Using Vaadin with Maven - maven

In my project I have several Maven modules one of them consists of UI written in Vaaadin.
Everything seems fine but when I'm trying to run the project in Tomcat I receive an error in browser which indicates that Vaadin was not compiled.
Can anybody describe what I should do to force Vaadin compilation on mvn package of whole project or may be on mvn install on module with Vaadin?

If you're using vaadin addons you must compile them with GWT compiler and you must use compiled widgetset.
The best way is eclipse plugin. You can find it searching by google.
For using custom widgetset: (vaadin 6)

I'll just assume you didn't mean to use the word "prevent". Do you have these plugins in your pom?
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
<!-- <runTarget>mobilemail</runTarget> -->
<!-- We are doing "inplace" but into subdir VAADIN/widgetsets. This
way compatible with Vaadin eclipse plugin. -->
<!-- Remove draftCompile when project is ready -->
<!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find them -->
<!-- <modules> <module>com.vaadin.demo.mobilemail.gwt.ColorPickerWidgetSet</module>
</modules> -->
Make sure you have defined vaadin.plugin.version variable to match with your Vaadin version and if you need to check anything else from the "original" Vaadin application pom, generate a fresh Vaadin application by calling:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=7.0.5 -DartifactId=project-name -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=war
You can of course change the archetypeVersion to suit your needs.
If you DID mean to prevent the widgetset compilation, I guess it's enough that you comment out the resources and compile goals from the vaadin-maven-plugin. I'm not 100% sure about this because I only have done it in Vaadin 6 ( which you need to comment out the same goals from the gwt-maven-plugin)


IOException thrown when processing xsd dependencies in maven

I have a problem while processing .xsd file during my maven build.
I use jaxb2 plugin but I have to download external dependiencies from my .xsd files. The problem is that these dependencies (.xsd) are from enviroment which is unstable and very often my build fails because maven cannot download xsd file. How to configure jaxb plugin to force him to try download xsd few times to prevent build failure?
Part of my pom.xml configuration:
<!-- Defaults to schemaDirectory. -->
<!-- Defaults to schemaIncludes. -->
Author of the maven-jaxb2-plugin here.
You have two parts here: managing the downloads of external resources and compiling the schemas, rewriting "external" links to local files.
The first (managing downloads) is not in the scope of the maven-jaxb2-plugin, the second is supported with
In short, you can create a catalog file like this:
Or this:
REWRITE_SYSTEM "" "maven:org.jvnet.ogc:ogc-schemas:jar::!/ogc"
And use this file to "rewrite" absolute links to local files or resources within Maven artifacts:
As for the first part, I don't think managing downloads with retries, continuations and all other stuff should be in the scope of the JAXB2 Maven plugin.
ps. You don't need build-helper-maven-plugin/add-source with maven-jaxb2-plugin, source directory is added automatically.
Apparently the maven-jaxb2-plugin does not support such a feature. (And neither does the maven-download-plugin nor even the maven-dependency-plugin).
Three solutions come into my mind at the moment (plus two and a half inspired by LIttle Ancient Forest Kami's comment) [Numbers reflect the precedence of what I would do]:
Use a CI tool (Jenkins, etc.) that supports retry on job failure. [1]
Use the GMavenPlus plugin with a script ... [2]
Use the Maven AntRun plugin with a script ... [3]
Use the Exec Maven plugin with a program ... [5]
... that performs the download and retry and bind it to the generate-resources phase in your project's POM.
Create a Maven plugin with appropriate parameters (url, outputDirectory, retryCount) that uses the maven-download-plugin and performs the retry. Bind its goal to the generate-resources phase in your project's POM. [4]
Create a check-download Maven project that uses the maven-download-plugin bound to the generate-resources phase to download the .xsd. [6]
Create a shell script that contains the following (in pseudo code):
<check-download project>/mvn generate-resources
if error and counter < maxRetryCount goto download
if not error
<your project>/mvn ...
display appropriate error message
There is also a question Maven download retry? from 2005. Unanswered.

