I am using Vagrant version 1.1.5 and virtual box 4.2.22. when i do vagrant up, It fails with the following error
Error: The VM failed to remain in the "running" state while attempting to boot. This is normally caused by a misconfiguration or host system incompatibilities. Please open the VirtualBox GUI and attempt to boot the virtual machine manually to get a more informative error message.
I check the virtual box logs, It says /Applications directory is writable by everyone. So I fixed it by removing the write permission for the work for /Applications directory.
But the problem is the permission gets reset almost daily. I have to redo the above the fix daily to use vagrant. Any body know why this is happening or any direction I could take to fix this ?
I dont think the issue is to do with the permissions - well probably not... that will probably just be a warning.
Try running vagrant in Gui mode to see if you can see any errors in the VM itself.
First check if you are able to do
VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant ssh
if not the following solution is most probable.
One of the common error is configuration of ssh key .which one the notice using.
VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant up
There if you see vagrant looping for ssh key.
you can easily fix that using following commands .
vkey() { sudo chown "$*":staff ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key;
vkey <new_owner_username>
here vkey() is the zsh function.
credits: https://superuser.com/questions/612376/vagrant-vm-fails-to-boot
-let me know if problem still exists
I get this errormessage:
An error occurred in the underlying SSH library that Vagrant uses. The
error message is shown below. In many cases, errors from this library
are caused by ssh-agent issues. Try disabling your SSH agent or
removing some keys and try again.
It is my first time with vagrant.
I took a tour through this tutorial.
I've windows 10, vagrant 1.8.5, Oracle VM newest version.
I read a lot about this issue but nothing helps me.
Maybe somebody knows a solution.
Please try this command
vagrant halt
from inside your homestead directory
I had the same issue and this resolved my issue
I'm using Vagrant on the latest Linux Mint. It works fine with VirtualBox, however with VMWare it fails with this error: sudo helper setuid-wrapper must run as root.
The very few discussions about this issue I found on the net suggested to symlink ~/.vagrant.d to an not encrypted disk. This is what I tried, but unfortunately without any success at all. I also created symlinks for ~/vmware and ~/.vmware, but again without success.
Has anyone come across this error and found a solution?
Thank you very much.
This is still an issue today (Vagrant 1.9.3/Ubuntu 17.04/VMWare Workstation 12.5.5) if using an encrypted homedir. For me, the easiest solution was just to move the vagrant directory onto a non-encrypted filesystem as the OP suggested:
sudo mkdir /vagrant
sudo mv ~/.vagrant.d/ /vagrant/
ln -s /vagrant/.vagrant.d/ ~/.vagrant.d
Running in debug mode I can see the command its trying to run as root exists within the directory I moved:
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/home/geoff/.vagrant.d/gems/2.2.5/gems/vagrant-vmware-workstation-4.0.18/bin/vagrant_vmware_desktop_sudo_helper_wrapper_linux_amd64", "prune-forwarded-ports", "/tmp/vagrant-sudo-helper20170422-15385-brgg1q"]
And sure enough after vagrant up the VM now runs. Putting everything under /vagrant like this is a bit of a bodge and you would need to figure out something more elegant if you have more then one user, perhaps /vagrant/$USER. The directory I chose isn't Linux FHS compliant either but who cares ;-)
I wish this worked out the box but perhaps this will help someone
I have this problem on my machine, vagrant up --provision (suddenly only works with sudo prefix) hangs on the lookup for the file id_rsa.pub.
The file is created, in place, still gives me this error:
I checked this site explaining the error, no match for me
also this stackoverflow question is not relevant
So, why i'am getting this error, even the file is created, in place & exists.
The above error is rooted in the Ansible provisioning, not vagrant specifically. You mentioned that you are running vagrant provision as root, which means the relative path ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub would be /var/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. I would revisit why you are using sudo to run vagrant provision as this is incorrect.
I was due to user access rights mismatch from so many different installs over the years that i had to re-install mac os-x, after that all worked like it should be.
Vagrant was not asking for sudo, no fails during setup Virtualbox.
Everything worked like a charm.
When I'm running:
:$ vagrant provision
:$ vagrant up
I'm getting this error:
nisevi#localhost processor (master):$ vagrant provision
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try
Couldn't resolve host 'www.getchef.com'
if anyone knows to what is related this error, I'm gonna be very grateful.
A colleague gave me this thread:
as reference where I was able to find some interesting information about mi issue. But now I'm dealing with other problem: bit.ly/1BxehY0
Likely your VM doesn't have any network access due to an incorrect config and an incorrectly installed VirtualBox. Try commenting out the Chef provisioner and then log in to the VM using vagrant ssh. See if you can reach the internet from inside and if not, fix that before progressing. If you include the content of the Vagrantfile we might be able to help more.
For me following worked:
Did vagrant ssh (It threw error to do vagrant up).
Again did vagrant up.
That's all.
Virtual Box 4.3.14
Vagrant 1.6.3
and when I vagrant up I get this error
default: warning: connection refused. Retying...
it goes on and on until it gives up and says
Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot. This means that
Vagrant was unable to communicate with the guest machine within
the configured ("config.vm.boot_timeout" value) time period.
If you look above, you should be able to see the error(s) that
Vagrant had when attempting to connect to the machine. These errors
are usually good hints as to what may be wrong.
If you're using a custom box, make sure that networking is properly
working and you're able to connect to the machine. It is a common
problem that networking isn't setup properly in these boxes.
Verify that authentication configurations are also setup properly,
as well.
If the box appears to be booting properly, you may want to increase
the timeout ("config.vm.boot_timeout") value.
I am on windows 7, I even tried running cmd on administrator mode same thing
I even tried vagrant reload as I read on on other web resources, still same thing, it outputs the same thing
I did not tweak my virtualbox after install, basically just install virtualbox and install vagrant then run vagrant up
and oh by the way my vagrantfile and provisioning script is from here
Been googling and unfurtunately I can't find clear answer
Tnx in advance
It seems its a virtual box / vagrant version incompatibility issue
I uninstalled Virtual Box 4.3.14 and installed Virtual Box 4.3.12 and it worked. Basically I downgraded virtual box.
I hope this gets fixed soon.
Hope this helps anyone.
Open your vagrantfile using notepad and edit it so that it looks like this:
Please tally your vagrantfile with this one word by word. Then open BIOS and turn on virtualisation. Watch this video to learn how to do it. It is a very short video.
PS: You may need to uninstall vagrant before doing this. And in your Users folder in C:, there will be a folder named .vagrant.d, please delete that as well before following these steps.
Uninstalling vagrant will require that you run your machine as administrator. You can right click on Command Prompt (search cmd in windows search box) and click run as administrator. Type the following command: net user administrator /active:yes
You will get a message called command completed successfully. Now you can log off and see that there are two accounts, one of them is admin. You can log in from that and uninstall vagrant.