Basic implementation of ajax in magento - magento

I am a newbie in magento and trying to implement ajax,but can't find a proper tutorial to follow. Could anyone provide me some reference or guide me to where i would be able to find it?

Don't know a tutotial but I can explain you bit what I implemented in a project a month back.
I created a controller on which we can fire an AJAX request on a specific action. In this case the getoptionsAction in the IndexController of our custom Offerte module.
The getoptionsAction in my controller takes a product_id and loads the options for the product. It builds the HTML and echo's this on function end.
In phtml file I have following code to invoke the AJAX request and update html-object in frontend:
function get_options(prod_id){
var product_options = $('product_options');
var prod_id = $('product').getValue();
new Ajax.Updater('product_options',
'<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); ?>offerte/index/getoptions',
{ method: 'get',parameters: {prod_id: prod_id, type: 'get_regular_options' } ,
onCreate: function(){
onComplete: function (t) {
the above function uses Ajax.Updater. You can also use Ajax.Request to get the result to juggle with.
function stripslashes(str) {
return str.replace(/\\'/g,'\'').replace(/\"/g,'"').replace(/\\\\/g,'\\').replace(/\\0/g,'\0');
function get_products(){
product = $('product');
cat_id = $('category').value;
new Ajax.Request('<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); ?>offerte/index/getproducts',
{method: 'get', parameters: {cat_id: cat_id, mode: 'offerte'},
onCreate: function(){
onSuccess: function(t) {
resp = jQuery.parseJSON(t.responseText);
$('prod-container').innerHTML = resp.options ? stripslashes(resp.options) : '<?php echo $this->__('No options found') ?>';
(please note I use JQuery to parseJSON. You can also use String.evalJSON, but I was lazy here :-)
Using Ajax.Request you need to return the result from the controller as JSON. I used the code below in my controller to return JSON to our phtml to use in the onSuccess Callback function above:
Hope this is of any help


Pass DataTable reference to the callback function on load

My current code is:
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function (settings, json){
//possible to access 'this'
I improved the code above as below with help :
var CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: ajaxurl + '?action=pos&post_action=get_commissions'
'initComplete': function(settings, json){
function callbackFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// api is accessible here.
Update :
Now I can access api from callback function. But I want use same callback with load() as below code.
CommissionLogs.ajax.url( newAjaxURL ).load( callbackFunction(), true);
But settings param is not accessible in load function.
I can clear and destroy datatable and re initialize always. But what will be the right way.
I think you need settings:
$('#example').dataTable( {
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
function myFunction(settings){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
// Output the data for the visible rows to the browser's console
// You might do something more useful with it!
console.log( api.rows( {page:'current'} ).data() );
Other option is re-use your var CommissionLogs variable throughout the code without using this, I recommend strongly this last option.
The dataTable.ajax.url().load() has not access to settings.
So can not call a callback function with settings.
But possible to use callback function without settings.
So here is an alternative way to use settings.
CommissionLogs.clear();// clear the table
CommissionLogs.destroy();// destroy the table
CommissionLogs = $("#CommissionLogs").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: newAjaxUrl
'initComplete': function (settings, json){

Display result of search within view

I have a page where I display all my clients. It uses paginate and only displays 16 clients per page. As such I have provided realtime search functionality.
When a search is perform, the option selected from the results triggers the following
select: function (event, ui) {
url: "/returnClient",
type: "GET",
datatype: "html",
data: {
value : ui.item.value
success: function(data) {
That essentially calls the following function
public function returnClient(Request $request)
$selectedClient = $request->input('value');
$client = Client::where('clientName', $selectedClient)->first();
$html = View::make('', $client)->render();
return Response::json(array('html' => $html));
If I output the client variable above, I can see all the details for this particular client. This is then being passed to the partial
Within, if I do
I get Undefined variable: client. Why does it not get the parsed Object within the view?
Many thanks
The issue is that you are improperly passing $client to the view. The Views documentation shows how to properly pass data via an associative array. The API docs confirm that an array is what is expected.
Do this instead:
public function returnClient(Request $request)
$selectedClient = $request->input('value');
$client = Client::where('clientName', $selectedClient)->first();
$html = View::make('', ['client' => $client])->render();
return Response::json(array('html' => $html));
Also, as a point of habit you may want to consider using dump() instead of dd().

