I have an 6000*16000 matrix D
I need to compute matrix C formed by the first leigenvectors with the smallest
eigenvalues D ( I don't choose the right l until now)
what is the faster way to compute C?
Given a simple polygon P, consisting of n vertices, and Set S Of k points, determine if each of the polygon vertices are covered by some point from S.
My best solution was to check for every P vertex if there exist such point in S - total complexity of O(n*k). I belive there should be a more efficient solution. any hints?
Whether P is a polygon or not seems to be irrelevant. So the generalized question becomes: Given 2 sets of points A (with a points) and B (with b points), find out whether A is a subset of B or not?
The simple solution is O(a * b) but you can also get O(a + b) by doing some preprocessing.
Put all the points of B in a hash map with the x-coordinate as key and a hash set with the y-coordinates as values (Map<Number,Set<Number>>). This lets you query whether a point (x, y) is in B in O(1): map.containsKey(x) && map.get(x).contains(y).
Go through all the points of A and check whether the point is in B using the datastructure created above.
Step 1 is O(b) and Step 2 is O(a) which gives O(a + b).
Let's say A is a column vecter with shape (m,1), B is a row vector with shape (1,p), C is the matrix product of A and B, i.e. C=AB, so C's shape is (m,p).
Now I want to compute the square of Frobenius norm of C, i.e. sum_i sum_j c_{ij}^2 (sum of all the squares of C's elements)
Note that c_{ij}=a_i*b_j, a_i and b_j are the elements in A and B. So I can rewrite the formula above.
sum_i sum_j c_{ij}^2=sum_i sum_j (a_ib_j)^2=sum_i a_i^2 *sum_j b_j^2
The complexity of formula sum_i sum_j c_{ij}^2 is O(mp).
And the complexity of formula sum_i a_i^2*sum_j b_j^2 is O(m+p), since A and B has lower dimention than C.
However, this trick is off when A and B are both matricies.
Consider this, A is a matrix with shape (m,n), B is a matrix with shape (n,p), C is the matrix product of A and B, i.e. C=AB, so C's shape is also (m,p).
I still want to compute this sum_i sum_j c_{ij}^2
Note that c_{ij}=sum_k a_{ik}*b_{kj}, so
sum_i sum_j c_{ij}^2=sum_i sum_j(sum_k a_{ik}*b_{kj})^2
Therefore, at this time, there is no trick I can use like before (the vector version)
So my question is, I need matrix C and I also need the square of Frobenius norm of C, would it be faster using C directly than using A and B?
square of Frobenius norm of C = trace of CC^T
You want the square of the Frobenius norm of AB. The Frobenius norm is
preserved by rotations, which leads to the following O((m+n+p)
n2)-time algorithm.
Assuming that m ≥ p and n ≥ p (this shouldn’t be critical if we define
the degenerate cases the right way), let A = QR be the reduced
QR-decomposition of A and tB = Q′R′ be the reduced
QR-decomposition of tB. We want the Frobenius norm of AB =
QRt(Q′R′) = QRtR′tQ′. Since Q and Q′
are semi-orthogonal, it suffices to find the Frobenius norm of
RtR′. Since R and R′ are n × n matrices, we can use the
straightforward O(n3)-time algorithm.
Given two sorted matrices A and B with n different elements each, which is the algorithm that, in O(logn) time, can find the matrix C produced by their union?
A ∪ B = C
I am working on a little puzzle-game-project. The basic idea is built around projecting multi-dimensonal data down to 2D. My only problem is how to generate the randomized scenario data. Here is the problem:
I got muliple randomized vectors v_i and a target vector t, all 2D. Now I want to randomize scalar values c_i that:
t = sum c_i v_i
Because there are more than two v_i this is a overdetermined system. I also took care that the linear combination of v_i is actual able to reach t.
How can I create (randomized) values for my c_i?
Edit: After finding this Question I can additionally state, that it is possible for me also (slightly) change the v_i.
All values are based on double
Let's say your v_i form a matrix V with 2 rows and n columns, each vector is a column. The coefficients c_i form a column vector c. Then the equation can be written in matrix form as
V×c = t
Now apply a Singular Value Decomposition to matrix V:
V = A×D×B
with A being an orthogonal 2×2 matrix, D is a 2×n matrix and B an orthogonal n×n matrix. The original equation now becomes
A×D×B×c = t
multiply this equation with the inverse of A, the inverse is the same as the transposed matrix AT:
D×B×c = AT×t
Let's introduce new symbols c'=B×c and t'=AT×t:
D×c' = t'
The solution of this equation is simple, because Matrix D looks like this:
u 0 0 0 ... // n columns
0 v 0 0 ...
