how to gcc compile with #define in multiple files - gcc

I have a project with multiple files.. I want to compile it using gcc from command line.
the directory looks like this
Comp/ contains .cpp files
Decomp/ contains .cpp files
Comp/ contains .h files
Decomp/ contains .h files
some of these .h files are not paired with .cpp files
to compile this i use something like this :
g++ lib/Comp/* lib/Decomp/* lib/Globals.cpp -std=c++0x -o TEST
the problem is,I have to add some #defines for each .h file and i have to do it through command line. how to do this ??
also if i had to compile each file on its own and then link them. what would be the appropriate order for doing this ?

The dirtiest ugliest way is that you want to use something like:
g++ -Iinclude lib/Comp/*.cpp lib/Decomp/*.cpp lib/Globals.cpp -o test
Your .cpp files should #include <Comp/foo.h> or whatever
The correct way to manage this is to use a makefile to build each object file and then link them together:
Create a a file called Makefile and put the following in it:
SOURCES=lib/Comp/file1.cpp \
lib/Comp/file2.cpp \
lib/Comp/file3.cpp \
lib/Decomp/file1.cpp \
lib/Decomp/file2.cpp \
default: test
test: $(OBJ)
<tab> $(CXX) -o $# $(OBJ)
%.o: %.cpp
<tab> $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
Replace file1.cpp etc. with the actual filenames in your project. DO NOT include headers in SOURCES only your .cpp or .cc files
If you are using sub-paths like #include <Comp/foo.h> or #include "Comp/foo.h" in your source files then you only need to use -Iinclude in CPPFLAGS but if you are doing something like "foo.h" and foo.h is actually in include/Comp/ then add -Iinclude/Comp and -Iinclude/Decomp to the CPPFLAGS
Where it says <tab> make sure you use the TAB key to insert a tab (don't type the word '')
Before using this Makefile blindly . Know that it will NOT work as is you have to correct the entries. It is offered as a starting point... Read up on writing Makefiles ... has a good introduction

Defines can be provided on the compiler command line using -DVAR=VALUE (on Windows, presumably /DVAR=VALUE). Note that you can not provide different defines for different headers as in:
compiler -DX=one first.h -DX=two second.h -o third.o
In such a case, my compiler spews warning and uses the last value of X for all source code.
Anyway, in general you should not list header files on the compilation line; prefer to include them from the implementation files (.cc/.cpp or whatever) that need them.
Be careful too - if you're changing defines to modify class definitions, inline function implementation etc. you can end up with technically and/or practically undefined behaviour.
In terms of how best to decide which objects to create and link - you probably want one object per .cc/.cpp file. You can link those objects then specify them on the command line when compiling the file containing main().


make dependencies: skip vendor and package headers with gcc?

I'm starting a new project and thinking of using gcc 6.3.1 -MM to generate the dependencies into a file called Make.Dep, that I'll include from Makefile.
The -M option outputs all headers, including system headers. The -MM option doesn't output system headers, but I'm still buried in literally thousands of vendor and package headers such as Sybase and Boost, which I don't think will change (and if they do I'm happy to have to do a full rebuild manually).
Obviously I could wrap gcc -MM in a perl script or what have you that knows what directories I consider packages, but is there some more widely-accepted solution?
Note that one of my vendors' headers look for specific gcc-defined pre-processor symbols to configure their portability. I'd rather not curate a set of such symbols manually to allow dependency generation with some non-gcc method (e.g., makedepend).
Instead of -I, use -isystem to state directories that you don't wish to be output with -MM.
This is not mentioned currently at despite it seeming to be very closely tied to -M and -MM options.
Example: this creates correct dependencies of foo.cpp and bar.cpp, including Sybase headers:
gcc -MM -I/opt/nmr/sap/sybaseASE/sybclient-16.0.3-7/OCS-16_0/include foo.cpp bar.cpp
Example: this does the same, but not including Sybase headers:
gcc -MM -isystem /opt/nmr/sap/sybaseASE/sybclient-16.0.3-7/OCS-16_0/include foo.cpp bar.cpp
Here is a sample Makefile implementation for gmake. The patsubst function is a pattern substitution using % as a part that matches on the "before" that is then captured and used in the "after." isystem appears to need a space after it, but this is easy to generate with patsubst as the percent sign keeps the space from being truncated. The minus option on -include tells gmake not to complain if the file named doesn't exist. This allows you to use gmake to make depend and produce Make.Dep even before there is a Make.Dep. Finally, this assumes $(PkgIncDirs) hold package include directories none of which should be changing, while $(ProjIncDirs) would be include directories inside the project that you'd want dependencies to be generated for.
gcc -MM $(CFlags) $(Defines) $(patsubst -I%, -isystem %, $(PkgIncDirs)) $(ProjIncDirs) $(Source) >Make.Dep
-include Make.Dep

