Save Failed Negative Time Aptana Studio 3.4 - aptana3

I have searched everywhere and cannot find a fix for this problem. Every time I try to save a file it says the Title -Aptana Studio 3.4. The only way I've been able to fix it is a full reinstall, and I shouldn't have to do that every two files saved.
Please help! D:

actually the simple solution is to change the date/time of your files in some how , the simple way is to open these files with any other editor and change any thing and save again so it will get your current time and it will work very fine


When opening a script from Unity, Visual Studio opens the wrong solution

I have multiple Unity projects on this PC, however this problem only affects one of them, the one which is connected to Plastic SCM named "My Daughter's Adventure". Please ignore the name :). If I try to open a c# script from Unity, it opens it like this. However, the correct .sln file does indeed exist in the correct folder, shown here.
If I try to open one of my "offline" projects, everything works fine. Image here.
Now, I can open the .sln file manually and then open the script file from Unity. That brings back Intelisense and that little code dropdown menu, but this method has been kind of bipolar. Sometimes everything works fine, otherwise I get errors in Unity regarding the name of the script that doesn't correspond with anything and it asks me fix "compile errors" even if there aren't any.
Do note that I tried everything, at least what I could find online in terms of fixing this, including the preference settings in Unity. I'm also kinda new to Unity and Visual Studio. It took me 3 hours just to identify the problem and made an account just for this problem. Can anyone help me?

VS2010 Designer is breaking resx files

If anyone have any clue at all, it would be welcome. I got the same problem last year, and we end up ghosting my computer. 9 month later, I got the problem again ...
Whenever I open a project, if I open a form in my designer, the resx files get automaticly checked-out and modified as I open it.
( we have an auto-check out policy at work that force you to check out a file WHEN YOU MODIFY IT, to avoid 2 programmer working on the same stuff. its not support to check out when I'm just "reading" a file. I just compared with other poeple, and it works correctly for everyone but me.)
The above image is what I saw when I debug the program, I didnt checked-in anything. I just did a getlatest, and debugged.
Whenever I open a form, The width property of the form gets overwritted down to 770 pixel instead of the regular 950. the image data used on our button gets resize smaller too by ±10 pixel width and height.
Another exemple : this is what I saw when I compared my last resx file checked in from last night. I didnt modified the design or moved anything in the designer at all, it just happened to be open while I was working.
remove the .suo file?
while the solution is closed remove the .suo file and then open the solution to recreate it. it may be restoring the screen sizes from when you last opened the file.
Old bug date from vs2003 ...
my screen DPI wasnt the same as the guy who 1st build the winform ... which cause the desginer to replace all the anchors et fonts et whatnot ...
check out this post for more details : DPI

running website locally wont updates images

So im making a website on Visual Studio 2013. I have a folder of images with images inside. It used to be another image but I changed my name so i overwritten the image with the new one.
The html is right, however when i run it it still shows the old image.
I thought maybe it hasnt updated or didnt overwrite so ive been adding it over and that didnt work. I also tried deleting it altogether and then adding it fresh and that didnt work.
Then I thought maybe the file path is wrong - no. definately right.
What should I do? Every time i run it, it showing the old image even though it doesnt exist anymore.
A hard refresh was the answer for me, as Max said, typically Ctrl + F5. for me it was Fn F5

Find in Files Finding Files not in Solution

I have encountered some weird behaviour in VS2010. When I perform a Find in Files for some text, and select Entire Solution in the Look In field, I get back file that are not part of my solution in the Results window. I have checked to see if these files have been accidentally added to my solution and cannot see them in the Solution Explorer, so can anybody tell me why this is happening, and how I can prevent these files showing up in my search, as I could accidentally enter one to make changes without realising they are the wrong solution.
Performed a Clean Solution and that seems to have stopped the files appearing. Would love to know how it happened though.

visual studio keeps asking to save project file as

I am using VS 2010 and recently I moved some files around and changed paths etc.
The solution still compiles correctly and all files are able to be loaded/compiled without error however just about every time I go to compile after a change it gives me the save as dialog and asks me to save one of the projects, if I try to give it a new name or something the dialog does not exist nothing I do can make it exit apart from pressing cancel.
If I do a build straight after cancelling it works fine and I'm not presented with the save as dialog. I have verified that the project file is not read only.
Any ideas as to whats going on here.
The solution is stored in TFS 2008
You need to do 2 things
1- remove the read-only tick from the project folder
2- when a save-as window prompts at build, just overwrite the project
next time you build, the window won't pop up
You need to run VS as administrator. (right click on VS Icon- Run as administrator)
I solved the issue. When I try to save as this time it gives the error that file is being used by another process. Google Sync prevents to save so it opens save as dialog.
You should put your project under a folder not sync while working.
Are the bindings in TFS set up correctly with the new location? TFS will mark files as read only unless they get checked in. It might have been marked as such before you moved everything around, and now, isn't being checked out properly.
Also, try closing sync. files tools like google backup and sync.
