Why populr.me theme dummy content not coming? - themes

I am trying to build a theme using populr.me. I downloaded few themes from github. I ran them in localhost. These theme should fetch dummy-contents from lorem ipsum, and also should fetch images. But i see nothing while I run index.html in browser locally. I was connected to internet while running themes in localhost. What is wrong??

I just responded to your email. Sounds like your problem was resolved by updating main.less reference in index.html, and changing this:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="/styles/main.less">
to this:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="styles/main.less">
Please email me if you have further questions. Thanks for using Populr!

As said here,
the easiest way to test samples is to use a local web server. If you don't use a local web server, you will need to change every src and disable local web security.
Depending on your OS, it could be python, IIS, Apache, ...


I have deployed my Tailwind CSS project on GitHub and it suddenly stopped working on pages deployment

When I ran it on my system in my local server it was working fine but when I deployed it on GitHub pages Deployment, GitHub doesn't seem to load my CSS and the CSS was not applied on my file.
repository link: https://github.com/pawangupta5050/Facebook-Login-Clone
live-website link on GitHub pages :https://pawangupta5050.github.io/Facebook-Login-Clone/
You should consider using this...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/index.76858414.css">
Instead of this...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index.76858414.css">
You can read more about HTML file paths here.

No css/js or images found on heroku deployment octobercms

I have deployed my octobercms site on heroku successfully but it is not loading any css/js or image file. All links go to 404. External links are loaded but no local link is working. I have deployed it using Github.
I have tried all of solutions I found anywhere on web but none of them works. All laravel solutions are not working. I can't even access any file manually. Functionality of site is working normally.
currently this is how links are included:
<link type="text/css" href="{{'assets/css/custom.css'| theme}}" rel="stylesheet">
and this is how they are shown when rendered:
<link type="text/css" href="http://pandak-farms.herokuapp.com/themes/codejunkie/assets/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
links should open but all of them are pointing to 404.
demo: http://pandak-farms.herokuapp.com/themes/codejunkie/assets/css/argon.css?v=1.0.1
Finally found the answer. Just setting up an env variable fixes the mixed content issue. set LINK_POLICY to 'secure' either in the .env file or in the config/cms.php

Is there anyway to load a local file into Ti.WKWebView?

Using https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/Ti.WKWebView I create my 'html content' on the fly using data from a JSON feed, and then pipe that into the WKWebView which works beautifully WKWebView.setHtml(myContent);
Now with a standard ti web view I have a line in the myContent variable (basically a giant string of HTML) that says <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myfiles/style.css" /> which would style things wonderfully.
This however doesn't work on WKWebview. Upon further trial and error I see that I can't include any local files into WKWebView this way. If I set it to a remote file on a web server, then it works just fine.
But for some reason it doesn't want to pull up local files. Is this something with the design of Ti.WKWebView or am I doing something wrong?
Praying hansemannnn reads these pages as I can see no other way of creating an issue on Github

how to access website stored on xammp via static public ip

I have designed a website. Almost all settings are done such as port forwarding in router etc. The website is also accessed on any computer through internet using static public ip but displays text only without any css effects, images etc.
If the CSS styles, images, JS files, etc. are not displayed outside the localhost (from your IP address), it must be because when you specify the URL or location of those files, you give an absolute URL which works just for localhost.
For example, if you have
This will work just in localhost (the computer where xampp is installed):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost/css/stylesheet.css">
<img src="http://localhost/img/logo.jpeg">
If you want it to work also outside your computer you should use relative paths:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/stylesheet.css">
<img src="/img/logo.jpeg">
This is because the HTML code is executed in the client side (in the person who visits your page's computer) so they can't access your files through localhost...
I hope this helps you, I was going to ask you which type of URLs do you use through the comments before answering but I can't add any comments because of my reputation :v

Microservice with own UI with Spring and Thymleaf

I have three web application microservices and one gateway that include the UI. So, what i want to do is to change the app's that every microservice has his own UI and the gateway should make server side includes. Im using Thymeleaf as template engine and do the includes like this:
<div th:replace="http://localhost:8080/#/organizations"></div>
My Problem is that the CSS and JS files are not Included from the original localhost:8080 server rather from the server with includes the content localhost:9090.
This is how i include the JS and CSS files at *:8080:
<script th:src="#{webjars/jquery/$jquery.version$/jquery.min.js}"</script>
Hope you understand my problem and someone can help...
This ${#httpServletRequest.requestURL} did the trick...
<link th:href="#{__${#httpServletRequest.requestURL}__webjars/bootstrap/?{bootstrap.version}/css/bootstrap.min.css}" rel="stylesheet" />
now all works fine.
I think you can't realize the behaviour you expect if you will use resources from localhost. Your test page can access local resources for context 9090, e.g. when it trying to request for example
<script th:src="#{webjars/angularjs/$angularjs.version$/angular.min.js}"></script> from 9090 request goes to 9090 but resources on 8080.
It will work if you will use static resources from CDN (from internet).
Maybe this article will be helpful for you.