GNU make in newly created subdirectory

First - I know there are a lot of discussions similar to this, but I've spent hours without them working for me.
My makefile first creates a directory named by the current date and time. I then have the makefile append to a header file a line which creates a string with this directory name. For this reason, I first need to copy all the source files (including the header) into the newly created subdirectory, so that I can preserve the original header and only modify the header (in the subdirectory) which will be used for compilation. I would then like to build in that new directory.
My trouble is getting make to properly build the .o files in the new subdirectory. The solution I've found is to have
$(NOW)%.o: $(NOW)%.cpp
$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $<
where $(NOW)$ is the subdirectory name. The issue is that my $(FLAGS) seem to be ignored: the output is, roughly
g++ -c -o <.o file> <.cpp file>
(Yes, there is actually extra introduced space between g++ and -c.) Whereas building in the top level directory a la
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $<
correctly outputs
g++ -c <my flags> -o <.o file> <.cpp file>
To summarize, I am unable to compile normally by transferring the source files to a newly-created subdirectory and building the .o files in that directory. TYIA.
Ad John points out, there's no way to definitively diagnose your problem with the tiny bit of makefile you provided, because the error is not in the code you provided, it's in some other part of your makefile. You need to provide a SSCCE ideally, but if not that then at least we need to see how the NOW variable is set and the linker rule so we know what make is trying to build.
I should also point out that by convention you should not use CC to hold the C++ compiler; the CC variable holds the C compiler. Use CXX for the C++ compiler and CXXFLAGS for the C++ compiler flags.
One possibility is that you are assigning the NOW variable using a recursive assignment so that the timestamp is recreated every time the variable is evaluated; it could be that the timestamp changes over the lifetime of the makefile.
The other very common problem is that you created the pattern rule, but make is not using it because the targets make wants to build don't match the pattern.
So for example, if your link line looks like this:
SRCS = foo.cpp
OBJS = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
myprog: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) ...
$(NOW)%.o : $(NOW)%.cpp
$(CXX) ...
then your pattern will not be matched because make is trying to build the file foo.o and your rule tells it how to build $(NOW)foo.o which are not the same thing.

How to force compiler to compile same source file every time used in different shared libraries in cmake? [duplicate]

I have a project directory structure of:
++ My 3 source files and header
When I am building my project it generates 3 to 4 shared libraries. Lib1 compiled using c++98 and others using c++11. Flags are added in CmakeList.txt which is at root.
I need my 3 source files to be compiled for Lib1 and for other Libs as as well. but here what happens is compiler is first compiling my source file for lib using c++11 and then it is trying to use same .o file for Lib1 as well. So for .o file which is generated using c++11 is throwing exception when same is used for c++98 compiled library.
So how do write this in CmakeList.txt such that compiler rather than trying to use same .o file will compile source file again for Lib1(c++98 compiled library)
Is there any flag I can specify so that it won't take precompiled .o file and will compile it again ?
Here flags are not being overridden for different shared libraries but actually same object file by make file is being used for different flags
This is sort of counter to how makefiles and cmake usually work.
Most users consider it really important that make performs an incremental build.
The usual way with makefiles is to do make clean which is supposed to remove any binaries and object files that were created.
However, sometimes I write cmake scripts that use globbing over the source directory to assemble the project. (That means, it says "just grab all *.cpp files in the /src folder and make an executable from them".) A makefile cannot check what files in a directory, so the make build will be broken after I add a new file, and make clean won't fix it -- the whole makefile will need to be regenerated by cmake.
Usually what I do is, I write a simple bash script, named or something,
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j3
And I put that in the root of my repository, and add /build to my .gitignore. I call that when I want to do a full rebuild -- it nukes the build directory, so its foolproof. When I want an incremental rebuild, I just type make again in the /build directory.
The script can also serve a double purpose if you use travis-ci for continuous integration.
Most build system assume the compiled objects remain the same within the same pass. To avoid shooting your foot I would suggest telling the build system they were actually different objects, while still compiled from same source files.
I'm not familiar with cmake but this is how you do with make:
For example you have a a.cpp which you want to compile 2 times for different compiler options:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
printf ("Hello %d\n", TOKEN);
return 0;
And the Makefile would looks like:
SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJ_1 := $(patsubst %.cpp,%_1.o,$(SRC))
OBJ_2 := $(patsubst %.cpp,%_2.o,$(SRC))
all: pass1 pass2
pass1: $(OBJ_1)
gcc -o $# $(OBJ_1) -lstdc++
pass2: $(OBJ_2)
gcc -o $# $(OBJ_2) -lstdc++
%_1.o: %.cpp
gcc -DTOKEN=1 -c $< -o $#
%_2.o: %.cpp
gcc -DTOKEN=2 -c $< -o $#
rm -f $(OBJ_1) $(OBJ_2)
What I do here is generate two different list of object from the same source files, which you can even do the same for dependency(-MMD -MP flags).