Build a site zip with Maven

actually, I generate a maven site containing the documentation of my project. It works very well, in fact if works so well that my customers wants to get that site as a deliverable (for obvious documentation purpose).
How can I tell Maven to build a zip of the whole site and deploy it to my artifacts manager (Nexus)? I've tried several things, but if I understand correctly, deploying artifacts and generating the site are using different livecycle, and the site generation occurs after the deployment of the artifacts..
I could obviously get the generated site from the location it's deployed during site-deploy, but I would greatly appreciate an automatic and centralized way...
PS: giving access to the customer to our internal site is NOT an option.
Here is a working solution delegated to a Maven profile to isolate the behavior (and speed-up normal builds), but which could also be integrated in the default build if required (although not recommended).
What the profile is actually doing:
Configuring an execution of the Maven Site Plugin, attached to the prepare-package phase and running the site and jar goals (as also suggested by #khmarbaise).
Renaming the file from jar to zip via the Copy Rename Maven Plugin
Attaching the zip to the build via the Build Helper Maven Plugin and its attach-artifact goal
As such, running
mvn clean install -Psite-zip
Will also install in your local Maven cache the zipped site. The deploy phase would do the same on your target Maven repository then.
Note that the Maven Site Plugin and the Copy Plugin must be declared in the order above to follow the required flow within the same phase.
Also note that if zip is not a strong requirement, you can then just skip the Copy and Build Helper executions and only use the Maven Site execution. By default the jar created providing the site is already attached to the build (and hence it will be installed and deployed automatically). In order to have the zip, we had to disable this behavior (<attach>false</attach>) and re-attach it via the Build Helper plugin.
The generated zipped has automatically a classifier, which is site in this case.
You can use the maven-site-plugin.

jaxb2-maven-plugin with external XSD dependencies

We have a common set of XSDs (datatypes, vocabulary, etc.) we're generating with the jaxb2-maven-plugin in its own Maven project. In a second project, I need to refer to one or more of those XSDs at compile time but don't want them included in the resulting artifact. I've created a catalog file, which works fine except I get everything in it.
I've pored over the plugin docs, but they're woefully light on detail. Is there any way to get reuse out of common schemas without every project having to take a copy of them?
This is something my maven-jaxb2-plugin can do:
Compiling schema from Maven Artifact
The documentation site is currently very unstable so here's snippets of the documentation.
<!-- Can be defined in project dependencies or dependency management -->
Here's a sample project.

Vaadin: failed to load widgetset.nocache.js

I'm using Vaadin 6.8.2 and Maven to develop an application.
I've tried to add the Calendar add-on (1.3.0 - the version for Vaadin 6) to my project by following step by step the tutorial from this link:
However, I when I try to load my application in browser I get the following error:
Failed to load the widgetset: /myproject/VAADIN/widgetsets/
If I look in the console, I see this:
INFO: Requested resource [VAADIN/widgetsets/] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Did you run in similar problems?
Any help, please? :)
You need to compile your widgetset. To enable it, you need something like this in your pom:
<!-- vaadin update widgetset step 1: need (re)build? -->
<!-- vaadin update widgetset part 2: compile -->
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
When in place, recompile your app. You should see something similar to what is described in chapter 15.5.3 following the link you provided. It takes some time to compile the widgetset, so it cannot go unnoticed.
You also need a ProjectWidgetSet.gwt.xml and a reference to it in web.xml, but since the error message you are getting already mentions ProjectWidgetSet (as opposed to DefaultWidgetset), I am guessing you already did that.
I had the same problem 'Failed to load the widgetset: ' and it came up when I tried to run the Vernotologist demo application by fetching from svn. To solve this:
Goto your gwt.xml file and make sure it is selected in the project explorer in eclipse
Make sure your Vaadin in eclipse plugin is installed
Find the Compile Widgetset Button in Eclipse Toolbar which comes as part of the vaadin plugin and looks like a gear. Click it
Step 3 will compile the widget set for you
Restart server and re-run your application
16.2.2. Compiling the Widget Set
from Book of Vaadin at this link:
This is an old thread but in more recent versions of Vaadin (7.x.x) the solution is quite different. No GWT plugin needed:
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
Also, make sure your ProjectWidgetSet.gwt.xml is inside resources/my/company/ folder before compiling the above.
I had same problem "failed to load widgetset.nocache.js" but I solved it by reinstalling the "vaadin" plugin
steps :
1) help -> eclipse market place -> search for vaadin ->(if it is already installed)uninstall it and again install it by clicking on the "installed" button
2)recompile the project and run it

Why doesn't NetBeans IDE see the generated sources?