The solution is
c1' = t1' / u
c2' = t2' / v
And because all the other columns of D are zero, the remaining components c3'...cn' can be chosen freely. This is the place where you can create random numbers for c3'...cn. Having vector c' you can calculate c as
c = BT×c'
with BT being the inverse/transposed of B.
Since the v_i are linearly dependent there are non trivial solutions to 0 = sum l_i v_i.
If you have n vectors you can find n-2 independent such solutions.
If you have now one solution to t = sum c_i v_i you can add any multiple of l_i to c_i and you will still have a solution: c_i' = p l_i + c_i.
For each independent solution of the homogenous problem determine a random p_j and calculate
c_i'' = c_i + sum p_j l_i_j.
and thank you for the attention you're paying to my question :)
My question is about finding an (efficient enough) algorithm for finding orthogonal polynomials of a given weight function f.
I've tried to simply apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm but this one is not efficient enough. Indeed, it requires O(n^2) integrals. But my goal is to use this algorithm in order to find Hankel determinants of a function f. So a "direct" computation wich consists in simply compute the matrix and take its determinants requires only 2*n - 1 integrals.
But I want to use the theorem stating that the Hankel determinant of order n of f is a product of the n first leading coefficients of the orthogonal polynomials of f. The reason is that when n gets larger (say about 20), Hankel determinant gets really big and my goal is to divided it by an other big constant (for n = 20, the constant is of order 10^103). My idea is then to "dilute" the computation of the constant in the product of the leading coefficients.
I hope there is a O(n) algorithm to compute the n first orthogonal polynomials :) I've done some digging and found nothing in that direction for general function f (f can be any smooth function, actually).
EDIT: I'll precise here what the objects I'm talking about are.
1) A Hankel determinant of order n is the determinant of a square matrix which is constant on the skew diagonals. Thus for example
a b c
b c d
c d e
is a Hankel matrix of size 3 by 3.
2) If you have a function f : R -> R, you can associate to f its "kth moment" which is defined as (I'll write it in tex) f_k := \int_{\mathbb{R}} f(x) x^k dx
With this, you can create a Hankel matrix A_n(f) whose entries are (A_n(f)){ij} = f{i+j-2}, that is something of the like
f_0 f_1 f_2
f_1 f_2 f_3
f_2 f_3 f_4
With this in mind, it is easy to define the Hankel determinant of f which is simply
H_n(f) := det(A_n(f)). (Of course, it is understood that f has sufficient decay at infinity, this means that all the moments are well defined. A typical choice for f could be the gaussian f(x) = exp(-x^2), or any continuous function on a compact set of R...)
3) What I call orthogonal polynomials of f is a set of polynomials (p_n) such that
\int_{\mathbb{R}} f(x) p_j(x) p_k(x) is 1 if j = k and 0 otherwize.
(They are called like that since they form an orthonormal basis of the vector space of polynomials with respect to the scalar product
(p|q) = \int_{\mathbb{R}} f(x) p(x) q(x) dx
4) Now, it is basic linear algebra that from any basis of a vector space equipped with a scalar product, you can built a orthonormal basis thanks to the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. This is where the n^2 integrations comes from. You start from the basis 1, x, x^2, ..., x^n. Then you need n(n-1) integrals for the family to be orthogonal, and you need n more in order to normalize them.
5) There is a theorem saying that if f : R -> R is a function having sufficient decay at infinity, then we have that its Hankel determinant H_n(f) is equal to
H_n(f) = \prod_{j = 0}^{n-1} \kappa_j^{-2}
where \kappa_j is the leading coefficient of the j+1th orthogonal polynomial of f.
Thank you for your answer!
(PS: I tagged octave because I work in octave so, with a bit of luck (but I doubt it), there is a built-in function or a package already done managing this kind of think)
Orthogonal polynomials obey a recurrence relation, which we can write as
P[n+1] = (X-a[n])*P[n] - b[n-1]*P[n-1]
P[0] = 1
P[1] = X-a[0]
and we can compute the a, b coefficients by
a[n] = <X*P[n]|P[n]> / c[n]
b[n-1] = c[n-1]/c[n]
c[n] = <P[n]|P[n]>
(Here < | > is your inner product).
However I cannot vouch for the stability of this process at large n.