had to modify my dataBound handler this way.
private gridDataBoundHandler(e: kendo.ui.GridDataBoundEvent) {
if (this.thisGrid && this.currentCell) {
setTimeout((() => {
// this.thisGrid.editCell(this.currentCell);
, 10);
without the timeout, the navigation placeholde was still resetting back to the upper left corner.
First, I think the grid change event is the wrong event to attach to as it only fires when the user selects a row/cell with the mouse...it will not fire on tab events.
So, I would use the grid save event, which fires after you make an edit and "commit" the change through enter, tab, mouse off, etc.
Second, the e.sender.current() includes the current identifying information like "grid_active_cell" and "k-state-focused" and "k-dirty-cell", etc. By the time you get to the dataSource change event, the cell has actually lost all that decoration and your this.currentCell is essentially pointing at a non-existent selector. So, you need to grab a more "permanent" identifier.
So, using the grid save event:
save: function (e) {
var row = $(e.sender.current()).closest("tr");
var colIdx = $("td", row).index(e.sender.current());
var model = e.sender.dataItem(row);
currentCell = "tr[data-uid='" + model.uid + "'] td:eq(" + colIdx + ")";
And then in the grid DATABOUND event(as the dataSource change event is still followed by events that change the cell focus to the top-left, but grid.dataBound is further in the chain and seems to work better):
dataBound: function (e) {
if (currentCell) {
Demo(with variable changes as I do not have your whole class, based on a kendo grid demo): http://dojo.telerik.com/#Stephen/OjAsU
Note that this solution(not my implementation, but your technique in general) will break tabbing from cell to cell, i.e. tabbing will commit the edit but the dataSource change event will always put the focus back on the just-edited cell instead of moving to the tabbed-to cell. This breaks user expectation of what tab does. So, you should consider trying to capture the enter key press only instead of relying on the grid events(which fire regardless of tab or enter).
I'm currently creating a 'smartobject' widget. In the widgets dialog, the user can choose a 'smartobject', which simply put, generates some html, which should be added to the editor. Here comes the tricky part: the html sometimes div elements and sometimes simply span elements. In the case of the div variant, the widget should be wrapped in a div 'template'. In the case of a span variant, the widget should be wrapped in a span and the html should be added 'inline'.
In the widgets API I see the following way to define a template:
editor.widgets.add('smartobject', {
dialog: 'smartobject',
pathName: lang.pathName,
template: '<div class="cke_smartobject"></div>', // <------
upcast: function(element) {
return element.hasClass('smartObject');
init: function() {
this.setData('editorHtml', this.element.getOuterHtml());
data: function() {
var editorHtml = this.data.editorHtml;
var newElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(editorHtml);
But in my case, the template is more dynamic: sometimes a div and sometimes the span will do the correct thing..
How can I fix this without needing to create two widgets which will do the exact same thing, with only the wrapping element as difference?
I've already tried to replace the entire element in the 'data' method, like:
this.element = newElement;
But this seemed not supported: resulted in undefined errors after calling editor.getData().
I'm using ckeditor v4.5.9
Thanks for your help!
It seems I got it working (with a workaround).
The code:
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('smartobject', this.path + 'dialogs/smartobject.js');
editor.widgets.add('smartobject', {
pathName: lang.pathName,
// This template is needed, to activate the widget logic, but does nothing.
// The entire widgets html is defined and created in the dialog.
template: '<div class="cke_smartobject"></div>',
init: function() {
var widget = this;
widget.on('doubleclick', function(evt) {
}, null, null, 5);
upcast: function(element) {
return element.hasClass('smartObject');
// Add a custom command, instead of using the default widget command,
// otherwise multiple smartobject variants (div / span / img) are not supported.
editor.addCommand('smartobject', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('smartobject'));
editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton('CreateSmartobject', {
label: lang.toolbar,
command: 'smartobject',
toolbar: 'insert,5',
icon: 'smartobject'
And in the dialog, to insert code looks like:
return {
title: lang.title,
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 80,
onOk: function() {
var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(smartobjectEditorHtml);
// Trigge the setData method, so the widget html is transformed,
// to an actual widget!
I made the 'onOk' method a little bit better: the smartobject element is now selected after the insertion.
onOk: function() {
var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(smartobjectEditorHtml);
var elementId = "ckeditor-element-" + element.getUniqueId();
element.setAttribute("id", elementId);
// Trigger the setData method, so the widget html is transformed,
// to an actual widget!
// Get the element 'fresh' by it's ID, because the setData method,
// makes the element change into a widget, and thats the element which should be selected,
// after adding.
var refreshedElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById(elementId);
var widgetWrapperElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById(elementId).getParent();
// Better safe then sorry: if the fresh element doesn't have a parent, simply select the element itself.
var elementToSelect = widgetWrapperElement != null ? widgetWrapperElement : refreshedElement;
// Normally the 'insertElement' makes sure the inserted element is selected,
// but because we call the setData method (to ensure the element is transformed to a widget)
// the selection is cleared and the cursor points to the start of the editor.
So in short, I partially used the widget API for the parts I wanted:
- Make the html of the widget not editable
- Make it moveable
But I created a custom dialog command, which simply bypasses the default widget insertion, so I can entirely decide my own html structure for the widget.
All seems to work like this.
Any suggestions, to make it better are appreciated:)!
As suggested in this ckeditor forum thread, the best approach would be to set the template to include all possible content elements. Then, in the data function, remove the unnecessary parts according to your specific logic.
Ext JS 4. I have a tree.Panel where I want to display custom HTML in each node, generated from that node’s model data. I can do this by setting the node’s text when loading the store, but it is not the model’s job to do markup. So I created a custom Column that renders my HTML.
My problem is: unless I derive from Ext.tree.Column, it doesn’t show up properly (no outline, plus/minus icons etc.). If I do, everything is fine, but Ext.tree.Column is marked as private to Ext JS.
Is there some officially supported API to do what I want?
I have written a blog post about how to customize ExtJS 4 tree panel, I hope it will help:
The idea is to use renderer combined with A LOT OF css magic:
columns : [{
xtype : 'treecolumn',
dataIndex : 'name',
renderer : function(value, record){
return Ext.String.format('<div class="tree-font">{0}</div>', value);
Thanks for your answer above. Here is another example showing a few more options for formatting:
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
dataIndex: 'text',
flex: 1,
renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
// see http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/Ext.tree.Column-cfg-renderer
var tooltipString = "Hello";
metaData.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="' + tooltipString + '"';
return Ext.String.format('{0} <span style="color:red;">{1}</span>', value, record.data.personname);
You might also want to add
hideHeaders : true,
to your tree panel config to remove the "grid" header that appears as a result of using a treecolumn.