AJAX to update mySQL in Wordpress Custom Table

I have followed Matt Van Andel's Custom List Table Example to create an admin table which displays enquiries to a website via an external MySql database.
Having implemented the displaying of my data correctly, I have added a select box column which will allow the admin to update the 'status' of the enquiry (Awaiting Response, Responded etc.) and I need this to update my database via AJAX.
I need a change in these select boxes to trigger an AJAX call which will update the database with the new value but I seem to be struggling to link my external AJAX file to my plugins .php file correctly.
I have reached a point where (in the Network tab) I can see I am loading the .js file like so:
Code in list-table.php:
function ajax_test_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'list-table', plugins_url( 'js/list-table.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'));
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'ajax_test_enqueue_scripts' );
And my AJAX:
jQuery('.status-select').on( 'change', function ajaxSubmit() {
alert("IT WORKED!");
url: ajaxurl,
type: "POST",
cache: false,
data: this.val()
At the moment the file is showing but the 'on change' part doesn't seem to be firing (hence the 'alert' in the .js).
Apologies if this question is worded or organised poorly, it is my first time posting!
Hope someone can explain what/ where I am going wrong.
This is quite a specific requirement but for anyone else using custom tables in WordPress and wanting to update an external myqsl database via AJAX - here's how I did it.
The AJAX side of things -
jQuery('select.status').on('change', function() {
var $statusSelect = jQuery( this );
var $statusSelectCell = $statusSelect.parent();
var enquiryStatusValue = $statusSelect.val();
var currentBackgroundColor = $statusSelectCell.parent().css("backgroundColor");
var ajaxData = {
'action': 'update_status_db',
'currentId': $statusSelect.attr('id'),
'data': enquiryStatusValue
type: "POST",
url: "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
data: ajaxData,
success: function( response ) {
console.log("Data returned: " + response );
$statusSelectCell.parent().css({"background-color": "#b3e6b3"});
$statusSelectCell.parent().animate({backgroundColor: currentBackgroundColor}, 1200);
error: function() {
Note, the users success confirmation in this case is for the specific row to flash green. This is optional.
Next, the PHP to process the AJAX request. This is to be written outside the tables class.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_update_status_db', 'update_status_db_callback' );
function update_status_db_callback(){
global $wpdb;
$newStatus = $_POST['data'];
$currentId = $_POST['currentId'];
$table = 'wp_enquiryinfo';
$result = $wpdb->update( $table, array( 'status' => $newStatus ), array( 'id' => $currentId ));
echo $_POST['data'];
if (!$result) {
} else {
Here are a couple of the things I was getting wrong originally:
Firstly, the callback function HAS to end with _callback. Secondly, I didn't call the wp_die function at the end of this - this again is required.
Hopefully this may be of use to someone in the future.

