Visual Studio start up to 2012 not 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I had installed vs2012 first and than I installed vs 2010. Now whenever I run the "devenv" or open any solution file It defaults to 2010.
How do reset this to run as vs2012 and not vs2010.
Any help greatly appreciated/

You're meant to install VS in chronological order (i.e. the oldest first).
There are a couple of workarounds:
The first: Open VS2012, go Tools > Options > Environment > General > "Manage File Associations"
The second: Reinstall VS2012 in Repair mode.
Both should work.


Re-Enable Visual SVN in Visual Studio 2017

I installed Visual SVN for Visual Studio 2017. It was working fine. After some days, i got a message box in visual studio to disable the Visual SVN for best performance. I disabled it but now, i don't know how to enable it again.
I tried installing Visual SVN again but it says that it is already installed.
I checked the Tools -> Options -> Source Control but it has only TFS and Git options and didn't find the Visual SVN options.
Any help would be appreciated.
You should be able to re-enable Visual SVN in Tools - Extensions and Updates.

Visual Studio 2013 opens sln in text editor

Recently, my copy of Visual Studio started opening solution files in a text editor rather than loading the solution when I attempt to open solutions from the Source Control Explorer. If I use File -> Open -> Project/Solution or navigate to it in Explorer it opens normally.
I am running Visual Studio 2013 Update 4, with SSDT and SSDTBI installed. This started a few days ago, I noticed it first with SSIS solutions, so I tried a repair install of SSDTBI. That didn't help, so I tried a repair install of Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 and still no change.
Has anyone seen anything similar to this or have any suggestions about how I can get these solutions to open properly?
Thanks in advance for your help and thanks for reading.
Have you checked the defaults in visual studio?
If you right click on a sln in the explorer and click"open as" you should see what is configured.
I ran a repair install for the Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013 and the problem has been resolved.
I found this question because I had the same problem. I ran a repair for Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013 without result.
What fixed it for me is installing Visual Studio 2013 Update 5.

Visual Studio 2012 "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required"

I have a newly built Windows 8 VM with VS 2012 Premium running on it, when I try open any sln file I get the following modal pop up error
Visual Studio 2010 Shell
Invalid license data. Reinstall is required.
I can open the sln's if I open up VS and then do project open, this is really annoying, any ideas how I fix it?
*Note I have done a VS repair and it didn't solve it...and I never had any VS RC release on the machine, all new build with s/w downloaded from the MSDN
I encountered the same exact error when I created a solution with a full version of Visual Studio 2012 Professional on one machine and then tried to open the solution file with a copy of Visual Studio 2012 Express on a different machine. I got the error when double-clicking the solution file, but not when loading the solution into an already opened instance.
I fixed the error by opening the solution file (.sln) with notepad and changing the line that says Visual Studio 2012 to say Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.
After that, I was able to double-click to open the solution file on the machine that has Express installed.
I'm using VS 2013. I fixed this by right clicking the .sln and setting the Open With parameter to visual studio 2013 and not VS version selector or VS 2010.
I have faced the same problem. When I set the system Date and Time to the current Date and Time, The Problem solved by itself.
It looks like the .sln extension is owned by "Visual Studio 2010 Shell" a minimal version of Visual Studio that ships with products like SQL Server and Office to provide support for add-in development without any other features. Since this is a minimal version, it's unable to load any project type that ships with Visual Studio Express, Professional or above.
The same may happen when you have Visual Studio Express installed next to a full version of Visual Studio.
This may happen when you install an older version of Office or SQL Server after having installed Visual Studio. The old installer will hijack the extension.
To repair this problem:
use the "Open With" option of Windows and select the "Visual Studio Version Selector" as your default action.
Or open the "Default Programs" option in Windows, look up the .sln extension and make sure it uses the "Visual Studio Version Selector" as default:
Or locate Visual Studio 2012 in the Programs and Features window of Windows and chose "Change", the Visual Studio installer will pop up, chose "Repair" to have it repair the file associations and any other problems that may arise by installing Visual Studio versions in reverse order (it may for example mess up the MsBuild directory as well).
Remember that when Visual Studio 2010 was released, it could not yet know what Visual Studio 2012 would change, as such, it's best to install versions of Visual Studio in the order they were released. This may sometimes prove difficult, as other products may install Visual Studio versions without you knowing.

