SWI-Prolog Puzzle - prolog

This is the problem :
Victor has been murdered, and Arthur, Bertram, and Carleton are
suspects. Arthur says he did not do it. He says that Bertram was the
victim’s friend but that Carleton hated the victim. Bertram says he
was out of town the day of the murder, and besides he didn’t even know
the guy. Carleton says he is innocent and he saw Arthur and Bertram
with the victim just before the murder. Assuming that everyone–except
possibly for the murderer–is telling the truth, use resolution to
solve the crime.
This is what I wrote in SWI Prolog
% Facts:
p('Arthur'). % suspect
p('Bertram'). % suspect
p('Carleton'). % suspect
p('Victor'). % victim
% Arthur
says('Arthur', i('Arthur')).
says('Arthur', f('Bertram', 'Victor')).
says('Arthur', ht('Carleton', 'Victor')).
% Bertram
says('Bertram', o('Bertram')).
says('Bertram', nk('Bertram', 'Victor')).
% Carleton
says('Carleton', i('Carleton')).
says('Carleton', t('Arthur', 'Victor')).
says('Carleton', t('Bertram', 'Victor')).
% Rules:
holds(X) :- says(Y, X), \+m(Y).
holds(i(X)) :- p(X), \+m(X).
holds(f(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), holds(f(Y,X)).
holds(f(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), \+holds(nk(X,Y)).
holds(o(X)) :- p(X), p(Y), holds(t(X,Y)).
holds(o(X)) :- p(X), \+m(X).
holds(nk(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), \+holds(nk(Y,X)).
holds(nk(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), \+holds(f(X,Y)).
holds(t(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), holds(t(Y,X)).
holds(t(X,Y)) :- p(X), p(Y), p(Z), holds(t(X,Z)), holds(t(Z,Y)).
m(X) :- p(X).
The answer is suppose to be Bertram, but I kept on getting Arthur. Dont know what am I doing wrong.

I'm fairly sure that Rules will be far more simpler than that.
For instance, what does mean m(X) :- p(X)., given that p(X) is always true ? Does Victor have something to say ?
In logic it's essential to stick to Occam's Razor. Programming logic it's not an exception, albeit the term has a more practical connotation - see KISS principle.
I think we can only agree that the murder should be the person that contradicts other two. There is only a fact in question: whether or not a person known Victor.
Then what we know about the crime can be summarized:
t(a) :- k(b), k(c).
t(b) :- \+ k(b).
t(c) :- k(a), k(b).
where t(X) stands for X testimony that, and k(X) stands for X known Victor.
We don't really know about k(X), then we must add k(_).
With that, Prolog can suggest:
?- t(X).
X = a ;
X = c.
I.e. only a or b can be true.
EDIT: because Prolog isn't propositive when it came to negation, here is a way to solicit the solution:
m(X) :- member(X, [a,b,c]), \+ t(X).
But let's take a more explicit approach:
Instead of clausal form, that leads to immediate availability of Prolog execution, as shown above, our fact base could also expressed:
say(a, know_victim(b, yes)).
say(a, know_victim(c, yes)).
say(b, know_victim(b, no)).
say(c, know_victim(a, yes)).
say(c, know_victim(b, yes)).
now let's see if some some individual says the opposite of others
liar(I) :-
select(I, [a,b,c], Js),
say(I, Fact),
maplist(negate(Fact), Js).
negate(know_victim(I, X), J) :-
say(J, know_victim(I, Y)),
X \= Y.
?- liar(I).
I = b ;

contains several different ways of solving this.


