Best way for embedding vector gfx in MS PowerPoint? - powerpoint

What is a good technique to export/import vector grafiks from Adobe Illustrator to MS PowerPoint?

PNG file would be the best and link to the file. Be sure to make sure your links are all together when you hand it off.


Looking for a research: PNG Sprite vs SVG sprite vs Icon fonts

We are currently using PNGs in production for icons, but as a designer I'm trying to push for using SVG's for the benefit of:
a. Rendering on Retina.
b. Visually impaired users that zoom in.
c. An easier workflow when creating icons.
Are there any researches that compares the 3 methods? (PNG Sprite vs SVG sprite vs Icon fonts) in terms of performance?
If not, what and how would you compare them? (For example, I heard SVG requires more CPU power, and I have no idea how to test it or what are the consequences).
Thanks a lot! You are an amazing community.
BTW, this is what I could find:
svgs are cool, but icon fonts are just 10% of their file size
SVG + Icon Fonts:
Iconserving - SVG or Webfont?
Ten reasons we switched from an icon font to SVG
Not an answer but it will be not readable in comments
PNG's are raster images
So for render they just need to be decompressed which need CPU power but nowdays is this not so bad.
SVG's are vector XML files
Which means that you need to:
read XML text
decode it to some vector graphic capable engine/class
render vector graphics based image
Complicated SVG's (>300MB vector utf-8) have load/decode/render times even in minutes on fast machines (if decoded everything). If you decode just the basics you can do the same in seconds, but lost advanced features.
Many will not agree with this: 'problem is there is not a single 100% compatible easy to implement SVG library ... at least that I know of' but take in mind I do not use frameworks or environments for WEB like JAVA or PHP ... Also each SVG lib has it own quirks. If you compare rendered SVG between different web or image viewers then it is not the same and many features aren't supported everywhere.
You can code your own SVG decoder but it is bit complicated. If you want just basic functionality like path and shapes without animations or gradients then it is relatively easy to do, but if you want to implement everything you would spend a lot of time with that.
For a time I had a big problem finding good free SVG editor. The only one 'usable' I found was Inkspace but it is slow and a bit user unfriendly for my taste. On the other hand it can open almost every type of SVG I use in the right way...
If you want to use SVG's for icons I strongly recommend to render them to raster on App start and then use just raster images like bitmaps from memory to avoid performance problems.

Using PDF files as images

In the past i have used PDF images of vector files in an NSImage, the advantage being that i can scale them without losing quality. I know that people usually use jpg and png files, why is this? Do PDF files significantly reduce performance or is there some other reason?
Thank you in advance,
It depends on what's in your PDF file. If there's enough going on in it, then yeah, a raster image may be faster. The trade-off is, of course, scalability—you end up needing to create 1x and 2x variants for every destination size, or create an icon family (if appropriate), instead of just using one image for everything.
But I think most people create raster resources because that's the sort of tool they're used to: Photoshop, Pixelmator, or Acorn. Not many people use vector editors or write their art in PostScript. (And the field of vector editors available on the Mac is pretty weak.)
My recommendation for a few years now has been an app called Opacity. It's vector-focused, but can export raster images in multiple sizes, PDFs, and even source code.
I use PDF files too, for precisely the same reason that they scale automatically. Apple do the same (look inside the bundle - you won't find much other than .pdf files).
There is no reason to use .jpg or .png files at all.

Huge image resample on the fly

I have a huge image (234 megapixels) I want to plot in a way that it is dynamically resampled depending on the size of the area the user wishes to see. Is there any tool that supports doing this, or will I need to do this myself?
Typically the techniques to do this are referred to as (Image) Tile Rendering. Basically this is how applications such as Google Maps work.
A quick search on google turned up an OpenGL library for doing this for you ( I'm sure there are others that you should be able to discover if this library doesn't fit your technology needs.

Quality for images in LaTeX documents

What are some of the points that I need to follow if I want to have good quality images in a LaTeX document. These images are mostly screenshots of a software application or flow charts.
Below are two such images.
Flow Chart
For diagrams, the rule is to use vector formats as much as you can — PDF, EPS or native LaTeX packages. When using vector graphics, the picture does not loose resolution and can be scaled freely. For a flow chart, I would either export it from the drawing application as a PDF, or use PGF/Tikz to produce it from LaTeX (see also examples). If your drawing application does not have a PDF export, consider using one that does — e.g., UMLet.
If you can't use vector graphics (e.g., because it is a screenshot), make sure you use high-enough resolution to begin with. If it is an academic paper, the publisher usually has guidelines for this.
If you use PDFLatex you can use png images and in those cases you definately should use png over jpeg. PNG compression is not lossy, so you get the best quality at the expense of file size.
The second important point is to create the images with sufficient resolution, for printing it should be about 300-600 dpi, higher is better but the filesize of the images and the resulting document will increase. For documents that will only be looked at a screen you can use a lower resolution, about 72-100 dpi should be enough.
For diagrams you should create vector graphics (eps or pdf) if possible, that way you do not lose any quality.
For screenshots, there is not much to do, but for flow charts, I'd suggest to create them in PDF format (vectorized) and to compile your LaTeX source with pdflatex.
for the flowchart i'd suggest TikZ, then your chart is directly typeset in TeX. Here's an example:
Screenshots are pretty much a lost cause. I've had a good experience saving them as PDF and then embedding them, but you want to make sure you're on a high-res capture to begin with.
Charts are very easy. Most graphics programs (e.g., Vizio, OmniGraffle) will let you save it as EPS or PDF, and scaling works fairly well.

comparing GIF images pixels

I need to compare 2 same-size, nearly identical images for exact differences in the RGBs of every pixel.
I would like to find a tool that already does it... seems nowhere to be found on google, strangely.
If I could even find a tool to print out the RGB values of every pixel I could compute it by hand (the images are small enough) or load that input for my tool. Again, couldn't find anything.
Otherwise I look for a simple C library to decode GIFs and access each pixel... recommendations? I see quite a few on google, most look old and have no documentation.
I hope someone with more exposure to image processing can help me solve this this somewhat trivial task in one way or another without spending too many hours!!
If you have ImageMagick installed, it already does it.
What about SDL + SDL_Image (main site)?
You can easily open GIFs and load them on SDL_Surfaces to retrieve the pixel information you need..
If you're not opposed to Python, one option would be to use the Python Imaging Library (PIL), which provides Python bindings for native decoders for many file formats, including PNG and GIF.
This past summer, I wrote a few small apps to do RGB-wise comparisons of PNG images, in C++, pure Python, and Python using PIL. It would be trivial to make the PIL code work with GIF images.
If you want to roll your own, the "standard" C library for simple image manipulation is GD.
Beyond Compare will do image comparisons and highlights differences.
