Oracle Connection Probelem: ORA-01034: ORA-27101 - oracle

The oracle was working properly on the server but suddenly from 2 days ago I've not been able to connect it, unfortunately the server manager is not around for weeks and I am not familiar with oracle very much, I appreciate your help in advance.
The error:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
01034. 00000 - "ORACLE not available"
*Cause: Oracle was not started up. Possible causes include the following
- The SGA requires more space than was allocated for it.
- The operating-system variable pointing to the instance is
improperly defined.
*Action: Refer to accompanying messages for possible causes and correct
the problem mentioned in the other messages.
If Oracle has been initialized, then on some operating systems,
verify that Oracle was linked correctly. See the platform
specific Oracle documentation.
Vendor code 1034

The database has been stopped deliberately or it has crashed. No way to tell without consulting the alert log and any trace files which might have been generated.
This is not the sort of thing which can be talked through on SO. It requires genuine expertise, If you haven't got a DBA or anybody with power user access to the server you're out of luck.
Does this database matter? I'm tempted to say "obviously not", because who would leave a critical business process untended for "weeks"? However, if you really need this database you'll have to tell your boss they'll have to spring for an emergency DBA.


Setting up database link from Oracle to Sybase

I know so little about Sybase that I don't even know whether database link is the correct term in Sybase. What I'm looking for is a way to communicate with Sybase over Oracle's heterogeneous services, commonly called a database link in Oracle (linked server if you speak SQL Server).
We are a primarily Oracle shop with a healthy dose of SQL Server, but zero Sybase experience. As you might guess, we have a piece of software that happens to run on Sybase, and we need to get information out of its database.
Professional services from the software vendor have not been helpful at all; frankly, we don't even know if they gave us the correct driver.
Our Oracle DBA is as sure as he can be (without knowing anything about Sybase) that he has everything set up correctly on the Oracle side.
When we try to run a query from Oracle to get data from Sybase, we get:
select * from call_request#sybase
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[SAP][ASE ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]Incorrect syntax near the
keyword 'where'.
{ZZZZZ,NativeErr = 156}
ORA-02063: preceding 3 lines from SYBASE
Complaining about syntax near "where" doesn't make much sense, since there is no predicate at all. And it doesn't help to add a dummy
where 1=1
We're completely unsure where to turn. What can we even check next? Where is the documentation for setting this sort of thing up? Any ideas what is wrong?

PowerBI Desktop: intermittent ORA-03113 errors

I am connecting to oracle 12 in Oracle cloud, from PowerBI Desktop windows server 2016.
Oracle client is installed and TNS file configured.
Oracle is hosted by a vendor so my only access is to directly query the database.
In powerBI, when using an oracle connection, i get ORA-03113 errors about 50% of the time when refreshing data. There is no discernible pattern to the appearance of the error.
If i connect via a System ODBC connection set up in windows, I dont get any issues or errors, although the data load is a bit slower.
I would appreciate ideas on what may be causing this issue or what to check to help get more information.
I'm afraid your issue needs some deeper analysis as ORA-03113 might have various reasons, but typically it means that the 'oracle' executable has terminated unexpectedly once there was an existing connection. You should try to isolate the SQL command that is executing when the error occurs. It can be done either by checking the trace files on the server or by using SQL*Net trace if you don't have access to the server. If a statement can be isolated which consistently raises the ORA-3113 error, then it can be further analysed (like execution plan, triggers, etc), or maybe the best to raise an SR so Oracle Support can work on the issue. If you have access to Oracle Support you can find more information about ORA-03113 troubleshooting in MOS Doc ID 1506805.1. Let me know if I can help you any further.

