In Expression Builder, how do I format date as "Jan 01, 2013"? - reportbuilder3.0

I am using the Expression Builder in Report Builder 3, how do I format a date field as "Jan 01, 2013" or "Jan 1, 2013"? Both are acceptable.

In your field number formatting set the custom to MMM dd, yyyy


date parsefailure to convert in logstash

Mon Nov 18 09:38:45 2019
Is there any idea on how to convert this above date so that it can be digest in grok filter ?
Here is what i did but still date parsefailure is there in logstash
date { match => ["starttime","E MMM dd HH:mm:s yyyy"]
target => starttime }
You are using wrong the filter. You need to specify that you want a Grok match and give it a name. In addition, it seems that your date format does not follow any of the standards (that can be checked in Github), so you'll need a custom one that adjusts to your format. Something like this should work:
grok {
match => { "starttime" => "%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR}"}
This should go inside your filter and then you can use starttime as you wish.

Timestamp to date in Logstash

I am trying to convert a string field called timestamp with value 1510722000000 in date format field in Logstash. My sole purpose is to visualize data in kibana using this date field. I tried using the date filter but it does not create the target field for me. Can anyone tell me How can I achieve this
My date filter looks like this
date {
timezone => "UTC"
match => ["timestamp", "UNIX_MS"]
target => "#timestamp1"
The Date filter used by me is correct. The problem is my input from timestamp is an array of milliseconds from epoch time. Date filter cannot convert an array of values in date field. To parse the values in array we can use Ruby filter.
Take a look on this post Parsing array of epoch time values in Ruby filter
please note it will still not convert into datefield format but just parse the values.

Search text in String field or Date field

I a new in Elasticsearch and I have a problem for research. I use Spring data elasticsearch.
I have a single input for research and I would like to search a text in a string field AND in a date field.
In my mapping I have a field "beginDate" of type "date" but when I do the search, for example, "Jon", Elastic return an error "Invalid format" because "Jon" is not a valid format for a date.
I tested with a String field for "beginDate" but the problem is the format. In DB my format is "2018-02-11" and I would like to retrieve with the strings below :
11 02 2018
02 2018
How can I do this ?
Thank you
Basically you want to do string search operations on the date field as well. You can specify the that the date is a text field and not a date field and it has the standard analyzer (the default analyzer, it will tokenize the input and it will remove -, . etc). The only thing you have to do is to stringify your date before indexing that value in elasticsearch.

How to add new timestamp field on logstash?

I'm parsing a log that have previously loaded in my localhost and I would like to get the event date field in each row as a timestamp, but kibana only can gets it as a string.
I have this event
2016/09/27 13:33:49.701 GMT(09/27 15:33:49 +0200) INFO BILLINGGW ConvergysDelegate.getCustomer(): Calling getCustomerFromCache: 0001:606523
It was loaded on September 27th 2016, 16:04:53.222, but the logdate field (the event date) is: 2016/09/27 13:33:49.701.
On logstash filter I defined:
(?<logdate>%{NUMBER:year}/%{NUMBER:month}/%{NUMBER:day} %{HOUR:hday}:%{MINUTE:min}:%{SECOND:sec}) %{GREEDYDATA:result}
I also proved with:
(?<logdate>%{YEAR:year}/%{MONTHNUM:month}/%{MONTHDAY:day} %{HOUR:hday}:%{MINUTE:min}:%{SECOND:sec}) %{GREEDYDATA:result}
And kibana reads logdate like string. How can I get that kibana could read it as timestamp?
I proved only with the date:
and Kibana interpreted it properly like timestamp, but the problem is how to add correctly the hours, minutes and seconds to the logdate field.
Could anyone help me?
Best regards.
You'll have to convert from a string to a timestamp, using the date filter.
date {
match => [ "logdate", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"]
This will attempt to parse the logdate field with this date pattern yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss and, if successful, will replace the #timestamp field with the result. You can specify another field for the parsed date with the target option.

Syslog timestamp without year?

I am backfilling my logs into Elasticsearch. So for creating an index by log date in it's timestamp, I use date filter like this:
date {
"locale" => "en"
match => ["timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601"]
target => "#timestamp"
I am using logs from syslog, and syslog timestamp format doest not have year:
# Syslog Dates: Month Day HH:MM:SS
So after using date filter, the index created is like logstash-2015.12.26
if I am reading a log of 26th Dec 2014. So since timestamp is not available in log, it's picking the current year by default.
Any idea how to make the correct index?
Absent a year in the string being parsed by Joda Time, Logstash currently defaults to the year the Logstash process was started. See bug #3. As a temporary workaround, add a temporary filter to append the correct year (2014) to the end of the timestamp field and adjust your date filter pattern to include YYYY.
filter {
mutate {
replace => ["timestamp", "%{timestamp} 2014"]
date {
locale => "en"
match => ["timestamp",
"MMM d HH:mm:ss YYYY",
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss YYYY",
You can convert your string of date to a date format using date filter. By default, when you use date filter, the date (or datetime) of your log will overwritte the #timestamp.
So, in your filter you don't need target. You just use it if you want convert a variable string to date.
match => ["timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601"]
If the log files you are loading have the year in the filename, you can extract it using a grok filter, create a new field that has the date you've pulled from the syslog plus the year from the filename.
An example of how to extract the date/time from filename can be found here: Logstash: How to use date/time in a filename as an imported field
Using a ruby function, I was able to dynamically set the date to the previous year (If the log date is greater than present YYYY). The event date is read, and computed to see if its greater than the current system date. If YES, subtract 365 days, and overwrite the timestamp.
ruby {
code => 'require "date"
am_date = "%b %d %H:%M:%S"
parsed=DateTime.strptime(event.get("timestamp"), am_date)
if parsed>m_now
event.set("timestamp", parsed.to_s) '
This will prevent any hard-coding of dates.