negation \+ and vanilla meta-interpreter

The following is the classic "textbook" vanilla meta-interpreter for prolog.
% simplest meta-interpreter
solve(true) :- !.
solve((A,B)):- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
The following is simple program which establishes facts two relations which are "positive" and one relation which makes use of negation by failure \+.
% fruit
% colour
% Mary likes all fruit
likes(mary, X) :- fruit(X).
% James likes all fruit, as long as it is yellow
likes(james, X) :- fruit(X), yellow(X).
% Sally likes all fruit, except yellow fruit
likes(sally, X) :- fruit(X), \+ (yellow(X)).
The meta-interpeter can handle goals related to the first two relations ?-solve(likes(mary,X)) and ?- solve(likes(james,X)_.
However it fails with a goal related to the third relation ?- solve(likes(sally,X). The swi-prolog reports a stack limit being reached before the program crashes.
Question 1: What is causing the meta-interpreter to fail? Can it be easily adjusted to cope with the \+ negation? Is this related to the sometimes discussed issue of built-ins not being executed by the vanilla meta-interpreter?
Question 2: Where can I read about the need for those cuts in the vanilla meta-interpreter?
Tracing suggests the goal is being grown endlessly:
Change solve(A) into:
solve(Goal) :-
clause(Goal, Body),
... and we see:
?- solve_mi(likes(sally,X)).
clause/2 determines the body of \+yellow(apple) to be \+call(yellow(apple)), which is not a simplification.
Can use instead:
solve_mi(true) :-
solve_mi((Goal1, Goal2)):-
solve_mi(\+ Goal) :-
\+ solve_mi(Goal).
solve_mi(Goal) :-
clause(Goal, Body),
Result in swi-prolog:
?- solve_mi(likes(sally,X)).
X = apple ;
X = orange ;
I'm using solve_mi because solve conflicts with e.g. clpBNR, and I'm not using variable names A and B because they convey no meaning.
For understanding the cuts, I'd recommend gtrace, to see the unwanted unification with other goals that would otherwise take place.

Proper unify_with_occurs_check/2 in SWI-Prolog?

Got this strange behaviour. I was running these test cases:
s1 :-
freeze(_3434, (write(foo), nl)),
unify_with_occurs_check(P, Q).
s2 :-
freeze(_3434, (write(foo), nl)),
freeze(_3514, (write(bar), nl)),
unify_with_occurs_check(P, Q).
Now I get these results, where the outcome of s2 is wrong. The outcome is wrong in two respects, first _3434 gets triggered and second unify_with_occurs_check succeeds:
SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.3.16)
?- s1.
?- s2.
That _3434 shouldn't get triggered follows from 7.3.2 Herband Algorithm in ISO core standard. According to clause 7.3.2 f) 1) an instantiation of variable X to a term t is only propagated when it X does not occur in t.
That the unification should fail follows from clause 7.3.2 g). So it seems in SWI-Prolog, attributed variables in various incarnations such as freeze/2, dif/2, etc… seem to interfer with unify_with_occurs_check.
Any workaround?
Edit 06.02.2021:
The bug has been fixed in SWI-Prolog 8.3.17 (devel) and
was backported to SWI-Prolog 8.2.4 (stable) as well.
Here is another somewhat simpler workaround:
unify(X,X) :-
Certainly, this only works as expected if the two arguments are finite from the very start, but at least it does not loop in this case.
One way out could be to roll your own unify_with_occurs_check/2. We can write it in Prolog itself, as was done in the past, for Prolog systems that did not have unify_with_occurs_check/2:
R.A.O'Keefe, 15 September 1984
Here is an alternative take that uses (=..)/2 and term_variables/2:
unify(X, Y) :- var(X), var(Y), !, X = Y.
unify(X, Y) :- var(X), !, notin(X, Y), X = Y.
unify(X, Y) :- var(Y), !, notin(Y, X), X = Y.
unify(X, Y) :- functor(X, F, A), functor(Y, G, B),
F/A = G/B,
X =.. [_|L],
Y =.. [_|R],
maplist(unify, L, R).
notin(X, Y) :-
term_variables(Y, L),
maplist(\==(X), L).
I now get the expected result:
?- s1.
?- s2.

Prolog predicate where two items are associated but not equivalent

I haven't programmed in Prolog for years and am struggling with a simple block of test code (I'm trying to solve a logic puzzle for fun...):
aboard(jack, blackbird).
aboard(jim, blackbird).
aboard(donna, blackbird).
aboard(david, north_star).
aboard(sandy, north_star).
shipmates(A, B) :- A \= B, aboard(A, X), aboard(B, X).
shipmates1(A, A) :- !, fail.
shipmates1(A, B) :- aboard(A, X), aboard(B, X).
The shipmates and shipmates1 rules are two different attempts to accomplish the following: I want to pair all passengers who are on the same ship but are not equivalent to each other.
For example, I want shipmates(jack, jack). to be false.
When I query this with fully-qualified arguments, I get the expected answers:
3 ?- shipmates(jack, david).
4 ?- shipmates(jack, jack).
5 ?- shipmates(jack, jim).
However, when I want all of Donna's shipmates, it doesn't seem to work:
6 ?- shipmates(donna, X).
I was expecting:
X = jack ;
X = jim ;
NOTE: I get the same wrong results with shipmates1.
So please take pity on a very amateur Prolog programmer (who is not doing homework for a class!) What very obvious thing am I doing wrong?
Version: SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.0.2)
shipmates(A, B) :-
aboard(A, X),
aboard(B, X),
A \= B.
By calling the aboard/2 predicate before the A \= B goal, you ensure that both A and B will be instantiated, thus making the comparison meaningful.