Visual Studio freezes or hangs on startup

I have been using Visual Studio for a while and found that when I open visual studio and open the project all the files that were open last time remain open.
This causes my Visual Studio to freeze or crash on startup.
I am using a lot of plugins in my installation and wonder if there is a way to prevent this from happening.
Have you tried resetting user settings? It did help me:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /ResetUserData
Run: Devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
You are probably looking for the /SafeMode command line switch:
devenv.exe /SafeMode
This will start Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled.
You can change your Visual Studio 2010 start up settings.
Tools --> Options --> Startup --> At startup --> Show empty environment --> Save
Visual Studio has a plugins limit. Use only plugins that best for you. There is a list for best Visual Studio 2010 plugins for developers.
Visual Studio 2010 - recommended extensions
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
devenv.exe /ResetSetting
Worked fine for me
I had the same issue with Community 2015 version. I solved it with Vidas Vasiliauskas suggestion, which was to erase user settings.
The thing is that I previously had enterprise 2015 version, in which I was logged in with my Microsoft account. When trying to open community version, it tried to do so with that same account, which I believe was the cause of the issue.
Therefore, I would suggest to those with the same problem to run the following command at Command Line Prompt:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /ResetUserData
In my case, VS 2013 Professional was hanging on startup because the license was no longer valid.
Last item in the log file:
<time>2015/07/13 20:11:05.051</time>
<description> signed in for IDE user</description>
And on the subscription page: "Your subscription is no longer active, contact your administrator."
I had to get an updated subscription from my employer.
When it hangs on the splash screen:
It could be that an anti-virus solution is blocking Visual Studio.
Kaspersky Internet Security makes Visual Studio 2015 hang on the splash screen. The older version works fine.
Clear the tag's elements in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config
Also do the same with C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config
The tag should just be <runtime/>
If your Visual Studio 2019 is stuck due to a faulty extensions, here is a way to get it back to normal.
First, start Visual Studio in safe mode (devenv.exe /SafeMode) and uninstall the troublemaker.
Hereafter, if Visual Studio 2019 is still unresponsive, you need to do the following:
Browse to %LOCALAPPDATA% and go to Microsoft -> VisualStudio -> 16.0_bb6da863 (or whatever version you have installed)
Delete the following folders (all cache related):
For reference:
Hope it helps you and safe a VS repair/reinstall.
Happy coding :-)
I was having this issue when using the Git source-control plugin.
I ran devenv.exe /SafeMode
And then in Options -> Source Control -> Plug-in Selection made sure "None" or "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server" was selected. After that, VS started normally.
Check Task Manager. I had a Setup.exe running (not sure what it was installing), but once I killed it, VS unfroze.
I have got recently VS2017 stucked on start up . so I did this and worked for me :
1 - start cmd as admin : run the following:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE"
devenv.exe /SafeMode
2- once VS is started , go to
Tools => Extentions and Updates :
then uninstall all plug-ins that installed recently ( notice the installed date ) and unnecessary ones)
This helped me: I deleted all SDK, JDK & JRE folders that had been rooted in VS settings before. After that I used devenv.exe /ResetUserData and devenv.exe /ResetSettings.
Worked for me on Visual Studio 2015.
This is becuase of rendering IDE UI try this hope it will resolve
1- Open "Visual Studio"
2- Select "Options" from the top menu
3- Navigate to "Environment => General"
4- Unchecked "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities"
5- Restart visual studio

Visual Studio 2005 Intellisense stopped working after ReSharper installation

I installed the ReSharper evaluation version and uninstalled it. Afterwards Visual Studio's Intellisense stopped working. I have restarted computer but I still have this problem.
Can anyone please help me here?
I am using Visual Studio 2005. Thanks.
Try opening Visual Studio Command Prompt and entering:
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
Try going to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# and checking all of the options under Statement completion. I think Resharper disables these upon installation.
Sometimes deleting the ncb file helps. Go to your solution directory and find the sln file, there will also be a file with the same name and the extension ncb. Make sure Visual Studio is closed (at least don't have that project open) and then delete that file. Don't worry Visual Studio will rebuild it for you.
The devenv.exe /ResetSettings was the only thing that worked for me. The full path in command prompt is as follows (for VS 2008)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE>devenv.exe /ResetSettings
took me a while to find so I thought I'd post this to help
devenv /ResetSettings worked after uninstalling ReSharper. I did not have to do a repair. I did verify that the settings were checked under Text Editor > C#, but ResetSettings was the only thing that worked.
You could try to reset your Visual Studio setting by
End Process devenv.exe from Tast Manager if it is running .(It can close your Browser and Visual Studio)
Run devenv /resetuserdata from Start -> Run
Hope It can help you.
Disable updating intelliSense like in this article:
Eventhough for old version seems to work for me.
I would try a "repair" on the installation first. Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, select Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, click "Change/Remove". It will load up the install dialog and give you the option to do a "repair".
YMMV, but at least it should reset a lot of the VS resources to their "fresh" state.