Oracle Database Error At Startup of Windows 10

i have an error which is driving me crazy and i dont know how to deal with it. In a PC with windows 10 64-bit , i got an oracle database server 11g. Everytime the pc restarts or shuts down and then restarts i get the following error when i try to connect to the database :
ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
the only way to get my database running is the following one:
open a cmd and type :
rman target /
recover database;
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
alter database open resetlogs;
after that everything is fine , but if i restart the PC i get the same error again.
Has anyone dealted with anything like this before?
I have checked the hard disk and is ok, have defragmented it, have run test diagnostics, it is driving me crazy. Any idea would be welcome!
Thanx in advance!
That is a pretty general error. Your database can have issues with either starting up or maybe shuting down cleanly.
I would recommend you looking at the end of the alert.log file right after the server is started, before performing rman recovery.
You can find hints there as why the database did not started up to open state, where and why it is hanging, etc.
EDIT: So the error is ORA-00600 [dbkif_find_next_record_1]
Whenever an ORA-00600, or ORA-00700 or ORA-07445 occurs, this is an internal error within Oracle core. For this cases there is this neat tool at which can search the knowledge base of Oracle MySupport network and try to find existing articles and/or patches, hotfixes for respective arguments of these internal errors.
The tool can be found as Oracle Support Doc ID 153788.1.
Unfortunatelly, the lookup tool did not found anything for argument ORA-00600 [dbkif_find_next_record_1]. In that case please make sure that your OS is updated and supported. Also if you are running on VM, that the VM has all parameters set according to Oracle's recommendations and if there is nothing suspicious there, you will have to open "Service request" at

Invalid privilege error?

Two related applications use a function in a package in several queries to return some data as CSV. The column being selected and concatenated is a CLOB field and can contain HTML, special characters, etc. The applications have few users and so are not heavily used. One is a Flex application that consumes Oracle HTTP services, and the other is an ASP.NET application that uses ODP.NET. The applications are really one integrated application with hyperlinks to each other.
Yesterday, I received several notifications of a strange error:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512
The line number in the package in the error details indicates that the error was caused by the function being used in the select clause. It would occur when called by either application about 75% of the time.
Am I correct that an ORA-06512 occurred in the function that then caused an ORA-01031 insufficient privilege error? Unfortunately, ORA-06512 is a very generic error and doesn't tell me anything. And why would it cause an invalid privilege error? The Oracle user accounts being used by both applications have the execute privilege on the package that contains the function.
Regarding the function... it has been used for about 2 years in production without any issue. Also, when I imported the data to QA yesterday and tested it, no error would occur, no matter how many times I hammered the server with requests. But in production, the error would occur about 75% of the time with exactly the same parameters.
The DBA tried to help me with a trace, but we could not find the error message in the trace files.
Today, everything is back to normal in production. Even if I hammer the server with requests the error will stubbornly refuse to occur.
What caused this very strange behaviour yesterday? Do any of the gurus here have any ideas?
EDIT: I just realized one important detail. The column in the table that is being selected and concatenated into CSV by the function is a CLOB.
If the client applications were running "SELECT clob_to_csv(clob_col) FROM ..." and it returned an invalid privilege SOMETIMES, then it is probably something the function is trying to do, rather than the select statement not having sufficient privilege to execute the function.
Not quite clear on what it might do that may require a privilege. Does it use a file (UTL_FILE) or network connection / web service ?
Could be some sort of odd data (a very large clob perhaps).

How to troubleshoot Oracle database server errors?

My team inherited an Oracle-based web application and they are fairly inexperienced with Oracle database servers.
The Oracle 10g server is running on a Windows 2003 Server with plenty of disk space and from time to time, all connectivity is lost, the application stops working, not even SQL Plus is able to connect to the database server.
But when we check the Windows Service manager, it says that the service is up and running. A restart usually fixes the problem, but we need to properly troubleshoot it so we know what's causing it and so we can avoid it to happen anymore.
Where should we start looking for clues? What are the criticial log files we should be investigating?
On the server you should have an environment variable called ORACLE_HOME which indicate the root of the Oracle install. Most likely the Oracle trace/dump folders will be under there. Search for a folder called "bdump" (background dump). That's where the main log file, knows as the alert log, will be, as well as trace files generated by background processes. There will be an adjacent file called "udump" which will contain any trace files generated by user processes.
However, my real advice is that you should either hire someone who knows Oracle or get Oracle Support involved.
The alert log would be the first file to check.
It will probably be in $ORACLE_HOME/admin/bdump and (probably) called alert_DATABASE-SID.log
It contains most of the important actions that the database does, as well as any important errors that occur.
I have to agree with cagcowboy. Check your alert logs for errors. If no errors then maintain a sysdba login into the database and when it hangs, attempt to do a hang analysis. See metalink note 215858.1 on hanganalyze.
Have you tried tnsping? We've occasionally run into problems with the listener that requires an assist from our DBA. tnsping is the diagnostic tool we use to do triage.
I would recommend hiring an experienced Oracle DBA if at all possible.
check the alert log to see how the Db is structured. sometimes badly set parameters make hangs or slow performance. or you can shutdown and start in mount mode, then check the v$parameter values for problems. setting total memory is very important.