Depending on faliure to prove in prolog

Consider this code
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
predecessor(A, B) :- A #= B - 1. % is true for pairs
q(X) :- predecessor(P, X), \+ p(P).
If I query ?- p(X) I correctly get the results
?- p(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 5 ;
X = 7.
But if I query ?- q(X) then I get false.
I realize that \+ is really not negation but faliure to prove, but what if not being able to prove something is sufficient for another predicate being true?
I wanted to give a reasonable use case / example which is why I resorted to using clpfd. Even without using it, I have another example which I can present:
likes(betty, butter).
likes(betty, jam) :- fail.
dislikes(betty, Item) :- \+ likes(betty, Item).
This example too, has a shortcoming that likes(betty, jam) :- fail. isn't really doing anything. But I hope I'm able to get my point across.
Is there a way in prolog to define this dependence?
You have to specifically define the "negative universe" of possibilities if you want Prolog to provide solutions in that space.
For instance, \+ p(X) cannot tell you specific values of X because the possible X that meet this criteria have not been defined. You're asking Prolog to invent what X might possibly be, which it cannot do.
You could define the universe of all possible values, then you can define what \+ p(X) means:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
predecessor(A, B) :- A #= B - 1. % is true for pairs
q(X) :- predecessor(P, X), P in 0..9, label([P]), \+ p(P).
Then you get:
2 ?- q(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 5 ;
X = 7 ;
X = 9 ;
X = 10.
3 ?-
Here we've told Prolog that the possible universe of P to choose from is defined by P in 0..9. Then the call \+ p(P) can yield specific results. Unfortunately, using \+, you still have to apply label([P]) before testing \+ p(P), but you get the idea.
In your other example of likes, it's the same issue. You defined:
likes(betty, butter).
likes(betty, jam) :- fail.
As you indicated, you wouldn't normally include likes(betty, jam) :- fail. since failure would already occur due to lack of a successful fact or predicate. But your inclusion is really an initial attempt to define the universe of possible choices. Without that definition, Prolog cannot "invent" what to pick from to test for a dislike. So a more complete solution would be:
likes(betty, butter).
Then you can write:
dislikes(Person, Food) :-
\+ likes(Person, Food).

Match database items exactly once in Prolog?

Let's say there is a simple database of people in Prolog
I need to match the entires exactly once:
john-mary, john-john, john-susan, mary-john, mary-susan, john-susan
I tried coming up with something like this:
match:- person(X),!,person(Y), write(X),write(-), write(Y),nl.
run:- person(X), match(X), fail.
But it's matching many times, and matches a person to him/herself, which shouldn't be.
Basically, what I need is to iterate over all Xs and make Prolog to look strictly "below" for Ys.
A quick solution would be to number your people:
person(1, john).
person(2, mary).
person(3, john).
person(4, susan).
Then you could match people like this:
match(X-Y) :-
person(I, X), person(J, Y), I < J.
Since you have two john entries, I'm not sure any other solution is going to work. Normally you could fake an ordering using #>/2 but that would require your atoms to be unique, and since they aren't, it would prevent the john-john solution.
Edit: Since we're willing to use findall/3 to materialize the database of people, we can treat this as a list problem and find a functional solution. Let's get all the combinations in a list:
combinations([X|Rest], X, Y) :- member(Y, Rest).
combinations([_|Rest], X, Y) :- combinations(Rest, X, Y).
With this predicate in hand, we can find the solution:
combined_folks(People) :-
findall(P, person(P), Persons),
findall(X-Y, combinations(Persons, X, Y), People).
?- combined_folks(X).
X = [john-mary, john-john, john-susan, mary-john, mary-susan, john-susan].
That actually turned out to be pretty clean!
match :- findall(P,person(P),People), match_all(People).
match_all([_]) :- !.
match_all([P|People]) :- match_2(P,People), match_all(People).
match_2(_,[]) :- !.
match_2(P1,[P2|People]) :- format('~a-~a~n',[P1,P2]), match_2(P1,People).
?- match.