Compile all source files into executables

I know that makefile is used for a project where files are related. But I want to use it in a different way.
Since I always write lots of test files, I need to type a bunch of flags every time I compile them, that's so troublesome. I just want to write a makefile that compiles all source files into executables with their corresponding names - like a.c to a and b.c to b, etc. so that I can get executables by simply typing make instead of the whole gcc ...
Is there any simple way to do it?
Make has a built in implicit rule like this:
% : %.c
$(CC) -o $# $(CFLAGS) $<
$(CFLAGS) would contain all your options.
Then, doing
make foo
Would try to produce foo from foo.c (if it existed).
To be able to compile all of them in one go, add another rule:
all: $(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard *.c))
This new rule, called 'all', has the list of your executables as its prerequisite. The wildcard function lists all .c files in the directory, and the patsubst removes the .c from each of them, leaving a list of the executables that would be produced from each .c file.
So doing
make all
causes it to try to compile each .c file into the corresponding executable.
Alright understood. I'm not too sure if you'll understand the syntax. I'll try to explain as much as I can.
you'll make a file called Makefile no extensions.
DIR=$(HOME)/../"Your directory"
all: "Whatever driver you may have"
purify: purify g++ -o "Your file" -Wall -pedantic -g "objective file .o extension"
# Makes clean file
rm -f *.o "Drivers"
make clean
make has built in implicit rules to do that. Just type make a or make b or make a b or whatever you want. Add and export an environment variable called CFLAGS if you want to add any special options.

Header include path in files generated by `protoc`

When I call protoc like this
protoc --cpp_out=. path/to/test.proto
the files
path/to/ and
are generated which is what I want. But, since the cc needs the h, the h is included like this
#include "path/to/test.pb.h"
which is not what I want. The background is that my build tool (scons) calls protoc from the project's root and not from the directory which includes the source files. I found no obvious option in the manpage or the help text.
So my next idea was to consider this as "correct" and adjust my build system, but: The two files are siblings in the directory tree, so when one includes the other, no path is needed. Even compiling by hand fails.
Can someone help me with that?
Doing find-replace on generated files is most likely easier
than reorganization of your build system (use sed command on Linux/unix).
What I ended up doing for my project is as follows:
Create a pb/ directory at the same level as your include/ and src/ directories.
Put your .proto files in there, and create a makefile. Write the following in it:
CXX = g++
PROTOBF = $(shell find ./ -name '*.proto')
SOURCES = $(subst proto,,$(PROTOBF))
OBJECTS = $(subst proto,pb.o,$(PROTOBF))
default: $(OBJECTS)
#echo -n
$(SOURCES): : %.proto
protoc --cpp_out=. $<
$(OBJECTS): %.pb.o :
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Which will essentially generate and build the protobuffer files when invoked.
In your main makefile, simply add the following include path: -Ipb/.
And when including a protocol buffer header, use #include <whatever.pb.h>.
Add the object files generated in pb/ to your linking step. Myself I used:
PB_OBJS = $(shell find pb/ -name '*.pb.o')
And gave that to the linker along with the normal object files in obj/.
Then, you can probably call the pb/ makefile from the main makefile if you want to automate it. The important point is that protoc be called from the pb/ directory or the include will be messed up.
Sorry for the ugly makefiles. At least it works, and I hope this helps you...