I have a Maven-built web-app that uses JPA 2.0 at the back end. The JPA provider is EclipseLink 2.3.2.
When I build the project (and it deploys runs successfully) it builds the JPA meta-model in the directory
Yet the IDE doesn't see the classes defined there. Little red dots with an exclamation point everywhere. Yet I can navigate to those files in the Projects window and open the generated source files.
Does this happen to anyone else and does anyone know of a way to fix it?
As a work-around I have discovered that I can exit NetBeans, delete the NetBeans cache directory, then restart. This forces NetBeans to rebuild the cache and then the classes become visible again. Should I submit a bug to the NetBeans bug tracker? I can't come up with a test case to make it happen, but it does fairly often.
If you go to project properties/sources there is a note about this: you need to generate sources under
where FOOBAR is the name of your plugin.
After reading #jeqo answer, I tested if, by manually renaming:
"${}/generated-sources/annotations" to ".../generated-sources/hibernate-jpamodelgen"
would make a difference to Nebeans (I'm using v8.2 on ubuntu 16.04).
Everything worked like a charm.
I then modified the pom file as follows:
1) removed the "org.hibernate: hibernate.jpamodelgen" dependency.
2) configured the maven-compiler-plugin as follows:
These two steps is to make sure that the hibernate-jpamodelgen does
not run on auto-pilot just by adding it in the project dependency
list. Please refer to JPA Static MetaModel Generator doc.
3) added the following plugin with configuration
This config is directly from the Hibernate JPA Static Metamodel Generator documentation page except for the following line:
This line simply generates the metamodel in the directory named after the maven plugin name. From this point, I got all Netbeans references working at design time as if the generated classes were in the src directory subtree.
Hope this helps,
Sometimes Netbeans has troubles refreshing. Perhaps clean and rebuild the project and restart Netbeans?
Today I did more experiments on this topic because it is so annoying for me as well. Finally I have realized it is only a problem related how NetBeans deal with indexing classes. This is not a problem of the target directory name and not a problem of the project. It is only NetBeans' mistake. So I have created an issue as well hopefully NetBeans Team can bring the final solution soon. You can see my ticket here
In my environment the NetBeans 11.3 (x64) with openJDK 1.8.0_242-b08 and apache-maven 3.6.3 version is used under Windows 10 (1607).
But until the final solution arrives here is what I did as a workaround solving the symbol not found problem.
I have added a profile section to my pom file:
<fileset id="model.elements" dir="src/main/java" includes="**/*.java">
<containsregexp expression="(#Entity|#MappedSuperclass|#Embeddable)" casesensitive="yes" />
I am using the following simple solution to generate the metamodel classes in my project:
And of course a maven-build-helper adding the generated source folders to the project:
And also I have created a file in the same place where the pom.xml is located called nbactions.xml with the following content (to activate this profile in NetBeans IDE only)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
What it does? When you execute the "Clean and Build" action in NetBeans IDE it activates a task (implemented easily with maven-antrun-plugin) which just a simple touch on all JPA annotated with #Entity, #MappedSuperClass or #Embeddable theese are the sources for the metamodel generations. I have attached this task to the install phase but it worked as well in other phases as well. It lookes that this way NetBeans wake up and makes for the missing indexes for the metamodel classess.
You can read more on this in my NetBeans' issue ticket.
I hope this can save time for anybody else.
If you are using jaxws then make sure you add a <sourceDestDir> node to the <configuration> section of the jaxws plug-in "artifact" in the appropriate pom. For example:
As explained above and as noted by netbeans, you must use the generate-sources path appended with the "plug-in" name. Hopefully the above clears up what "plug-in name" means and how exactly one is supposed to get jaxws to put the generated sources where netbeans need them to be. Clearly the "configuration" section will be different for each plugin... The node <sourceDestDir> is needed for jaxws, other plugins may use something else.
For me it worked after I added <endorsed.dir>${}/endorsed</endorsed.dir> to the <properties> of the pom.xml, e.g.:
But I have no explanation why.