jQuery wait for an AJAX request to be completed before refreshing the page

I've got the following jQuery:
$("#delete_products").click(function() {
$(":checkbox:checked").each(function() {
var pid = $(this).val();
$.get('delete_product.php',{pid: pid});
There is a problem with this since the page doesn't wait for the AJAX request to be completed (MULTIPLE AJAX REQUESTS), and refreshes the page immediately and makes the AJAX request to not run and fail.
How can I do that the page will only refresh when it done loading?
I've been given this code:
$("#delete_products").click(function () {
var promises = [];
$(":checkbox:checked").each(function () {
var pid = $(this).val();
promises.push($.get('delete_product.php', {
pid: pid
$.when.apply($, promises).done(function () {
return false;
But this solution just doesn't work.
any suggestions?
your code seems like it should work, but i would recommend to delete all products with one call by passing array of ids.
less work for the browser, less work for the server, faster results.
$("#delete_products").click(function () {
var ids = [];
$(":checkbox:checked").each(function () {
$.post('delete.php', { 'ids': ids } }).done(function() {
alert('hells yeah!');
return false;
and as for the server side:
$commaSeperatedIds = explode(',', $_POST['ids']);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM products WHERE id IN('.mysql_real_escape_string($commaSeperatedIds).')');
Use "success" parameter of "get"
EDIT: add counter of requests.
total_requests = $(":checkbox:checked").length;
total_success = 0;
$.get('delete_product.php',{pid: pid}, function (data, status, xx) {
if (total_success >= total_requests) {
Possible Solution #1:
The async parameter could help. Set it to false.
Since you`re using the $.get() function, this is done with:
async: false
With the $.ajax() function, you'd simply set it like:
url: ...,
async: false,
success: function(data) {}
More info on this can be found here.
Possible Solution #2:
Use the .success() callback hook OR .complete() if you want to refresh the page no mather if the request failed or not.
$.get('delete_product.php',{pid: pid}).success(function(response)
Happy coding!
The questioner seems to prever sUP's answer. I'd like to provide an example of how to achieve the desired functionality with jQuery:
var products = [];
var pid = $(this).val();
$.post('delete_products.php', {'products': products}).done(function()
If you prefer to use JSON for the post data, try:
var products = [];
// Convert the products array into JSON
products = JSON.stringify(products);
$.post('delete_products.php', {'products': products}).done(function()
In PHP you need to parse the json string as follows:
// This creates an associative array from the JSON string
$delete_products = json_decode($_POST['products'], true);
// Use explode to make a comma separated string from the array
// for use in a SQL SELECT query:
$delete_products = explode(',', $delete_products);
Info about json_decode can be found in the PHP Manual.
JSON.stringify is not supported in older browsers. Include JSON-js if you need cross browser support.
I too believe that the desired result can probably be achieved best by collecting the product IDs and then sending a single Ajax call to take care of them all.
But since the OP put the interesting question forward of how to handle multiple Ajax requests and wait for them all to be finished I have looked at the when() method again and it seems to me that the original syntax is still faulty.
According to the jQuery manual when() is a method and therefore requires to be called with one or more argument(s) in parentheses. I have not worked with promises yet and I have not tested anything but I assume that something like the following might bring at least a different result:
$("#delete_products").click(function () {
var promises = [];
$(":checkbox:checked").each(function () {
var pid = $(this).val();
promises.push($.get('delete_product.php', {
pid: pid
$.when(promises).done(function () {
return false;
As I said before, I still have not quite grasped the promises mechanisms/syntax yet ...
In the original version $.when does not have any meaningful context to work on, The apply() method does provide context but only after when has done its (unseccessful) work already.

Ajax Upload using valums ajax upload plugin inside a form

i just came across this ajax upload plugin and i wish to use it inside a form as shown in the demo page example 3. For some reason i am not able to make it work. I am not sure what parameters come into the function. For example here is my sample code.
var upload = new AjaxUpload('property_i',
action: 'submitproperty.php',
autoSubmit: false,
onSubmit : function(file , extension){
return false;
var upload_data = upload.setData({
Now the ID used in the AjaxUpload function should be ID of the or of the Entire form. Also how do i use setData method. Any suggestions or links will be very helpful. Thanks
I got it to work with the following code:
new AjaxUpload('#uploader_button', {
action: 'filename.ashx',
autoSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
// --- stuff here
// --- add postdata parameters
this.setData({ id: 1, title: docTitle.val() });
onComplete: function(file, response) {
// --- stuff here too
it doesn't utilize the var but instead adds the custom data params in the onSubmit block. The only other difference is that I haven't wrapped the parameter key in quotes as it seems to serialize correctly. And I'm not using autoSubmit: false , but instead it's true...
The only way I could get this to work with autoSubmit: false is to add this outside any function:
var uploader;
var uploadFile;
then in the AjaxUpload(...
onChange: function(file, response){
uploader = this;
uploadFile = file;
then in the function to do the upload:
uploader.setData({session: session});
Hope this helps
I'm using uploadify and very useful.
